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It's spring break, and the pretty little liars are trading in Rosewood for a cruise vacation. They want nothing more than to sail into the tropical sunset and leave their troubles behind for one blissful week. But where Emily, Aria, Spencer, and Hanna go, A goes, too. From scuba diving to tanning on the upper deck, A is there, soaking up all their new secrets.

Emily is smooching a stowaway. Aria's treasure-hunting partner is a little too interested in her booty. Spencer's going overboard trying to land a new boy. And a blast--or rather, a crash--from Hanna's past could mean rough waters ahead for everyone.

The liars better tighten their life jackets. A perfect storm is brewing, and if they aren't careful, A will bury them at sea. . . .

324 pages, Hardcover

First published December 4, 2012

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About the author

Sara Shepard

110 books14.6k followers
Sara Shepard graduated from NYU and has an MFA from Brooklyn College. She has lived in New York City, Brooklyn, Tucson, Arizona, Philadelphia, and now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Sara's Pretty Little Liars novels were inspired by her upbringing in Philadelphia's Main Line.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews562 followers
July 28, 2020
Burned (Pretty Little Liars #12), Sara Shepard

It is revealed that prior to the events of Twisted, the Liars covered up Hanna's involvement in a car accident that left another girl, Madison, badly injured. While on a school-sponsored cruise in the Caribbean, the Liars uncover clues that suggest "A" is more than one person.

They begin to suspect Naomi Zeigler of being "A", after she befriends Hanna (who is unaware that Madison is Naomi's cousin) and attempts to sabotage Spencer's new relationship. Aria becomes friends with a boy named Graham, only to discover he is Tabitha's ex-boyfriend, leading the Liars come to believe that Naomi and Graham are working together as "A". Meanwhile, Emily falls for a stowaway, Jordan, unaware that she is a thief on the run from the authorities.

After an explosion on the boat, the Liars go off on their own to bury "evidence" of their connection to Tabitha (Tabitha's locket, which "A" had planted for Noel to find). "A" tampers with their lifeboat, nearly stranding them in the middle of the ocean. The near-death experience pushes the girls into wanting to confess about killing Tabitha. However, as they make plans to come clean about everything, they discover that they were not responsible for Tabitha's death at all: She had been bludgeoned to death by "A".

The Liars finally come to believe that "A" is, in fact, Alison, as Emily reveals that she may have helped Alison escape the burning Poconos house in Wanted. Suspiciously though Naomi was at Gayle's funeral.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز ششم ماه دسامبر سال 2016 میلادی

عنوان: سوخته: کتاب دوازدهم از سری دروغگویان زیباروی کوچک؛ نویسنده: سارا شپرد؛

آلیسون، «آریا»، «اسپنسر»، «هانا» و «امیلی» بهترین دوست‌های یکدیگر هستند، تا زمانی که «آلیسون» به شکل مرموزی ناپدید، و در نهایت جسدش یکسال پس از ناپدید شدنش، در خانه ی قدیمی او پیدا می‌شود. در حین پژوهش برای قتل «آلیسون» دخترها پیغام‌های تهدید آمیزی دریافت می‌کنند. در این پیغام‌ها شخصی با نام «آ» آن‌ها را تهدید به فاش کردن رازهایشان می‌کند. بعدها که معلوم می‌شود «آلیسون» زنده است، و از ترس اینکه «آ» که او را نکشد، فرار کرده، و آن جسد هم جسد شخص دیگری بوده است. در کل سه شخص ناشناس با نام‌های «اوریجینال آ (ای اصلی)»، «بیگ آ (ای‌بزرگ)» و «آ.دی یا اوبر آ (ای آخر)» در داستان نقش آفرینی میکنند. در این کتاب شماره دوازدهم از سری دخترها میفهمند که "الف" بیش از یک نفر است

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 07/05/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Michael.
278 reviews405 followers
January 8, 2013
Okay, here's the deal. I know I'm about the farthest away a reader can be from the target audience of the Pretty Little Liars novels, but you guys know that it's still one of my favorite series nonetheless. If you scroll through each of the books, there's a good chance you'll find a review of me gushing lovingly over it. That being said, this series needs to end.

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm beginning to like this series less and less because (a) it is, in fact, decreasing in quality, or (b) it's staying exactly the same, and I simply know all of Sara Shepard's storytelling quirks. After some thought, I think it's a mixture of both.

Maybe there was some quality to the first eight books that made me not notice, but as I was going through Burned, I found myself predicting the outcome for each of the characters as soon as they waltzed onto the page. I mean, at this point, any PLL reader should know that if Sara Shepard spends two-hundred pages attempting to make the reader believe a character is A, the big "twist" at the end will be that said character isn't actually A at all.

However, knowing storytelling patterns is one thing, but the plot progression in this series arch (books 9-12) has been laughably bad, and it was most noticeable in this installment. In my opinion, the original series (I'm now referring to books 1-8 as "the original series" since, when this whole mess is over, I'm probably just going to pretend books 9-14 never even happened) worked so well because there was a close-knit cast of characters whom I actually cared about, which is why the deaths and other plot twists were so shocking. At this point, though, Sara Shepard is just tossing in random extras in order to keep the plot moving along. However, I don't care that girl-I-met-thirty-pages-ago not only might have been unintentionally killed by Hanna but that she is also *gasp* the long-lost cousin of girl-who's-been-in-this-series-forever-but-only-gained-any-kind-of-relevance-ten-pages-ago or that boy-I-met-five-pages-ago is the ex-boyfriend of girl-who-was-unintentionally-killed-by-Aria. (By the way, when did it become so easy to kill people? These girls can't walk out to the mailbox anymore without killing someone or, at the very least, maiming them for life.)

This series worked so much better when the plot elements were fairly believable - Aria dating her teacher, Hanna having an eating disorder, etc. It's becoming horribly apparent that Sara Shepard doesn't know where she wants to take this story, especially since Burned didn't even progress the series' overall plot, except for a small development about Tabitha's death at the end (even though she, like so many others, was just an extra randomly thrown in order to create some kind of storyline). 'Tis a sad day when I have to give a book in one of my favorite series a two-star rating.
Profile Image for Geraldine O'Hagan.
127 reviews155 followers
December 20, 2013
When will it end? Not whilst someone’s buying them.

