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436 pages, Kindle Edition
First published July 13, 2019
Because there are two main couples in this series, you’ll find at least ONE couple you want to root for. One couple is soft and forbidden while the other is toxic and angsty. There is definitely something for everyone. Best case scenario you’ll love them both.
Because there are two main couples in this series, the chances can also be high that you’ll find ONE couple extremely frustrating/annoying/boring. From what I’ve observe, everyone got that one couple they are reading this series for, while they feel kinda meh or alright about the other one.
➷ one of the most supportive & wholesome sibling bonds, sisters who would do anything for each other! Darcy & Tory are the opposite but there is no rivalry and they complement each other so well
➷ bromances that make you wish you had a dick to be included in the club
➷ characters you’ll loathe at first, but learn to love
➷ character development, this point is pretty much connected to the previous one, but needed to be said
➷ enemies that become family!! you can't see the vision in the first book yet and even if book 1 isn't for you bc of the bullying aspect, I'd tell you to keep going until at least book 2 and 3.
➷ rollercoaster of emotions that make you want to flush your e-reader down the toilet or smash your phone against a wall, your pick
➷ do you like drugs? yes? cause this series has CRACK in it
➷ beautiful and eloquent writing, the writing is rather immature and wattpadish
➷ humor that is for everyone .. i’m only saying Faes using Faebook and driving Faerarris #faentastic
➷ fast paced plot, this series is 100% character and relationship driven
#0.5 Zodiac Academy: Origins of an Academy Bully (novella takes places a couple of years before the main story and gives a small outlook into Orion & Darius' past)
#1 The Awakening
#2 Ruthless Fae
#3 The Reckoning
#4 Shadow Princess
#5 Cursed Fates
#6 Fated Throne
#7 Heartless Sky
#8 Sorrow and Starlight
#9 -
↳ Foxy Tales (highly recommend to read this to see Orion's POV chapter from the pool scene + sex ed class and Darius POV chapter from the power sharing scene + first time sex with Tory)
↳ #5.5 The Big A.S.S. Party (Max & Geraldine's POV)
↳ #5.6 Seth on the Moon
↳ #1.5 The Awakening as Told by the Boys (retelling of book 1 of ZA from Orion + the heirs POV, best read after reading the main series and earliest after Fated Throne)
"Everything in Solaria is about power, Miss Vega. Don't forget that. Everyone takes what they want. It's our way. And if you don't start taking it yourself, you're going to fail at this Academy before you've even attempted to pass The Reckoning."
I lifted my chin and the air became thick between us. "One day, Professor, I'm going to be strong enough to fight you off."
He took a measured breath and I felt like he was sucking something vital out of my body that I wasn't sure I'd ever get back.
"I know," his eyes glittering. "But until that day, you're mine, Blue."
Tears never did anyone any favours, but sometimes they just needed to fall.
"Miss Vega if you're not standing up in the next three seconds, you're going to regret it," Orion barked.
"Which Vega?" Tory asked, barely concealing her jibing tone.
Orion's eyes snapped to her. "The one who has tried to individualise herself by dying the ends of her hair blue. It has failed by the way."
"Oh come on Professor as if you don't love having a bunch of girls drooling over you," Tyler called out from the front row, shoving a hand into his blonde-tipped hair to mess it up.
Orion rose from his seat, wandeirng casually towards the boy with a smile that said he was thoroughly amused. The guy grinned from ear to ear as Orion reached out to him. In a surge of movement, he cracked Tyler's head against his desk and the entiere class inhaled as his smile fell away.
and it wasn't that bad.
I am totally kidding. It was AWFUL. Jesus Christ, possibly one of the worst books I have ever read. But not THE worst book... (cries in flock and exodus)
Tory and Darcy are torn out of the human world and thrown into this gossip girl school for paranormal bully creatures because BAM, they have powers and are the real heirs to the throne of SOLARIA. Also they're twins.
No, this is not a Winx Club episode, and for the first 10 chapters I was fuming thinking this was a copy of one of my favorite cartoons of all times but they actually didn't go that far.
Let's start with the fact that this book was sold to me as a: TEACHER-STUDENT BULLY ROMANCE.
There was bullying allright.
You guys know me, I am a sucker for bully romance and teacher-student tropes. I thought this was going to be super hot, I also adore urban fantasies and this had the perfect recipe. Until the main characters were coerced by their classmates to do the chicken dance in front of that said teacher.
