As roommates, they met for the first time in college. Two of the brightest minds ever to graduate from Stamford Psychology University. As adversaries, they met again in Quantico, Virginia.
Robert Hunter had become the head of the LAPD’s Ultra Violent Crimes Unit. Lucien Folter had become the most prolific and dangerous serial killer the FBI had ever encountered. Now, after spending three and a half years locked in solitary confinement, Lucien has finally managed to break free. And he’s angry.
As ever, Carter’s background in criminal psychology is at the centre of his novel, which is all the more addictive and terrifying for it!
Biographies can be an absolute drag, so I won’t bore anyone with a long life story.
I was born in Brasilia, Brazil where I spent my childhood and teenage years. After graduating from high school, I moved to the USA where I studied psychology with specialization in criminal behaviour. During my University years I held a variety of odd jobs, ranging from flipping burgers to being part of an all male exotic dancing group.
I worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where I swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. After a spell playing for several well known glam rock bands, I decided to try my luck in London, where I was fortunate enough to have played for a number of famous artists. I toured the world several times as a professional musician.
A few years ago I gave it all up to become a full time writer.
Imagining the potentially most effective, deadly, and coolest serial killers of all times must have been a challenge, even for Carter.
As often in Carter´s works, the timeline and plot are jumping from and between Hunter to the killer, teaching us the scientific methods used to track the devil and his thoughts, actions, and emotions. What makes one think and realize that technology won´t help us, is the fact that while technology is saving many victims by helping investigators to quicker find the monsters in human form, the widespread and free availability of both information and technology made it in contrary much easier for them to never get caught. Why?
There are estimated few hundred serial killers in the US alone, in Europe it´s the question if there are really fewer or if it´s just the lack of special investigators, education, and training for these, research, and technology that reduces the number, or maybe the state just doesn´t want to spend the extra money for these units and prefers to put a missing stamp onto the file, although it was the already eighth victim killed in exactly the same way.
A surveillance state would save thousands of lives, because as long as potential victims don´t make long hikes in the mountains and stay in larger cities, finding someone to torture, rape, kill, and eat gets much more tricky. But technology, in a positive way, could really help, for instance, simple tracking devices, something such as implanted monitoring devices for sick people, body- and biohackers or wanna be cyborgs, just miniatured so that they could easily be injected directly into the bloodstream or put in some places under the skin, making it far too dangerous to abduct anyone.
That might be one of the best solutions, because sadly, even in the perfect dystopian terror surveillance torture secret prison state, the methods of killers shown in Carter´s work are often so perfect that it won´t help. These people study, maybe from their early teens on when they realize what they are and want to do in life and are as highly motivated as all other sick extremists fueled by a fetish, ideology, or desire. They research everything, of course especially what the flaws and the mistakes of their predecessors were, how to disguise and camouflage, how to buy and construct everything without getting caught, and, most important, how to use the internet, darknet, and the options organized crimes can sell them to find victims, sell their crimes as snuffs movies, and be untraceable.
All of this would have been too tricky before the internet and especially dark web, when it was impossible to not make a mistake because one had to have more physical contact with potential witnesses and no easy to understand, best and first rated How to serial kill better tutorial on one´s favorite dark web youtube equivalences.
We are so US- und Europe focused that we are not realizing the fact that in the Southern hemisphere, where police hasn´t the same technology and resources, serial killers who have money and expertise could go on hunting trips that go into the k-level, not just the dozens or maximum 3 digit scale.
A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
Oh wow, what a trip this one is! This is the tenth book in the Robert Hunter series, and even though I haven't read any of them, the blurb on this one intrigued me. I was worried that I might not catch on, but I needn't have. I picked it up pretty quickly.
We have brilliant detective Robert Hunter, who finds after three years that his arch nemesis, and former best friend, Lucien Folter has escaped from prison. Lucien isn't just any prisoner, he's a genius serial killer, and a master of disguise. And he's coming for Hunter...
OMG it didn't take me long to race through this book. The high levels of suspense, and the crazed psychopathic mind of Lucien make this a tense, taut thriller, with twists you don't see coming. But be warned, this book is not for the squeamish, it has some graphic scenes in it. However, if you have a strong stomach and a head for gore, I can't recommend this book highly enough, and I will definitely be looking out for more from this author.
My thanks to Simon & Schuster Australia for a copy to read and review. The opinions are entirely my own.
This is Chris Carter's latest addition to the Robert Hunter series, a tense and gripping reading with serial killer Lucien Folter escaping a high security penitentiary, after carrying out a killing spree, leaving behind a bloodbath. Robert Hunter is the head of LAPD's Ultra Violent Crime Unit and had been instrumental in getting Lucien arrested and imprisoned behind bars in solitary confinement. Robert knows just how dangerous Lucien is, the pair had been friends and room mates in college, the brightest minds in psychology to graduate, no-one knows Lucien better. He is not surprised when the FBI's Adrian Kennedy tells him that Lucien left behind a message specifically for Robert in his cell. Lucien is looking for vengeance as he embarks on a series of mind games designed to test Robert to the limits of his endurance.
