Frequent tweeter, professional grammar nerd, and obsessive reader, Annabeth Albert is also a Pacific Northwest romance writer in a variety of subgenres.
Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two toddlers.
Zack and Pike figure out that relationships mean you share the bad stuff too. Both mess up keeping secrets to protect the other, but their love is stronger than one not-so-perfect homecoming.
Una nadería para saber un poco más cómo llevan su relación los protagonistas de Off base. Una pequeña apreciación para que no os pase lo que a mí. Sale un personaje del 2 y ya hablan de esa relación, así que mejor tomarlo como si fuera el 2.5.
This is a perfect little glimpse into the lives of Pike and Zack post the events of Off Base. They learn to communicate better and plan for an awesome future together. It is sweet and sexy and I want more!!
I adore Zack and Pike - they are such a fun loving couple! This was a short and sweet look into their lives as they keep moving towards their forever! Perfect happy pick me up!
Yay, a short freebie about Pike and Zack. As the brief blurb says, things don't go according to plan when Zack returns home from an extended tour away. Hilarity abounds, injury and an ER trip clearly a must. If you have enjoyed this series, or even if you haven't, you should read this cutie here. I love these short insights and peeks into these characters I love. Highly recommend. :-)
I remember after reading Zack and Pike's HEA, I'm worried because Zack is going to complete his training and start his deployment. I mean how does people live with their other halves half way across the world fighting a battle? Is nerve wrecking and I can see it takes a told on Zack and Pike's relationship. Homecoming show their vulnerability, but also show how strong they can be and to wish for a fifty years together. This is short, sweet and touching.
I love moments with established couples when the real life starts to get in the way of things and we get to see how they deal. I adore Pike and Zack, I love this whole series, and if you've read at least the first two books of the series, you'll totally love this snippet with the two!
A free ficlet from Annabeth Albert featuring Zack and Pike from 'Off Base' after their HEA.
Being away for 3 months for a deployment, Zack finally is able to return home soon. Both of them envisioning in their minds their perfect reunion and finally be together again. Nothing can go wrong right? Well, you have to read it for yourself to find out.
There was nothing that stood out particularly for me in this story, but this is still worth a read for fans of Zack and Pike.
Oh, what an adorable (and Sexy!) little slice of life with this established couple.
You know...I see, hear and read that bit of advice Pike ran across - about keeping everything positive and stress-free for their deployed loved ones - and while it makes sense (to a point; mainly so they stay focused on their mission/objectives) I absolutely adored Zach's request to not spare him everything. Even the smallest of details can mean a lot to someone missing home, can connect them to the life they aren't physically present for. I can't imagine hearing that everything is fine without them, that in essence they aren't necessary (and thus, think no one is missing them), would be preferable to knowing the car broke down or something. So, yay for including that bit.
This was sweet. Both guys had visions of surprising the other when Zack came home from a 3 month deployment. Things don't go as planned. Ultimately It makes their relationship stronger. I want more of this couple.
Ha sido un bonito detalle por parte de la autora el integrar a la historia este pequeño capítulo en el que podemos vislumbrar un pedacito de la vida futura de Zack y Pike. ¡Vaya desastre que son son los dos 🤣!