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Forgotten #1


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Here's the thing about me: I can see the future in flashes, like memories. But my past is a blank.

I remember what I'll wear tomorrow, and an argument that won't happen until this afternoon. But I don't know what I ate for dinner last night. I get by with the help of notes, my mom and my best friend Jamie, and the system works...

Until now. Everything's falling apart. Jamie's going off the rails. My mom is lying to me. And I can't see the boy I adore in my future.

But today, I love him. And I never want to forget how much...

304 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Cat Patrick

9 books1,634 followers
Cat Patrick is the author of middle grade books Tornado Brain and Paper Heart, as well as young adult books Forgotten, Revived, The Originals, and, with Suzanne Young, Just Like Fate.

Find her online at www.catpatrick.com.

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Profile Image for Emily May.
2,123 reviews316k followers
May 10, 2012

This book really annoyed me. I couldn't even manage to talk myself into giving it 2 stars because I have nothing at all complimentary to say. It was boring, the protagonist pissed me off and it is nowhere near as interesting as the goodreads description would have you believe.

The idea sounds so cool. A girl (London Lane) remembers things that have not happened yet in flashes but forgets her past each day as she wakes up. She leaves notes to herself about her life and what has happened the previous day, etc, etc. Sounds interesting, no?

Too bad the author made it into a love story. And I don't mean a love story the way some people claimed that Divergent was too much of a love story... I'm talking constant in-your-face romance. This is a book about a mediocre teen love story. With two characters who have about as much personality as they have chemistry between them (i.e. none). The relationship is choppy and unbelievable, he's a wuss and she's a heartless, whiny bitch (sorry but she is).

Also, she has to look at her notes to remember the guy each day. So, uh, are we meant to believe that every day she wakes up, reads notes about a guy who is nothing but a stranger and falls in love with him again immediately as soon as she reads what she's written? It's like super-instalove... instalove every morning... instalove before you've even seen him! Then one day when they have an argument, she decides to destroy all the notes she's made about him...

a) Quite a melodramatic move to completely write someone you supposedly love out of your life because of one single bloody argument.

b) But not to worry because he writes her a lengthy note describing their relationship over the past few months and she falls in love instantly. Again.

I wasn't falling for it. And the crappy excuse for a mystery was lucky to get twenty pages out of the book because the angsty love ate up the rest of it. The worst part about it is that the author had a great idea. I read the description ages ago and thought "wow, can't wait to read that" and then she went and put the idea in some weak romantic setting. Even the protagonist sucked majorly.

Yeah, London Lane was whiny, bitchy, nasty, immature and stupid. She calls her best (and only) friend a slut for having an affair with a teacher! The teacher, of course, goes completely without blame because it's not like it's illegal or anything, plus she's a slut so she probably deserves it. Damn, this book's annoying...

And the whole waking up each morning and having to read notes to remember thing? She's not meant to remember anything after a certain date when she was a fairly young kid (I forget the exact age), so does she have to read years of her life in notes every day? That can't work, and yet it seems to be what the author is suggesting here. And can she change the future? She pondered the idea but never seemed to reach a conclusion.

It would seem the author forgot about her interesting idea shortly after introducing the starcrossed lovers to one another. The book on the whole was poor and I have, at this point, no intention of reading any of the author's future work.
Profile Image for Nomes.
384 reviews369 followers
February 5, 2022
2.5 (wavering between "it was okay" and "I liked it")

Forgotten is right in the pocket for the current YA climate. It offers a contemporary storyline with a twist that gives the book a vague supernatural vibe (London can “remember” the future). The sale of Forgotten went down in a heated bidding war and the rights were bought internationally. Already it has been optioned and early reviews report the hype is true ~ to expect originality, a swoony romance and a wild twist towards the end of the book.

I was incredibly optimistic about Forgotten. It sounds utterly fabulous and different and the Aussie cover is gorgeous.

London Lane can see her future but her past is blank. Each day she wakes up she cannot remember what she did the day before (or any days prior). It’s a fabulously intriguing premise ~ also absolutely HUGE and baffling with mind-boggling practicalities. Cat Patrick dives straight into the story without much explanation as to why or how.