The US Marshall Office is legally in charge of hunting down Lucien with US Marshall Tyler West, although the FBI have taken joint responsibility, although it takes some time to get them to co-ordinate their efforts with the LAPD. With everything and everyone he holds dear at risk, Robert finds himself boxed into the darkest of territory with a Lucien hellbent on maximising his suffering. Lucien is no ordinary serial killer, he is a sick and disturbed psychopath who has compiled extensive 'research' notebooks known as the 'murder encyclopedia'. He is a psychopath studying psychopaths by choice, intent on exploring the murkiest and darkest corners of the world of serial killers. This makes him an incredibly difficult person to catch, as he is not driven by emotions or uncontrollable personal urges, he is a cold, careful and clinical planner able to emotionally disassociate himself from the barbarity of his heinous crimes.
Whilst Robert has a team around him to help, including his close friend and partner, Carlos Garcia, he finds that it is personal insider knowledge of Lucien that is of any real help as he battles against time and the odds to try and prevent Lucien from committing the gravest of acts. Carter immerses the reader in the world of serial killers with a masterful creation in Lucien, an expert at evading detection, and the insertion of research and knowledge gained by the study of serial killers. Those who have read crime fiction extensively revolving around serial killers will likely be familiar with some of the twists and turns to be found in the narrative. This is a fast paced and compulsive read, with plenty of blood and gore, so perhaps not for the faint of heart. Many thanks to Simon and Schuster for an ARC.
Chris Carter returns with another dark psychological thriller that pits Robert Hunter against some of the most departed individuals that readers will likely have encountered. Calling this tenth novel in the series a sequel, Carter asks the reader to refer back to a previous novel in order to get the full impact of the story. In the early chapters, the reader learns that serial killer, Lucien Folter, was able to escape from the confines of the prison that held him, leaving blood and bodies strewn all around. While this is a federal matter, LAPD Detective Robert Hunter is made aware, as this is one killer with whom he has a vested interest. Hunter cannot believe this sadistic man was treated so passively while imprisoned, allowing him to escape by luring guards out of their sense of apprehension. With Lucien on the loose, it is anyone’s guess where he might have gone or what he has in mind for his next act. When Hunter is contacted by his old nemesis, there is a connection from the early stages, one that will turn a simple game of cat and mouse into something deadly and sadistic in quick succession. Hunter is fully invested in the case, determined to bring this killer to his knees and off the streets once and for all. Using a series of covert riddles, Lucien lures Hunter to follow the clues in order to save scores of people from an indifferent killer’s antics, though nothing is guaranteed. Working alongside many of the ‘alphabet groups’ of federal organizations, Hunter can only hope that Lucien will offer too much in order to reveal his location. As the bodies pile up and the threats heighten, Hunter cannot help but wish he were anywhere else, though he is bound and determined to stop Lucien once again. A chilling tale that will have readers glued to the page until the very end, as psychological thriller meets serial killer, with the end result being a highly addictive novel. Highly recommended for those who love the Robert Hunter series or the reader who enjoys being highly disturbed as they devour a dark novel.
I stumbled upon Chris Carter’s series years ago, pulled in by the dark and sadistic nature of the story and multi-layered characters. Carter’s past work in television fits nicely into this fast-paced series that leaves little time to process. Robert Hunter remains a strong protagonist, though his weaker and more human side continues to shine through in this piece. With a killer that Hunter has known for decades, the reader can see a decent struggle within the protagonist, helping to peel back the hard exterior throughout this piece. Hunter is driven to solve crimes, though his isolation from much of society leaves the reader wanting to understand a little more. Carter injects some emotional aspects to Hunter’s character and shows him as highly vulnerable. As with many of Carter’s novels, the antagonist is as gripping as any character presented. Dark and sadistic, Lucien Folter is the epitome of the serial killer who plays ‘puppet master’ with ease. His paced acts and riddles keep the story moving forward while offering shocking results when he turns to killing. Having been incarcerated and isolated, Lucien seeks revenge against those who stole his freedom, including a man he has known since they met in college. The Hunter-Folter clash is a theme throughout the novel, though it is by no means balanced from start to finish. Other characters offer interesting perspectives for the reader to discover, though the stars steal the show throughout this wonderful novel. Themes throughout the book seek to chill the reader and provide an entertaining progression. Perhaps some of the darkest writing I have read within the genre, Carter entertains and educates throughout, while keeping the reader feeling squeamish throughout the process. I can never get enough of Carter’s work, which allows Robert Hunter to grow and develop, seen by series fans over the past decade or so. Highly addictive and stunning in its delivery, this is a series not to be missed.