The actual chicken dance. I wish I was joking.
Bully Romances are supposed to be intelligent and demeaning in a hot way, not in a: "I wish I could jump off a building from second hand embarrassment way." I thought the teacher was going to insult her intelligence, not laugh about her flapping her arms like wings.
I am not going to lie, if people weren't waiting for me to write this review I probably would have DNFED right there, but I kept going.
They throw EVERYTHING your way. We have unicorns, dragons, vampires, sirens, werewolves, hydras, harry potter house points (which I learned to ignore)
you are going to have to learn to ignore a lot of things if you want to read this series.
For the first 60% of the book I was so bored and confused, that I decided to play a game. "Take a shot every time someone gets bit in the neck FOR NO DAMN REASON."
My family is officially concerned. I have an AA meeting next week.
The entire plot of this book feels like someone took all the stories you started coming up with after you got your first Ken Doll in third grade.
*throws both barbie and ken across the room*
There is ZERO sex, no spice, public humiliation without any emotional return and at certain point you start feeling STUPID for reading this.
Then you get to 65%. If you got this far, you are a war hero.
That's when they inject you with the same drug they inject Grey's Anatomy fans to make sure they watch all seasons.
The train wreck you cant stop watching. Zodiac academy actually gives you compelling characters, and I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM SAYING THIS: a world building that makes you feel like you're on crack but it makes sense because it is atmospheric. OH and hot bully dudes who will break your heart.
You spend enough time in the madhouse, you start talking to the walls too.
It's Alice in Wonderland all over again. Yes, I am Alice. I don't wanna go among mad people but I feel like I've been dosed heavily with LSD and there's not much I can do at this point.
I will be reading the second book and I hate all of you for it.
3 stars for entertainment.
PS: Please read this like a comedy, and think of every possible trigger warning in the book before you jump in.
Orion shook his head, his face painted with disappointment. “I thought you of all the Heirs were better than your parents.”
"Orion is so hot,” Kylie whispered, her voice carrying to my ears.
"Yeah and he knows it." The girl beside her smothered a laugh.
"He does know it, because he has Vampire hearing." Orion looked up from his desk, pinning them in his sharp gaze.
"But until that day, you're mine, Blue.”
"Your real parents swapped you with the twins born to that couple."
"That's not true. You're insane. Why would they do that?"
"My guess? You were in danger," he said with a shrug. "Or maybe you just annoyed them as much as you're annoying me right now and they decided to swap you for less irritating twins."
Orion turned to the board, writing on it with his digital pen.
"Miss Vega if you're not standing up in the next three seconds, you're going to regret it," Orion barked.
"Which Vega?" Tory asked, barely concealing her jibing tone.
Orion's eyes snapped to her. "The one who has tried to individualise herself by dying the ends of her hair blue. It has failed by the way."
”The most important thing I’d learned in life? You can’t trust people. And you especially can’t trust boys with wicked smiles and equally wicked intentions.”
omg??? this book was actually so interesting and intriguing, if i didn’t have to study, i would’ve eaten this up in two days.
since lots of ppl don’t know whether to start this series or not, this review will be completely SPOILER-FREE.
︵‿︵‿୨♡ about the b o o k ♡୧‿︵‿
this story follows Tory and Darcy, twin sisters and orphans. they just turned 18 and escaped their last foster family. they don’t have much money and we know since the very first chapter that both tory and darcy try to earn money from illegal action.
one night, tory meets professor orion. he explains to her that they’re from another world and they must attend the zodiac academy (basically Hogwarts), where they’ll have an inheritance and a roof on their heads.
now, i feel like i should explain a couple of things that might make you interested in this series.
the new world to which tory and darcy are going, is a fae world (don’t think about neither tog nor acotar), called solaria. the fae ppl are divided in orders (vampires, werewolves, sirens, dragons etc…) and every person belongs to one. they also have powers which are basically 4 elements (fire, water, earth and air): a person can have one, or max 2 elements.
that said, i should say how the school works.
there are ofc the 4 houses (one for each element), with a captain. everyone has an atlas, which is an ipad/iphone with apps and shit. they get every morning their horoscope and they also have an app called faebook—a social network slay— which is hilarious if you think about it. but basically they’re all ipad kids.
another interesting thing is that the buildings in school are named after the planets.
okay, i think this is all you need to know, the amount of info is enough to make you intrigued in this series!!
