Following in the tradition of Clive Cussler and Matthew Reilly, Andy McDermott takes us a roller-coaster ride in search of the legendary Atlantis. Archaeologist Nina Wilde believes she has found the location of the lost city of Atlantis and now she wants the opportunity to prove her theory. Someone else though wants her dead! With the help of ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase and beautiful heiress Kari Frost, Nina faces a breakneck race against time around the world, pursued at every step by agents of the mysterious -- and murderous -- Brotherhood of Selasphoros. From the jungles of Brazil to the mountains of Tibet, from the streets of Manhattan to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the hunt for Atlantis leads to a secret hidden for 11,000 years -- which in the wrong hands could destroy civilization as we know it...
Andy McDermott was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and now lives in Bournemouth. As a journalist and magazine editor, amongst other titles he edited DVD Review and the iconoclastic film publication Hotdog. Andy is now a full-time writer.
Who hasn't heard of the legend of Atlantis?And who among us hasn't speculated even a tinsy bit whether it was real or not and if real where did it exist? Plato described Atlantis and inadvertently created one of the biggest mysteries of all time. No one can guess what the truth is unless we finally make a time machine. And this is what drives humanity, our need to know and this book plays on that need beautifully.
For my romance-lover friends, if you want flaming passion and torrid affairs look elsewhere. This is an adventure book throughout. We do have a couple in the making but amidst all the action, the death defying stunts there is little time for love. There's banter and some looks but mostly relentless action. I felt like I got dropped in the middle of an Indiana Jones movie and I didn't want to leave the set.
Nina Wilde has a theory about the location of Atlantis and tries to persuade a committee to fund an expedition to explore the area but is rejected. When she arrives home she receives a phone call from a famous philanthropist wanting to discuss her theory. Things quickly turn surreal for Nina after that. Unknown men trying to kill her, a stranger rescuing her, a billionaire and his daughter truly believe in her theory and the Brotherhood trying to destroy everything.
Eddie Chase All I could picture after a dangerous car chase was Indiana Jones minus the hat and whip. Then the train chase just cemented the image. Eddie Chase is hired as a bodyguard for Nina, he has numerous acquaintances all over, deadly accurate with a gun, plenty of comebacks and a knack for avoiding death.
Don't expect in-depth analysis of the characters or too many personal details. This was a relentless, high speed race to discover Atlantis and avoid death. Action packed doesn't even describe it. Multiple twists most of which I saw coming hence the deduction of half a star. But even though I guessed the twists, the explanation and description of Atlantis was so attention grabbing I didn't care much. It was a hold-your-breath-will-they-make-it-or-wont-they from the first pages until the end.
A definite must-read for adventure lovers. And food for thought for all those who still wonder where Atlantis could be.
The Hunt for Atlantis is rip-roaring treasure hunting adventure that keeps the fans of this genre on their toes. Andy McDermott doesn't bother trying to be 'literary'. He just writes a fun book here. When a reader goes into this book, they should keep that in mind. McDermott also keeps the narrative and plot in service of his goal of providing an exciting adventure. While he doesn't take himself too seriously, I think that the history and archaeology aspects were realistic, and the science seemed solid.
The characters keep you guessing. I loved the way he sets up the first meet between Nina and Eddie. Eddie is the guy you didn't expect to be Nina's future bodyguard. Eddie breaks the stereotypes of the action hero right down the middle. And I loved him for that. He's such a character, always cracking jokes and not afraid to look silly in the process. I liked that he does use levity to get through some tough situations. But at the end of the day, he can kick butt like nobody's business.
Nina is definitely an egg-head and she's in over her head, but you see her growth as the novel goes along. She realizes that discovering Atlantis has greater implications than she might have thought, and it puts her obsession (one that was also her parents') into perspective. For someone who was never around actual physical danger, she does quite well, and no one can doubt her courage. I liked the chemistry between them. It develops naturally for two people who spend so much time together and go through so much.
Kari Frost was an interesting character. I didn't like her that much at first. She was too everything: too rich, too beautiful, too physically perfect. That doesn't really change, but you come to realize that she is much like Galatea. She has become what her father created her to be. It makes you sad, because you realize how much wasted potential was there. While McDermott doesn't spend a lot of time on character development, you have plenty of pages to get to know these people through the story unfolding.
I was suspicious of the Frosts from the beginning. I think it's because I've become cynical. I couldn't help wondering what their endgoal was. Also, I admit the unlimited resources struck me as being kind of sinister. You have to keep reading to see where the author is going here, and in some ways that was surprising. It sort of takes us full circle.
I liked how McDermott continually flips things around with our perceptions of the characters' motivations. I was surprised at how the loyalties and alliances shift, but it was naturalistic.
One thing I didn't like was
As far as the adventure, that was very well done. This book is almost non-stop adventure, but in a good way. While McDermott doesn't hit the Matthew Reilly level of awesomeness to me, he is a good choice when I want to read for another series with lots of action and treasure hunting, fun characters, and well-integrated tidbits about ancient civilizations. The violence does get bloody at times, but not excessively gory, which is an issue for this reader.
Summing up, I didn't have high expectations for this book initially. I'm glad that I gave it a chance, because I found it quite enjoyable. I think Eddie is a standout character. McDermott takes some chances with him, and veers away from the stereotype of an action hero in a very enjoyable way. The chemistry between Eddie and Nina was good and it adds to the fun of the novel. McDermott throws plenty of twists and turns in the novel and keeps it from being too predictable. While some fussy readers would consider The Hunt for Atlantis low brow, I enjoyed it. It delivers on action, thrills, has some very funny dialogue and scenes, and gave me some main characters to root for. I'd recommend it to fans of action/adventure and those of us who wanted to be Indiana Jones when we grew up.