Kudos, Mr. Carter, for another wonderful novel in this series. I can see how you’d want readers to have read the original encounter between Hunter and Folter, though I am always a fan of reading a series in order throughout.
Lucien Folter is one of the most vile serial killers in fiction. A true psychopath and brilliant psychology graduate, he likes to think of his killing sprees as 'research' and keeps meticulous notebooks on his methods and results. Because he never killed the same way twice he was able to escape detection for 25 years, until his old college roommate Detective Robert Hunter of the LAPD Ultra Violent Crime Unit caught him and he was sent to a high security prison (as recounted in the sixth episode in this series An Evil Mind). Now, three and a half years later, he has escaped and is not only continuing his 'research' but has revenge on his mind.
Chris Carter always writes intensely gripping thrillers, but this is one is one of the most chilling yet, as a really brilliant and evil mind and a master of disguise is pitted against the combined talents of the LAPD, FBI and the US Marshall. Although I haven't read the prequel An Evil Mind which occurs earlier in the series, as recommended by the author, I found the book contained sufficient detail to understand the backstory and relationship between Hunter and Lucien to read as a stand alone. The depth of evil in Lucien's nature was certainly well depicted to understand why he needs to be re-captured at all costs.
A gripping, compulsive cat and mouse game with twists and riddles and multiple gory deaths, culminating in a very high tension ending.
With thanks to Simon & Schuster for a copy of the book to read
"Lucien Folter is evil in human form": This quote sums this book up for me. I absolutely love Chris Carters Hunter and Garcia series and book 10 shows no signs of letting up at all. I feel that this series just keeps getting stronger and stronger and I really look forward to what comes next. I started this book last night and thankfully it is a long weekend and I could stay up late reading - I finished it today. I can't recommend this series more - but be warned, it is definitely not for the faint hearted - it dark, gruesome and graphic. Some scenes do make your stomach turn and at times I was even holding my breath in anticipation of what was going to happen next. When you read this book you live this book. I really would love to see a TV series made out of these books.
The first chapter of this book is just brilliant! Lucien Folter, the most evil killer the FBI has ever seen has managed to escape from prison - killing everybody in his way. Lucien is Robert Hunter's former friend and college room mate. 3 1/2 years ago Robert put him behind bars - and now Lucien wants revenge. Robert and his partner Garcia along with the FBI must use everything that they know about him to try to stop him. Killing is fun for Lucien, he enjoys it - and enjoys torturing Robert along the way. This man has no feeling other than of hate.
Thanks to Simon and Schuster UK Fiction and Netgalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased.
This is the 10th book in the Robert Hunter series by author Chris Carter. If you have not read a Chris Carter novel, I should warn you they are not for the feint hearted and should be read with caution. His books are dark psychological thrillers that will certainly entertain and grip but perhaps should carry a warning. Generally this series can be read out of order but I would recommend that they are where possible to fully make sense and with this book the case is more prevalent.
The plot starts at Lee High Security Prison in Virginia and the shift is about to change. Jordan Weaver arrives to take over from his colleagues and discovers the control station empty and the door wide open. There are spots of blood running down the inside of the bulletproof glass windows and inside are the naked bodies of three of Jordan’s colleagues. He is soon to become the fourth victim. The wing contains only one inmate, mass murderer Lucien Folter. He’s gone, and the life of Robert Hunter, head of the LAPD’s Ultra Violent Crimes Unit is about to get very very busy as the news comes through that Folter has escaped and of the carnage he has left in his wake. Hunter and his partner, LAPD detective Carlos Garcia together with the head of the FBI National Centre Adrian Kennedy must hunt down Folter before more crimes are committed.
This series is top quality and consistently entertains. Read under caution and maybe sleep with one eye open.
Stipri knyga kaip ir visos prieštai skaitytos serijos dalys apie Robertą Hanterį. Meistriškai rašytojas susuka skaitytojui galvą. 👏😍 šios knygos kaip saldainis, skaitai ir norisi dar. "Rasi mane ten, kur žmonės turėtų tylėti, bet netyli. Kur turėtume klausyti eilių, bet neklausome. Kur studentai turėtų ateiti ištroškę mokslų, bet neateina. Vietoje tylių žmonių randi triukšmaujančius, bet yra ir nebylys. Vietoje poetų juoko randi rašytojų ašaras. Vietoje smalsių studentų randi pigius mokytojus. Ieškok ne akivaizdaus, bet neįprasto, rasi kai ką ypatingo. Rasi išskirtinį."