The prequel sequence features a flashback (of a past event which occurred somewhere in the middle of all the other murders and escapades we have heard about, but has not been mentioned at all so far) to our four idiot heroines coming together to save Hanna from being arrested for drink-driving and crashing the car of a stranger named Madison she met only hours previously, even though Hanna isn’t actually drunk. The car is still operational and Madison is uninjured and passed-out, but rather than just leaving her to sort the mess out Hanna decides to call both an ambulance and her friends for assistance, creating a race to see who will arrive at the scene first. When the girls win the race they then choose to carry Madison right around the car and back to the driver’s seat rather than just push her slightly to the left. This goes wrong when they apparently manage to break her neck whilst moving her, and then they all run off like cowards and get away with the whole thing since there were no witnesses at the bar where Hanna and Madison spent the night. But wait. Someone knows. Guess who it is? Yep, A #3. Incidentally, a secondary mystery is the identity of the driver of the car which drove Hanna off the road. Any ideas who might be responsible?

Back in the present day everyone is preparing for the Desperate-Plot-Stretching-Cruise they’ve all decided to take, and referencing on-trend things like Dr Who and such. There’s also the matter of Tabitha, the girl who they murdered ages ago but nobody has bothered to investigate properly. Emily rehashes all her many problems before spotting a pretty girl and deciding that none of them matter. Spencer, Aria and Hanna all have boyfriends. The teens are all waited on hand-and-foot, eat luxury organic food and once more listen to the only Caribbean music Shepard is aware of, Bob Marley. Nothing happens except for the appearance of many banners bearing eco-messages and people imagining they can hear A#3 laughing behind doors which they then don’t open.

The girl Emily has instantly fallen in love with turns out to be Jordan, a stowaway who bypassed the only-just-mentioned tight security and ended up hiding in Emily’s cupboard, along with the cosmetics she stole in order to not go without re-applying make-up for more than 3 hours. Spencer is doing the “jealous (ex-) girlfriend” storyline this time around. Aria somehow manages to end up having to do a Scavenger Hunt with Tabitha (the maybe-dead-maybe-Ali girl)’s boyfriend, which is pretty bad luck. Joining in the stupid coincidences, Hanna is busy making her usual suddenly-becoming-best-friends-with-her-worst-enemy mistake when she realises that old foe Naomi is the cousin of Madison, the girl from the prologue’s Stupid Car Incident, which A#3 now knows about for obvious reasons. Hanna therefore assumes Naomi is A#3, which of course means she definitely isn’t. Aria instead believes that the culprit is Tabitha’s ex, Graham, which gets him off the hook too.

Aria decides that the best way to assuage her guilt about killing Tabitha is to hang around with her boyfriend, pretend to sympathise with him and manipulate his love-life whilst not revealing that she is in fact the killer. This sounds more like the behaviour of a gloating sociopath, but it does allow her to discover that Tabitha was committed to the same unlikely mental institution as Alison, Courtney, Hanna and any other teenage girl whose family wanted rid of them. Hanna & Aria swap suspicious re:A#3, which doesn’t make either suspect any more likely. Emily and her new girlfriend steal a boat. Spencer is pushed into a pool by Naomi because she’s jealous of her boyfriend, but said boyfriend doesn’t seem bothered, much as I myself am not bothered. There are a lot of conversations, not one even slightly realistic.

It suddenly turns out that A#3 has some very unlikely photos of Aria killing Tabitha, taken from who-knows-what cliff-top vantage point. They are also magic photos that can’t be deleted from phones. Equally suddenly Emily realises that Jordan is actually the 18-year-old master-thief Katherine DeLong, whose escape from custody was clumsily mentioned in the first chapter. She instantly dumps her by text, presumably desperate to escape such a terrible storyline ASAP. Ten minutes later she is considering running away with her to Thailand and living as conwomen fugitives from the law, because why not? Spencer decides to dump her boyfriend too, just in case the unidentified A#3 is in love with him, but then can’t be bothered. Noel gives Aria a mysterious locket he found washed up on the beach, and Aria thinks he has seen it somewhere before but can’t quite remember where because she’s not smart. A#3 keeps sending everyone texts referencing events moments after they occur, but somehow remains completely unseen. Despite everything, the girls insist on wasting time practising a Hula routine for the talent competition which nobody could care less about.

To fill in time Hanna has another of her annoying dreams, featuring the whole Madison thing rehashed and the return of Alighost. Then she finds a hand-written note from A#3 but declines to trace the limited amount of potential sources, instead panicking like a baby. Spencer decides she can be bothered to dump her boyfriend after all, which serves him right since he is entirely puzzled by her not unjustified fears that someone is trying to hurt her despite the fact that an entire TV movie has been made about the time her supposed friend secretly tried to destroy her, which might help to explain why she’s a bit more edgy than the average girl. Meanwhile Tabitha’s ex is now in love with Aria, having spent more than 10 minutes with her. I’m writing this even before it’s actually “revealed” in the text, since it’s so obvious I can’t be bothered waiting. Also we learn that Aria takes an hour to “freshen up”, which seems excessive. How filthy is she usually?

Aria finally realises that Graham is in love with her, although manages to not cotton-on to the locket thing immediately, possibly because she is distracted fretting over whether she has accidentally “led him on”. PLL gender politics haven’t changed. Emily decides she is going to run away and live forever in a magically-funded dream-holiday paradise with a girl she has known for less than a week, but 5 minutes later Jordan jumps overboard and disappears. Spencer and Hanna search Naomi’s room and find chewing-gum and baby-oil, these highly suspicious items proving the case against her as a stalker. Each communiqué from A#3 features a worse pun than the last. Very little development seems to occur, and the only upcoming storyline to hang the finale on is the talent show, which isn’t encouraging. I consider giving up. Spencer does nearly die in scuba-diving incident, but since the four Mimsy Little Airheads are immortal for plot purposes this creates very little tension.

Eventually Aria discovers the locket secret by falling over and smashing it open by accident. It’s even worse than it promised – not only is the locket obviously Tabitha’s but it contains a picture of her and Alison, who were apparently best friends due to the force of ridiculous coincidence. Unless she was best friends with Courtney, who seems to have been rather forgotten even though she was just as likely as Alison to be friends with some random lunatic. Aria responds to this by running around the ship like a shrieking lunatic, drowning out Graham with her screeching and the ships engines in order that she can fail to hear some vital information he is attempting to impart to her.