A quick snapshot of what the plot consists of:

future memories (flash-forwards) of a mysterious funeral and London trying to take notes and investigate.

London falling in love with the super gorgeous new boy at school (falling again and again)

London and her best friend, Jamie. Jamie is making some relationship choices and London can foresee just how it will all end in tragedy. There’s tension in London and Jamie’s relationship ~ plus London trying to tinker and see if she can change the future in her memories.

There’s lots of school scenes, date scenes and home scenes with London and her mum (her parents are divorced ~ another half mystery London is unsure about).

Patrick writes well ~ her prose is smooth and tangle-free ~ no convoluted sentimental passages that bog the plot down. The prose makes it such an effortless and appealing reading experience. It’s succinct and rather pleasant. In fact, the entire book feels FRESH.

While there is a slight “mean girls” plot-line it doesn’t feel cliche. Likewise ~ the friend and family relationship dramas are handled with more subtlety than melodrama. The characters are immensely like-able (the secondary characters stay firmly in the background, as their 2D selves ~ just as well as there was enough going on with the main characters to care too much about the minor players).

As for the romance (which is being pushed as a huge selling point) ~ it’s fun and flirty and PG. Because London meets Luke for the first time day after day ~ there’s plenty of new revelations about how gorgeous and hot and incredibly awesome he is. While I didn’t personally swoon over him ~ he was like-able character (though at times a bit of an enigma) and the constant references to his hotness didn’t bother me (as other authors who attempt the same thing can often grate on my nerves) ~ I think because I liked London I mostly thought it was sweet watching her gush every day.

So the thing is:

I am always prepared to go along with an unlikely premise for the sake of a compelling story. I adore guilty pleasure reads and am such a sucker for YA romance. However, I was constantly unnerved while reading Forgotten by plot holes, inconsistencies and a lack of explanation of London’s condition. Things constantly niggled at my mind and pulled me out of the story again and again which really hindered me settling in. I did not feel like I was a part of the story alongside the characters (which is how my favourite books make me feel). I felt like i was watching it all unfold from a very detached distance while scratching my head.

In all fairness, it is a doozy of a premise, hugely ambitious and I’m guessing practicalities had to be ignored just for the sake of continuing on with the story. No one wants to get bogged down in the nitty gritty and science of it all but, for me, it still needs to be plausible and consistent.

It wasn’t just that premise did not make sense, but entire plot points would unravel if you give yourself a chance to think about them. Likewise, other plot points are unnecessary (such as all the elaborate note-taking and reading of said notes everyday) if London truly can see in the future (her future self could have read all the notes...) Character relationships seemed implausable and the logic of the whole thing was a little bit “what the?” No one (teachers, friends, doctors, people in general) even knew of her condition (apart from her mum and Jamie her friend) and no one seemed to notice London inconsistently fudging her way through school (and life).

As for the ending. OH MY GOSH. It wasn’t the flipped-out spinney twist I had heard about ~ it was a sudden tacked on drama. The ending was convoluted and rushed and felt more like a weird extended epilogue-style run-down of (unlikely) unexpected events. Until then, it was a contemp read with a twist and then it nearly changed genre altogether ~ but with no suspense or foreshadowing to prepare the reader (or build anticipation) for the shift. I do not think it was handled with finesse at all ~ it was as if I was suddenly reading a different book. There was barely any integration of the climax with the rest of the book. It almost felt as if Patrick was nearing the end ~ thought up a whole fantastic scenario and wrote a synopsis for it as the resolution.

Despite all the things I loved about this book, ultimately I felt like I fudged my way through and contrary to all the hype I am pretty much disappointed. This book was not for me and yet I think teens will love it regardless.

I am very curious to see how other readers feel about this one when it hits the shelves.
Profile Image for Brodie.
227 reviews219 followers
March 8, 2011
London Lane remembers her future the same way we remember our past. And while the average person doesn't 'remember' their future, London doesn't remember her past. Her memories are of the future, but the moment they become the past, they're forgotten. At precisely 4:33am every morning she forgets the day she's just lived and awakens with only what she sees of the future and her daily notes on what's happened in her life. She has to remind herself of the clothes she wore yesterday, the conversations she had, what she needs to do for school, why she's angry at certain people and to remind herself to stay angry at certain people.