I adore the Robert Hunter novels they are the most addictive and deliciously dark stories- Hunting Evil is an absolute rollercoaster, not for the faint hearted but definitely for those who like their crime with an edgy, unrelenting pace and a deeply disturbing vibe. Lucien is a favourite character of mine, this time the ongoing battle between Lucien and Robert heats up to volcanic levels. I like that there is no promise that the good guys will eventually win, almost anything could happen and often does. Chris Carter writes so so well, immediately involving the reader in every aspect and nuance of plot – You simply can’t look away and it is easily a one sitting read that will leave you horrified yet satisfied. We all like to walk on the dark side occasionally and a Chris Carter novel is always one of the most entertaining ways to do so. Recommended. This and the entire series.
The cover of ‘Hunting Evil’ claims that it is “as addictive as a TV box-set”. It’s certainly a weirdly compelling read, but one that requires so little effort on the part of the reader that it ends up feeling insulting rather than satisfying. The box-set comparison is an appropriate one, because like many modern TV shows, ‘Hunting Evil’ spins a couple of okay ideas into something far longer than they really deserve. In this case that’s a novel of almost 500 pages that would have worked better at half that length. This is the tenth book in a series featuring flawed genius LAPD psychologist/police detective Robert Hunter. I haven’t read any of the others, but Chris Carter clearly has his fans, so he must be doing something right even if I didn’t like his style. The book does start brilliantly, with a first chapter that is shocking, immediately gripping and neatly constructed. It details the aftermath of a prison escape, the fugitive being Lucien Folter, an old friend turned arch nemesis of Hunter’s. The rest of the book (some 109 chapters) is an extended battle of wits between the two, with Folter setting fiendish puzzles for Hunter to solve. It manages to feel fast paced whilst not actually containing much in the way of incident (there are only really four significant events in the whole book). As a result, it’s offensively bloated with pointless detail and repetition to boost the page count. Take this paragraph from an early chapter: At that exact moment, Kennedy felt his cellphone vibrate inside his pocket, but this time it vibrated only twice and in quick succession indicating that he had received a text message. Not exactly lean prose is it? Carter also uses cheap tricks to ramp up the tension, like writing scenes to lead you to believe one thing has happened when actually the opposite is true. Naturally he then writes the scene again from the different perspective to milk twice as many words out of it. Characters have a tendency to repeat themselves too, like the hosts on TV shows helping viewers with short attention spans remember what happened before the ads. Its biggest failing of all though, is the fact that Hunter triumphs in the end through dumb luck rather than any insight or effort on his part. Carter repeatedly tells us he is brilliant, but never gives us any real evidence of this. Instead the hero plods through the book, following the villain’s lead, as seemingly in the dark as the reader is. The problem is, that despite its many flaws I found myself eagerly reading the book, even while it slapped me round the face with another stupid twist or bad piece of writing. It’s frequently ludicrous and feels like it is set in a universe that looks kind of like ours but has subtly different laws of physics and chance. But at the same time, it’s so damn easy to read that I found myself turning the pages despite myself. Like the villainous Lucien Folter, I suspect Carter is a genius of manipulation, tricking his readers into thinking they’re reading a masterpiece of suspense when in reality the book is anything but that.
هوووووولی شت!!! وقتی دیشب جلد نه به آخر رسید و فهمیدم جلد ده جریان چیه سریع دانلودش کردم. ماجرا مربوط به یه قاتل زنجیرهایه که هیچ mo مشخصی نداره، هیچ کدوم از قتلاشو نمیشه به هم ربط داد، و تا حالا خداقل صد نفر رو کشته، از هر مدل قتلی که فکرشو کنید استفاده کرده، خفگی، غرق کردن، سوزوندن، مرد و زن هم نداشته قربانیاش. دلیلش چی بوده؟ دلیلش این بوده که میخواسته دایرهالمعارف روانشناختی قتل و جنایت باشه. هر قتلی که انجام میداده با جزئیات کامل توی دفترچه مینوشته. سه سال و نیم پیش این قاتل روانی، دستگیر میشه و توی یه زندان امنیتی زندانیش میکنن، اما اون بعد از سه سال و نیم فرار میکنه و حالا میخواد انتقام بگیره. تا حالا جز جزئیات کوچیک هیچ کدوم از کتابا بهم مرتبط نبودن، اما برای خوندن این جلد حتما باید جلد شش رو خوندن باشید. و استرس و تنش این دوتا کتاب، و جلد هشت تا حالا از همه بیشتر بوده و من نصفه روزه تمامشون کردم. فقط دوتا کتاب دیگه مونده و من از حالا عزادارم که مجموعهی محبوبم داره تمام میشه 🥺
An Evil Mind is the best piece of the Robert Hunter Series, and Lucien Folter is the best villain. So I was really excited about Hunting Evil and maybe that was a problem. It's so hard for me to put my thoughts and feelings into words... This is a good book, it's exciting and has really good characters but I missed the WOW-factor. I can't really explain this but in his other books I always get it. Now I didn't. It was a little repetitive sometimes, I feel like it is too long and it would've been better in a shorter version. But I love Chris Carter, I love how he writes and this won't change. Never.
