Calista's Reviews > Gone With the Wind

Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
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After 30 years, I have finally read this American Classic. Our family has stories about this book. My mom's mother read this story when it came out. My family inherited an outdoor glider from my great-grandmother who lived in Newport News Virginia and my grandmother sat on that glider couch one summer and read this book. I've heard this story most of my life. I have a dear cousin who claimed this story her favorite book from her teens till after college and I'm not sure about now. She must have read this book between 10 and 20 times at least. I remember thinking as a teen, how could someone, who was 5 years younger than myself read a book over a 1,000 pages long. It amazed me. I have many other family members who read this book and loved it. Well, now I'm among them.

My dad had a hardback copy of this book on his shelves and when I told him I wanted to read it, he gave me his copy. He has a 5000 book library in his house and he always puts his stamp on the first page that has his name and then he writes the date of when he begins and ends a story. I took up the practice myself and I love that. He started this story Dec. 23rd, 1996, but he never finished it. I started this on March 22nd, 2020 during the pandemic. It was nice to read something from his library.

This is the great American novel if there ever was one. It was Titanic before the movie Titanic was a big hit. A hug sweeping story set against the Civil war in Atlanta GA with characters to last through history. The story came out in 1936 and the movie came out in 1939 (I did see the movie) By 1939 it had sold over 2 million copies of the book and this was the time of the great depression when no one had much money.

This story romanticizes the South at the time of the Civil War. The historical events are correct and seem meticulously used in the story. The book shows the attitude of the South at this time; it is the perspective of Southerns at this point in time. I grew up in the South and never understood my culture, feeling like an outsider. Several times people asked me if I was from up north when they met me because I didn't fit in. This book helps me to understand the South in a way I never have. I have to say, all the people's attitudes about the South and the way they think are still going on strong today and it really is like the South is rising again to win the country(scary). This mindset is still alive in the country today and we are as divided as back in this time.

I love the characters in this story. Spending 1000 pages with them, I feel like they are walking, breathing people. I think one of my favorite characters in the history of literature is Melanie. I so love her soft strength and loyalty. She was a Trueheart. They are people that simply make the world a better place and she can only see only the good in people. She believes in people.

The end of the story got me and I cried so much. The last 50 pages are heart wrenching.

Scarlett, the famous Scarlett O'Hara is an Anti-hero. She is the villain of the story. She is shallow and doesn't really understand people while she is a master manipulator and so strong. I do admire her strength in this story. No one can put her down. I do love that Rhett helped to free her from the constraints of her society that she hated even if she didn't know she did, but she didn't have the self-character to stop herself from going too far or getting too brutal. She deadens her heart basically. By the end of the book, I simply hated her. In that final moment, the climax, where she finally figures out what she wants, I start to feel for her again and my hate gave way to pity for her.

Rhett is such a scoundrel, but he is fiercely honest and can not stand pretense. He knows Scarlett for who she really is and he loves her. He was hard and rough, but I always had a soft spot for him. He too could not accept the constraints of his strict society and he threw them off fiercely. I admire him. But the end breaks my heart for him. He is one of the best father figures I have seen. It is amazing to see him and Bonnie together. It is some of my favorite parts of the book to see his love transform him.

Melanie, seeming so mousey, but there is a strength of character no one else has in this book. She is kind to all and she ignores class and what others would do. She is kind to murderers, prostitutes and anyone that needs help. She always says what she means and she is the silent hero in this story, the one shining good person in this story. Rhett knows it and he has the utmost respect for her. She is the greatest character written on the page in my opinion. Scarlett gets all the attention, but Melanie is something else here. She is a true angel on Earth. She made the story and really it all hinged on her.

Ashley is the love interest for Scarlett, the beaux she can never have. He is a refined gentleman who knows nothing else in life and when his world collapses, he is nothing.

Scarlett has unrequited love for him the entire novel. She doesn't really see him, she only sees what she wants to see. This love only lives in her mind. She has made this man what love is and it blinds her to reality and she prizes herself for being so grounded in reality. She wants to understand Ashley, but she can't. She is too different and she only wants to change him to be who she wants him to be.

