Katy And Daemon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "katy-and-daemon" Showing 1-19 of 19
Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Did you think you could stop me? I'll burn the world down to save her.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Origin

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Kat tipped her head back, meeting my stare. Her throat worked on her next words. "I think I might love you."
Air punched out of my lungs. I held her tight, and I knew right then I would burn down the whole universe for her if I had to.
I would do anything to keep her safe. Kill. Heal. Die. Anything. Because she was my everything.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Cupping my cheeks, he exhaled a soft groan, and his lips scorched mine as he deepened the kiss until we both were breathless from its intensity. Daemon moved as close as he could with the chair between us. Gripping his arms, I held onto him, wanting him closer. The chair prevented all but our lips and hands from touching. Frustrating.
Move, I ordered restlessly.
It trembled under my foot, and then the heavy oak chair slid out from under me, dodging our leaning bodies. Unprepared for the sudden void, Daemon lurched forward, and I was unable to carry the unexpected weight. I collapsed backward, bringing Daemon along with me.
The full contact of his body, flush against mine, sent my senses into chaotic overdrive. His tongue swept over mine as his fingers splayed across my cheeks. His hand slid down my side, gripping my hip as he urged me closer. The kisses slowed and his chest rose as he drank me in.
With one last lingering exploration, he lifted his head and smiled down at me.
My heart skipped a beat as he hovered over me with an expression that tugged deep in my chest. He moved his finger back up, along my cheek, trailing an invisible path to my chin.
"I didn't move that chair, Kitten."
"I know."
"I'm assuming you didn't like where it was?"
"It was in your way," I said. My hands were still curled around his arms.
"I can see that." Daemon smoothed a fingertip over the curve of my bottom lip before taking my hand, pulling me up.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Daemon was suddenly in front of me. I took an involuntary step back. "Do you think I didn't enjoy kissing you? That I haven't thought about it every second since then? And I know you have. Just admit it."
In the pit of my stomach, tight coils thrummed. "What is the point of this?"
"Have you?"
"Oh, for crap's sake, yes, I have. I do! Do you want me to write it down for you? Send you an e-mail or a text? Will that make you feel better?"
Daemon arched a brow. "You don't need to be sarcastic.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Do you... feel anything around me?"
"Other than what I felt this morning when I saw how good you looked in those jeans?"
"Daemon." I sighed, trying to disregard the girl in my that screamed, HE NOTICED ME! "I'm being serious.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I tried to push down my anger. One thing I hated more than Daemon's douche-nozzle side was him telling me what to do. "You don't own me, Daemon."
"It's not about ownership, you little nut."
"Nut?" I glared at him. "I wouldn't call me names when I have a knife in my hand.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I can help Katy," Blake wheezed. "Good enough for you?"
"What?" I demanded, dropping my hands.
"Yeah, see, you saying her name alone makes me want to kill you. So, no, not good enough for me.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Surprise widened his eyes as he stepped back. "Caving in so easily?"
"Caving in?" I laughed without feeling. "I just want you out of my face."
Daemon chuckled deeply. "Keep telling yourself that, Kitten."
"Keep using your ego steroids.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
"Something on a line, it's discord and rhyme - whatever, whatever, la la la - Mouth is alive, all running inside, and I'm hungry like the -" Warmth spread down my neck.
"It's actually,'I howl and I whine. I'm after you,' and not blah or whatever.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I grinned at Daemon and held up a bulb that was so green it almost matched his eyes. I decided it was going to be his bulb.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Daemon practically knocked me over to get in one last comment. “Don't forget. There are cooler things out there than fallen angels and dead guys. Just saying.” He winked.
I pictured an entire legion of females swooning. Pushing him aside, I winced and clicked the off button on the webcam page. “You like seeing yourself being recorded.”
He shrugged. “That was fun. When do you do another?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I love you Kat, Always Have. Always Will.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Opal

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Anyway, I think you guys need to talk or…I don’t know. Cave to your passions.”
I busted out laughing. “Oh my God, are you serious?”
She grinned.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“You made me happy. And I still care about you. Okay? You mean something to me—something I can’t really even put into words because everything seems too lame in comparison. I’ve always wanted you, even when I hated you. I want you even though you drive me freaking insane.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I thought I was going to lose you before…before I had you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring, what a year from now is going to be like. Hell, we may end up killing each other over something stupid next week. It’s a possibility. But all I do know is what I feel for you isn’t going anywhere.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“- Nunca vuelvas a llamarme así - le espeté.
- Es mejor que llarmarle <> a alguien, ¿no? - Salió por la puerta - Qué visita tan estimulante. La recordaré mucho tiempo.
Aquello ya era suficiente.
- ¿Sabes qué? Tienes toda la razón. Mira que llamarte tarado...Esa es una palabra que no te define bien - le dije sonriendo - <> te pega más.
- Conque <>, ¿eh? - repitió - Eres un encanto.
Levanté el dedo corazón.

