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★ Belle The Bibliophile ★'s Reviews > Living With Regret

Living With Regret by Riann C. Miller
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#spoilersabound #sorry

I must have done something horrific in my past life because I have been having the worst luck with books. This is hands down the worst book slump I've ever had. I'm so beyond frustrated right now.

Long story short, Chase dumped his girlfriend, Jordan after being pressured by his parents. Chase was this hotshot football player and apparently his father thought that him dating Jordan would be a huge distraction. He forced him to dump Jordan. So without a fight, he did exactly that.

Fast forward to 10 years later, Chase is a successful football player and Jordan isn't so far of. She's now the CEO of a cosmetic company and up until then, they had zero contacts whatsoever. Expect a little bit scene with OW, guys.

Anyway, after being hospitalized for a concussion, Chase woke up thinking he was married to dear ole Jordan. He was getting erratic and frustrated, asking for her so with the doctor's advice, his mother called Jordan for help.

It took Jordan about 2 seconds in time to agree and flew to see Chase. I was leery about this at first. Like I said in most of my reviews, I hate weak heroines. Weak heroines are the worst. But in this case, I was willing to overlook this whole issue because it involves mental issue. And I was actually kind of interested to know where it might lead.

Chase and Jordan reconnected. I'll spare you the details but then the same thing that happened 10 years ago happened again. I was mad at Chase because he was all talk but literally no walk. Seriously man, talk is cheap. Walk the fucking walk!

Now here's where it angered me. Jordan went back with her life. Went on a few dates with her best friend's colleague, Caleb. She really wanted to move on. But the Chase came back, with a huge resolve. He was determined to win her back.

And Jordan, unfortunately... agreed to give him a second- stratch that. THIRD chance without a fight. Just like that. I'm sorry girl, your man has the weakest grovelling game known to man. Wake up.

What really annoyed me was the fact that Jordan was way bothered with Caleb (whom she dated 3 times but not exclusively) when he was seeing other girl. I understand her bitterness. I would be pissed to. But they never really agreed on being exclusive. And she was really angry and bitter about it too! Way more bitter than she should.

I mean let's face it, Chase dumped her ass. Broke her heart. 10 years later, he did that again. But yet you went easier on him than you were with Caleb??????? HOW??? Are you ok????

Overall this book is a letdown.
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April 8, 2016 – Shelved
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April 8, 2016 – Shelved as: famous-people
April 8, 2016 – Shelved as: love-the-cover
April 8, 2016 – Shelved as: shitty-af-or-annoying-hero
April 8, 2016 – Shelved as: shitty-af-or-annoying-heroine
April 8, 2016 – Shelved as: memory-loss
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April 9, 2016 – Finished Reading

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