McDermott had a great idea for a novel but he managed to ruin it with bad writing, a predictable, conventional plot and characters that were even more conventional and predictable than the plot. Besides the plain and ordinary "easy to identify with" heroine with no super skills there was her professional mercenary protector, a classic annoying person - a character one knew from the first appearance was going to die for being so bloody annoying - and this unbeatable Indiana-Jones-on-amphetamine character who besides being an archaeologist, an architect and a martial arts ace is also spectacular with guns, an awesome acrobat and a designer of special diving suits - err, really realistic ...NOT. I've seen the same characters under other names in countless books (and films) and nothing made McDermott's characters stand out. Well written characters become the reader's friends but McDermott's characters left me cold and uncaring about their faiths.
I got the feel this was a soulless mass prodct, not the writer's work of love. With so many good thrillers and competition out there I'm amazed someone actually consented to publish something this weak. It's sad the book is so bad because all the ideas pertaining to Atlantis - the search, the clues, the history - were really convincing (to a person with no previous knowledge about Atlantis theories). It's just that all the good stuff ended there.
Really disappointing. One-dimensional characters with no personalities, too much action and for a book about Atlantis, there is very little about Atlantis. Reads like a bad action movie.
I don't know this Andy McDermott, but he's merciless, because this book grabs hold of you on page 43, jams both thumbs right into your windpipe, and doesn't let up for a second until it ends. This is one serious thrill-ride of a story!
Archeologist Nina Wilde has been searching for Atlantis since her parents died years before in their search for it. Although she keeps being told Atlantis is a myth, she's convinced it's real, and more than that, she's certain she knows where to find it. Unfortunately, her university has no interest in funding an expedition to let her prove it.
Enter reclusive billionaire Kristian Frost. Frost's representative contacts her and asks her to go with him to meet Frost and discuss the possibility of funding her expedition. Nina thinks she's gotten lucky - until the "representative" tries to kill her!
She's saved by ex-SAS agent Eddie Chase, who REALLY works for Frost and takes her to meet him at his remote home and labratory in Norway.
Soon Nina, Frost's daughter Kari, Chase and others are off on the hunt to find Atlantis. Unfortunately, a shadowy group known as the Brotherhood is determined to keep them from locating Atlantis, and will stop at nothing, including murder, to keep Atlantis lost.
If you like Matthew Reilly, this book is for you. The action, excitement and close calls are non-stop, and the combination of the action with the historical and archeological backdrop makes for an excellent read! Literally, I'm not sure I exhaled during the last 200 pages of the book there were so many moments where you're sure the good guys are dead and you can't imagine how they'll get out of this.
Something else I liked is that McDermott clearly knows about all the action stuff he writes, because there were numerous points where something was happening and I said to mysef: "that's impossible because of 'x'" and then he explains why it COULD happen that way, so even though much of what goes on couldn't be pulled off by us normal people, these former military-commando-types can actually do these things. I like that the story isn't SO far out that it is completely unbelieveable.
The pace of the book is really fast but it's also an easy, engaging read and the characters and the plot are just terrific. Highly recommend it, and I will definitely check out others in this series.
I have read some good things about this author. He is a former movie critic (thumbs up on that) and seems to be a well reviewed new action writer. Okay, I’ll bite. But before I spend $5.99 on a single Kindle version I will sneak over to the used bookstore (now located at the flea market, go figure) and buy his first THREE novels for $5. If I don’t like the other two novels, I can line the litter box with them (many a dreadful book has ended up as cat poop catcher).
The description of the book brings you in, the prolog gets you hooked and then from there it is basically an Indiana Jones wanna-be. Keeping that in mind it is somewhat enjoyable.
The concept of the book is great with a fresh look at the myth of Atlantis. However, there were WAY, WAY too many action scenes and most were unbelievable; more likely written in the hopes of this being picked up by Hollywood to turn into a film or more likely a Saturday night SyFy movie. I would have to agree with one reviewer who wrote that "Either research isn't Mr. McDermott's strong suit, he thinks his readers are stupid, or he simply doesn't care, but what he wrote displays a complete lack of understanding of the laws of physics, fluid dynamics, and several other sciences."
By the end of the book you find yourself so tired of the ridiculous action scenes that you want to just give up and toss the book out the window. I found myself skipping over most of those by the end; looking for the meat of what the writer was attempting to write. The last action scene with the motorcycle and the plane... (sigh) perhaps it would work in the movies but not so much reading it and trying to picture it in your mind; no matter how much of an imagination you have. I like action but this was just too much and too farfetched. Most action scenes were so poorly written it was more confusing than anything. There was no breathing room between these ludicrous scenes to catch your breath and get to know the characters better.
This could have been a great book if the writer would have cut out some of the superciliousness, added more dialogue, and did some research. Due to the concept of the story line I kept reading the book hoping for more on the myth verses focusing on the action.
That said, will I read the next two books? Well yes. Some reviewer said the author improves and the books get better. Looks like I will have to use ‘Decision Points’ for the litter box this week.
DO NOT start reading this, thinking of it as a book, or you will be greatly disappointed. Take it more, as a script, for a really bad action / adventure movie. Spoiler Alert !!!! Here's the synopsis : Secret society A and B hate each other and there's an Atlantis based mysterious plot, with a touch of nazism.
So now that you understand, what you got yourself into, enters naïve (doesn't know she's beautiful type of girl) but brilliant academic student Nina Wilde. She dedicates her to life to continuing the work of her tragically deceased parents... finding Atlantis.
