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With his fauxhawk, sleeve tattoos, and visible piercings, Ridley Corbin has the whole badass vibe going on in spades. The image serves him well as the self-proclaimed protector of the underdog, and he wants nothing more than to be Alex Firestone's hero.

Alex, a mild-mannered library assistant, has moved to Slater, a quiet college town, hoping to hide from his past. He keeps to himself, but that doesn't save him from catching the unwanted attention of the campus bully. But not all is as it seems. Alex's past comes calling, and it's time he becomes top dog.

200 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 27, 2014

23 people are currently reading
772 people want to read

About the author

S.J.D. Peterson

51 books1,009 followers
It's been an amazing journey since DSP first contracted Lorcan's Desire in January 2011. I've published 2 free reads with the M/M Romance group, my back list is growing, met some great people and have made some amazing friends.
I'm still in shock that I'm listed among the many talented authors at Dreamspinner Press! The little voice in the back of my head is screaming, "You are so out of your league."
Shhhhh I won't tell them if you don't :)

You can call me Jo, everyone does :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews
Profile Image for ~✡~Dαni(ela) ♥ ♂♂ love & semi-colons~✡~.
3,357 reviews938 followers
January 30, 2015
4.5 good-and-dirty stars

You know how sometimes you're walking along and you get your face smacked by a giant cock?



Well, this book is like getting your face smacked by a giant cock.

You're expecting the rescue of a geeky, helpless librarian, but instead the librarian turns out to be a hot, toppy BAD ASS with a past. A PAST, people.

I was hesitant at first, because Alex was, well, kind of a prick (initially at least), a prick with angelic curls, serious moves, and a filthy mind and body, but a prick nonetheless.

But I loved Ridley from the get-go: ginger-haired, tattooed, pierced, easygoing, lovable, geek-turned-hottie, defender-of-the-bullied, oh, yes, Ridley was a naughty boy.

Until he gets his shit handed to him on a platter by Alex.

Who's the bad ass motherfucker (BAMF) now?

Prepare for smutty smex in spades! There's all kinds of delicious man-on-man humpy action here. Serious hot and dirty loving had me drooling like a fat man over a plate of bacon. Bacon, bitches!

But there was tenderness and sweetness too, as well as a bit of a mystery, some angst and tension, and crab fishing at the bayou.

And the ending was total fireworks and rainbows!

Fuck, YES, to this book; another winner for S.J.D. Peterson!

Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews1,019 followers
January 4, 2022
Time of death 60%

I believe I am years late to this story.

Upto 60% and I still don't get it? The writing is just so-so and the pacing weird and it's sex, sex, spanking, beating. Ugh!

Then we have the FBI storyline?........ 🧐🤭 WTF?

Anyhoo, shit happens.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,720 followers
July 31, 2014
I love a good opposites attract storyline....oh wait, this one wasn't really opposites attract! Damn!

Ridley is our tatted, pierced "bad boy"...he calls himself the protector of the underdog.

Alex is our geeky, nerdy librarian....he may look like he needs protecting but he's far from it.

And in case you're wondering that stands for

Ridley and Alex's first few encounters....

Ridley and Alex's first time in the sack....let's just say our little librarian is a freak in the sheets.

We're talking rough, raw and dirty here...no tender love making for these two...no siree!

The awkward morning after turns in to an awkward week and before we know it things take a turn for the weird. At this point, Alex is a complete mystery.

What's going on? I kind of had a feeling....and yeah, the direction it went

Wasn't a big fan. That whole part of the storyline .

I never really connected with Alex and Ridley to begin with. I never really saw their relationship develop enough to be in love. For me, in the last half of the book, I thought their dialogue became really cheesy. Just one sexual innuendo after another.

These middle of the road books are so hard to review. I didn't love it. But I never wanted to necessarily DNF. And I did do some skimming towards the end. I think if I can't connect with the characters or the story pretty quickly it's hard to come back from that. And nothing about Alex or Ridley grabbed me.

