Danielle's Reviews > The Bungalow

The Bungalow by Sarah Jio
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did not like it

Ugh, a romance novel. I some how wound up with this book after seeing it on a list of books that inspire wanderlust. Perhaps I should have looked a little closer. Sure, it did take place on Bora Bora, but it might as well as have happened anywhere.

The romance itself felt superficial and the rest of the story was a mess. There would be this wind up --a mystery, a cover-up, I can't talk now, just trust me....which is fine in the heat of the moment but, wouldn't you ask a question, I don't know, sometime later in the day, or the next day, or even the next week?

And this happens multiple times.

**Spoiler Alert**

Best friend seems sad and distant after traumatic event? OK! Great --more time for you to spend at the Bungalow!

Murder cover-up because you said we have to? OK!

Travel thousands of miles to see someone who has been badly injured in the hospital and you are rudely turned away in a nurse scuffle while the woman who encouraged you to come shouts amid the confusion "I should have explained..."

Great, explain away. Instead you leave the hospital disappointed and...what, get immediately on a boat to return back? That's it?

Wait 60 years to find out why? OK.
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Reading Progress

May 27, 2012 – Started Reading
May 27, 2012 – Shelved
May 31, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Court Thank you. I could not have hated this book more, and your review summarizes why nicely. Why does everyone else on here loves this book so much? Pure and utter crap.

Court *love not loves - sorry!

Duru How could Anne( who is actually a nurse) not realize that her best friend is 8 months pregnant!! They stay in the same room guys come on!

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