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Emily May's Reviews > A Flicker in the Dark

A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham
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bookshelves: 2022, mystery-thriller

Four stars might seem a lot for a book where I had figured out the main plot twist a couple of chapters in, but I had such a fun ride reading this that all is forgiven. It pulled me out of the book slump I'd been sinking into.

Simply put: I found A Flicker in the Dark an entertaining thriller with lots going on. There were a number of little twists and puzzles to solve that kept it interesting even when I was pretty sure I knew what was going on in the central mystery.

I liked the main character-- Chloe --and found her struggles with her guilt (about not speaking up sooner as a child when she became suspicious of her father), her battles with substance abuse, and her desire for love and a normal life, made her a sympathetic character. I also generally find it engaging when a book has you guessing whether a character with past trauma has genuine insight into the current case or is just being paranoid.

Scary is a bit of a stretch, but some parts of this were definitely unsettling.
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October 19, 2022 – Finished Reading

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LisaJoAnn I wholeheartedly agree with your review. I’d figured out the end almost immediately but I didn’t care because it was such an entertaining story. I could imagine this being turned into a mini series at some point.

Bhawna Balchandani I know I am late here. I just finished this book and it looks like everybody was able to guess it somewhere in the middle but I COULDN'T!! I mean I read M/T all the time but somehow I couldn't guess this one. Now I am thinking why!! :(

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