Hannah's Reviews > Manhattan Beach
Manhattan Beach

That was disappointing. I adored A Visit from the Goon Squad; it was one of my favourite books of last year, so you can imagine how beyond excited I was to read this book - I took my sweet time starting it to be able to read it at the just the right moment, I was so sure I would love this. But I didn't. I enjoyed the first chapter and was ok with the ones following - until around page 150 - when I realized that I have no idea what the point is, what the book is about, what I am supposed to feel. The book is both too narrow and too broad and as a result left me feeling slightly bemused and more than a little disappointed.
The book tells three wildly differing stories: Anna's story and her struggle to find her own place in a world made for men; her father's story and his problems with the mob; and Dexter Styles' story, a nightclub owner with ties to the mob and to high society. These stories are intertwined and related but seem to be set in completely different genres. While I enjoyed Anna and her interactions with her sister and the men she works with when she becomes the first women diver at New York's harbour, I thought the whole gangster story line was both superfluous and infuriating. If it had been cut, the book would have been 250 pages shorter and much better for it.
The jumps in time (which is something I often enjoy) underscored the rambling feeling of this book; they made it near impossible for me to care about what was happening because important events were glossed over or told in an aside. People would disappear, just to reappear in time for them to be needed for plot related reasons; some things made no sense for the characters involved; some plot twists came out of the left field and were left unexplained.
It seems like a book with very many different ideas and many different themes to explore that never manages to become a cohesive whole.
First sentence: "They had driven all the way to Mr. Style's house before Anna realized that her father was nervous."
I received an arc of this book curtesy of NetGalley and Scribner in exchange for an honest review.
The book tells three wildly differing stories: Anna's story and her struggle to find her own place in a world made for men; her father's story and his problems with the mob; and Dexter Styles' story, a nightclub owner with ties to the mob and to high society. These stories are intertwined and related but seem to be set in completely different genres. While I enjoyed Anna and her interactions with her sister and the men she works with when she becomes the first women diver at New York's harbour, I thought the whole gangster story line was both superfluous and infuriating. If it had been cut, the book would have been 250 pages shorter and much better for it.
The jumps in time (which is something I often enjoy) underscored the rambling feeling of this book; they made it near impossible for me to care about what was happening because important events were glossed over or told in an aside. People would disappear, just to reappear in time for them to be needed for plot related reasons; some things made no sense for the characters involved; some plot twists came out of the left field and were left unexplained.
It seems like a book with very many different ideas and many different themes to explore that never manages to become a cohesive whole.
First sentence: "They had driven all the way to Mr. Style's house before Anna realized that her father was nervous."
I received an arc of this book curtesy of NetGalley and Scribner in exchange for an honest review.
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April 26, 2017
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August 24, 2017
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September 8, 2017
"I'm still not sure what exactly the book's point is. It is very unfocused to say the least."
September 10, 2017
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September 21, 2017
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Sep 10, 2017 10:24PM


Much I read it twice- it was such an interesting way of presenting the story from multiple points of view and different time frames. I loved the ending - it's time leap and the way it tied different characters life threads together. I had been eagerly anticipating Manhattan and even more because I know that beach community well. 😔