She soon meets the new guy in school, Luke Henry. There's an instant attraction, he's gorgeous and seems like such a genuinely sweet boy. But although there is something vaguely familiar about him, she doesn't see him in any of her future memories. So as much as she'd love the idea of seeing and talking to him again, she doesn't torture herself by dwelling on what she knows will never come. Until it does. She talks to him again the next day. And the next. And the next. Luke Henry is very much a part of her future, he becomes an incredibly important part but she still can't remember him. Which means every day she must read her notes growing notes on this wonderful boy and meet him all over again. All the while keeping up the facade that she 'does' remember him - since only two people in her life know of her condition.

Not long after Luke comes into her life, London begins seeing a new memory. A nightmarish memory that is not fully revealing itself to her, which makes it all the more terrifying. What begins to unravel is a mystery that will make you question the past, present and future. I was shocked when things were unravelled toward the end!

To me, London's condition is heartbreaking. To have these 'future memories' of days, months, years to come and know they're only temporary in your mind - the moment you actually live in them, the dreaded 4:33am curse comes around and nothing. Just words; ink and paper reminders of what once was. I still can't shake that devastating idea from my head. I sat there thinking about all the moments from my own past, all those precious memories that would be nothing but a summary on a note. You only see your parents and friends and loved ones as their future selves - never remembering the dorky stages and the beautiful years of growth from childhood. Not only that, but Forgotten really works your mind over with the idea of knowing the future - how much do you reveal? Is it right to intervene when you know something bad is going to happen to a friend? Is the future really set in stone?

Two words I have been dying to exclaim in caps lock: LUKE HENRY!! Oh my gosh. That boy is officially in my top 5 list of favourite fictional males ever. Make that top 3. He is the sweetest thing ever! From his weird, yet adorable object of interest for his artwork to his all chocolate brown Converse All Stars . I kid you not, I hugged this book tight to my chest. I had a dorky grin on my face and I'm the kind of person who starts giggling to myself when something makes me insanely happy and giggle I did. Where can I buy me a Luke Henry?! He's funny, sweet, loyal, romantic, gorgeous, quirky and just so... so... I just love him. And if I didn't also love and admire London so much, I would have stole every note of him she ever wrote and claiming him for myself, but the thought of erasing Luke Henry from anyone's mind is horrifying. Alright, I'll stop gushing now......... fine, I'm totally lying. Just let me have one more minute in heaven: LUKE! squeesighswoon <3

*spends the next 15 minutes composing myself*


Forgotten is an incredible debut novel. It's a romance that will set your heart aflutter, a mystery that will leave you clutching the pages for answers and a chain of events and emotions that will force you to question your own past and future. It will burrow it's way into your heart and leave you feeling such an emotional attachment to the amazing characters and uniquely sad, yet beautiful, thought-provoking storyline. I literally began rereading this just hours after I finished because I didn't want to leave the astonishing world born of this talented author's mind. Despite it's name, this is one novel that will not be soon forgotten.
Profile Image for Thomas.
1,732 reviews11k followers
August 13, 2011
Yesterday I ordered an orange mango smoothie from Starbucks. I expected to enjoy it - after all, I like oranges, mangoes, and smoothies. Yet when I tried the drink in its entirety I almost spit. That's sort of like what happened with Forgotten, minus the spit.

Forgotten possessed a plethora of potential. It's realistic fiction with a paranormal touch, including a love interest and a mystery. The book had so much promise, but failed to deliver any punch.

Cat Patrick's prose is good. Too good, in a way. It reminded me of a one-note song that takes a minute to learn on the piano - simple and effortless, but lacking depth and variety. After reading the first chapter I felt like I was reading recycled copies of the same writing over and over.

I had the same issue with the characters. Don't get me wrong, I like ordinary protagonists. But to me, there's a clear difference between ordinary and plain boring. London landed on the latter. And while the romance between London and Luke was cute, it was also monotonous: okay London, I get it, he's attractive. What about his personality? Does he have a personality?

