Hannah's Reviews > Manhattan Beach

Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: arc, fiction

That was disappointing. I adored A Visit from the Goon Squad; it was one of my favourite books of last year, so you can imagine how beyond excited I was to read this book - I took my sweet time starting it to be able to read it at the just the right moment, I was so sure I would love this. But I didn't. I enjoyed the first chapter and was ok with the ones following - until around page 150 - when I realized that I have no idea what the point is, what the book is about, what I am supposed to feel. The book is both too narrow and too broad and as a result left me feeling slightly bemused and more than a little disappointed.

The book tells three wildly differing stories: Anna's story and her struggle to find her own place in a world made for men; her father's story and his problems with the mob; and Dexter Styles' story, a nightclub owner with ties to the mob and to high society. These stories are intertwined and related but seem to be set in completely different genres. While I enjoyed Anna and her interactions with her sister and the men she works with when she becomes the first women diver at New York's harbour, I thought the whole gangster story line was both superfluous and infuriating. If it had been cut, the book would have been 250 pages shorter and much better for it.

The jumps in time (which is something I often enjoy) underscored the rambling feeling of this book; they made it near impossible for me to care about what was happening because important events were glossed over or told in an aside. People would disappear, just to reappear in time for them to be needed for plot related reasons; some things made no sense for the characters involved; some plot twists came out of the left field and were left unexplained.

It seems like a book with very many different ideas and many different themes to explore that never manages to become a cohesive whole.

First sentence: "They had driven all the way to Mr. Style's house before Anna realized that her father was nervous."

I received an arc of this book curtesy of NetGalley and Scribner in exchange for an honest review.
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Reading Progress

April 26, 2017 – Shelved
April 26, 2017 – Shelved as: to-read
May 1, 2017 – Shelved as: arc
August 24, 2017 – Started Reading
September 8, 2017 –
70.0% "I'm still not sure what exactly the book's point is. It is very unfocused to say the least."
September 10, 2017 – Finished Reading
September 21, 2017 – Shelved as: fiction

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie I've only read two reviews, both negative. Sad. Good review.

Hannah Thank you, Debbie! I am so disappointed because I loved Visit From The Goon Squad...

message 3: by Renata (new) - added it

Renata Thanks for your honest review. I loved Goon Squad so
Much I read it twice- it was such an interesting way of presenting the story from multiple points of view and different time frames. I loved the ending - it's time leap and the way it tied different characters life threads together. I had been eagerly anticipating Manhattan and even more because I know that beach community well. 😔

Adina (way behind on reviews, some notifications) So glad i did not request this one. I hope your next one will be better.

message 5: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Bummer . . . hope your next pick makes up for it. 😊

Hannah Thank you all! I am very disappointed with this one...

message 7: by Julie (new)

Julie G (remembering the good old days of GRs) I had a problem liking Goon Squad, so I'm sure I'm doomed here!

Hannah I found it to be a totally different book - everything that worked for me with Goon Squad did not work here at all. I think, Goon Squad was also told in broad strokes so to speak but there it worked with the genre and the way it was structured. This book is much more conventional with its approach.

message 9: by Peter (new)

Peter Boyle Sorry to hear you were disappointed with this one, Hannah. Like you I was a huge fan of A Visit to the Goon Squad - it felt so fresh and inventive when I read it. It sounds like Manhattan Beach does not have those qualities.

Hannah I am still a bit baffled that this was written by the same author to be honest. I am now a lot more apprehensive about reading the author's other books...

Cheri Terrific review, Hannah! I didn't read 'A Visit from the Good Squad' so my disappointment in this was somewhat tempered by not having big expectations based on that. There were aspects to this story which I thought were well done, but they were too short lived for me to really enjoy this one overall.

message 12: by Crumb (new) - added it

Crumb I was looking forward to this one..I might have to reconsider now. Good and honest review.

Hannah Thank you, Cheri! I think my disappointment would have been tempered if I hadn't loved Goon Squad but my rating would have been the same.

Hannah Thank you, Crumb!

message 15: by Violet (new)

Violet wells Heartened that Goon Squad is a favourite of yours; I've been meaning to read that for ages. This one I'll give a miss. Nice review, Hannah.

Hannah Thank you, Violet!

message 17: by Lis (new)

Lis Kovach I did ok with chapter one, but then had a hard time getting into the story. I moved on and when the object of the story became a continuing description of the shipyards, I realized I was done. The characters introduced in the beginning had so much potential and then they just faded away. Got to page 65 and realized it was not for me.

Hannah It would probably have been better had I put down the book as well, so I think you made the right choice here.

Stephanie ~~ I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this. It happens to be a favorite of mine. A Visit From the Goon Squad was also ammmmmmazing.

Hannah I am glad you enjoyed this, Stephanie! I really wish I did as well.

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