Let's talk about the characters. You have Chase, Nina's love interest, who is an ex British SAS agent (the acronym means that he can do everything), he's handsome, manly, he farts and make sex jokes but it's cute because he's got a British accent. He's employed by the mighty wealthy Frost family to protect Nina. Later on, we meet Kari Frost (who seriously needs an acronym), daughter extraordinaraire, she's got more beauty than a Victoria secret model and more brains than Einstein. She could probably take on Bruce Lee and and Rambo and kick their asses. Everything she puts on is designed to make her look elegantly sexy, even an armored diving suit. Kristian Frost (yeah they are into the Kardashian thing) father and ruler of secret society B of which there are only two members, him and his daughter. He is the "subtle" Hitler parallel of the story. And there's the Rich and Ruthless Vilain of secret society A, Qobra.
I think this must be one of Michael Bay's script, there are gunfights and explosions all around the world for no good reasons and plot twists seen so far ahead they don't deserve to be mentioned. The only thing you can believe in paradoxically, is the Atlantean culture. The descriptions of their buildings and history is convincing enough. The rest of the story is forgettable.
I'm off to re-read the Song of Ice and Fire series to remind myself what a good writer is all about.
Eli jos olet norjalainen, blondi sekä hyvä matikassa ja logiikassa, olet todennäköisesti atlantilaisten jälkeläinen. No, norjalainen en ole enkä myöskään hyvä matikassa, mutta blondi kyllä ja logiikassa varsin kohtuullinen... joten olisin mahdollisesti ikään kuin puoliksi atlantilaisten jälkeläinen? Ehkäpä ne atlantilaisgenomit ovat myös tänne Suomeen eksyneet. Vähän siistiä. Tai sitten ei.
Tämän tyyppinen kirjallisuus, jossa lähdetään selvittelemään vuosituhansien takaisia historiallisia myyttejä ja mysteerejä ovat minulle todellinen guilty pleasure. Koska en Dan Brownin kirjoja halua lukea, haen näitä halpoja adrenaliinipiikkejä sitten jostain muualta. Tällä kertaa vuoronsa sai Andy McDermott, joka toimitti tehtävänsä varsin mallikkaasti laatuunsa (tai kenties sen puutteeseen) nähden.
Olipa kirja täynnä vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita. Melkoisen kioskikirjamainen ja kaavamainen, mutta viihdyttävä ja mukaansa tempaava. Kesti aikansa lämmetä hahmoille, mutta kyllä se siitä kun vauhtiin päästiin. Vähän kyllä välillä repeilin juonen ja hahmojen älyvapaudelle sekä pyörittelin silmiä kaikille niille "kuinka sopivasti nyt taas sattui tämä näin..."-hetkille. Mutta tiesinhän minä mitä olin lukemassa joten en kai mitään huikean nerokkaita suorituksia juonikuvioiden kannalta voinutkaan odottaa.
Suurin ongelmani tämän kirjan suhteen olivat liian tiuhaan tapahtuvat toimintakohtaukset ja kuinka absurdeja sekä ne että miespääsankarimme Eddie Chase ovat. Viimeinen toimintakohtaus kesti kymmeniä sivuja (puhutaan tyyliin viidestäkymmnestä) yhteen putkeen ja se oli todella uuvuttavaa luettavaa. Myönnän skippailleeni sivun siellä ja toisen täällä, koska en jaksanut lukea sitä miten järisyttävän vaarallinen ja jännitävä tilanne oli meneillään tai millainen terminaattori Chase oli. Chase muuten oli kuin MacGyverin, Jack Bauerin ja James Bondin yhteinen rakkaudenhedelmä, jota ei pysäytä mikään - ei luodit, ei pudotus kalliolta, ei painepuvun hajoaminen kilometrin parin syvyydessä merenpohjassa, ei useamman pommin räjäytys eikä tonnien painoiset kivenmurikat satelemassa niskaan. En oikein pidä liian voittamattomista hahmoista.
Olen erittäin varma, että tämän sarjan parissa vielä jatkan. Toinen osa odotteleekin jo yöpöydällä.
I was in the mood for a thrilling adventure book, so I decided to try out Andy McDermott's "Hunt for Atlantis". Exciting and full of action? Yes. Believable? Not even close. Entertaining? Enough. Although it won't be known as a classic, it did it's job well enough.
The following may or may not contain spoilers:
Nina Wilde is the daughter of two dead parents who spent their adult life hunting for the lost city of Atlantis. Nina has the financial aid of a billionaire by the name of Frost, and the physical help of his beautiful daughter Kari and UK bodyguard Eddie Chase. The hunt will lead them from Iran, to Brazil, to Tibet uncovering secrets and dodging villains along the way!
I like the first half of the book, but it became a bit bizarre and unbelievable as the story went on. Also there are way too many "close calls" and I also found much of the plot highly predictable. None of the "twists" surprised me. However, I didn't expect a brilliant specimen of literature; so this book did hold up it's end of the bargain with it's entertainment factor. I have yet to decide if I will want to continue this series, or just leave it behind with Atlantis (haha!).
Archaeologist Nina Wilde thinks she’s found the location of the lost city of Atlantis. With the help of a rich person and ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase she travels the world to find it. But people want her dead. There’s a mysterious brotherhood who want to find Atlantis first. They think it contains something that could lead to a new world order, which they would like to be in charge of.
It’s a techno thriller treasure hunt with solid characters as protagonists. It’s fast-paced and completely over the top with the action scenes, fully embracing its pulp fiction origins. Highly enjoyable if you like this sort of book.