The plot. Egad, the plot. There were so many holes and inconsistencies that by the end of the book I wanted to scream. The worst part is that Cat Patrick could have made Forgotten amazing - like I said earlier, this book and the idea of London's somewhat amnesia had gargantuan potential. Patrick just didn't do anything with it.

I suppose the ending could qualify as a "shocker", but I was too glad the book was over to care. It's a good thing that this book is a fast and easy read, otherwise, I don't know if I would have finished it.

If you've been following me or reading my reviews for some time you probably know that it's not often I write a negative review. It's not something I like doing, but I have to be honest - Forgotten is a forgettable read, and a book I'll be glad to have out of my memory. Sorry.

*cross-posted from my blog, the quiet voice.
Profile Image for Erica (storybookend).
405 reviews288 followers
May 28, 2011
Forgotten is spellbindingly mind boggling. I was so intrigued with London’s strange life. Cat Patrick certainly created a keeper with her debut novel. It’s so intricately developed, the messages and emotions vividly portrayed that had me living anxiously alongside London, watching as she forgets again and again her yesterday, and then seeing her remember her future. It was such a unique premise, and confusing at times. Kind of like one of those time travel concepts that stretch your mind.

Each morning at 4:33, London forgets everything that happened the previous day. She writes notes to herself every night telling her about her yesterday, and reminding her what she needs to do the next day, like study for a quiz, (which how tiresome would that be? You wouldn’t be able to study early, you’d have to study the day of, because anything you try to study ‘remember’ will be lost the next day, so it would be totally pointless). But she knows her future. She remembers events that will happen, and people that she’ll meet. But then she meets a boy that she can’t remember, he’s not in her future. Each new day, London meets Luke for the first time, and though her notes tell her how gorgeous he is, she’s never prepared for it. The premise is actually quite similar to the movie 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore. I wonder if Patrick got her inspiration or seed for the novel from that movie. In any case, Patrick’s novel is original and amazing and I loved it.

I loved all the characters. London especially, for her strength and acceptance of her life, and the love she has for the people around her, and trying her hardest to save them from an unpleasant future. She does go through her times of doubt and sadness, (seriously, who wouldn’t with a life like that?) but she was so strong and a very likeable heroine. And Luke was great. He stayed by London’s side no matter what, and in the end, he was an integral part of London starting to remember her past.

There are several subplots, involving London’s best friend, her father, and a funeral. As London tries to unravel her past, and find out what her mother is keeping from her, the puzzle pieces come together in a rather startlingly, intriguing, brilliant way. Patrick holds all the pieces, giving them away at just the right time to keep the reader on their toes, and slowly let them see the ever brightening picture alongside London.

The ending was done very nicely, wrapping the story up with a feeling of completion for the reader, while still not having all the loose ends tied up. Forgotten could stand on its own, and I wouldn’t feel entirely cheated, but I would love a sequel. And I’m pretty sure there will be one. :D

This book has already been optioned for a motion picture (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1845798/) and I am all for that! I think it would make an incredible, romantic movie, that would be slightly like 50 First Dates, which I like also.

So, kudos to Cat Patrick for writing an unforgettable novel. I’m sure I’ll love everything that she will write in the future, and I hope many people read Forgotten and love it, or at least find some gem in it.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,123 reviews1,161 followers
December 12, 2019
Like the first book I read by Ms. Cat Patrick, The Originals, Forgotten is an easy contemporary YA read with a hint of paranormal fantasy and mystery. The main character kind of reminds me of that of the movie, “Fifty First Dates” in which the heroine has a unique kind of amnesia making her unable to create new memories so she solely relies on her journal to remind her what happens to her every day of her life.

Sounds really sad but London seems alright with it and is never shocked each day she wakes up without any memory of what happened the day before. I’m probably overreacting but I think that alone already warrants an extreme emotion. That’s the major thing I find lacking in the story- necessary emotion. But wait, I forgot to mention the real catch in the plot- London may not remember her past but she sure “remembers” the future. Of course nowhere in the book does it explain how she’s able to do that. Lol.

