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Izzy | _bookstage_'s Reviews > The Confectioner's Guild

The Confectioner's Guild by Claire Luana
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's review

it was amazing

Rate: 4,7✨

This book was such an amazing surprise honestly.

I didn’t know what to read so I just choose something on my kobo and this was the one.

I needed to read something that would captivate me. A book that could make me feel a lot of emotions and perhaps make me read without stop.

Well it happened.

I loved the story, the characters, the plot, everything! And I have high expectations for the next book!

In this one, I loved the way they resolved the crime and how they cleared her name. I liked really much the romance too and the way Lucas want to be himself and not a title.

I adored the main character. She can be cute and maybe just a little naive but she can also be strong and independent. She doesn’t need others to save her ALL the time but sometimes she needs just a little help. I think she is a great girl, and I think she can be even better.

Well, she is not perfect!! I assure you. She did things that herself didn’t like at all but in the end she is amazing.

I loved other characters too but I prefer to not talk about them because I don’t want to give you any kind of spoilers.

But well, if you like magic, romance and crimes, this book is for you.
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Reading Progress

March 8, 2023 – Started Reading
March 8, 2023 – Shelved
March 8, 2023 – Finished Reading

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