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Αποφάσισα κι εγώ να μεταφέρω τις κριτικές μου και τα σχόλια, σιγά σιγά σε ομάδες στο διαδίκτυο. Ξεκινώντας από το facebook. Ψάχνοντας την αμεσότητα, την ανοιχτή συζήτηση. Την συμμετοχή όσων μας ενώνει το κοινό μας χόμπυ.
Slightly balding with a gap toothed grin.. And an infectious sense of humour.. Oh I loved Eddie Chase!! The whole.. Twisted Treasure Hunt (as one would rather call it)was beautifully decorated with meaningful action and witty humor to link crisply spaced out History. The pace was almost unrelenting in terms of claiming your undivided attention. All of this.. And yet not losing the ultimate goal of historical fiction.. Describing the legend of Atlantis and its surrounding theories to its impatient readers at appropriately spaced intervals. All in all.. A good read if you want to get hooked onto something for hours!!
Re: Nina Wilde, a... researcher, or professor, or something, thinks she knows where Atlantis is! But her college says Poo-Poo. Lucky for her, trillionaire Frost is very interested in finding it too, and sends her off, accompanied by the supposedly charming and mysterious Brit, Eddie Chase and overly talented Kari Frost. But Atlantis is being pursued by another hardcore rich dude and there may be more to Frost's interest than just uncovering a long lost civilization...
Outstanding: Action, action, action! Non-stop and often creative. The buildings of the Atlanteans are vividly described.
Unacceptable: The witty comments and charming barbs here fall totally flat, with comments about Eddie not being able to talk about doing something supposedly daring getting old really fast. And making clever references to films, only to have the exact thing happen 3 minutes later is.... Well, it's stupid, that's what.
Summary: I was really hoping for a book reminiscent of early James Rollins here and got a pale imitation. It took me forever to slog through it - and McDermott's constant use of the dash - like for every paragraph - got on my nerves. I'll check out his later books because he does have a way with a creative action scene and I love a good adventure novel, but this was a disappointment.
I won this book on Goodreads. The promo blurb sounded interesting, hence my signing up to win. Unfortunately, not one of my favorite novels. The basic story was pretty good. Dr. Nina Wilde is determined that Atlantis really existed and is trying to continue the quest to find it that ultimately took the lives of her parents. The clues that are used to move the story along were interesting; using modern technology, places and things that were easy to use as references. But, reading this was sort of like watching Indiana Jones, James Bond, and a mystery - all at the same time. Oh, and throw in the overused f-word a couple of times each page. I am not being prudish, but I got really tired of reading it. [Does this author know any other swear words? Really.:] At times the dialogue was okay, but other times it was quite flat and amateurish. Mr. McDermott is very fond of exclamation points!!! [overused as well:], and vivid descriptions of body parts being blown apart. Mostly I got tired of, "Oh, this person is going to die - nope, just made you think so", over and over. I think that with some serious editing, especially of language and gore, it could have been a fairly interesting mystery. To be honest, if I hadn't won it- I may not have read past the prologue.
I gave up - it's poorly written, with too many exclamation points & a heroine who is too dumb to live, let alone have a PhD - I mean, really, does she think the hero's going to hand her an activated grenade after he's just saved her life (yes, it's a live grenade, no, it's not going to blow up)?
চমৎকার একটা অ্যাডভেঞ্চার বই পড়লাম বহুদিন বাদে। এমনিতে আমার অ্যাডভেঞ্চার কাহিনী ভালো লাগে না কারন তাতে এমন সব গাঁজাখুরি তত্ত্ব কিংবা অ্যাকশন থাকে যে গল্পের গরু মোটামুটি মগডাল পেরিয়ে আকাশ ছুঁতে চায়। কিন্তু এই বইটা ভালো লাগার কারন গল্প গাঁজাখুরি হলেও তাতে মিথোলজি, অ্যাডভেঞ্চার, অ্যাকশনের মিশ্রণ ভালো ছিল।
কাহিনীতে যাই। আর্কিওলজিস্ট নিনা ওয়াইল্ডের বাবা হেনরি আর মা লরা আছেন তিব্বতে, হিমালয়ের পাদদেশে। হারিয়ে যাওয়া আটলান্টিস সভ্যতার নিশ্চিত সন্ধান পেয়েছেন তারা। এমন সময় জিওভান্নি কোবরাসের নেতৃত্বের গুপ্ত সঙ্ঘ ব্রাদারহুড অফ সেলারফোর্স মেরে ফেলে তাদেরকে। বহু বছর পর নিনা নিজেও নিশ্চিত হয় আটলান্টিসের হারানো এক ঠিকানার সন্ধান পেয়েছে সে কিন্তু ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে সরাসরি খারিজ করে দেয়া হয় সেই প্রস্তাব। এমন সময় নরওয়েভিত্তিক ফ্রস্ট ফাউন্ডেশন সেধে এসে রাজি হয় এক্সপিডিশনের যাবতীয় খরচা এবং সহায়তা দেয়ার জন্য। সাবেক মার্সেনারি এডি চেজ এবং ক্রিস্টিয়ান ফ্রেস্টের মেয়ে ক্যারি ফ্রস্টের সাথে শুরু হয় নিনার অভিযান। শুরু হয় ফ্রস্ট ফাউন্ডেশন আর ব্রাদারহুডের এক অলিখিত যুদ্ধ। এ যুদ্ধে কে জয়ী হলো তা বই পড়ে জেনে নিন।
বইয়ের কাহিনীর পাশাপাশি আমার ভালো লেগেছে জোনাথন স্টার্কম্যান আর ক্যারি ফ্রস্টকে। বিশেষ করে ক্যারির চরিত্রে অ্যাঞ্জেলিনা জোলি কিংবা জেনিফার লরেন্সকে খুব মানাতো ❤️❤️ কেন যে এইসব কাহিনী নিয়ে মুভি হয় না! খুবই এনজয় করেছি ধুন্ধুমার অ্যাকশনে ভর্তি বইটা। রেকমেন্ডেড।
পুনশ্চঃ বইটা এতখানি সুস্বাদু হওয়ার পেছনের কারিগর আদনান আহমেদ রিজনকে ধন্যবাদ না দিলেই নয়। চমৎকার বললেও তার অনুবাদকে কম বলা হবে। ব্রাভো।
So, its not that this was bad, but it had no depth. This was a combination of Indiana Jones meets Disney's Atlantis, but not in a good way. I like to read, because movies in general don't hold a candle to books. They are stripped down and don't carry the weight that a book has.(most of the time) In this case, I would have rather watched Disney's Atlantis, which is way better. I would have liked this book when I was in junior high. So, that's the problem for me. Remove some cursing and its a juvenile book. In fact, I am currently reading chapter books out loud to my kids that have more depth in their characters than this does. The "roller coaster" ride that's described in the blurb is the MC's being kidnapped and chased.