I'm sure most people know the gist of this story and they know the famous last line. The movies adds the word 'Frankly'. This is a love story, but it's a tragedy at the same time. The ending could not be more perfect. It is the most gut-wrenching, most painful, most perfect ending I have read.

I can only say that this novel is worth every word. I admit that pages 600-800 do drag a bit, but it's still interesting enough to keep going and it's worth reading. Everyone should read this book once in their lives. I was swept away in this story. It is simply a masterpiece. It is the American classic novel.

I have loved this book and I will be sad not to be able to visit with Melanie and cluck my tongue at the goings on of Scarlett. My heart still weeps for that ending. Oh goddess, I love this story. What an experience!! The movie is good, but it simply can't move you the way the book can. Rhett Butler is perfect in the movie and he was my picture in my head reading this.
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November 17, 2015 – Shelved
November 17, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
March 22, 2020 – Started Reading
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: 1930s
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: award-pulitzer-prize
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: award-national-book
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: bage-mature
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: classic
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April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: sub-overcoming-adversity
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April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: women
April 6, 2020 – Shelved as: wordsmith
April 6, 2020 – Finished Reading
April 20, 2020 – Shelved as: tome-750

Comments Showing 1-39 of 39 (39 new)

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message 1: by Scott (new)

Scott Great review, Calista.

message 2: by Rich (new)

Rich good review

message 3: by Varghese (new) - added it

Varghese Justin A well written review...

message 4: by Erik (new) - added it

Erik I have this novel as well, but in Dutch. I also have the screenplay from the 1939 movie. I'll read it back to back soon. Great reviews!

message 5: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Great review, Calista ;)

Calista Scott wrote: "Great review, Calista."

Happy day, Scott. Thanks for dropping a line. I appreciate it.

message 7: by Samantha (new)

Samantha That's a really cool idea, I love how your dad stamped the first page of his books :)

message 8: by Vicky (new)

Vicky "phenkos" Fantastic review, Calista! Haven't read this, but I'm tempted to give it a go!

Book2Dragon My mother was all gone about this movie. I think it was because of Clark Gable! LOL.

message 10: by Sharah (new)

Sharah McConville Fantastic review!

message 11: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Excellent review Calista. I can picture your grandmother on the glider reading the book. 😊

Calista Rich wrote: "good review"

Hi Rich. Thanks for the comment. Stay safe out there.

Calista Varghese wrote: "A well written review..."

Varghese. Thank you for the comment. It was a great book. I could have said more about it, but I figure that most people know this story. Stay safe out there.

Adrienne Calista - very glad you so enjoyed this book. My favourite book of all time - for various reasons

Calista Erik wrote: "I have this novel as well, but in Dutch. I also have the screenplay from the 1939 movie. I'll read it back to back soon. Great reviews!"

Erik, You have some interesting forms of this. I didn't know they sold a screenplay. That would be interesting to see. Dutch. How awesome you know the language. I have a friend who is Dutch. I hope you enjoy the story.

Calista Diane wrote: "Great review, Calista ;)"

Hey Diane, Thanks for the comment. Keep yourself well. Cheers.

Calista Samantha wrote: "That's a really cool idea, I love how your dad stamped the first page of his books :)"

Hey Samantha. I loved it enough myself to use it myself. Thanks for commenting with me. Have a great day.

Calista Vicky wrote: "Fantastic review, Calista! Haven't read this, but I'm tempted to give it a go!"

Hey Vicky, Now is the perfect time to give it a go, In my opinion. I think it's worth it. I hope you like it.

I also want to read Thorn Birds and North & South this year and get those classics off my plate. Centennial is another one. I remember seeing all these mini-series as a kid and I want to read the source material.

message 19: by Vicky (new)

Vicky "phenkos" Thorn Birds I've read but not North &South! You're right about now being the perfect time to read Gone with the Wind, only problem is I've got two highly sought after reservations from my local library and I have to read them before they're due back, so I'd better crack on with those!

Calista Vicky wrote: "Thorn Birds I've read but not North &South! You're right about now being the perfect time to read Gone with the Wind, only problem is I've got two highly sought after reservations from my local lib..."

Vicky, what are the 2 highly sought after books you are going to read. I'm curious. There are always plenty of books to read. Crack on my friend and thanks.

