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Author of My Own Destiny #1


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168 pages, Paperback

First published August 31, 2021

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Winter Leaves

14 books9 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Dennise.
351 reviews53 followers
September 6, 2021
The art is sooo pretty and I love when the ml is clingy lol
Profile Image for Andrea.
2,004 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2024
Season 1: (Chapters 1-40)

aka: I became the Male Lead's Wife

Storyline: I possessed the body of “Fiona,” the final villainess whose soul was sentenced to eternal suffering after her gruesome demise at the hands of the world’s hero. Does that mean I'm now destined to die too?


No first I have to survive!

That may be difficult as Fiona was tortured by her own family just because she was an illegitimate child, and eventually she was sent to the North to help in the war efforts. There she meets the fearsome Duke Able and asks for a chance to prove herself as to not be kicked out and left on the streets like the original Fiona.

Fortunately, even as a young girl- as the story’s greatest villainess, Fiona was a genius mage. All she has to do now is survive the monster invasion and the Duke until she reaches adulthood. However, on the. battlefield one day-before the start of the original novel I encountered the teenaged male lead.

...Why is he here?

Well, if the male lead dies here, then the world will be destroyed. So, let’s save him first!


Okay so I like the story but am feeling a bit hmm by the romance. For example Fiona is probably closer to Able in mental age, but it would be weird for them to get together because he saw her grow up and sees her as his kid right?


(even though yes he is ~Daddy~ Wolf Cut Daddy!)

While on the other hand, Fiona is closer to Sigrin in physical age (bc she took over the OG FL's role and is an adult in a kids body) it would be weird for them to get together because she saw him grow up and sees him as her kid right? ...oh wait...no...he's the male lead?

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I guess the best laid plans go awry and all that....also I mean I guess at this point in the story everyone is an adult and they were more friends than anything...so I dunno? Maybe at this point *I* see Sigrin as a youngin still even if he is grown. Plus in the novel it seems Fiona seems him that way too atm.

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You date your kids Fi? So yeah may just be me.
Profile Image for Molin.
754 reviews
January 13, 2022
Ongoing, im on chapter 24.

Let's not talk about the storyline because it always classic isekai story (maybe even better than other) but THE ART BRO. MCs looks like star from the sky tho. Their eyes wow. All of them are hot. 🤧


S1 finished. And omg. Duke ABEL, 'i do👰'
Profile Image for Maia Soria.
526 reviews
August 2, 2023
Fiona y Siegren amo la química de los personas


Completamente diferente a la historia, ya le daba una Estrella aparte por lo hermoso que es el dibujo, me encanta como son los personajes y la versión infantil de cada uno es hermosa.

Amo al duque de Helion, desde siempre la estuvo cuidando a Fiona... tan lindo JAJAJAJAJ

Siegren niño es uno de los niños más lindos que vi, increíble. Fiona tampoco se queda atrás, amo la personalidad de su personaje.

En fin, grandiosa historia YA QUIERO SABER QUE SUCEDERÁ
Profile Image for belle ☆ミ (thisbellereadstoo).
2,307 reviews176 followers
December 12, 2023
dec 2023

read until: chapter 94

yesssss fiona. i love her, i love siegren, i love them together!!!! the art style is still drawing me every single moment. siegren and fiona look absolutely beautiful. fiona has finally decided to be truthful to her own feelings and her role in the world. more will come as they fight for power against the empress. there's no knowing of what will come but i know siegren and abel will be right there for fiona alongside her allies.

It is foolish to forget happiness because of a moment's unhappiness. When the sun rises, it must set. Life is meaningful in itself. Even if it doesn't go as planned, even if it's not brilliant or happy. Thanks to this unique life, I've gained much more joy. Things I wouldn't have I wouldn't have known if I hadn't been born.

p.s. the whole story arc with the dragons just broke my heart.

may 2023

read until: chapter 70 // season 2 finished

omg fiona finally came to terms with her presence in her novel. thank goodness!!! i need more of them together then. LIKE MORE.

feb 2023

read until: chapter 54 // season 2

this art style is so freaking beautiful. fiona is the whole package–beautiful, smart, ruthless when needed, and doesn’t give a fuck about anyone. i adore siegren. it’s so obvious to everyone that siegren liked fiona since they were little so watching them as young adults was the best. siegren is trying to woo fiona but she, as the author of the book they’re in, is aware of the plot and is worried of how her actions might cause the future to change. honestly, i just need one webtoon that has a character that doesn’t care about what’s going to happen. can’t fiona just enjoy the moment with siegren? he’s so devoted and dedicated to her. isn’t that nice?

anyway, the side characters are pretty fun too. i love fiona’s growing friendship with her only girl friend. they are both gorgeous, i don’t know how people aren’t just swarming them the whole time. abel, fiona’s adoptive father, is the greatest. he gave little fiona a home and is extremely protective of her now as well. i hope fiona calls him father sooner than later. it seems like he really wants fiona to acknowledge him as her father.

p.s. fiona and siegren blushing at each other’s actions and words was so damn cute. i want more!!!!
Profile Image for Tamara.
703 reviews216 followers
April 28, 2022

Season 1 finished @ ch. 40. I've heard Season 2 will be out in June, just so yall know!