A question that has been in the minds of many, one of them is the young, smart archaeologist Nina Wilde.
Having been obsessed with its existence for all her life - literally, as she was taken along with her archaeologist parents obsessed with the same search, the same search that claimed their lives - and claiming to know the exact location of Atlantis, Nina proposes her research to the University. Devastated when faced with the University panel's rejection, she immediately jumps at an offer given out of the blue by a world-famous Norwegian billionaire, Kristian Frost.
With an orichalcum sextant arm cum map in hand and Plato's dialogues in mind, together with Frost's daughter Kari and an ex-SAS bodyguard Eddie Chase, Nina Wilde goes through all kinds of obstacle to find Atlantis. Dealing with an illicit trader in Iraq, making first contact with an indigenous tribe in the deep rainforest of Brazil by the Amazon River, nearly crushed by gazillions of barb-wired spike and face lust-for-blood caimans in a replica of Poseidon Temple, fighting for life in a perilous deep-sea diving adventure in the Gulf of Cadiz, trekking the freezing Himalayas… You name it. And the obstacles get even more life threatening, thanks to the involvement of the Brotherhood of Selasphoros, who has its own agenda in stopping them to find the site.
The Hunt for Atlantis is a fast-paced, globetrotting, curious adventure that is hard to put down. I find it so hard to contain myself from sneaking a quick look at the last page *grins* but YAY!, I made it! Though I can't help thinking "this-is-so-Indiana-Jones-plus-James-Bond-plus-Lara-Croft-kind-of-adventure", Andy McDermott is quite successful in wrapping it nicely that in the end, I am not only falling in love with the characters - especially the "ill-mannered-yet-adorable" Eddie Chase - but also becoming more interested in the intriguing myth (or legend?) itself. The simple writing (exclude, though, many of its technical terms and processes such as when describing the sophisticated submersibles, please) also helps, and somehow, the exchanges are quite entertaining. Formulaic as it seems, the familiarity is nice.
A quite successful debut from Andy McDermott. I'd like to read his next works.
I won this book on Goodreads. It's not something that I would normally pick up, but it seemed interesting enough. The book doesn't use Nazis in the traditional way that most action books/movies do (although it mentions this), but instead uses a more modern day application of Nazi thought. Still, it seems that any action writer, when struggling for a good idea, can pick up the Nazis and use them as the meat of their plot. As my Logic professor in College once jokingly told us, "If you ever need to win an argument, just tell the other person that their ideas are what Hitler would have wanted." So true.
This book ran in every way like a bad action movie. I wasn't surprised in the least to read the back flap of the book and discover that the author used to critique movies. And that he's British. Why, why, why do British authors feel the need to lace their writing with over the top profanity, to the point of distraction and making their characters seem uneducated and course. Every other line seemed to be "Oh $#&@!" The Nazis are coming. Not quite that bad. Almost.
The plot was mildly entertaining, but not like I'd hoped it would be. The writing was stale and stereotypical and resorted to "intense" action scenes one after the other to keep you reading. The characters are unnecessarily sarcastic, even when in the middle of a shoot out. If this is the kind of thing you like, all action and no substance, character development, or thought, then yeah, I guess you'll like this book, but for me, it was lacking.
I was a little slow about going to 4 starts here. This is another book I like...but wish i could maybe have gone 3.5. The books characters while fairly complete are, well maybe sort of 2 dimensional. If great characters are painted in vibrant colors these are sort...pastel. I'm thinking that we'll get to know them better if we:
Follow the series!
And I probably will. The story itself is fast moving and full of action. There's a plot twist built in that while it can't actually be a surprise because of the way the book is written and the story told you'll probably still be tossing a coin till the end. I mean you'll have considered both ways the story can go...a couple of times.
The book never meanders or slows down and makes up in action anything it may lack in character background and depth. So in case you missed it, what I'm saying is the book's strength is the action.
The search for Atlantis is far from an unknown plot and interestingly there's a sub plot here that could be used to write a That said however you get a nice fast moving thriller that blatantly sets up a series of books to come.