The dramatic climax occurs when a boiler suddenly explodes only a few feet from Aria without hurting her. The explosion is nonetheless so serious that it necessitates the evacuation of an entire massive luxury cruise liner. In a display of astounding stupidity the girls decide to steal a lifeboat, row to a cave famous for its scuba-diving opportunities, and hide Tabitha’s necklace underneath some coral. Why the hell this plan would even occur to anyone, let alone seems sensible to four people, is unfathomable. Despite the difficulty of launching a lifeboat without training and equipment, the cruise staff and FBI agents who surround them and the fact that they are actually witnessed by potential A#3 Naomi they still go through with this plan. Even more stupidly all four of them decide to get into the water even though only Spencer is actually diving, which inevitably means that their raft has been sabotaged by the time they return. Just once couldn’t my worst fears about the predictable nonsensicality of the plot turn out to be unfounded?

The highlight of the book comes when the girls, in a sudden moment of clarity, realise the true horror of their ceaseless cycling through the same plotlines and unlikely murders, forever tormented by yet another incarnation of A, never to break free. Realising that there is no other escape for either characters or readers, they briefly contemplate surrendering to fate and slipping quietly to their death beneath the indifferent waves. Tragically at the last moment they form a power circle and are saved by the power of friendship, which conjures up a boat crewed by all the major characters plus Jeremy the cruise ship organiser.

Once rescued Hanna confesses to Naomi for no reason other than the end of the book is drawing near, and realises that she isn’t A#3. She also realises that the person who tried to kill her in the prologue is probably the same person who tried to kill her all those other times, A. Quick thinking Hanna. The only actual consequence of the prologue is that she loses the friendship of Naomi, which lasted about 6 hours in real time and consisted in its entirety of conversations about shoes. Graham is now in a coma. Emily goes home and it turns out her parents love her again. Jordan is revealed to still be alive, which means we’ll have to hear about her in another book. Another man turns out to have been in the boiler room at the time of the explosion, and I’m going to go ahead and assume it was Jeremy since he’s been mentioned in every chapter without having done anything and he inexplicably started acting in an evil manner at his last appearance. As the book concludes the girls drone on incessantly about how they’re about to hand themselves in, although they aren’t committed enough to the idea to tell anyone else or say their goodbyes to the friends and relatives they’ll miss so terribly. Then at the last minute an oddly late autopsy report shows that Tabitha didn’t die from the fall, but from being beaten at close range. I’m starting to lose track, but this seems to be roughly the third autopsy she’s had now, which seems a bit unorthodox. Although not as unorthodox as the lead detective calling back someone who claims to have information about a murder whilst he is live on air. So it turns out that the girls haven’t killed anyone this cycle. They did semi-cripple a girl, but no-one even knows her so that’s fine. They all simultaneously realise who the killer was all along: yes, A, the person who keeps trying to kill everyone. Of course! Then A sends a handily timed text to confirm this, only moments after they’ve reached their shocking conclusion. Also A threatens to kill them all, but since this has been the driving force of all 12 books so far I’m hardly shocked. And that’s actually the end.

Most Ill-Thought-Through Attempt to Be Environmentally Friendly

“the Rosewood Day Prep Eco Cruise to the Caribbean”

Words and Phrases I Do Not Understand
Elliptical machines
Rash guards

Stupidest Names
Madison Strickland
Zelda Millings
Erin Bang Bang
Zora-Jean Jaffrey
Graham Pratt
Ursula Tippington

Most Extravagant Prizes Offered for Winning Children’s Games
Two $1000 gift-certificates for the Apple store
A Vespa scooter

Worst Cruise-Ship Feature
The on-board organic farm. Surely full of very sick goats, chickens and alpacas?

Least Embarrassing Revelation
“ ““I still iron my jeans sometimes,” Spencer admitted, then felt a little self-conscious for saying so.”

Strangest Fashion Assessment
“ “A silver ankle bracelet, which struck Aria as both bohemian and Shakespearian”

Bohemian is odd enough, given that it’s supposed to be Aria’s look and she should therefore know it has little to do with silver ankle bracelets. But Shakespearian? I can’t even begin to understand this.

Worst Name for a Band
Vegan Sunrise

Worst Place Name
Conshohocken Curve

Most Unnecessary Clarification
“ “People in comas didn’t send texts.”

In summary, the entire cruise was a complete waste of time, as well as hopefully a joke. How is it possible to be twelve books into this series and still be ending on the cliff-hanger: Oh no, a mystery figure known as A is trying to kill the PLLs, and it could be Alison? It’s like a kind of endless, handbag-filled purgatory where everyone is wearing the right brand of skin cream as they cycle through torment for all eternity.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate.
328 reviews
September 27, 2015
Burned by Sara Shepard
book 12 in the Pretty Little Liars series

Let's just jump right in, shall we, okay...
So, my favourite aspect of this book was that it took place on a boat, which was such a refreshing and fun idea for a book, and also for these characters!

I also loved the relationships between the girls and their partners, I found them all super cute and fun in this one.

I enjoyed all the girls plot lines in this instalment, as-well as the overall plot line in the book!
The ending was awesome, and I just really enjoyed how all that went down.

'A' got extremely creative with the text messages in this one, and it's my favourite book in the series so far, in terms of A messages. I absolutely loved them!

This is my favourite book out of this particular 4 book arc in the series, followed by Twisted, then Ruthless and Stunning. My favourite arc of the series so far is books 5-8, followed by this one (9-12), then 1-4, but I have very high hopes for the last arc, which is 13-16! :D

I'm so excited to continue on with this series, but I'm so sad it's going to end soon :( what will I do with my life