Eran más de la una, pero parecía que Daemon acabara de levantarse. Llevaba los tejanos arrugados y el pelo enmarañado. Hablaba con alguien por teléfono mientras se pasaba la mano por la mandíbula.
- ¿Tu hermano no tiene camisetas o qué? - le pregunté mientras cogía la pala.
- Me temo que no. No las lleva ni en invierno. Siempre va por ahí medio desnudo - refunfuñó - Es bastante incómodo tener que verlo así todo el día, enseñando tanta...carne ¡Qué grima!
A ella le daría grima, pero a mí...me alteraba bastante. Me puse a cavar hoyos en lugares estratégicos mientras notaba que se me secaba la garganta. Tenia una cara perfecta, un cuerpo de ensueño y una mala leche espectacular. Las tres reglas de oro de cualquier tío macizo, vaya.
(pág. 39)

- Tienes una cabecita bastante sucia, gatita.
Pestañeé. <>
- ¿Qué has dicho?
- Que tienes la cabeza sucia - repitió en voz baja. Sabía que Dee no podía oírle -, llena de tierra. ¿Qué creías que quería decir?
- Nada -...Tener a Daemon tan cerca no me reconfortaba en absoluto - Es normal ensuciarse cuando plantas.
Los labios le temblaron un instante.
- Hay muchas maneras de ensuciarse. Aunque no tengo la intención de mostrártelas.

- Me da a mí que te has mojado tú más que el coche. Nunca pensé que lavar un coche pudiera ser tan complicado pero, después de observarte durante los últimos quince minutos, creo que deberían convertirlo en deporte olímpico.
- ¿Estabas observándome? - Qué grima. Y qué morbo. ¡No! de morboso, nada.

- Pues sí ¿Y tú siempre te quedas mirando a los tíos cuando llamas a su puerta para preguntar por una dirección?
- ¿Siempre abres la puerta medio desnudo?
- Pues sí. Y no has respondido a mi pregunta. ¿Siempre pegas esos repasos?
Las mejillas me ardían.

- Hasta mañana a medio día, gatita.
- Te odio - resoplé.
- El sentimiento es mutuo - Me miró por encima del hombro - Me juego veinte pavos a que llevas bañador y no biquini.
Era insufrible.
(Pág. 62)

- ¿Que no confía en mi? ¿Y qué tiene que confiarme, tu virtud?
Se le escapó otra carcajada y tardó unos momentos en poder contestar.
- Pues claro; no le gustan las chicas guapas que están coladitas por mi.
- ¿Qué? - ... - Estás de broma, ¿no?
- ¿A qué parte te refieres? - preguntó-
- ¡A todas!
- Venga ya. No me digas que no sabes que eres guapa. ¿No te lo ha dicho ningún chico antes?

- Creo que estás condenada a estar conmigo un rato más.
- Seguro que parezco un gato remojado.
- Estás bien. La lluvia te favorece.
Fruncí el ceño.
- Ya me estás mintiendo otra vez.
Sentí que su cuerpo se movía junto al mío y, sin mediar palabra, me rozó la barbilla con los dedos y me atrajo hacia él. En sus labios se dibujó una sonrisa torcida.
- No te miento; te lo dijo en serio.

- Bueno...Ya llegó el innombrable.
A Dee le dio un ataque de risa que hizo que toda la cafetería nos mirara.
- ¡Me parto!
Me hundí en la butaca. Desde la mañana en que Dee y él me habían preparado el desayuno, me había evitado y a mí me daba igual.
Seguramente Daemon era físicamente el hombre más perfecto que jamás había visto - su cara haría las delicias de cualquier retratista -, pero a la vez tenía bastantes papeletas para ser el cretino más grande sobre la faz de la Tierra.
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Obsidian

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“There was that damn constriction again, like I’d been punched in the chest, but in a good way. How you could be punched in a chest in a good way was beyond me, but damn, I sort of loved that feeling.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Think about what I said, Kat. You have nothing to prove.”

“I don’t?”

“No,” I said, and I’d say it a thousand times.

But I knew screaming it from the top of Seneca Rocks wasn’t going to change how she felt.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Opal