Ouch. Sometimes I finish a book because I want to save you, Constant Reader, from making the same mistake. And this is one of those times. I really took a bullet for you when I read The Hunt for Atlantis, which should really be titled The Generic Hunt for Atlantis. As the legal precedent does not exist to allow me to sue author Andy McDermott and get back the time I spent reading this novel, I will have to content myself with getting a pound of flesh with this review. If you've ever wanted to read something that perfectly encapsulates every cliche endemic to a particular genre then the The Hunt for Atlantis is for you. Cookie cutter characters and a tendency to violate both the laws of physics and suspension of disbelief complete the mix. There was not a twist I did not seeing telegraphed. Tell me Constant Reader what do you think happens to every trace of the fabled Atlantean civilization before the book is over? *Sigh* I wager you know the answer to that question. And that was the problem I always knew what was coming next. Take my advice: go read James Rollins instead. His books are what this book should have been but wasn't. Rollins takes the classic tropes of adventure fiction and makes them his own. McDermott just recycles them. This is a series I will not be reading.
I started this book earlier this month and just couldn't get into it. I wasn't sure if it was just my mood or if I actually had no intentions of returning. Well I returned to it yesterday and I'm glad I did. This was action packed. The author had great suspense in all the right places. I seemed very "Indiana Jones" to me. I loved that overall feel and thought it would make a great movie...well I guess that depends on who makes it. This moved at a very fast pace.
I wish the motivation of the Brotherhood was stronger. It was a weak excuse to do what they did. It could have been more menacing. The 2nd antagonist was more menacing in a Hitler-esque kind of way. This one was stronger and made the story more interesting. So 4 stars.
An exciting read, fun. This book is along the same lines Clive Custlers Dirk Pitt Series. The characters are funnier but not quite as well developed as Cussler's. Still it moved quick, one exciting moment after another and a suprise at the end. It's hard to ask for more than that. There are moment's where the reader needs to suspend belief, and the whole "Atlantis" thing is a bit overdone these days, but McDermott manages to keep it fun and fresh and the history/science of it all is engaging.
My favourite book that I have read in recent years I think. It may not be the best written book, and it may have events that defy reality and border on ridiculous, but I love it all the same. Full of adventure, action sequences, plenty of explosions and chases in various vehicles, it has all that any fan of action films would want. Then mix that with the famous myth of Atlantis, and the very reason I picked this book up in the first place. I have read this book a fair few times now and I expect it'll be one I keep coming back to every so often.
I really wish I could do 1/2 star ratings on this. I would give it 3.5 stars. This was a good fun read. Lots of adventure and thrills. The amount of casualties and gun fights might turn some people off if they have too vivid of an imagination. I'm looking forward to the next Nine/Eddie adventure.
*Deeply satisfied sigh* Just as good the second time around. I really freaking love this book. Now, finally onto the next. It was just too good to savor only once before the sequel. I needed to relive its tasty adventure and suspense just one more time.