this book has very long ass chapters, so prepare yourselves bc some chapters are 40 minutes long. criminal, i know.
but the writing is good, very colloquial so it’s not hard to follow; it’s basically told by 18yo, so it’s pretty simple.
the pace is pretty fast. and even tho the chapters are long, the story is captivating enough that you don’t get bored or annoyed by the length. a lot happens, but at the same time you have enough time to learn about the magic system, the world building etc…
★ tropes ★
this is a fantasy/bully romance.
so yeah, the vega sisters have hot enemies/bullies.
even tho, it’s also a romance, this has no romance whatsoever at least til 87% of the book. so don’t expect an insta love or something bc you’ll be disappointed. and i wouldn’t consider it a slow burn either. i’m pretty sure we’ll see more of the romance part in the other books, but so far it’s almost nonexistent.
now, let’s talk about the characters really quick.
➼ tory is badass but with a hint of fear that makes her even more relatable. she’s more extrovert than her sister and she always speaks up for her and darcy. she’s also interested in fashion and buy clothes for both of them.
idk much about her to fully describe her and convince you to love her. just know that she’s my fav twin so far.
➼ darcy is calm as the water and her blue hair. she’s an introvert, she definitely has trust issues and she’s the kind of person that always feels bad or guilty about treating badly others.
she’s an early bird and the kind of girly who reads horoscope every morning.
i really liked her but not as much as tory. but she’s cool nonetheless!
➼ professor orion is a professor of the school (duh). he’s the one who came to the mortal world to pick up the vega sisters. he’s mysterious and sus asf. and ofc he’s also hot asf.
★ the celestial heirs ★
“Max Rigel,” (the dark skinned demi-god). “Caleb Altair,” (the blonde haired beaux next door), “Darius Acrux,” (my sin-filled fantasy). “And Seth Capella,” (the long haired lothario).”
“Fire focus, House Ignis. We aren't for the faint of heart.
“Earth focus, House Terra. And terror is exactly what you'll get if you don't fit in.”
“Air focus, House Aer. Life with us is a breeze.”
“Water focus, House Aqua. My house is for those who have what it takes to face the deadly sea of life in Zodiac without flinching.”
overall, this book was really amazing. it kept me interested from the beginning to the last page. the story is intriguing and keeps you curious all throughout the book with the Falling Star mysterious identity.
i’d definitely recommend this series so far, even tho it’s really long, i think it’s worth a try.
onto the next!!💋
Yes, my newfound power had overwhelmed me but I couldn’t deny just how good it felt as it writhed beneath my skin. It made me feel fearless, powerful, unstoppable. Every dream I’d ever had suddenly seemed irrelevant. The world held so much more than it ever had. And it was ready for Darcy and I to take our places amongst it.
His face was cut from my very own personal fantasy, as if someone had delved into my deepest desires and drawn them into strong angles and perfect temptation made just for me.
“Where I’m from I found out the hard way that this life will throw all kinds of crap at you, but the one thing you don’t have to accept is other people’s bullshit.”
Tears never did anyone any favours, but sometimes they just needed to fall.
“I'm not shy, you're just so far beyond my personal boundaries right now I can't even see them anymore.”
There was no way in hell I’d be ending up in his bed tonight. I was at least sixty-seven percent certain of that.
Because despite the fact that Darius Acrux was a complete and utter asshole who had made it his mission to make my life a living hell, he was still my exact brand of temptation.
I knew I was difficult to love but I didn’t think I was entirely unlovable.
“Earth to Darcy, please tell me you're not interested in that perro?”
I didn't answer. Partly because I didn't know what perro meant, but also because I didn't know what the answer was.
Don’t trust the flames. Claim your throne. - Falling Star
“Don’t underestimate the depths of vengeance. My sister and I have more power than the lot of you, and you’d be fools to think we won’t remember what we went through while we were getting to grips with handling it.”
“Blue, you’re with me.” He pointed at me and I scowled at the nickname.
I lifted my chin and the air became thick between us. “One day, Professor, I'm going to be strong enough to fight you off.”
He took a measured breath and I felt like he was sucking something vital out of my body that I wasn’t sure I’d ever get back.
“I know,” he said, his eyes glittering. “But until that day, you're mine, Blue.”
“Do you want me and my sister dead?” His eyes softened, running over my face with the faintest of frowns. “No, Blue. I don't.”