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Bèbè ✦ RANT ✦'s Reviews > The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson
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did not like it


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I want to keep this review short because I’m pretty sure this book killed few of my brain cells. I.FEEL.ABSOLUTELY.NOTHING. It’s like I read the book but I couldn’t connect with the characters even though the story line wasn't that bad. The main character, Mattie Lowe, was insecure, doubtful, with low self-esteem. And I’m sure that this was author’s intention of making her seem that way but personally I found it very annoying. Oh no, Jake looked at the pictures of himself that I drew and even though he’s joking around about it, she thinks the world is about to it. get over yourself. Also, there was no real conflict or climax. The only “enemy” that was in this book was Mercedes but what happens? Oh yeah, she gets suspended and everyone is happy. *Yawn*

So... THE END.
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Reading Progress

February 19, 2013 – Shelved
March 25, 2013 – Started Reading
March 26, 2013 –
56.0% "If nothing is going to happen any time soon, I'm gonna pass the fuck out. *Yawn*"
March 26, 2013 – Finished Reading

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SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Oh no, sorry Bèbè.

message 2: by xrysa (new)

xrysa :( I hope you enjoy better your next book!

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