I'm still a fan of this author and will continue to check out other books.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
4,031 reviews6,363 followers
September 1, 2016

*1.5 stars*

This book seems to be love it or hate it for most readers. Me? Yeah, I'm for SURE in the second category. 1 star for default plus 1/2 star for dirty talking... I'm being generous here.

I had so many issues with this one that I'm not quite sure where to start? The lack of character development? The telling vs showing? The sub-par audio narration? Where do I begin?!

I'll just jump right in. Was I the only one who thought that Ridley was sort of insane? And not fun insane, ACTUALLY crazy? First of all, he stalks Alex relentlessly, spending time and money that he says that Alex better appreciate to look good for him, visiting the library where he works for MONTHS with no backpack or books and pretends to read while staring at him. Did that strike anyone else as odd???? And later, when things start to fall apart (no spoilers here!), Ridley is just happy as can be to do whatever Alex says? He is also extremely underdeveloped as a character. Sure, I know he has lots of tattoos and likes rough sex, but other than a few tell-y details, I knew nothing about him. He felt like a creepy shell of a person.

Alex was only marginally better. It is hard to talk about him without giving away any plot spoilers, but I wanted to shout, "This isn't a freaking 80's movie!" It felt as contrived as one.

The sex. Well, sure it was hot. Lots of really rough sex, lots of bruising and sort of BDSM-y but less formal. But, please, can we stop with all the dry fingering? Having three fingers shoved up you completely dry has felt good for no one, ever.

The plot. Ugh. It was muy loco. I'm not a romantic suspense lover and when my hot contemporary morphed into something else, with a plot that felt thrown together, I was not a happy camper. I also never felt the love between the MCs. It was like a 80s buddy caper, with biting.

I'm also going to spend a brief moment discussing grammar and editing. When you are listening to an audiobook, sometimes grammar mistakes become more apparent. They did to me here. I'm not a grammar Nazi, but hearing "he" when "him" should have been used and adverbs/adjective errors irritated me.

Lastly, the narration. This narrator wasn't the worst I've heard but he was NOT good. He used the same exact voice for both MCs and had a very monotone way of delivering dialogue. He voice got a little "gruff" during the sex scenes but that was about it for his range of emotion. It didn't help make a book that I was already not enjoying any more enjoyable.

Another book for the "everyone else loves it shelf."

**Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews323 followers
September 15, 2014

Rosa, really’s expectations upon reading the blurb:

1. Ridley is the bad ass mother fucker (BAMF). Here’s my proof:
a. His name is Ridley. Need I say more? Okay, I will.
b. Ridley is ginger-haired fellow with a fauxhawk, tattoos and piercings.
c. Ridley is the self-declared protector of bullied geeks everywhere.

2. Alex is the bullied geek, aka the dude in distress.
a. He’s a golden-haired blond who wears thick-framed glasses and bow ties and works in the library.
b. Alex is being bullied by the big man on campus.
c. Blurb states: Alex's past comes calling, and it's time he becomes top dog. Thus implying he isn’t top dog? Hmmm?

3. Conclusion based on 25 years of romance reading: In protecting Alex from the college bully, Ridley discovers that Alex is hiding from an abusive ex. Through their burgeoning romance, Alex finds the strength to face his ex. Ridley and Alex get married, retire to the suburbs where they adopt 6 children from South America and live happily ever after.


What? What? So I’m a walking container of clichés. There’s a good reason that plot is a cliché – readers love it and keep coming back for more. But S.J.D. Peterson is beyond such clichés – she immediately starts dropping clues that things are not as they seem.

1. Alex has “gunmetal blue eyes.” Okay, if he were the dude in distress, he’d have sky blue eyes or limpid pools of Caribbean blue eyes or eyes as troubled as dark navy skies. (Yep, walking container of clichés.)