The story actually tackles a lot of issues such as death, grief, trauma, there’s even that illicit student-teacher relationship between London’s bestfriend and one of their teachers but these things weren’t really the main concerns here because I guess the highlight of the story is the romance since a lot of the plot is dedicated to the love story between London and the super gorgeous Alex (London mentions his hotness only every single day *rolls eyes*) which unfortunately sacrificed the rest of the elements of the story including the the unraveling of the mystery and the resolutions. In fact the end seemed like a super fastforward to a happy ending, I couldn’t even understand why everything is suddenly all better. Lol.

This could have been so good had it lived to its full potential but as it is, it is still an entertaining, interesting and quick read to pass your time or something to read in between your intense, exhausting reads.
Profile Image for Red_Queen_Lover.
164 reviews43 followers
May 9, 2018
London loses her memory every night. She writes notes about the day and leaves them on her nightstand for the morning. On one particular day, she meets Luke. He seems to know her from somewhere but she doesn't notice and obviously, wouldn't know what memory he remembers her from. Their romance starts to build, slowly but surely. Although it's a slow build-up it's not the kind where you don't know if anything is ever going to happen. The ending is marvelous, and I don't want to spoil anything so I'll leave the review as this.
March 7, 2015
5 Best Stars

It’s the second best book I have read this month alone and it’s the best YA book I have read this month!!

Cat Patrick took me on an unforgettable journey through the eyes of London, a young girl whose memory reset every morning. She has no memory of her past and every memory of the future. Forgotten was so gripping to me literally could not put it down; I laughed, I sighed, I giggled, I cried. The story was a mesmerizing page-turning psychological mystery; full of drama and young love that I greedily consumed in one evening.

I know I had said this before but the story hooked right from the start. London grab my attention primarily by the lists she writes for herself and I was confused at first. I didn't understand why they were so important and why she freaked out over the cell phone. When I did and I was sucked further into the story vying to see where it would lead. London falls for Luke, and gets the pleasure of meeting him for the first time every single day. She quickly falls for him, hard, and fast. The feelings they have for each other reach intense heights in what is a short space of time.

I had so many favorite points throughout the story I’m not sure if I can narrow it down. Nevertheless, if I had to pick just one, I think my favorite part of the story would have to be the minivan date. It was refreshing reading a about a young man romancing a young woman he clearly loved. As a woman, I know it is usually (us) the female’s who wind up romanticizing a date/ relationship and the guy’s intentions. It was wonderful to read the romancing coming from the guy for a change. Most assuredly, Luke was my favorite character. It was refreshing reading (though from London’s pov) how much he loved London and never giving up even when London pushes him away.

I had three big reactions to be honest. However, the one that stands out the most is London remembering Luke without having to read her notes. My heart burst opened at the realization that they could be forever soul mates, just as Luke had romanticized on the minivan date. My second stand out moment was the future London saw for Luke. After all both have been through it just didn’t seem fair to either one of them. My third was learning that her brother was still alive, he*l that she even had a brother and it made me wonder…. Could her memory loss be linked to finding her brother? If so, once he appears will she be able to remember and what about her future memories…..What will happen?

Honestly I can’t recall reading a book like this before. I thought it was interesting that London could see the future however could not remember the past. It may seem that Jamie, Adam and London’s father were just a sideline character. However if Cat Patrick decides to continue the story with another book I think we will see more of the characters. Especially, Jamie and Adam if Luke and London can’t figure out a way to change Luke’s future. My only disappointment was with the ending. For me it was too rushed, and I felt like there was more to say, more story to tell. I don't think it should have ended and what I hear is there will be no sequel. I have a feeling there will be more from London, but don't hold me to that.

Do yourself a favor and DON’T miss this one…!! Forgotten it is a stirring and extraordinary debut novella that will haunt your dreams and leave you yearning for more.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
382 reviews166 followers
December 8, 2015
Prrrrh, ¡qué decepción de libro! La sinopsis promete, la idea principal es interesante, pero la autora no ha sabido llevarla a buen puerto. Las primeras 200 páginas me han resultado muy caóticas de leer. No sé si por el tema de recordar el futuro y no acordarse del pasado, o por lo pesada que es la autora haciendo comparaciones superraras.

