megs_bookrack's Reviews > Desperation

Desperation by Stephen        King
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: stephen-king-read
Read 2 times. Last read June 15, 2019 to June 23, 2019.

**4.5-stars rounded up**

Stephen King's Desperation follows a bizarre cast of characters who come together to fight an ancient evil force.

That would be my single-sentence synopsis if someone were to ask me what this book is about.

If you have ever read a Stephen King novel, however, you realize the actual answer is way more complicated than that.

I first read Desperation around 2001. I had just finished my time in undergrad and was excited to have time to read just for fun.

What I remember from that initial time through is that although I enjoyed the premise, I didn't really get it. If I had been rating books at that time, I probably would have settled on 3.5-stars.

Now, close to 20-years later, this is pretty damn close to a perfect read for me!!!

What changed?

I'm not really sure. This time through I became invested very quickly. The characters were a huge part of the enjoyment factor for me.

King is a master of developing every aspect of a character's personality and their backstory. You never wonder what the motivation is.

In my very humble opinion, no one does character development quite like the King. But a lot of it had to do with just settling into another one of his stories.

He has a very distinct style that is hella nostalgic for me; it feels like home.

Desperation also has one of my all-time favorite tropes: a mix-matched group of characters, placed into extraordinary circumstances, who band together, no matter their differences, to fight against the forces of evil.

Good versus Evil. I'm here for it every damn time.

This novel is extremely graphic with gore and violence on page. Some of the scenes made my toes curl and my stomach lurch. The use of creepy crawlers to instill fear was expertly-crafted.

If this is not your thing, you'll most likely want to give a hard pass to this one. Otherwise, if you are a seasoned King, or Horror reader, get ready to jump into a bloody, brilliant good time!

My one slight critique is that the final showdown felt a little rushed, hence the 4.5-star rating, as opposed to a full 5.

This book has a nice, long build-up, and I could definitely have read some more substance at the end. It was great, but I still wanted more!

Overall, I am beyond happy that I took the plunge and reread this 706-page beast of modern Horror. I am currently rereading The Regulators and digging the many connections I missed the first time around.

I would definitely recommend reading these two back-to-back for maximum enjoyment!

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
October 27, 2015 – Shelved
November 5, 2015 – Shelved as: stephen-king-read
June 15, 2019 – Started Reading
June 15, 2019 –
page 35
4.94% "I remembered nothing about this way this started!

I wonder if Peter Jackson has ever read this?"
June 16, 2019 –
page 98
13.84% "Oh man, I LOVE King's author characters!

June 18, 2019 –
page 161
22.74% "This reread is going swimmingly!
I am LOVING this!!!

Totally picturing this dude from Pet Sematary 2 as Officer Friendly.

June 19, 2019 –
page 221
31.21% "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, so intense & good!

June 20, 2019 –
page 296
41.81% "I honestly don't know what my problem was the first time.
I am loving this!"
June 20, 2019 –
page 525
74.15% "Audiobook + 3.5-hour car ride = heaven"
June 23, 2019 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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Baba My reread of this didn't alter my original opinion... An opinion I will keep to myself for now.

megs_bookrack Tundextra wrote: "My reread of this didn't alter my original opinion... An opinion I will keep to myself for now."
I'm intrigued...

The plan is to reread this then immediately reread The Regulators right after to see what I prefer. I am a Team Regulators currently...

Baba megs_bookrack wrote: "Tundextra wrote: "My reread of this didn't alter my original opinion... An opinion I will keep to myself for now."
I'm intrigued...

The plan is to reread this then immediately reread The Regulator..."

Hah... I did the same, I read The Regulators immediately after... Team Neither for me, but if forced to choose... Nope can't chose... both pretty much the same, if I remember correctly.

megs_bookrack Tundextra wrote: "megs_bookrack wrote: "Tundextra wrote: "My reread of this didn't alter my original opinion... An opinion I will keep to myself for now."
I'm intrigued...

The plan is to reread this then immediatel..."
Team Hard Pass! ;)

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Jun 16, 2019 01:16PM) (new)

I read them one after the other and loved both! I remember loving the overlap and continuity!

megs_bookrack Dita wrote: "I read them one after the other and loved both! I remember loving the overlap and continuity!" Yeah, I read them far apart the first time round so I really want to keep an eye out for connections this time. xo

Morgan I'm reading this right now!! I'm about 30% of the way through and really liking it!

megs_bookrack Morgan wrote: "I'm reading this right now!! I'm about 30% of the way through and really liking it!" Nice!!! Glad you are enjoying it -- I know it can be hit or miss for some people. I hope you end up loving it all the way to the end :)

Hunter Smith I feel this way often about Stephen King, but never in my life have I been this attached to one his books. I literally couldn’t put it down once, it touched me in so many different ways and the curiosity/anticipation drove me insane because the plot could’ve gone like 12 different ways at the end. I just finished tonight, I had to give it 5 stars

megs_bookrack Hunter wrote: "I feel this way often about Stephen King, but never in my life have I been this attached to one his books. I literally couldn’t put it down once, it touched me in so many different ways and the cur..." Oh, wow! I love to hear this, Hunter. I am so glad you connected with this one and had so much fun reading it! It's definitely a trip!!