2. Alex has absolutely no fear of the college bully or, really, any fear of confrontation whatsoever.

3. Alex is Mr. Toppy Top Rough Play Top.

Allow me to inform you, and I cannot possibly stress this enough, that the sex between Alex and Ridley is haawt.
The second finger hurt, but again it was more burn than actual pain. What caused his heart to pound was the way Alex’s eyes smoldered as he watched his fingers going in and out of Ridley’s ass. He cried out when Alex shoved those thick fingers in hard and deep, but Alex didn’t let that stop him. Nope, he fucked Ridley’s ass even harder until he was grunting and panting and squirming like a fucking madman. Alex obviously was paying more attention to the way Ridley’s cock was as hard as a rock and leaking then to his cries. Alex was right. Ridley liked the edge of pain.


Okay, other than that scene the only other hint I’ll give plot wise is that it’s much more action-oriented with less angst than the plot I described above. While I enjoyed the surprising flip-flop, I did not enjoy that after a quite a bit of built up the climax (shut it) fell flat. Yes, what I expected would have been another cliché but I was looking forward to it and felt a bit let down afterwards. However, the sex? Oh, the sexy sex sex. It made up for a quite a bit of disappointment. Oh yeeah.


3.75 stars
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,976 followers
August 6, 2014
DNF at 34 %. No rating. Review posted August 6, 2014

BAMF may have been hot for all I care, it was also a nuisance.

I started to read this book a week ago and had to put it aside at 34 % in order to read an ARC. When I saw Erika's update on Sunday and got worked up again and she said she's glad she didn't buy it, I decided on a whim to return the book to Amazon for a refund of my money. 5.62 euro for a rough 200 pages which I did not love at all is quite steep, IMO.

Don't get me wrong I do enjoy rough sex. But when the recipient of said rough sex and he f@cking loved it??? Erm…very sexy. Not. That's so fine. Not.

Well, and then there was this little thing called Geez, the only thing that was on his mind was the next orgasm. Realistic, much??? Bite me! I'm done.
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews118 followers
July 29, 2014
Ridley takes one look at library assistant Alex and falls in lust. After growing up being bullied he's always been one to protect others from the same but he's in for a surprise when he tries to help his crush. Alex may look unassuming but he's anything but and has hidden layers that make Ridley think he may not be the only BAMF in their relationship.

First off let me say the sex in the book is off the hook smoking hot. It's borderline BDSM with hints of bondage, wild dirty talk and sex that's rough enough that there's a scene involving the police that had me laughing.

There are reasons why Alex is more than what he seems and I don't want to give that away because I enjoyed the reveal. From that reveal on the story switches gears just a little bit. I kept expecting more to happen on that story front but it never did and the end was a bit underwhelming and a bit of disappointment tbh (but not enough to drop my rating). This ended up being more of a relationship driven story and that's okay because both Ridley and Alex were great characters. I will say that I was happy to get some of the story from Alex's POV because I needed to know what this guy thought of Ridley.

This is a fun, sexy read with a twist so if you're looking for something where two hotties get their bang on look no further and grab this one.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,411 reviews1,562 followers
March 26, 2020

Never judge a book by its cover. That statement is very true of this book, because I *hated* this one's cover, but the story was very good.

The Alex on the cover vs. the Alex described in the book didn't match up for me at all, so I just mentally blocked that cover picture when it came to Alex. The cover Alex looked like a douchey hipster with straight, greasy dishwater blond hair and cheesy sunglasses, but in my mind I stuck with the blond curls and gunmetal-blue eyes as described in the book.

That being said, I was glad that the initial feel of the book, BDSM 401, calmed down and didn't quite go there. Yes, Alex was a pushy, domineering bastard the entire book, but Ridley never allowed Alex to force him into the dominated little flower role that you'd see in a lot of books.

Ridley had his own opinions and was damn sure going to express them, which kept the book from getting all 'girls gone wild' on the whole dom/sub scenario. There was a really cool push/pull from both characters that was a great balance and entertaining as hell.