হারিয়ে যাওয়া সভ্যতা "আটলান্টিস" খুঁজে বেড়ানোর জন্য পৃথিবীর এ প্রান্ত থেকে ও প্রান্তে সূত্র মেলানোর পিছনে দৌড়ে বেড়াচ্ছেন আর্কিওলজিস্ট নিনা ওয়াইল্ড। তাকে এই ব্যাপারে আর্থ���কভাবে সাহায্য করে যাচ্ছে ধনকুবের ফ্রস্ট ফাউন্ডেশন। সঙ্গী হিসাবে আছে বৃটিশ আর্মির সাবেক সেনা সদস্য এডি চেয এবং বিলিওনিয়ারের কন্যা ক্যারি ফ্রস্ট। আর তাদের মিশনকে পন্ড করে দেয়ার জন্য পিছনে লেগে আছে ব্রাদারহুড নামক এক সংগঠন। পদে পদে বাঁধা, বিপত্তি আর রহস্যের সমাধাণ করে শেষ পর্যন্ত কি খুঁজে পাওয়া যায় সাড়ে ১১ হাজার বছর পূর্বের এই সভ্যতার ধ্বংসাবশেষ??
#পর্যালোচনাঃ আটলান্টিস নিয়ে আমার প্রবল আগ্রহ ছিলো আগে থেকেই। তাই বইটা অনেক বেশী এক্সপেক্টেশন নিয়েই শুরু করেছিলাম। শুরুটাও বেশ আশা জাগানিয়াই ছিলো। শুরুর দিকের কিছু অংশ পড়ে মনে হলো কোথায় যেনো পড়েছি হিমলার আর নাৎসী বাহিনীর তিব্বত ভ্রমণের ব্যাপারে 🤔!! পর মুহুর্তেই মনে পড়লো "সাম্ভালা" তে এই ধরণের একটা নাৎসী বাহিনীর মিশনের বর্ণনা ছিলো। তফাৎ হলো সেখানে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে "সাম্ভালা" খোঁজার জন্য তারা গিয়েছিলো, আর এখানে বলা হয়েছে "আটলান্টিস" খোঁজার জন্য।
তফাৎ আরো আছে, আমাদের দেশীয় লেখক এই আর্কিওলজিস্ট মিশন গুলোকে যতোটা যত্নের সাথে ফুটিয়েছিলেন, বিদেশী লেখক সেই মিশনে ততটা যত্ন দেননি। লেখকের সম্পূর্ন ফোকাসই ছিলো সম্ভবত একশন, একশন এবং একশনের দিকে। আমি কিছু ঐতিহাসিক রেফারেন্স, কিছু মিথ আর পাজল সমৃদ্ধ একটা গল্প আশা করেছিলাম। এই বইয়ে তার সবই আছে, শুধু প্রপার এক্সিকিউশান কিংবা ডিটেইলসের অভাব মনে হয়েছে। তবে বইটাকে একেবারে হাই স্পিডি কার রেসের সাথে তুলনা করা যায়। প্রচন্ড গতিতে এগিয়েছে বই। আটলান্টিস খোঁজার সূত্রের জন্য ইরান, ফ্রান্স, ব্রাজিল, তিব্বত চষে বেড়ানো ভালো লেগেছে। তবে প্রতিটা সূত্রের সাথেই এসেছে একটা করে একশন সিক্যুয়েন্স। মাত্রাতিরিক্ত একশন সিকুয়েন্স পড়তে পড়তে আমি সত্যি বলতে এক পর্যায়ে কিছুটা বিরক্ত বোধ করেছি। একশন সিক্যুয়েন্সের বর্ণনাগুলো অবশ্য ওয়েল এক্সিকিউটেড ছিলো। আমার এক্সপেক্টেশন ছিলো অনেক বেশী এডভেঞ্চার + সাথে সামান্য একশন, কিন্তু এখানে অনেক অনেক একশনের সাথে সামান্য এডভেঞ্চার জুড়ে দেয়া হয়েছে। বইয়ের অর্ধেক পড়ার পরে আমার কাছে বইটার প্যাটার্ন একই রকম মনে হলেও, এটা একশন লাভার প্রতিটা পাঠকেরই অনেক বেশী ভালো লাগার কথা। কিছু হিউমেরাস সেকশন ছিলো বইয়ে আর ছিলো প্রচুর পরিমাণে স্ল্যাং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ 😑!! হিউমার গুলো কখনো কখনো ভালো লাগলেও, মাঝে মাঝেই মনে হয়েছে ভুল সিচুয়েশনে জোড় করে ইমপ্লিমেন্ট করা হয়েছে। ওভারঅল একটানা পড়ে যাওয়ার মতো এনজয়েবল বই, জাস্ট আমার এক্সপেক্টেশনের নিচে ছিলো। তারপরেও এই সিরিজের পরবর্তী বইগুলোর অপেক্ষায় থাকবো। গল্পের আদলে এইসব হারানো সভ্যতা কিংবা মিথগুলা নিয়ে যতোটুকু জানা যায়, ততটুকুই মনের খোড়াক।
#চরিত্রায়নঃ চরিত্রায়নও মোটামুটি মানের মনে হয়েছে। ওই যে বললাম, একশন!! ওই জিনিসে ফোকাস করতে গিয়ে লেখক আর সব জিনিসকেই কিছুটা সাদামাটা ভাবে তুলে ধরেছেন। অনেকটা ফিল্মি স্টাইলেই চরিত্রগুলাকে এগিয়ে নিয়ে গেছেন। মূল দুই চরিত্র নিনা এবং চেযকেই যতোটা সম্ভব ফুটানোর চেষ্টা করেছেন। এর মধ্যেও আবার যত্রতত্র চেযের করা ভাড়ামো গুলা খুব একটা হজম হয়নি। ক্যাস্টিল চরিত্রটার জন্য ভালো লাগা কাজ করেছিলো।
#অনুবাদঃ এই অংশটুকু কিছুটা সংশয় নিয়ে লিখবো। সম্ভবত উনার অনুদিত ৮টা বই আছে আমার কাছে তার মধ্যে এটাই আমি প্রথম পড়লাম। অনুবাদক হিসাবে আদনান আহমেদ রিজন সুপরিচিত এবং আমার সাথেও উনার ব্যক্তিগত সম্পর্কটুকুও ভালোই। আমি এই অংশটুকু আড়ালে রেখেই একজন পাঠক হিসাবে এই নির্দিষ্ট বইয়ের অনুবাদকে বর্ণনা করবো, যা কিনা একান্তই আমার ব্যক্তিগত মতামত থাকবে।