Order of PLL books from fav to least fav (so far)
1. Wanted
2. Wicked
3. Killer
4. Burned
5. Pretty Little Liars
6. Twisted
7. Unbelievable
8. Ruthless
9. Heartless
10. Flawless
11. Stunning
12. Perfect
Profile Image for Karen.
204 reviews5 followers
February 16, 2014
After finishing this book, I'm starting to lose faith in the plot. What started as an interesting, thrilling novel about five girls keeping non-life threatening secrets turned into a murderous spree. It's just not believable anymore. I know life is hard when you are teenager but we're talking about five teenagers who have committed serious crimes. They're just not hiding petty secrets, these pretty little liars are hiding murders, ex-convicts, car accident secrets, and endangering other people's safety. They're not innocent victims anymore, they are criminals. I mean can you tell me of a single teenager that knows exactly how to blow up the boat in the boiling room? Or how a teenage girl was able to hide her pregnancy from her friends and family? I'm sorry but it's not possible. I know there's a lot of crazy people in this world but the crimes are just getting crazier. It doesn't feel like a young adult book anymore when a teenager is going on a killing spree. I'm still finishing the series because after getting this far, there is no point in quitting. I also want to desperately know who A is in this installment. But I am no entirely happy with the direction the plot is going. At this rate, the TV show series is way more interesting than the last few installments and I still believe the series should have ended when we learned about Courtney. After that, the series has just gone downhill for me.
Profile Image for Hayden Casey.
Author 1 book751 followers
July 26, 2014
These books are cray. Can't wait for 13 and 14 so I can finally figure out this shit.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 2 books29 followers
February 2, 2013
This was supposed to be the last of these, that's what we were promised. That's what made me keep reading. We were close to the end, right? But no, no someone offered Sara more money to stretch this already paper thin story for another two books. Crushed and Betrayed, set to come out this year I think. Yikes.

Nothing new happens in this book. The girls continue to manipulate people and screw others over for their own benefit and then are shocked when A calls them on their indiscretions.

This book starts of with yet another crime. Hanna meets a random girl (an Ali look alike) at a bar, the girl gets wasted and while driving her home, a sober Hanna crashes the car. Instead of calling the police, she calls Aria, Spencer and Emily who decide the very best thing to do is to rearrange the scene to put the unconscious drunk girl behind the wheel and run and hide. Whilst moving her, they slip and hear a snap that Spencer fears is the drunk girl's neck breaking. Her. NECK. BREAKING! But Spencer only fears that possibly they paralyzed this girl. Not that they killed her.

Anyway, the girls leave the scene just as the ambulance arrives and we're told that it's in the middle of nowhere and absolutely no one saw them, which of course means someone did and that someone is new A.

Despite the girls claiming to be haunted everyday by all the murders they have committed. Aria pushed Tabitha off a cliff, they all blew up the house with Ali in it, and then their spate of smaller crimes. Hanna drinking driving and smashing her ex bf's car, Hanna getting involved with numerous people wanting to destroy her father's campaign, Spencer's foray into drugs, Aria doing her teacher and Emily doing whatever Emily does which is usually nothing of interest. Anyway, despite all of this, the girls are totally psyched for an upcoming cruise to the Caribbean which is apparently paid for by their school and numerous other private schools are going, too. There is brief mention that they're holidaying near Jamacia, where Aria killed Tabitha, but that's forgone because everyone wants a tan in their high-class brand bikinis and to flirt with all the gorgeous toned boys on the cruise.

So the cruise is grossly extravagant for some reason. You would think an Eco-Cruise would know be more frugal. But no, we have a casino, a theater (where Cirque De Soliel are performing nightly), a gym (with nineteen treadmills, why this fact is important I have no idea), a yoga studio, a hair salon and spa, thirteen restaurants, eleven lounges, a rock climbing wall and a wave pool. Later it's also revealed the cruise has an aquarium with endangered sea species, AND and organic farm complete with chicken coops, alpaca pens and a greenhouse. From what I know, pets aren't generally allowed on cruises. I guess rules are different for farm animals?

Hanna is rooming with Naomi who is someone she has hated for every book I've read so far, but because she's popular and Hanna's an outcast right now, Hanna decides they'll be BFF's so Hanna can be cool again.

Aria and her boyfriend Noel want to do everything together despite actually wanting to do anything together. It's a one week cruise, why is it such a big deal that he go surfing and she go scavenger hunting? Why do they have to do the same thing? Aria suddenly reveals she has never actually learned to swim, despite having swum in Jamacia with no trouble as well as every time the girls went to the beach or a pool party in the past twelve books.

Emily wastes no time lusting after the first girl she sees, Jordan, who turns out to be a stowaway with nowhere to sleep so Emily offers her the other bed in her cabin. Since Emily's assigned roommate is a whore from a Catholic school (whom Emily also lusts after) who apparently dumped Justin Beiber and invites guys back to her room in the same sentance she meets them, Emily figures the whore won't be using her bed, and gives it to her new obsession, Jordan.

School trip with school students presumably supervised by teachers, right? But whores will be whores in the PLL world. I would think that on a cruise where the majority of the guests, if not all of them, are high school students, someone would have thought maybe to take the minibars out of the rooms?

Hanna has a memory of when she met Madison (the drunk girl whom had a neck snapping moment in the opening of the novel) and seems to think you eat a margarita with your hands because after her drink arrives, we're told Hanna "licked her fingers clean." Hanna is then annoyed that she's thinking about that girl she might have murdered, it's totally ruining her awesome trip. It's later mentioned that this whole car crash memory thing actually happened the year before just as Emily found out she was pregnant. So almost killing Madison hasn't affected them at all until now, as is Sara's want to create "new" mysteries.

So far, we haven't heard from A. The only message is actually Spencer thinking about what A might say if she had left a message. The girls, however, are shocked that A might be on board and can't fathom how that could happen. Clearly they haven't been paying attention for twelve books. I'm sure each of them has uttered the phrase "A is everywhere." at least once, but they seem completely dumbfounded when this statement appears to be true.

Anyway, the usual string of PLL coincidences happens. Naomi is actually Madison's cousin. The boy Aria was randomly paired with for her scavenger hunt, Graham, was Tabitha's boyfriend. Hanna discovers this fact about Naomi during a secret party on board with plenty of rum, apparently all it took was paying off one chaperone and these teen boys and girls can drink and party with ease. Whilst comparing fake IDs (which everyone in these novels seems to have), Hanna sees Naomi's ID and recnognizes Madison. She freaks out, gets a message from A, tells the other girls, and boom, Naomi is suggested as our new A, which is a clear sign that she's not.

The Shitty Little Liars gather on a deck and discuss Naomi as
A, and Hanna conveniently reveals that though they were in the middle of nowhere when Hanna crashed Madison's car and they may have paralyzed her, Naomi's house was just over the hill. Spencer recalls they left the scene before the ambulance arrived, yet they mentioned seeing the EMT's exit their vehicle, so...

The girls also suspect Graham as new A, but Aria rejects Spencer's suggestion to stay away from him 'cos she feels guilty for killing his girlfriend. Aria's exact words are "I can't just drop him. I'd feel terrible." But, she did kill his girlfriend.