Deseti dio serijala s Robertom Hunterom. Prvi put da je jedan od dijelova nastavak nekog prethodnog. „Lov na zlotvora“ nastavlja se na šesti dio pod imenom Zlotvor. Kada su likovi i zaplet rađeni po istinitim događajima riječ “zlotvor” nije dovoljno teška, grozna, nevjerojatna, hladna ili šokantna. U ovom dijelu se sve to samo nastavlja. Lucien Folter svoj bijes nastavlja dijeliti sa sebi intelektualno vrlo sličnim, sa svojim prijateljem, detektivom Robertom Hunterom. Inteligentno, domišljato, krvavo i bezdušno, za žanr koji predstavlja, savršeno.
I’m a huge Chris Carter fan, and am always eager to dive into the next Robert Hunter book. I was extra excited for Hunting Evil, as it links back to events in an earlier book in the series and I was desperate to see how things played out. In fact, I went in with very high hopes.
In some ways, I fear I may have set my expectations a tiny bit too high. I loved this one – as always, I devoured it in a single sitting because I found it impossible to put down – but I had hoped it would be a bit more twisted. Chris Carter writes some great twisted stories, and the bad guy in this one is known to be one of the worst. Thus, I expected this to be the author’s darkest book.
Although it kept me hooked and I was powering through the story, it wasn’t the darkest of the author’s books. Thus, I found myself a wee bit let down by how evil our bad guy was. I expected more from him. I enjoyed what we were given, but I was constantly waiting for him to shock me to a new level.
Without a doubt, Hunting Evil is a fabulous addition to the series. It’s the kind of addictive that Chris Carter does so well, ensuring it’s a story to be devoured. Even though I’m not labelling this my favourite in the series (as I had hoped) it is certainly worth reading.
Lucien Folter is evil in human form. A cunning psychopath. Master of disguise. A heartless murderer. And now after three and half years of planning, he has escaped from the high security prison and is ready to play. He is craving for a game of cat and mouse. A game of ‘catch me if you can’.
I love Chris Carter’s books and have read them all, but I felt this one was missing something. Maybe it was because the culprit was already known to me or because I was expecting more twists and more gore, which are characteristic of Carter’s works.
If you haven’t read Chris Carter and decide to do so, read his other books first or better yet, start from the beginning.
This was an excellent read to and from Barcelona by airplane, I prefer travel by train but for a long weekend away a plane is indeed more fitting in the itinerary.
Robert Hunter gets confronted by his past once again, he already caught the culprit only having him escape again and having this monster coming after him again. This super intelligent monster takes on nearly all acronyms of Law enforcement agencies including the LAPD and Homeland in order to conclude his business of taking revenge and get the perfect getaway of course. A decent thriller that is easy reading and less uncomfortable reading as in previous book, even if Carter gives us one nasty crime-scene that is less aimed at Hunter than his "girlfriend". This book is more of a thriller than anything else and satisfying at that.
Chris Carter has done a decent job once again and I am curious what he thinks up next since Robert Hunter has done a shedload of horrible cases and like his opponent in this last episode he can wonder what is next he has nog encountered yet.
As always Carter has delivered a decent thriller that can be enjoyed for what it is sensational literature which requires little effort on the part of the reader. perhaps one can hope for a little more tension which was kinda lacking with this last one.
,,Rasi mane ten, kur žmonės turėtų tylėti, bet netyli. Kur turėtume klausyti eilių, bet neklausome. Vietoje tylių žmonių randi triukšmaujančius, bet yra ir nebylys. Vietoje poetų juoko randi rašytojų ašaras. Vietoje smalsių studentų randi pigius rašytojus. Ieškok ne akivaizdaus, bet neįprasto, rasi kai ką ypatingo, rasi išskirtinį.” Lenktynės su laiku ir mįslės, tai manau tiksliausiai apibūdintų šią serijos dalį. Nors žudiką žinom iš pradžių, bet jį reikia sugauti.. kaip pagauti žmogų, kuris tobulai moka keisti savo išvaizdą, manieras, bet balsą?! Atrodytų neįmanoma, bet.. Jei neskaitėte serijos prieš šią knygą būtinai reikėtų perskaityti nors ,,Pragaištingas sprendimas”, kad suprasti Liusjeno ir Roberto istoriją. ,,Viskam vieną dieną ateina galas.. Viskam.”