ᴹᵗᴮᵈ멘붕 Loved this book! I also loved it's counterpart, "the Regulators".. can't tell you which one I like better because I absolutely love them both. TAk!!

megs_bookrack ᴹᵗᴮᵈ멘붕 wrote: "Loved this book! I also loved it's counterpart, "the Regulators".. can't tell you which one I like better because I absolutely love them both. TAk!!" I love them both too! It's funny, because the first time I read them, I think I enjoyed The Regulators more and the second time I read them, I enjoyed this one more. They're both so fun!!!

ᴹᵗᴮᵈ멘붕 I read, "the Regulators" first. For some reason there's a lot of bad reviews on it out there but I friggin love it

megs_bookrack ᴹᵗᴮᵈ멘붕 wrote: "I read, "the Regulators" first. For some reason there's a lot of bad reviews on it out there but I friggin love it" Me too!!! We're definitely on the same side in that debate! xx

Katherine Stevens Yes! Exactly how I feel. Loved this review. Thank you.

megs_bookrack Katherine wrote: "Yes! Exactly how I feel. Loved this review. Thank you." Awww, thank you so much for commenting, Katherine. I'm glad to hear you love this one too. I feel like it is underrated a bit for King's works. xx

message 17: by Jared (new) - added it

Jared I just finished reading the Regulators, only for the purpose of enjoying Desperation more. I hope Seth is in it.

megs_bookrack Jared wrote: "I just finished reading the Regulators, only for the purpose of enjoying Desperation more. I hope Seth is in it."Oh nice! So, you are going to pick up Desperation next? Is it your first time? I hope you love it. I think you really well, especially considering the back-to-back experience! Good luck, Jared. It's a journey! :)

message 19: by Jared (new) - added it

Jared Yeah! I just started it. With The Regulators there was a lot of great character development and from what I've read here I can expect that again with Desperation. I love Stephen King. Ha

megs_bookrack Jared wrote: "Yeah! I just started it. With The Regulators there was a lot of great character development and from what I've read here I can expect that again with Desperation. I love Stephen King. Ha"Oh, absolutely!!! In my opinion, Desperation is a much more straight forward story than The Regulators, not quite as speculative, so definitely a different feel, but I really hope you love it. I love King too. My favorite author of all time. If you think of it, come back and let me know what you end up thinking of this one. I would love to know!!

message 21: by Rachel (new) - added it

Rachel Dumb question but which book should I read first? He’s one of my all time faves!!! I’m going to dig into this series as soon as I’m done with my current read 😁

megs_bookrack Rachel wrote: "Dumb question but which book should I read first? He’s one of my all time faves!!! I’m going to dig into this series as soon as I’m done with my current read 😁"I'm not sure if there is a correct answer to this or not, in my opinion, Desperation should be read first...good luck! I hope you love them both, Rachel!!

message 23: by Emily (new)

Emily Reading your reviews are making me want to binge some Stephen King novels that I haven't read!

megs_bookrack Emily wrote: "Reading your reviews are making me want to binge some Stephen King novels that I haven't read!"Oooo, I love that! That's the best compliment you could give me, Emily! This one is so fun. Definitely recommend reading it back-to-back with The Regulators, if you haven't read that one yet.

Joey's deathly tomes of death This is exactly how I felt reading this book, this is like the A+ version of my C review, hahaha.

megs_bookrack Joey wrote: "This is exactly how I felt reading this book, this is like the A+ version of my C review, hahaha."

Oh my gosh, hahaha 😆 Thank you so much, Joey! I appreciate that!

message 27: by Sofia (new) - rated it 1 star

Sofia Korro Dude i seriously cannot understand how People like at page 350 and can't stop falling asleep to it BUT I CAN'T LET IT UNFINISHED

megs_bookrack Sofia wrote: "Dude i seriously cannot understand how People like at page 350 and can't stop falling asleep to it BUT I CAN'T LET IT UNFINISHED"
Hahaha, that's the great thing about reading, Sofia, it's so subjective. Each person can walk away having a totally different experience. I love hearing about everyone's -- even the bad ones -- I'm sorry this didn't work for you and hope you have something that will knock your socks off coming up soon!! xx

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