Spencer's roommate is described as quiet and bookish, so she's not ever seen again. Reefer is back from the last book, a pot-smoking weirdo Spencer met at Princeton whom she's obsessed with, who also happens to be BFF's with Naomi. Spencer is taking scuba diving as her cruise hobby, but not to worry about her learning. She's been certified since she was 14, Reefer's certified, too. Which is odd, cos I don't recall Spencer ever scuba diving in the past twelve books.

Oh, and I noticed this "A million years ago, Mona-as-A had forced her to confront Naomi and Riley last year and admit she had an eating disorder." A million years ago last year?

Back to the story, Emily and Jordan steal a boat and then make out, which makes Emily instantly in love. Then Emily sees something on the news about Jordan being a Preppy Thief complete with footage of her in an orange jumpsuit, handcuffs and ankle shackles. I don't think the police are allowed to ankle shackle an 18 year old for stealing, but whatever.

Aria is thrilled at playing matchmaker for the boy whose girlfriend she killed, even when A sends her pictures apparently taken from the bottom of the cliff that show Aria shoving Tabitha off it. Aria can't get the photos off her phone and frets about the teachers on the trip seeing them, but given they haven't noticed the secret parties, teenage sex, underage drinking and boat-stealing, I'm guessing they're not paying that much attention. Teachers need vacations too, right?

Hanna is still sure that Naomi is A, but that doesn't stop her from spending all her free time with her. Shopping, karaoke, talking about boys, planning an act for the concert at the end of the cruise. But Hanna's an idiot in the books so I'm not surprised. Hanna and Naomi sneak away from the cruise, and go to a VIP club where a bouncer lets these two underage girls in with no question. A bartender then serves two underage girls drinks with no question. And creepy older guys in the bar gawk and holler at these underage girls with no question.

Naomi reveals Madison is alive though she had to learn to walk again, upon hearing this Hanna decides it's proof Naomi is not A and they can be best friends for real, and then Hanna promptly finds emails on Naomi's computer between Naomi and Madison saying they've been searching for who crashed up Naomi's car. So, Hanna again is now positive Naomi is A.

Spencer decides its a smart thing to stay away from Reefer since he's BFF's with Naomi, but then the smell of Reefer (lemon and salt) make her groan, and he kisses her. So screw it if he's in league with New A.

Upon confronting Jordan about her criminal past from what she's found on Google (which we're told includes stealing planes, boats and cars as well as Jordan being described as a con artist with the FBI after her), Emily falls for Jordan's "I was trying to protect you" crap, and since this relationship has been going on for almost five days now, they're in love. All is forgiven. Jordan then tells Emily that when they arrive back in the US, Emily might be arrested for knowing Jordan. I'm not sure why.

Spence slips and busts her ankle, gets food poisoning and then gets gum stuck in her hair (which she fears she won't be able to get out without cutting of "all of her hair". Unless she managed to maneuver the gum around her head like some sort of swimming cap, I doubt this is the case. Plus, I've had gum in my hair. It's easy to cut out.) Anyway, this string of bad luck leads Spencer to think Naomi is purposely taunting her, so she breaks up with Reefer despite her obsession with the way he smells.

Aria's boyfriend gives her a locket he found on the beach, which turns out to belong to Tabitha and has a photo of Tabitha and Ali together inside, so they're friends I guess. Or were. If this is real!Ali, maybe it's Courtney.

Anyway, Graham chases after Aria screaming something about photos but all the important words are conveniently drowned out by a loud engine. Someone sets of a bomb on the boat and everyone has to evacuate, but not before Spencer thinks the best thing to do with the locket (which she claims proves they killed Tabitha somehow) is drop it in some corner of the sea divers aren't supposed to go to. Aria, who of course can't swim in this book remember?, floats in the water in a life jacket with Hanna and Emily while Spencer dives to stash the locket, and then the next thing they know the raft they were on is gone. Popped, deflated.

They're stranded, but Naomi sends rescue, Hanna confronts her about being A and of course realizes that Naomi isn't A. Hanna reveals everything she did to Madison, but Naomi says she won't tell anyone. Naomi also says that some random neighbour who lived near where Madison's car crashed has security footage that show someone purposefully driving into Madison's car, proving to Hanna that A crashed into them that night, a fact seemingly confirmed by the next A text message.

The girls finally decide to come clean, call the cops and reveal they killed Tabitha. When, wouldn't you know it, a press conference is held where the lead cop on Tabitha's case reveals she died from blunt force trauma by someone at a close distance to her. Not the fall. Aria's not a murderer after all. What a letdown.

Graham gets knocked about when the bomb blows up and now is in a coma. The girls get a text while he's out of it which apparently is proof that he's definitely not A even though the girls have considered that A is actually multiple people working together.

Random text from A, and that's it. Apparently the fun hasn't even started. Now THAT I agree with.

Lame Titanic references, just 'cos they're at sea doesn't mean you HAVE to talk about Titanic:

The locket lost at sea - Rose's necklace lost at sea
Aria/Rose get the necklace and fight with their respective boyfriends about it.
Chase scene through engine room
Emily and Jordan plan to run off together - so did Jack and Rose
Jordan jumps overboard, Emily imagines her sinking to the bottom - Jack sunk to the bottom
During the fire, characters reference the same scene in Titanic
Life rafts with too few passengers
Hanna goes to a secret party with Mike - Rose goes to a secret party with Jack
Graham wants the locket - Cal wants the necklace

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Veronica Alvarez.
337 reviews20 followers
May 24, 2021
We start (again) with a flashback which we didn't have idea that had happened (again) and (again) we see that they're really not that innocent the accident was pretty mess up and guess what? They just ran away like nothing really bad happened (again)

Not a big fan about this "competition" for Redder with Naomi chicks that fight over boys 🤮
The part where Hanna asks her to help her on trying to get information about A if Naomi is really A, and Spencer just have to lookout but she's like "I don't want to piss her off even more" haha GIRL! You are just going to lookout if someone would be responsible that would be Hanna just you know is not even a big deal, like you don't want to know if she's A? C'mon girl, and then you entered to the room, I don't know why and syarted moving things nonono Spencer what's going on?
The scene when she doesn't have air to breathe underwater was one of the few good one that was really serious