I love Chris Carter’s books, so I was THRILLED to be able to read this one early. Hunting Evil is exactly what it says it is. We’re back with Hunter and Garcia as they are faced with one of the most evil killers America has ever known, and this time Lucien Folter is out for revenge. This book was immense fun, in as much as a serial killer thriller can be, it is gripping, gruesome, emotive and thoroughly engaging, I was completely hooked right from the beginning, I couldn’t put Hunting Evil down!
If you have a weak stomach...please skip this one. Actually, if that describes your stomach, you may want to skip this entire series. However, if you can get past all that and the physiological torture and if you love a well written tale with fantastic characters...both very good and very evil...then get the beverage of your choice and be prepared to be taken on a journey you won't soon forget.... though you might wish you could. The books can be read as standalones, but they will need to be read in order to really understand...or try to understand, how Robert Hunter and Lucien Folter went from college roommates to deadly enemies. Throughout the series including this book, the reader has been privy to Lucien’s thoughts and feelings after he kills a significant number of people in a more-distant method than usual, and he comments on it feeling too detached to give him any satisfaction. Police Detective, Robert Hunter and his partner Garcia have to find Lucien again after actually having caught him 3 years previously! Lucien is evil personified, and that evil is reserved solely for Robert Hunter. Robert now not only has to fight for his sanity but find a stop this evil lunatic. Lucien is leaving bodies behind, the way he has since book #1. Hunter gets a call from Lucien, which is traced right to his home base, Los Angeles that changes the game is in Hunter's and Garcia's "playground". Lucien Folter is a genius with disguises, accents, and even Robert knows that the manhunt will be a long and bloody one. Hunter gets numerous riddles from Lucien challenging him to solve them in order to save each victim. Robert soon realizes that no matter what he does he doesn't/hasn't ever had a chance of saving anyone. The only thing that will stop the bloodshed is either Lucien's death or Roberts.
Du vaikinai, kurių keliai susikirto bendrabučio kambaryje, tapo geriausiais draugais. Abu Stanfordo universiteto vieni iš geriausių studentų. Prabėgus daugeliui metui, jų keliai ir vėl susikirto. Tačiau vyrai yra skirtingose barikadų pusėse. Robertas Hanteris - LA policijos departamento Ypač žiaurių nusikaltimų skyriaus vadovas, o jo kadaise buvęs bičiulis Liusjenaa Folteris - vienas iš žiauriausių visų laikų nusikaltėlių. Beveik ketveri metai kalėjime ir Liusjenas subrandino keršto planą. Jam pavyko pabėgti iš kalėjimo, o sekantis jo žingsnis - aplankyti seną bičiulį Robertą.
Ši knyga yra dešimtoji dalis, kurioje pirmuoju smuiku griežia Robertas Hanteris. Prieš paimdama knygą į rankas, nejučia susimąsčiau ar pavyks Chris Carter ir vėl mus nustebinti? Tačiau jam tai pavyko su kaupu! Ir nors ši knyga buvo truputį kitokia, nes nusikaltėlį žinojome nuo pat pirmojo knygos skyriaus, tačiau ši istorija buvo tikra bomba! Tikrai ypač šokiruojantys nusikaltimai, kapstymasis po psichopato smegenis bei nenuspėjami siužeto vingiai. Neabejotiniai ši knyga viena iš stipriausių Carter'io istorijų. Labai rekomenduoju ją perskaityti šios serijos gerbėjams ir ne tik!
Kaip aš džiaugiuosi, kad kažkada man į rankas pateko pirmoji Chris Carter knyga "Krucifiksas" ir nuo tada visada turiu ko laukti! Ir visada paėmusi naują dalį į rankas žinoti, kad rankoje laikoma knyga manęs nenuvils! Ir visas tas spirgėjimas ir nekantravimas kuo greičiau ją perskaityti, bet kartu ir pataupyti, nes reikia laukti vis naujos dalies. Štai, ką su manimi daro ši serija.. o aš ir nesiskundžiu!
"Blogio medžioklė" buvo puiki! Kvapą atimanti ir labai įtempta, gal tik ne pačio veiksmo atžvilgiu. Šioje dalyje visas pagrindas sukosi labiau aplink žudiko psichologiją, nei apie įtemptą veiksmą. Nors žinoma, veiksmo ir žmogžudysčių čia netrūko, juk tai praktiškai tapo jau skiriamuoju autoriaus bruožu - brutalios, žiauriai ir sunkiai įsivaizduojamos žmogžudystės. Taip pat, autorius dar kartą įrodė, jog moka sukurti žiaurius ir šiurpinančius veikėjus. Galiu pasakyti, kad "Blogio medžioklė" tikrai tapo viena mėgstamiausių šios serijos knygų! Jei dar neskaitote šių knygų, rekomenduoju pradėti! Puikūs trileriai!
I’ve read all of Chris Carter’s books and they are all 4 or 5 stars; he is one of my favourite authors.
So I write this review with an element of disappointment because this is my least favourite of his books.