I would have read the book for the restaurant scene alone. "Sir, would you like me to call you an ambulance?" I nearly peed myself. : )

Highly recommended and it's deserving of more than Goodreads' current '3.64' rating. 4 1/2 Stars, rounding up, in spite of the shitty cover.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,275 reviews268 followers
July 31, 2014
As it's been said many times, 3 star reviews are the hardest to write. I have been waiting on this book for a little while now and I was so excited for it. I am a big ol sucker for opposites attract story lines. The book started just as I expected - tattooed hottie falling for the nerdy librarian. It was cute and funny.

I'm sure I looked something like this.

Then the book took a turn I wasn't expecting and I started to look more like this.

Was the book bad?

It was actually well written- it just wasn't what I was expecting. I wanted cute, opposites attract, happy, low angst fluff. I- instead got a bit of mystery with some kinky f*ckery. Ok and the first time they had sex-if someone came at me like that- this would be me:

As fast I can. Which isn't very fast. Anyways back to the review! Sometimes books take a turn that work and sometimes they don't. Even though this wasn't a complete hit for me, I definitely see it working for many out there. I would still recommend it and look forward to reading future books from this author.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,149 reviews198 followers
August 23, 2016
Uffffff, nope. No me ha horrorizado, pero no me ha gustado tampoco. Y me da mucha rabia porque el planteamiento me encantó, el comienzo también, ese chico musculado con piercings y tatuajes y el bibliotecario con rizos y hoyitos, quizás no muy original, pero sonaba fenomenal. Comencé leyendo pensando encontrar algo cómodo, mono, y qué equivocada estaba... En el primer cuarto el libro da un giro total y se convierte en un thriller, no quiero decir más para no spoilear, un thriller con el que no conecté absolutamente nada y que me pareció que tenía muchos agujeros, y con un sexo demasiado "rudo" para mi gusto, no sé bien cómo llamarlo, pero lo he encontrado totalmente falto de emoción y de conexión entre los protagonistas.
No he terminado de conectar totalmente con los MC, fundamentalmente con Alex, el bibliotecario, no he sentido ese supuesto amor, y ha habido partes que me han aburrido.
Buenas ideas, pero falta de emoción, al menos para mi.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews101 followers
July 31, 2014
I really wanted to love this one. Really. I am a big fan of SJD Peterson and was so excited to see a new release. Part of the problem may have been my expectations. I guess I was looking forward to a college romance... cute twink with curly hair and skinny jeans meets tatted and pierced bad boy, bullying ensues, bad boy swoops in to save the day, etc. This book did not turn out that way at all. I enjoyed the first half of the book, but once it took that unexpected turn, I lost my connection with the characters. And quite frankly, I was kinda bored during the second half. Moving on...
Profile Image for Monique.
1,083 reviews377 followers
July 27, 2014
SJD Peterson has done it again. This isn't just a winner, it's Olympic Gold!!!

Be prepared for some rough, raunchy, hungry, filthy sex with dirty talking that will have your stomach flipping, and two wonderfully drawn characters guaranteed to steal your heart. I admit... I am totally besotted with Riley and Alex...

Review to come...

 photo BAMF3Teaser.jpg
Profile Image for Eva.
363 reviews178 followers
August 12, 2014
BR with Elsbeth, Susan and Zainab

Isabel said it was "Oh so HOT!!!"

We like that...

Review later...

BR with Elsbeth, Susan and Zainab here . Thank you, ladies, for reading this book with me.
Profile Image for Jenni Lea.
801 reviews296 followers
August 1, 2014

3.75 stars

OK, that was cute and funny and so not what I was expecting when I first started reading it. So much SMARK!
Profile Image for Macky.
1,980 reviews230 followers
August 1, 2014
What can I say except I absolutely loved this. Loved how my expectations of what the story was going to be about was turned completely turned upside down, loved the chemistry between the two awesome MC's, loved that it made me laugh at times because it had my kind of snarky humor, LOVED LOVED LOVED the sex in this...OMG! Sooooo hot and steamy it had me reaching for my mini hand held fan, loved the plot, loved Alex, loved Ridley....just.....loved! Yes I had my own little love fest going on with this book and it goes alongside Plan B as one of my most favourite SJ books up to now.