শুরুতেই বলি অনুবাদ একদম সুন্দর সাবলীল। সু অনুবাদক সায়েম সোলায়মান ভাইয়ের মতো রিজন ভাইও "জ" এর জায়গায় "য" লিখেন। যদিও সায়েম ভাই বলেছিলেন সেবা থেকেই চলে আসা এই জিনিসটা আস্তে আস্তে উনি চেঞ্জ করে ফেলবেন পাঠক চাহিদার উপর নির্ভর করে। তবে আপাতত মনে হচ্ছে রিজন ভাই সেটাকে ধরেই এগিয়েছেন। এইটুকু অস্বস্তি বাদ দিলে, বাকী বইয়ের অনুবাদ একদম ঝরঝরে, কোনো ধরনের কঠিন শব্দের বালাই নেই। যে কারনে এতো এতো জায়গা আর একশন দৃশ্যগুলোর বর্ণনাও অনেক সহজেই কল্পনা করা যাচ্ছিলো। তবে কিছু বিষয় নিয়ে আমার খারাপ লাগা আছে, আশা করি অনুবাদক সেগুলোকে "স্পোর্টিংলি" নিবেন।
"আবার জিগায়" "বেচারা" "ধুশ শালা", এই বাক্যগুলা এতো এতোবার বইয়ে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে যে, তা আমার কাছে বেশ পীড়াদায়ক মনে হয়েছে। বিশেষ করে বিদেশী কারেক্টারের মুখে এইসব শব্দ/বাক্য প্রবল ভাবেই বেমানান মনে হয়েছে আমার কাছে। তারপরেও ধরে নিলাম নিজস্ব সিগনেচার রাখার জন্য সেগুলা ব্যবহার করলেও, আমরা সবাইই নিশ্চয়ই একই রকম ভাবে কথা বলি না। আর তাই সকল কারেক্টারের মুখ দিয়েই এই ধরণের বাক্য ব্যবহার করাটা বেশ দৃষ্টিকটু লেগেছে আমার কাছে। নিনা, এডি, ক্যাস্টিল কিংবা স্বল্প সময়ের জন্যেই আসা বইয়ের কারেক্টারও যদি বলে "আবার জিগায়", তা হলে তা বেমানানই বটে। এছাড়া প্রতিটা কারেক্টারের ক্ষেত্রেই বারবার বলা হয়েছে "বেচারা"!! হোক সেটা হিরো কিংবা ভিলেন, বেচারা এখানে সবাইই!! Shit শব্দকে "ধুশ শালা" না হয় মেনে নিলাম, তাই বলে What the Hell এর মতো একটা বাক্যকেও "ধুশ শালা" বলে সম্বোধন করা মানা যায় না। আমি মোটামুটি পুরো বইটাই ইংরেজির সাথে মিলিয়ে দেখেছি, এই রকম অসংখ্য শব্দকে চাইলেই ভিন্ন ভিন্ন বিশেষনে কারেক্টার অনুযায়ী ব্যবহার করা যেতো। এছাড়াও বইয়ে বেশ কয়েকবার দেশীয় সারাংশ ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে, যেমন "বিনা যুদ্ধে নাহি দেবো সূচাগ্র মেদিনী" কিংবা "যাত্রা তব শুরু হোক, হে নবীন। করো হানি দ্বারে, আটলান্টিস ডাকিছে তোমারে"!! এইগুলা যদি আমি "সাহিত্যিক অংশ" হিসাবে চালিয়ে দেইও, তবুও "যেতে যেতে পথে, পূর্নিমা রাতে শালা চাঁদ উঠেছিলো গগনে" এইগুলাকে মেনে নিতে পারি না। পারি না, "But He Had to Try - যতোক্ষণ শ্বাস, ততক্ষণ আশ!!" কিংবা "We Will See About That" কে "একদম হান্দায়া দিমু" অনুবাদ করা 😑😑!! "Mighty Jack" কে সম্বোধন করা হয়েছে "মাননীয় স্পিকার জ্যাক" হিসাবে!! সিরিয়াসলি!! মাইটি জ্যাকই বলা হোক না। কিছু কিছু ক্ষেত্রে ২/৪টা ইংরেজি শব্দকে অবিকল রেখে দিলে সমস্যা দেখি না আমি। আর স্ল্যাং গুলার কথা না হয় এড়িয়েই গেলাম। যেহেতু মূল লেখক প্রবল স্ল্যাং ইউজ করেছেন, তাই অনুবাদকও সেটার ধারা ধরে রাখবেন সেটাই স্বাভাবিক। তবে এখানেও "আকাশ ভরা তারা, *য়ামারা সাড়া" টাইপ নিজস্ব ফ্লেভার ইউজ করেছেন তিনি। মোটকথা মূল লেখক যেমন জায়গায় বেজায়গায় রসিকতা করে বইটার ওজন কমিয়েছেন, অনুবাদক তাতে আরো একটু ঘি ঢেলে দিয়ে একেবারেই হালকা করে ফেলেছেন।
এখনকার জেনারেশনের কাছে হয়তো এই জাতীয় বাক্য/শব্দ মজাদার মনে হতে পারে। সেক্ষেত্রে অনুবাদক পুরোপুরি সফল উনার অনুবাদে। কিন্তু আমার এইগুলা ভালো লাগেনি। আমার ধারণা আমার সাথে একমত হওয়ার মতো মানুষ কমই থাকবেন। তাই যাদের এমন অনুবাদ ভালো লাগে উনাদের কাছে অগ্রীম ক্ষমা চেয়ে নিচ্ছি। তবে রিজন ভাইয়ের বাংলা বিশেষনের দিকে আরো একটু নজর দেয়ার প্রয়োজন আছে বলে মনে হয়েছে।
#প্রোডাকশনঃ "চিরকুট" নাম থাকার পরে প্রোডাকশন নিয়ে আসলে কিছু লেখার থাকে না। টপ নচ পেইজ কোয়ালিটি, বাইন্ডিংস এবং নির্ভূল বানান। তবে প্রচ্ছদ নিয়ে হতাশা আছে। নরমালি যেকোনো সময়ে এই প্রচ্ছদ অবশ্যই ভালো লাগার মতো, কিন্তু ১ম দেখায় সানবার্ডের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যতা চোখে লাগে। বিশেষ করে সানবার��ডের প্রচ্ছদ আগে বের হওয়া এবং এটার চেয়ে বেশী ভালো লাগায়, এই প্রচ্ছদটার আবেদন কমে গিয়েছে। তবে প্রচ্ছদকারক হিসাবে রিজন ভাই আমার টপ ফেভারিট একজন। উনার অন্যান্য বইয়ের প্রচ্ছদ বেশ ইউনিক।
#রেটিংঃ ৬.৫/১০ (ভালো বই, টানা পড়ে যাওয়া যাবে, কোনো ধরণের ঢিলেমির অবকাশ নেই। জাস্ট কোনো ধরণের চিন্তা ভাবনার অবকাশ নেই আর কি!! যেটা আমার পছন্দের সাথে একটু কম যায়!)
#পরিশিষ্টঃ এই সিরিজটার সেকেন্ড বই আসতেছে। এবং আমি সেটাও অবশ্যই কিনবো। শুধু অনুরোধ থাকবে রিজন ভাই যেনো আরেকটু ভিন্নতা আনেন উনার অনুবাদে। শুভকামনা চিরকুট এবং রিজন ভাইয়ের প্রতি।