I’m trying to pinpoint what was wrong this time. Maybe it was the fact we knew from the outset who the bad guy was and so we lost the suspense and twists that normally come with a Hunter book. Or maybe it was the over reliance on repetition, for example we’d have great detail from Lucien about his plan and thinking, only for us to read it again as he describes it / recounts it to others.
If you’ve never read a Chris Carter book, don’t start with this one.
Każdy mężczyzna odczuwa to narkotyczne uczucie zwycięstwa, uczucie potęgi swojej zajebistości, geniuszu, radości z wykonanego zgodnie z celem zadania. Uczucie wyższości nad innymi, wszechmocy i wielkości, niemalże boskiej mocy sprawczej. Uczucie to pojawia się na ułamek, na pół sekundy w każdej sytuacji, w której już wiemy, że cel został osiągnięty. Awans, podwyżka, ukończony „task” w korpo, upolowanie promocji, uległość dawno upragnionej kobiety, sukces w dobrze zakończonym dealu czy biznesie. Ułamek sekundy uczucia własnej potęgi ustępuje radości, euforii, zadowoleniu z siebie. Dobremu nastrojowi na resztę dnia czy nawet tygodnia. Tak ulotne i krótkie, że nawet niezauważalne, u psychopatów mogące przybierać patologiczne postacie.
W nowym "Carterze" potęga i wielkość głównego psychopaty opowiadana właściwie z odbicia pierwszej osoby (narrator jakby widział i słyszał myśli bandyty) nie schodzi z kart powieści. Pierwsze sto stron to gloryfikacja niewyobrażalnie rozbuchanego ego Luciena Foltera, głównego antagonisty, którego uczucie potęgi jest wałkowane aż do znudzenia przez Chrisa Cartera. Mamy więc do czynienia z niemal boską postacią, demonem zła, który na domiar przesady ma wybitne zdolności (niejeden teatralny charakteryzator pozazdrości!) zmiany swojego wizerunku i mało tego! Również głosu. Kameleon rzec by można. Każdy aspekt charakterystyki jegomościa jest niestety do bólu (czytelnika) przesadzony.
Do tego dość mało zajmująca, żeby nie powiedzieć nudna (Sorry Mr Carter!) intryga i akcja. Garcia (partner służbowy mistrza świata i okolic Roberta Huntera), a Szefowa nadal lata wszędzie wkur*iona, choć tylko w dwóch zdaniach. Powieść bardzo odtwórcza w stosunku do poprzednich tomów.
Niestety też książka jest bardzo "rozgadana". Poprzednie części opisywały, i owszem, zmagania że sprawą, zagadką, intrygę, ale pomiędzy tym wszystkim tkwił główny bohater, Hunter, gdzieś jadący swoim starym samochodem bez klimy, sączący whiskey, czy bojący się że względu na pracę bliższych relacji z kobietami. Tutaj przemieszcza się czy podziwia, komentuje rzeczywistość właściwie tylko... wspomniany wcześniej psychopata. No tak średnio to wygląda. Robert Hunter i jego świat przedstawiony został w tej, 10 już części mocno zaniedbany.
Szkoda, bo całą seria o Robercie Hunterze jest mega dobra. Thrillery na bardzo wysokim poziomie brutalności, intrygi, napięcia tak właściwego dla tego gatunku. A tutaj? No coś nie zadziałało, albo Pan Autor nieco się zagalopował w swoich schematach. Nie jest tutaj jednak źle, po raz kolejny mistrz thrillerów jakieś tam napięcie tworzy. Tylko, że już któryś raz to samo czytam... Nowością są masakry głównego antagonisty, nawet wzbudzające ciekawość. Ostatecznie jednak nie na tyle, żeby dźwignąć całość w ocenie. Cztery gwiazdki za makabrę, pod tym względem Carter nie zawodzi.
Lucien Folter, der schlimmste Serienmörder der Gegenwart sitzt seit 3 ½ Jahren in einem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis. Doch er entkommt und tötet grausam mehrere Personen des Wach- und Pflegepersonals. Er ist auf Rache aus, nachdem Robert Hunter, Profiler und Leiter der Ultra Violet Einheit des LAPD, ihn vor Jahren endlich verhaften konnte. Folter und Carter waren einst während des Studiums befreundet, doch Folter hat einen anderen Weg eingeschlagen als Hunter. Folter hat seine Morde seinerzeit protokolliert und analysiert und so eine Enzyklopädie des Grauens geschaffen.
