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235 pages, Kindle Edition
First published January 16, 2022
"If you do not know what you want, start with what you're most afraid of."
•What if the journey is really asking you to love a flawed person, so you might be able to love your own flaws the same way?
•Stop giving your love to those who aren’t ready to love you.
Stop having hard conversations with people who don’t want to change. Stop showing up for people who are indifferent about your presence. Stop prioritizing people who make you an option. Stop loving people who aren’t ready to love you.
•...But the longer you stay small, tucked into the familiarity of the people who use you as a cushion, a back burner option, a therapist and a ploy for their emotional labor, the longer you keep yourself out of the community you crave.
•It is not your job to show up for people and give away your life to them, little by little, moment by moment, because you pity them, because you feel bad, because you "should," because you're obligated, because, at the root of it all, you're afraid to not be liked back.
It is your job to realize that you are the master of your fate, and that you are accepting the love you think you're worthy of.
•We cannot keep running in circles and expect our lives to blossom, we have to stay where we are and have the courage to heal what’s broken within us before turning to yet another outside source to mend the manage.
•That’s all healing is, anyway. It’s realizing that your inner love is inherent to you and always has been, it’s just been buried behind doubt.
•We heal when we learn how to adjust how we show up, not how we change what we show up to
No matter where your life takes you, you are always with you- until the very end.
Nobody else can save you from yourself
•With the exception of an abrupt and sudden loss of someone you love or the closure of a company you assumed would be around forever, for example, almost anything we lose in life has often been foreshadowed for a very
long time.
It's really hard to accept this, but so important to acknowledge: almost nothing in life leaves us without purpose.
It's only a matter of when we accept this truth.
In the aftermath of the loss, you often find yourself going through the grieving process, even if you didn't actually lose a loved one.
All of these emotions are extremely valid.
It is healthy and normal to feel anger when a boundary has been crossed or you are facing some sort of injustice. It is healthy and normal to feel sad and scared when life abruptly changes and you're not sure what's next.
The longer you resist these emotions, the longer they linger.
•Everything that you were clasping so tightly to was a way in which you were shielding yourself from these emotions, many of which you’d buried so deep inside, you assumed they were gone forever.
Emotions often remain within us until they tell us what it is we need to know.
•When you imagine all of the possible outcomes for your life, the negative options probably seem more real than the positive ones. This is because of negativity bias, which is where we are inclined to believe that bad things are more real than good things, because we're more afraid of them.
Because one appears as a threat and the other doesn't, our attention naturally gravitates toward what we feel we need to be more aware of. However, it has the opposite effect of self-defense. When we believe too much in our negativity biases, we end up resisting change, taking fewer chances, and overalI adjusting to a less optimistic outlook on life.
•Extrapolation is the projection of a single experience into a long-term assumption about life.
“This moment is not your life, this is a moment in your life.”
•You will have to hold a torch for yourself first.
•You don't need to find confidence to pursue what you really love.
You just have to be willing to start.
Then you will also need to be willing to stop.
Overcorrecting is the opposite of creativity.
Overworking is not aspirational, it's an escape mechanism.
•What nobody tells you is that it’s the attachment that hurts. It’s the expectation of what it should be or would be and by when
•Sometimes, we don’t know because we can’t know. The very fact of us knowing would disrupt the timing of what is unfolding. The very fact of us knowing would prevent us from learning the lessons that are here for us today.
And those lessons? They aren’t a due we have to pay or purgatory we are being stuck in, they are the building blocks of the character of the person who is opening up to this next level of their existence. What’s here for you right now contains within it the wisdom and the growth needed to unlock the next phase.
•Your life is reaching toward you, and maybe the kindest possible thing you could do is reach back.
As time goes on, you will begin to see the magic in the process. You will begin to understand why things had to happen precisely the way they did. You will realize that if you did not have the exact experiences you had just as you had them, you would have missed out on some essential lessons and tools and pieces of wisdomn that built you into the person you are today-the person who wil keep walking you forward.
When you look back on the past, you can see the purpose in how everything unfolded, and I am here to tell you that one day, you'll see it in what's happening right now, too. You just have to keep going. One day, you are going to look back on this time and realize you were always right where you were meant to be.
•“Nobody is required to live up to my expectations of them.”
•“It is safe to let go of past experiences once I’ve extracted the lesson from them.”
•I don’t need to feel guilty over what I cannot control.”
Understanding the root of the behavior more completely will not only ensure that you change your actions going forward, but it will give you a greater sense of peace because you’re trusting in wisdom, not your impulses.
•It’s not that you’re not trying hard enough, but that you’re too attached to things that aren’t right for you.
•If you want to be in a completely different place by this time next year, you're going to have to get honest with yourself. You're going to have to stop using busy-ness as a distraction, you’re going to have to replace quantity with quality, you’re going to have to do some soul-searching, and you’re going to have to learn to prioritize what your future self will thank you for.