Honestly? It’s not the best written manhwa. So far it’s a just a generic Mary Sue FL isekai and the manwha is full on what you called a generic cliche. But I'm really invested in the characters and the art so far so I'll definitely keep reading!
Profile Image for aradhya.
123 reviews
March 11, 2024
season 1: ch 1 to 40 (manhwa)
title: Author of My Own Destiny/ I became the wife of Main lead.

this is a bit different from the isekai novels i've read and for a few chapters i quite bored but then.. abel came, siegren came, also the character development of fiona. it all become more interesting when that time leap came.

guess what I'm still falling for overprotective fathers, though in this case he adopted her.
i'm just in love with how many signs siegren gave and still fiona doesn't see him as someone she could fall in love with but rather as a character she developed. and also the fact that abel knows how much siegren love fiona and did everything to keep her in capital, he's literally a matchmaker.
btw i'm looking forward to siegren and fiona's story.
Profile Image for Emi.
769 reviews20 followers
October 17, 2022
Fiona, la prota, después de morir como villana, vuelve atrás en el tiempo e intenta cambiar su destino. Con 13 años, su familia la envía a primera línea de batalla con idea de sacársela de encima y si se muere, pues tampoco pasa nada. Al haber vuelto al pasado, Fiona sabe que tiene un poder mágico descomunal que solo tiene que despertar, así que al llegar a Heylon, se gana por méritos propios el respeto de todos y encuentra una nueva familia a pesar de ella misma. El terrorífico y frío Duque Heylon enseguida le coge cariño y acaba convirtiendo en su amigo de infancia a Siegren, quién en su otra vida fue el héroe que acabó con ella.
Ahora mismo, este webtoon es de mis preferidos, me encantan Fiona y el resto de personajes. Además, el dibujo es muy bonito y tiene mucho detalle.
Profile Image for Shea ☾⚂.
335 reviews3 followers
July 25, 2022
Yes this is what i call art

Aka I became the wife of the male lead
Also so far I LOVE how everyone is a good person except that the Clovis guy is suspicious but besides that it’s a very bubbly atmosphere when meeting new characters (usually) and I’m here for it
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for natalie .
323 reviews9 followers
February 23, 2022
@chapter 35 · First thing I needa say is, HOW THE HELL IS EVERYONE HERE SO PRETTY? Like bruh, I'd kill to be just someone in the crowd living as a commoner in the world or smth so I can at least look pretty like them all. I mean, the art is amazing, and it's not everyday you see so many fine as hell people. (Never mind that they're 2D)

Ehem. Putting that aside, I'm so so so glad that the ML isn't some crazy over-obessive/possessive OP dude that wants to lock the FL up or smth along the lines. Yes, I'm traumatized. Do you know how many manhwas I had to drop bcs of this? Anyway, ML is so far showing reasonable signs of possessiveness (or at least he is for me), or you could just call it plain jealousy. Hopefully he won't change into some sort of a psychopath in the future.

Okay, so can I just say how I love the execution of the plot, no matter how many say it's cliché and overused? I mean, I don't mind if the plot is cliché as long as the execution is perfect. (as long as they have the things I like in that certain kind of plot). So far, everything in the story is like ticking checkboxes I never really knew I had lmfao. Love how the FL is strong and I love seeing her take down people who underestimated her and everything.

The actual romance plot hasn't exactly started yet, but I don't mind. I just love OP FLs.
Profile Image for Afifahcookie.
322 reviews29 followers
May 24, 2023
Chapter 1 to 40

I love the interactions between Fiona, Duke Heilon & Seigren! Just wished that Fiona wasn't so oblivious towards Seigren's affections. She also kept thinking of herself as Seigren's older sister 😭 despite this, the love between them is definitely mutual.

Anyway, we follow the characters as they grow up (i.e. protecting the citizens of Heilon, recovering @ Feilon, confronting Fiona's old family, reinstating Seigren as a prince, and proving Fiona as the heir of Heilon by attempting to win the monster hunt. But I must say.... My favourite chapter is chapter 40 where Fiona ends up conjuring a whole lot of fire to ward off the wild monsters to protect everyone who was present at the Monster Hunt. The art was exceptionally beautiful and I ended up using one of the scenes as my phone wallpaper.

We also end up meeting other important side characters such: (1) Ardent [the 2nd male lead], Livia [the original love rival who is now a huge fan of Fiona] and (3) Eunice [the original female lead].

Looking forward to the next season~
Profile Image for Carol  Koen.
169 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023
So I read this comic, and I'm really in love.

I don't know about you. But I used to write a lot of fanfictions on my teenage years, and this is story is basically the definition of "how would it be if I entered the universe that I had created"

And in a nutshell, it would be the pure chaos.