Okay love fest over now! LOL.
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 3 books141 followers
May 8, 2015
4.5 stars!

I loved this book! Honestly, I’m not really sure why it took me so long to read it because it was definitely my thing. And I have a good track record with the SJD Peterson books I’ve read before.

I loved Ridley from the get go. He was just so lovable to me. And I really loved the fact he stood up for the bullied people. It’s something that instantly drew me to him. The fact he’s such a badass drew me to him even more. I love the tattoos and piercings. And he took almost everything in his stride.

Then you have Alex. Alex with his curly blond hair and geekiness. I didn’t love him as fast as Ridley. There was something about him that kept me from connecting to him straight away. But the way he was with Ridley soon turned me around and I found myself really liking him, too.

The sex scenes in this were amazing! I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, knowing this author. But I loved them more than I was expecting. From the first one I was drawn in and I loved each and every one of them. So good. So hot. Kinky. And dirty.

I loved the development of Ridley and Alex’s relationship. When the stuff with Alex’s job came out and they had to go away together, they spent a lot of time growing even closer. There was some teasing, which had me laughing so hard, especially a scene in a restaurant. Just reading these two together had me smiling.

I was really into this book. So much so I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to stay with Ridley and Alex as long as I could, yet I found myself unable to stop reading. I needed to know what was going to happen. I just needed things to go okay for these two.

The ending wrapped things up perfectly. Part of me did wonder if things would end as well as I wanted them to, but it did. And I was so glad Ridley went with option 2! Option 2 was definitely the right choice, in my honest opinion.

A copy of this book was provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange for a fair and honest review.

 photo Potential-OTDU-Banner-9-Smaller2_zpsf0878d67.png
Profile Image for Susan.
2,307 reviews445 followers
February 7, 2017
Great BR with Elsbeth, Eva and Zainab

Not your average college bad boy/geek pairing. I liked it!

First we meet Ridley, the bad boy. Who feels he needs to protect those around him...

And we have the geeky library assistant Alex.

Ridley is insanely attracted to Alex and hangs out in the library as often as he can. When he finally has the nerve to ask Alex out, the night doesn’t exactly go as Ridley planned. Alex is not the geek he appears to be.

I kind of knew what to expect, so I was not disappointed when it turned out Alex was not a real geeky guy. I really liked Ridley and Alex. Ridley was so cute, how he was constantly trying to protect Alex, who needed no protection. And Alex was completely badass.

The story dragged a bit in the middle, but other than that I had a good time. This is an easy book, no angst, no major problems, not too long, and with hot kinky sex. Not a perfect book with major character development and depth, but a nice read nonetheless.

Review Elsbeth

Review Eva

Review Zainab
Profile Image for liz.
755 reviews41 followers
August 11, 2014
This book is a mess. Unequivocally.
For starters, it's not a toppy librarian and ink & pierced misfit AT. ALL. I read the blurb. I read the sample. I was NOT PREPARED for gunfights and "romantic suspense". But let's say for a moment that I was or that I was ok with the abrupt change is story direction. I WANT rom suspense. What the hell was this? Not that, I'm telling your right now. Even if this book was marketed correctly and had a cover not full of books, I'd still give it 1 star. Because ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The climax was so anti-climactic, even the characters said it. I'm not pulling your leg. He SAYS it's anti-climactic. Well, gee whiz, thanks for pointing out the obvious, Alex, and while you're at it, could you throw another "sly grin" at us?

So that's my second big complaint. Sly and smug. Over. And. OVER. I checked, and my kindle says the word "sly" shows up 9 times. I'm not sure that's accurate; it felt like every other page while I was reading. Add the overuse of "smug" and now we've got a d-head character that I don't even want to like. So that's Alex.