Calista Book2Dragon wrote: "My mother was all gone about this movie. I think it was because of Clark Gable! LOL."

Book2Dragon. Clark Gable seemed to be the perfect embodiment of Rhett. I can see why she was gone. Thanks for sharing. Stay well.

Calista Sharah wrote: "Fantastic review!"

Hey Sharah, Thanks for the encouragement. I enjoyed reading this book. I hope you are well and stay safe.

Calista Barbara wrote: "Excellent review Calista. I can picture your grandmother on the glider reading the book. 😊"

Thanks Barbara. It has been a fun time reading this story and feeling like I'm part of a family story. Take care.

Velvet Lovely review. I first read this right after high school and fell in love with the characters, the writing and the backdrop, despite not being a fan of either historical fiction or long books. I've read it perhaps four times now and find something new to love each time I pick it up. How wonderful that you got to read your dad's copy.

Calista Adrienne wrote: "Calista - very glad you so enjoyed this book. My favourite book of all time - for various reasons"

Hey Adrienne. This is a great book to have as your all time favorite. Several of my family members agree with you. Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe.

Shaun Wow! That’s one heck of a review, Calista. Nice job ... nice job, indeed! And now for your next American classic, may I recommend Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” ... ‘‘tis my all-time favorite book ... together with Hugo’s “Les Miserable.” Rock on, Calista! Keep reading “the good stuff” ... and keep your reviews coming.

Calista laura wrote: "What a great experience to remember quarantine 2020 by :) I remember my mom reading the book in the 1970's and I was facinated by the size of it!
How long did it take you to read it?"

Hey Laura, a few good things did come out of quarantine. It took me almost 3 weeks to read, I think. Once I really got going, I was reading around 100 pages a day. I like to read one book a year that's over 1,000 pages. There are so many books out there I want to read over 1,000 pages.

I hope you are well and keep your spirits up.

Kimberly Robello You’ve convinced me! I’m putting it on my to-read list! Thanks!

Calista Velvet wrote: "Lovely review. I first read this right after high school and fell in love with the characters, the writing and the backdrop, despite not being a fan of either historical fiction or long books. I've..."

Velvet, Wow, reading 4 times. Now that is something. It really is an amazing story. I'm glad you love it so much. This seems to be the kind of book that you can't only read 1 time. Here's to your 5th read. Stay safe.

Calista Shaun wrote: "Wow! That’s one heck of a review, Calista. Nice job ... nice job, indeed! And now for your next American classic, may I recommend Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” ... ‘‘tis my all-time favorite book ...."

Shaun, Thanks for the generous comment. I have read Moby Dick back in school and I want to read Les Mis. It's on my list of books to read. I will have to do so. This get wordy in translation but I loved Hunchback and parts of Monte Cristo, so I think I would enjoy Les Mis, especially since I love the musical so much.

I guess it's a good thing there is so much to read in this world. You can never read it all in one lifetime.

message 31: by David Allen (new)

David Allen Hines I think the book is far better than the movie

Calista Kimberly wrote: "You’ve convinced me! I’m putting it on my to-read list! Thanks!"

Kimberly, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when you get to reading it. Be well in these times.

Calista David wrote: "I think the book is far better than the movie"

David, I can certainly see your point of view. The book is an experience. It is amazing. The movie feels long while the book does not, even at 1,000 pages. Stay Safe.

Kimberly Robello Calista, your review was the catalyst for me reading this book. After having read the book, I reread your review. You summed it up very nicely! Good job!

Calista Kimberly wrote: "Calista, your review was the catalyst for me reading this book. After having read the book, I reread your review. You summed it up very nicely! Good job!"

Hey Kimberly, thanks for letting me know. What did you think of the book? What are your thoughts. I'm glad you read it.

message 36: by Nilanjana (new)

Nilanjana Haldar Wow! what a review! I am so reading this book someday

Calista Nilanjana wrote: "Wow! what a review! I am so reading this book someday"

Nilanjana, I hope you enjoy this story. It's amazing.

message 38: by Deborah (new) - added it

Deborah An amazing review. I have been meaning to read for years.

Calista Deborah wrote: "An amazing review. I have been meaning to read for years."

Thanks Deborah. No time like the present! smile.

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