The way that she talks about being pregnant is just no, for me haha "My favorite part was feeling her kick" and she would be there for hours and the kicks became stronger and was "mind-blowing" haha no
When she really thought about literally fleeing and just going away as a teenager wtf? In that moment I just lost it
The whole scene about them (Emily and Jordan) trying to get away was
1) So unrealistic
2) I just couldn't stop laughing I was like uhu? Emily was overdramatic haha
When she heard two girls talking about Jordan and she thought"Stop talking about her! She's the most amazing girl I've ever met" I really lost it like she was going nuts because someone said something about Jordan I was no girl you really need to go to a therapist ASAP
At the end she think it's a good idea to telling her friends that she didn't close the door because Ali was there WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Aria technically the real responsible of Tabitha's dead has a partner who is Graham, Tabitha's ex-boyfriend, really? What are the odds?
At some point she tried to do good things, which is cool because she knows she's going to jail
This fights with Noel and then they suddenly start just laughing it's weird I wasn't a big fan of that either
The amount of times she defended Graham are amazing, is something tought about him as A she was nono he couldn't do it and said an absurd answer of why he couldn't be A like girl WAKE UP!
The fact that Noel gave her Tabitha's neck OMG another moment I just lost it DISGUSTING, and then she just runaway from Graham that was like Aria! He's trying to tell you something let him speak please!
THE WORST SCENE! I was really really desperated when she started to runaway from Graham I just wanted to punch her it was too obvious he just wanted to talk and she literally lost it I have to stop for a second because I was literally screaming just Aria stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! In that moment I knew Aria was by far the worst, and the she has the AUDACITY of saying "I'm glad he's gone, I was afraid he was going to jump out and hurt me" chick, I read the scene ok? And no it wasn't that bad I was afraid of you and what you could've done not about him

The friendship with Naomi is literally out of nowhere they hated each other and suddenly in this book they're BFF and between the books is not a long time plus we don't see flashbacks or memories about how they started, and if that's not enough on the top of that she's Madison's cousin who Hanna hit her with her car... So... What are the odds?
Hanna being attracted to an old guy DISGUSTING NONO
In this book we really see nothing new and again is just C'mon

"The finale:"
I must say the worst my far of the PLL book why? Here's your answer
There's a boat which is sinking I don't know how but they managed to get a boat and just get away to God knows where, and then hahaha Naomi was like Can I come in? And Hanna is so disrespectful towards her and Naomi is like What the hell? And Hanna said don't paid attention to her and hahaha I was laughing so hard she seems like a dumb bitch and Naomi is really worried about them and they're like looking to the other side hahaha
SO FRUSTATED! Now they've reached the point when they have to hide the collar, well everyone yeah, EVERYONE decided to go, and to this point I JUST LOST IT! this is the clear example they're still the same I was girl two and two (2 on the boat and 2 go to hide the collar) what will happened with the boat? Well, no one think about that and decided to go OH, DEAR GOD!and then you know what happened? When they returned the boat is missing HAHAHAHA to this point I didn't know if I was glad or really upset
And then hahahaha them took a decision which is if they get out of there, they're going to confess everything yeah EVERYTHING HAHAHA by this point it was way too obvious they're going to be rescued and something will come up, and they won't confess and guess what? Naomi goes for them and they started screaming as crazy, and hahaha so funny
Wait! Here's comes the best part
Naomi was like "C'mon girls Let's go"
And everyone hahaha EVERYONE was like NNOO you're a killed IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN! And Naomi is C'mon girls! It's too late and What the heck are you talking about? And then Spencer screamed "Swim away! We have to get away from her" and Naomi's face HAHAHAHAHA I COULDN'T HELP IT I WAS HAVING MY BEST MOMENT girl you ain't serious, and you're the smart one?
But the Noel the great Noel is like, what's going on girls? And they have the AUDACITY! to be like we're save just all of the sudden they didn't even think twice and we're screaming to get help And then it seems like Endgame because again all of the sudden every character started to appeared in the boat HAHAHA
And Hanna started to told everything to Naomi and how she's A and Hana thought " Yes, you're a monster You're monsters (Naomi and Graham) called A" HAHAHAHA
And when she discovered that Naomi isn't A she said that if Hanna had thought about telling everything to the police, but she's like "It's complicated" No Hanna IS NOT! And then guess what? Apparently all of the Madison's injuries wasn't because of Hanna but of another driver and the police wants that driver and not Hanna which means that Hanna isn't guilty YUPPY!
And Hanna does another stupid thing when Aria started to say about how she's going to say everything and you guys stupidly say that you're going to support her Hanna goes "Bit we'll never get to see our families again, everyone we love will hate us" Excuse me, you were OMG Aria I'm going to support you on everything and you're not the one who's always complaining about your family? I was really upset with her
When they're literally speaking with someone on the phone because they want to tell everything Oh! Surprised! they're watching the news and suddenly appeared an announcement that says Tabitha killed by head trauma at close range which means they didn't do it and they were innocents
That shows how unnecessary drama is and how pathetic the series have come, and the were happy HAPPY! they are literally guilty of so many things, for example just ONE example, if Aria hadn't punch Tabitha will she still alive?

Ps: We're not going to talk about the amount of coincidences that happened really? Can't Naomi not be Madison's cousin, and if she is well at least the don't have to be BFF or just interact with Emily another character but no of course, the same happens with Graham that's just mere drama and not the good one
It was really a disappointed book, the worst by far and now I'm just why?
Profile Image for Hannah.
56 reviews9 followers
January 9, 2013
A typical trashy Pretty Little Liars book, where I yell at the characters for their stupidity throughout the entire thing. I sort of hate these books for being so awful, but then I need to know how it all ends, too, and so I keep reading. And, let's be honest, it's a nice little break, so read something so easy and titillating. The girls are on a cruise this time, but the book still follows the formula of the previous ones: They suspect someone who is slightly suspicious, put all their eggs in one basket, and turn up with nothing, in even worse shape than before. Sure, I'm getting tired of this process, because I know it'll end up with no more leads and one big reveal at the end to make me want to buy the next. I wish Shepard would switch up her formula a bit and get me guessing again, because at this point, I know, without a doubt, that who the girls suspect is never actually going to be A. I would be lying if I said I won't read the next one, but I'll also still stick to borrowing the book from a friend so I don't actually have to pay for something that is vastly below my reading level. (Who else do I have to blame but myself?)
Profile Image for Amanda - Cat Addict Historian.
61 reviews8 followers
August 6, 2017
I hope this is the last one!!! I love the books..