Ridley, OTOH, is a badass...in his own mind. And don't worry, he'll keep telling us. If you for one second went into this NOT knowing BAMF, never fear! We shall be bludgeoned over the head with the words and the comparison of who exactly we're supposed to find to be the real badass. Not that the author ever explicitly defines BAMF...because that would be OOOOOBVIOUS. *rolls eyes*

Where was the editor on this one? I'm starting to notice a pattern with this publisher, and it's discouraging.

ADDITIONS: Somehow I left these in the pocket of my ranty pants the first time: Cocksucker. Why yes, I know *I* always expect that kind of slur from a gay MC when he beats the hell out of the gay-bashing gang that came at him. Because that's just perfect. And Ridley calls himself a girl and teen girl every time he has a mushy feel. So that wasn't at all insulting as a female reader.

Ok. I should be done with this review now. But rest assured, if any other lint-like pieces fall out of my pants, I'll dump them here.
Profile Image for Sandra.
4,100 reviews13 followers
January 9, 2015
Let's get my big 'ol Pet Peeve out of the way first. According to Wikipedia, an epilogue is "a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature, usually used to bring closure to the work." I hate when a book 'ends' without a HEA or HFN, but then it's found in the epilogue. That is not closure, that's the last chapter! Rant over. Moving on.

As per the audio version, this was decent. Not my favorite narrator, but no huge complaints. He did a deeper voice sometimes for both characters during anger or sex which was borderline a little much for me, but it was okay and I least appreciate the effort at emoting. Flat narrators are the worst.

One disappointment was the super hot smoking dirty kinky sex. Now don't misunderstand, I fucking loved it. But both scenes happened early on. Once the guys were getting more serious and intimate, all we got to see was blowjobs and hear allusions to penetration. Not sure why. I needed to see them connect like that and understand how the relationship progressed. The goofing around was fun and playful, but I still needed their intense love-making to show how good they were together. Then of course we get one more in the epilogue aka last chapter, which was sweet and soft. Nice, but that's not them!

This was a good story with a good twist, but given the topic I felt like there should have been more suspense and/or drama. And given how smokin' hot things started out, it fizzles a little for me. A solid 3 star on both the book and more specifically, the audio version.


Received audio version from the publisher in exchange for an honest review, reviewed for Hearts On Fire
Profile Image for Ije the Devourer of Books.
1,882 reviews56 followers
August 2, 2014
I just didn't enjoy this story as much as I have enjoyed other books from this author. I got halfway through and then the interest kind of petered out for me. On the whole it is an ok story but just not for me.
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,251 reviews40 followers
November 20, 2014
BR, Monday August 11th with Susan, Eva and Zainab





Being bullied in his teen years, Ridley has overcome that and become quite a confident man. Ridley is “stalking” Alex for months. He is so smitten with the librarian and comes to the library everytime to just see Alex. But is Alex who he seems to be?

The story wasn’t really a surprise but very enjoyable!!! It was an easy read with hot-kinky sex!


Ridley and Alex were sweet together….

Just a little side note. The But who really cares!!

I had fun

review Susan

review Eva

review Zainab
Profile Image for BevS.
2,824 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2014
5 stars for this one from me. I was a puddle of goo at the end, and the rating moved from 4 to 5.

Not going into great detail, read the blurb folks, but you could see the attraction steadily growing between the two as the story went on...even though Alex did his best to stay away from Ridley in order to keep him safe.

My fave part of the story was when they were in the Bayou Grill. I was laughing my head off at Alex thinking he was sooo clever listening in to Ridley's conversations through his hidden mic, and then Ridley spotting it, and deliberately taunting Alex with a jerk off session in the loos, knowing that he could hear every moan, groan and rhythmic slap, hehe.

The ending was just perfect, and the words 'So are you going to admit you missed me?' and the reply 'Of course I missed you, you shithead. I love you.' were so Ridley and Alex, I had a big smile on my face, and must have gotten something in my eye at that point.....
Profile Image for Trio.
3,444 reviews196 followers
September 8, 2020
Holy hell, this one was full of surprises. I'm so glad I didn't read the blurb or any reviews before listening to BAMF.