Our Mc became Fiona, the last boss that the FL and ML should destroy using their love, but she really didn't want to die. So she decided to try to change her life, going to the war at an young age, and trying to live new things.

In the middle of this, she meets Sigren (the male lead) and discovers that when we make our characters with terrible pasts (to justify their personalities these days), they actually suffer a lot because of that.

Bcs of that, she decides to stay closer to him and become a good friend. And from this point we have a beautiful romance.

I love how the author didn't make Fiona and Eunice (the previous FL) fight for Sigren. Sigren only has eyes for Fiona, and no one else..

And I also loved how even with their problems, we don't have useless chapters of miscommunication. They just talk what they want to, and try their best to be together even with their flaws.

Profile Image for Shirley.
920 reviews81 followers
November 16, 2022
Review for season 1, chapter 1-40.

I love the main character, male lead, and their gang's character, I love their dynamic with each other. The art is beautiful too, I'm excited to know how the story would go from here.
Profile Image for Molin.
754 reviews
January 28, 2024
Untuk vol 1 cut nya kurang cocok menurutku, ep 1~13 gimanaa gitu. Belum seru-serunya udah harus nunggu vol 2 🤷🏻‍♀️

Fiona juga tergambar sangat mary sue, belum level cringe sih.
Profile Image for Roberta.
235 reviews26 followers
October 4, 2024
Season 1: (Chapters 1-40)

Trovo che i disegni siano super carini, ma hanno qualcosa che manca. La trama è per una volta un po' diversa, anche se comunque non troppo entusiasmante.
Profile Image for Dora.
567 reviews35 followers
October 25, 2024
Unfortunately bored out of my mind. The only character that seems to have any depth to them is Duke Abel (love that adoptive father cuteness! extra star just for him!) 🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Trientalis.
314 reviews2 followers
July 16, 2022
40 chap - saison 1
C'était trop trop bien ! Les dessins sont magnifiques <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Les personnages sont INCROYABLES
Profile Image for Celebrilomiel.
523 reviews26 followers
August 6, 2024
2.5 stars rounded up, because it did entertain me, even though the female lead was incongruously dense. There is a lot of potential here, but the creators kept making choices with the story, characterization, and art that left me going "Whyyyy?" It wouldn't take much to make this really good, because it has the components of a great political fantasy and a decent romance, but the choices made kept steering it into Mary Sue territory and clichés. I'm not even against clichés — I love a trope done really well or handled inventively or turned on its head; I'll even read something specifically for a good trope — but although there were plenty of chances to take this a step above, the creators took the path of least resistance. The result is a mediocre, run-of-the-mill story that frustrated me even though it sometimes amused me.

tl;dr: I've read better. Its potential was high, but that just means the disappointment is too.

For something similar, try The Villainess is Retiring, Season 1 instead.
Profile Image for Aerly.
58 reviews
March 6, 2025
📍Currently Reading - Chap 36

Although the story has the usual elements (isekai, reincarnated into a villainess, family of assholes), there are some innovative elements that hold my attention. The pace is going well for the moment. We see the heroine growing up from her 12 years old to her 18 years old. She is smart and has useful magical powers. Moreover, the drawings are particularly well done. It is very pleasant to read.

I can't wait to see what happens next 🥰 ⚔️ 🐉 🧚‍♀️ ✨

🏷 Keywords : badass heroine, possessive main leads, romance, fantasy, magical powers, isekai, court schemes.
Profile Image for subaha.
161 reviews30 followers
Shelved as 'comics-read'
August 28, 2024
Chapter 1-100
leave Siegren and please look at me Fiona 😭 but srsly both of them are so precious
Profile Image for Cassie Renais.
387 reviews2 followers
April 20, 2024
I read this as a webcomic, which is currently up to 96 episodes/three seasons. I really enjoyed this one to begin with; it's a nice twist that the isekai'd villainess is the author of the story, and has to confront all the horrible things that she wrote into the universe. It plays with all the usual tropes, but with enough intrigue and plot to keep them fresh... mostly. But the further we get, the less satisfying the initial premise is without some more fleshing out. There are background things going on to do with her possessing this body and changing the storyline, but nothing concrete. Something about a dragon, something about a malevolent 'presence' inside a staticky storm??

Overall, I enjoyed it while it lasted, but I doubt I'll pick it back up after the season hiatus, because the pull just isn't there anymore.
Profile Image for Ashley (wickedreads).
402 reviews1,335 followers
October 13, 2022
Also titled: I became the male lead's wife

So she is the author of a book that she's woken up as a villain in. Now she's doing what she can to keep the plot on track and keep the male lead alive long enough to meet the FL she wrote for him. Only issue is, he's falling in love with her.

It's cute. The first season is 40 chapters. He's a huge cinnamon roll but also they are both bloodthirsty.

Tags: childhood friends to lovers, male lead falls first, fantasy au, royalty, secret identities, reincarnation, magic, mage, monsters, betrayal, he just wants her to be happy--as long as he's the one she's happy with, will do literally anything to see her
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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