Gleich zu Beginn des Buchs wird der Spannungsfaktor hoch angesetzt und fast durchgängig gehalten. Die Jagd auf "die Bestie" gestaltet sich schwierig, da Folter nicht nur wie Hunter äußerst intelligent und anpassungsfähig ist, sondern auch wie ein Phantom untertauchen und sich in andere Personen quasi verwandeln kann. Das Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, das Folter mit Hunter und den anderen Ermittlern spielt, ist absolut perfide und grausam. Die Geschichte wird sehr fesselnd und actionreich geschrieben, man kommt kaum zum Luftholen, eine Szene jagt die nächste. Oft hatte ich Gänsehautmomente. Wie bei Carter üblich werden zahlreiche blutrünstige Szenen sehr genau und detailliert dargestellt, was ganz gewiss nichts für zarte Gemüter ist. Die űber 100 kurzen Kapitel machen das Lesen einfach und schnell. Die Story wird mal aus Sicht von Hunter erzählt, dann wieder aus der von Folter. Das Ende des Buchs hat einige Überraschungen parat, da konnte ich gar nicht mehr aufhören zu lesen. Im Laufe des Buchs erfährt der Leser einige Details aus dem Leben von Hunter und das Verhältnis zu Folter. Wer nicht alle Bücher gelesen hat, der kann sich ein Bild von den beiden Protagonisten machen.
Dadurch, dass hier das Duell der beiden im Vordergrund steht, rückt Garcia leider zu sehr in den Hintergrund. Ebenso abträglich ist aus meiner Sicht, dass der Täter bekannt ist.
Mit diesem 10.Band aus der Hunter & Garcia Reihe setzt Chris Carter seinen Thriller um diesen ganz besonderen Mörder Lucien Folter nach „Die stille Bestie“ erfolgreich fort. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Vorkenntnis des Buches "Die stille Bestie" nicht erforderlich.
Alles in allem ein überzeugender Thriller, dem ich 4 von 5 Sternen gebe.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Simon and Schuster UK Fiction for an advance copy of Hunting Evil, the tenth novel to feature Detective Robert Hunter, head of LAPD’s Ultra Violent Crimes Unit.
When violent, psychopathic serial killer Lucien Folter escapes from a high security facility he is intent on revenge on his former friend and college roommate, Robert Hunter, the man who caught him the last time.
I thoroughly enjoyed Hunting Evil which is the gripping hunt for a clever serial killer, full of twists and turns and never a dull moment. Mr Carter admits in his forward that this is his first effort at a sequel and recommends that readers first read An Evil Mind before starting this one. I have read An Evil Mind but it was a few years and many books ago so I don’t have a clear recollection of it but I found that it didn’t matter as all the salient points are covered and this works well as a stand alone tale within the series.
Despite the narrative frequently changing point of view (one of my pet hates) I was gripped from start to finish. It is an exciting, pulse pounding read with plenty of action, violence and general gruesomeness - I wouldn’t like to live in Mr Carter’s imagination - but above all it is clever. As befits one of Mr Carter’s villains Lucien Folter is clever, manipulative and always a couple of steps ahead. The ingenuity of the plot and the twists from an author at the top of his game are to be wondered and admired, which coupled with the frenetic pace make for a great read.
Is it quibbling to say that Lucien Folter is probably too clever to be realistic? He’s a master of disguise with an excellent understanding of human psychology and an ability to plan further ahead in great detail. Of course it’s quibbling because his character provides great entertainment as it’s designed to so reality doesn’t come into it.
Hunting Evil is another great read in an excellent series so I have no hesitation in recommending it.
Aš esu didelė Carter gerbėja, jo knygų laukiu lyg vaikas kalėdų senelio, o Roberto ir Garsijos duetas man iš karto asocijuojasi su tobulai praleistu vakaru. Su Chris knygomis man nebaisūs jokie užklupę skaitymo blokai. Deja, bet taip buvo anksčiau😵💫 net negaliu apsakyt, kokia sutrikus aš buvau, kai vietoj lauktos skaitymo euforijos ir dūžtančio į šipulius bloko aš jaučiau irzulį ir nusivylimą. Labiausiai mane trikdė, kad Liusjenui per daug gerai ir per lengvai sekėsi. Tiesiog visos aplinkybės jam sukrisdavo per daug tobulai, kad būtų realu. Ankstesnėse knygose veikėjai turėjo užsidirbti sėkmę, o jam lyg iš dangaus nukrisdavo tobula auka su mašina arba netikėta dovana prie Hanterio namų, vos tik pradėjus jį stebėti. Šį kartą Robertą pažinau iš visiškai naujos, netikėtos pusės - dar niekada jis nebuvo toks bejėgis ir palūžęs. Na o Garsija, pasirodo, yra vienas iš nedaugelio - jis atsparus Liusjeno psichologinėms manipuliacijoms. Aš labai tikiuosi, kad ši knyga man pasirodė prastesnė už kitas tik dėl mane užklupusio skaitymo bloko, o iš tikrųjų ji yra tokia pat puiki kaip ir prieš tai buvusios!