Dirty as fuck, thank you SJD Peterson... I needed this right now!
Profile Image for ~Kristin~.
1,371 reviews142 followers
July 4, 2017
~3 Stars~

Every once in a while you start reading a book that many of your trusted GR friends have enjoyed, and wonder if you're reading the same book. I will admit to taking forever to finish this book, not because it was especially long, but I couldn't get into it and would just go to bed instead of forcing myself to continue reading, thinking maybe tomorrow it would get better.

I'm pleased to say, I did in fact finish. I think my main problem was that I didn't connect with either Alex or Ridley. I found their sexy time to be uncomfortable and not really sexy at all. I just didn't get them.

The big mystery around who Alex was and what his secret was...yeah, not super hard to guess. I had pretty much worked that out with the alley phone call, obviously not the particulars, but I could draw some conclusions...guess what...they were pretty spot on.

Any hoo...I think this was an ok read, just wasn't really what I was hoping for.
Profile Image for Mel.
650 reviews78 followers
July 18, 2015
I have no clue what to do with this book. It confused me, and I don’t think that happens often.

Let me start with what I (really) liked:

- The writing was great. I loved the dialogue between Ridley and Alex. Also, this was mainly a page turner, always making me curious about what would happen next. It kept me on my toes, because I couldn’t quite figure out what this was all about. No typos, no nothing. Really good!

- There is a lot of awesomely hot sex here. Hot, I tell you. But also… See what I didn’t like below.

- There is just the cutest, loveliest HEA. Wow. The last 5% of the book just make you super happy.

- The love between Ridley and Alex developed really good in the second half of the book. It felt natural and suited them. It was fun to see them getting all the feelings :-)

- This book takes a turn in the middle of the book, that is kinda unexpected.

- The banter between Rid and Alex rocked. It was funny and made for the best scenes.

Now, here’s what I didn’t like that much:

- In the first half of this book, the sex is excruciatingly rough. Not rough as in rough at the moment, but rough as in you have bruises all over your body for days to come, and can’t sit because your ass was plunged and stretched till no end. I was cringing while reading about it and it made me really uncomfortable. The only thing that kept me reading was that Ridley kinda liked it??? Ok, to each their own.

- Also I don’t get what Ridley saw in Alex in the beginning. Ok, he was this hot mysterious guy, but let’s face it, he was an ass. He was rude, cruel and, see above, rough and didn’t take care of Ridley. Mind you, they didn’t talk about it! Like ‘Is it alright, if you hurt like hell for the next days?’ I was at a loss. Well, obviously, you can’t decide where your heart goes, but it made me think, Ridley was insane, too.


I think I might need to settle on a totally average rating of 3 stars, scratch that we’ll make it 2.5. It was ok and I liked it, but didn’t. See? Confused!


Buddy Read with the lovely Marte, which made the experience better, but not the book ;-)
Profile Image for Tara♥ .
1,580 reviews112 followers
March 15, 2016

So I don't think BAMF was really for me.

I felt a bit uncomfortable about the start of their relationship to be honest. While I like me a bit of rough nookie as much as the next person I think the recipient of said rough nookie almost crying in the shower is a bit too rough for my liking.

Alex was a bit of a dick and while he did redeem himself somewhat I just couldn't forget his behavior.

I liked Ridley but I was disappointed with how easily he let Alex walk all over him.

A few minor plot issues makes this one a below average read for me.

I'm totally in the minority with this book though so again:

Profile Image for Jessi 🥀.
229 reviews
January 6, 2022
DNF 21% i admit i started this because of the crazy hot sex scenes but then when they had sex for the first time and someone called the police cause of the noise and that was so OTT ridiculous that it just had me rolling my eyes and calling it quits
Displaying 1 - 30 of 229 reviews

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