But come on The girls always hold in their secrets.

Regret it later.

Lie to the people they love.

Then it bites them in the butt.

If she were to make another book I would be forced to read it, and this journey is getting long lol!!!

Have not ever lost any interest in the books though can't wait to read it! ;)
Profile Image for Tylah Marie.
134 reviews17 followers
February 11, 2019
I enjoyed this a little bit more than the last few I’ve read! I liked that it was a whole different setting and I really liked the drama in this one! Although I’m confused as to why there is a bazillion new characters in every single book and we just are made to forget about previous characters :/
Profile Image for Ashleigh.
4 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2012
I wouldn't be surprised if Sara wrote another four after this.
3 reviews2 followers
December 6, 2012
I was really hoping this would be the last book but it's not.

Honestly speaking the main body of the book is exactly the same as the other pretty little liars book albeit some new names. Emily gets a crazy girlfriend again, Hannah is trying to be friends with the popular crowd, Spencer is running after another perfect guy and Aria is still kooky. Throw in A and you have it.
It was pointless to read the whole thing just skipping to the end of the book would have given us the only new teensy tiny twist this book has about Tabitha's murder and even that wasn't exactly earth shattering.
The books were a little hard to believe from the start but after "Wanted" they have gone on a whole new level of craziness. The girls who are supposedly the heroines of the book are 4 of the stupidest people ever. They just seem to invite trouble for themselves. I would have though they would be a little smarter after 12 books but NO. Also what I really hate is when the author seems to be stealing ideas from other places. This book focuses heavily on the concept of an A team or people working with A to make the girls lives miserable. Now where have we heard that before? Of course in the popular TV show based on the same book "Pretty little liars". Now the Tv show introduced the A team concept ages before this book came out so what does this tell us? Also the plot now seems to be following the tow of another Sara Shepard book The lying games. The girls think one person is A, spend the whole book trying to incriminate them and in the end turns out that person wasn't A.

Sara Shepard should just respectfully end the series and stop milking it.
1 review1 follower
Want to read
October 28, 2012

Profile Image for Anonymous.
4 reviews
Currently reading
December 7, 2012
Ok I want to read this the MOST of ANYONE! I talk about PLL nonstop (no joke)! I been waiting for what feels like forever to get to read this: the last PLL book (or so I think)! Sadly, I'm gonna hav to wait a bit longer, but I don't know if I can hold a grudge for that long! Uggggh! :P
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,921 reviews317 followers
December 5, 2018
It's finally happened. I have rated one of these books 1 star. But it honestly couldn't be helped. This one angered me so much that I had to force myself to finish and that's saying a lot considering how fast they are to read. I've also come to the conclusion that this book was literally here to just show off their privilege.

The girls are on a school sponsored cruise with minimal supervision - I think there's a mention of a chaperone once but you never see them. So of course, this means drinking and co-ed sleepovers because why not. On top of that, someone managed to sneak aboard this ship without being seen and hideaway for a majority of the trip. Ok, sure. So what's going on with the girls now?

Hanna: Forced to room with Naomi - a frenemy of sorts. But it turns out that Naomi isn't all that bad and Hanna soon becomes friends with her until realizing that she put Naomi's cousin in the hospital. Now all the girls believe Naomi is A and resort to snooping on her laptop and through her stuff to figure this out.
Spencer: She is now in love with some dude named Reefer (not kidding) but believes that Naomi is sabotaging her relationship because Naomi wants Reefer. This also leads to more snooping and Spencer's crazy outbursts. Including an extremely stupid plan involving stealing a life boat during an evacuation, a necklace and hidden caves.
Aria: Still with Noel even though all she does is lie to him and freak out over everything. Her mistake in Iceland is mentioned incessantly but still no details. And she gets paired up with mysterious Graham who turns out to be Tabitha's ex-boyfriend and OMG now he's A because he knows they killed Tabitha in Jamaica! But then there's an explosion on the boat and Graham was hurt so maybe he isn't A...*rolls eyes*
Emily: I saved the worst for last because OMG how I hate this character with every fiber of my being. If she's not going on and on and on and on about how much she loves Ali and how Ali is the best thing that ever happened to her and Ali is the love of her life...I'm not kidding. All this girl does is obsess over Ali. Oh and we're told for the millionth time how Emily left the door open so Ali could escape so she's probably still alive and A! So done with this story line. Anyway, Emily meets the girl who snuck on board and what do you know they have an immediate connection (like Emily does with anyone who smiles at her) and suddenly Emily is in love. Even after Emily finds out this girl lied to her about EVERYTHING and she's actually a wanted felon, Emily is like whatever I still love you and yes I will run away to Thailand with you - Guys, I'm not kidding.

These girls are just pathetic and the situations they get themselves into are ridiculous. Not gonna lie, I'm rooting for A to destroy them because none of them are very likable.
Profile Image for Barb.
13 reviews1 follower
December 19, 2012
Sorry Sara Shepard, you've lost a fan. This series has dragged on so long that I can't keep an interest in it any more. It's just the same old same old, in each book. The only things that seem to change are the secrets, lies and who's A now.
Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hannah just sound like whiny brats now, and I just can't be bothered with wasting my time any more.
I think it's time to put this series to bed already.

Even the TV series has lost my interest, they take too many breaks, and wait too long between new episodes for me to keep watching.
1 review
Want to read
July 17, 2012
Can this be the last book? It is after all the 12th one. That's longer than Harry Potter! Honestly, I don't want to still be waiting on these books when I graduate college.
Profile Image for Janelle.
2,108 reviews74 followers
January 2, 2013
I was so excited for the release of this book, marking it as the final instalment of the Pretty Little Liars series on my calendar. Then it's released and I go to check it out on Goodreads, and it turns out there are more books coming?! Seriously?! This is getting ridiculous, just finish the damn series already and given us a solid conclusion and some satisfying answers!

The new Pretty Little Liars books (meaning those released after the original 8) are becoming more and more farfetched. I mean, PLL is an outlandish farfetched concept to begin with, but at this point it's a complete joke. With Burned, I can safely say that this series now sits on the level of Kate Brian's Private series, which is the series I use as a benchmark for stupid-outlandish-plots-that-the-author-concocts-just-for-the-sake-of-publishing-more-books-and-raking-in-more-money. The Private series even had its own ridiculous Castaway book where Reed was trapped on a deserted island as part of a murder plot, and this book is the PLL equivalent of that!

The new secrets that the girls are hiding are just fucking insane. Hanna was involved in a hit and run over the summer, and had walked around for months, casually wondering if her passenger had died. A few months later she finds out that her passenger didn't die, but is now saddled with permanent mobility issues. But hey, that's no big deal in the world of the Pretty Little Liars!

As if Emily's scandalous pregnancy and entanglement with Gayle in the last novel weren't enough, in Burned she becomes romantically involved with a thief that's on the run from the FBI! And it doesn't end there - Emily seriously contemplates running away with her to Thailand, but has her plans foiled when the FBI storm the boat, and her thief girlfriend literally jumps overboard.

And let's not forget the crazy hijinks from the previous books - Hanna practically posing for child pr0n and getting caught stalking a classmate, Spencer framing her friend for drug possession and then accidentally drugging her future Princeton classmates, and Aria doing something scandalous in Iceland that we don't yet know about.

I hate that the Liars are now entangled in crimes that could land them in jail for life. It was bad enough when they'd blinded Jenna and kept quiet about it, but now they're half responsible for the murders of Tabitha and Gayle, involved in hit and runs and the framing of friends for serious crimes. I want to go back to the day where the Liars only had to worry about 'A' spilling comparatively superficial secrets, like Emily being a lesbian and Aria's dad cheating on her mother.

And it's not just the secrets themselves that are ridiculous, but the fact that the girls are supposedly holding it together during this time. If you've got a group of girls that are being tortured by a stalker, and who may have accidentally killed someone in Jamaica, how is it possible that one of them hasn't had a major breakdown already? Kate Brian's Private series might have been rubbish, but her Privilege series is on the ball with this kind of stuff. In that book we see a classmate completely go off the rails from witnessing a murder and helping to cover it up, but somehow the Liars are only a little bit stressed about the possibility that they've taken lives. WHAT THE HELL.

That being said, I'm still intrigued to find out what this Iceland secret is that Aria's keeping. Hopefully it's something a little less dumb and outlandish than accidentally-maybe murdering someone, but who am I kidding. We'll probably find out that Aria met this suuuuper cute guy who she cheated on Noel Kahn with, and who convinced her to sacrifice 18 virgins in the name of Xenu. Or Shepard will pull a Kate Brian and randomly introduce aliens or magic even though it makes NO sense.

Overall: Gahhh Sara Shepard, just end this series already! I'm no longer gripped by the mystery of A, convinced that it's a different person in each book. I don't even really care about the identity of A at this point, I just want the series to end, with a big explanation and plotarcs tied up in neat little bows. Stop dragging out this series for the sake of money, and give the readers something that's remotely satisfying. Just fucking tell us if Ali's still alive and if she's A, and how the fuck she's been managing all this. That's all we want.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Isabella.
735 reviews
September 13, 2017
Even though every time Aria, Spencer, Emily, or Hanna suspects who A is and I know it's obviously not them I can't help but try to believe so.

I loved how everything blended together and I love NOEL AND ARIA but I really want to know what the heck happened in Iceland!
Read: June 2015

Re read: September 2017
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karen.
183 reviews
January 18, 2014
Honestly, I found this book disappointing. This was supposed to be the last book in the PLL series, and we were going to find out who A is. First problem with this series is that Sara Shepard should have stopped at the eighth book. But she wants to make money, so she continues writing these 'books.'

Now let me say, I am a fan of Pretty Little Liars. I've read all 12 books and the little spin offs, like Pretty Little Secrets. I watch the tv show avidly. I await the next book release with anticipation. However, I think that the era of PLL is over, at least for the books.

The eighth book in the series, Wanted, revealed a whole complicated thing involving twins killing each other, that I'm not going to mention in detail. Then, for whatever reason, Sara Shepard, in all over brilliance thought, "hey, I should write more!" So she did, and that was the series that started with Stunning. That book was decent, but not as great as the first four.

Now Shepard has completely killed her series by making it way too complicated. Three, maybe even 4 "A"s? Tabitha might have known Ali or Courtney? Jeremy is kind of a suspicious guy? We still don't know who A is, and I feel like the girls just get further away from the actual A in every book. They thought Kelsey was A, but she wasn't. If they simply told the police, maybe they could get help and figure out who A is. The girls' problem is that they are so stupid, even Spencer, that they don't tell anyone anything, ever. They just keep doing bad things until eventually it will all come crashing down on them. I will look forward to that moment, because I don't even like the characters anymore, with the exceptions of Reefer, Emily, A, and Ali.

Pretty Little Liars is finished; its fans know it, but the author does not.

Profile Image for Lindsay .
996 reviews41 followers
December 12, 2012
I know I probably have said this about the previous 11 books, but they really are all the same. The 4 girls are all stressed out that someone (A) is going to reveal all their secrets, and yet they just keep doing more and more stuff that they dont want people to know about. I was kind of hoping this would be the last in the series (come on, 12 books is enough!), but the way it ended, you know there are going to be more. And of course I'm a sucker and will read them. This one wasnt very exciting, they all go on a cruise their school (because that would really happen in real life) and A tortures them. Same storyline, different setting.
Profile Image for Sandra Miksa.
Author 1 book93 followers
August 26, 2017
The best part about this book was that Sara Shepard completely changed the setting but still managed to pull off all the crazy events and all the A speculations. Somehow, everyone that the girls get close to or become friends with; turn out to be connected to a murder or to another deep rooted secret.

I simply love this series; it honestly gets better with each book. I'm not even upset about it being a 16 books long series. And I really love the creative liberty that was taken with this one.
Profile Image for Guillem Plà Quiles.
50 reviews9 followers
June 3, 2015
Wow, I didn't expect that last chapter. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone, but Shepard gave it a twist and changed the mechanics we've been used to so far. I looooooved that the whole plot took place in the same scenario and the creepiness that filled the air every so often. I can't wait to see what's coming.

Plus, today I was pumped because of the season six premiere, so that might have influenced my opinion... who cares? AWESOME book.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
500 reviews40 followers
March 25, 2016
Wow, Oh my gosh, this book was awesome! This book was so good and suspenseful, I couldn't put it down. I stayed up until 1:30 last night reading it because I needed to know what happens next. This is definitely my new favorite book in the series! I love this series so much and can't wait to read the next book :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 991 reviews

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