Le encuentro tres grandes "peros" a la historia. Primero, Jamie, la mejor amiga de la protagonista. Le dura la amiga las 30 primeras páginas de la historia (o menos) y no vuelven a ser amigas hasta las últimas 5 páginas. En serio, para eso, no te metas en gastos y haz un personaje Mary Sue al que todo el mundo envidia y por eso nadie quiere ser su puñetera amiga.

Segundo, .

Tercero, Luke. Tiene que ser un jodido dios romano/griego para que cada puñetera vez que la protagonista lo ve se quede apollardada. La primera vez está bien. Veinte veces después ya cansa.

En resumen, una novela con potencial que se queda en agua de borrajas...
Profile Image for Rebecca .
235 reviews141 followers
October 25, 2012
I had heard of Forgotten and even read some great reviews about it, and to tell you the truth it sounded interesting but I wasn’t sure if I’d like it. Well, after reading it, I can now tell you that I thought it was one of the most clever, intriguing, creative books I have ever read. Like seriously, if this is Cat Patricks debut, I can’t wait to see what she writes next!

All of the characters were well written about and entertaining...especially London. I thought that she was such a strong character, considering everything that she had to deal with and the such. I was so glad she had Luke – a sweet, loyal and swoony guy - by her side. I absolutely loved their relationship, to me they were a perfect match and so well suited.

I loved the way Cat Patrick described meeting Luke, the first time and every other. It was like a new experience each time, not just for London, but for me as well! As she described him a bit differently every time focusing on his unwavering gaze, to his obvious ease or his effortless smile. I had to smile to myself when I came across this short, yet sweet paragraph in the book:

I thought I was prepared .

This morning, I read months of notes. I flipped through dozens of photos.

But Luke in real life is something else. Luke in real life is something no amount of notes could prepare me for. My living, breathing boyfriend is amazing.


I like that the author kept the characters to a minimum and didn’t go overboard. This made it easy to follow and know who was who. I know recently I have read a few books that I just couldn’t keep up with, as the number of characters were preposterous!

Intriguing, original and brilliantly written

Overall, I enjoyed every minute of this book. It’s got the just the right amount of romance, drama and mystery. If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly suggest you do!
Profile Image for Aly (Fantasy4eva).
240 reviews122 followers
August 1, 2011
Forgotten is a story of girl who has no recollection of her past whatsoever but for some reason of her future. It's clear though from the get - go that knowing the future and not recalling the past has taken its toll on her. For one, she has to make notes every day before she goes to bed to remind herself when she wakes up of what she has to do that very day. The problem with this is that the London who wakes up that very morning may have the notes to remind herself to bring; a chemistry book, wear certain clothes and remind herself who she just had a tiff with the day before, but that hardly contributes to letting her know who she really is. Her personality must be completely on and off some days which is why I'm surprised no one else ever noticed.

Thankfully her best friend Jamie and her mother know of her condition so they are always there to keep her to date if she need be. There's a lot that comes with knowing the future too. Sometimes it's best to not know, to leave things behind but with London she doesn't have that choice. She knows how her life goes, sure, but the problem is she knows how everyone else's goes too which she has dealt with up until she realises Jamie's is going downhill sometime soon. Regarding this I felt like she could have tried harder. In my opinion she gave up on her way too easily when she should have just told her the truth, it could have saved a lot of drama and pain.

Then there's Luke, the new boy in town who instantly brightens up every time he sees her leaving her contemplating if she should know him somehow. He's nice, sweet, charming and together they make a cute couple, but that's it really -- I didn't see this big connection between them, I didn't feel like they were in a serious relationship and in "love” but just really liked each other.

When Luke arrives things only get more complicated as it soon becomes clear that he may know more than he lets on. With Luke lying to her and Jamie avoiding her she feels completely lost and hurt. It's becoming harder to decide who she can and cannot trust. Further more in due time she finds that her own mother may not be all that trustworthy either.

With a promising premise I was pretty much sold right away and although a let down I'm glad that I followed through and read it. So, let’s break it down.

Regardless of my thoughts on how she handled the whole Jamie thing she does really value her friendship and care for her. It was good to see how the author focused on their relationship and the ups and downs they went through.

At times she took the higher road instead of getting mixed up with mess -- for example; the page situation.

Her heart for the most part was in the right place which lead me to realise that I liked London.
She thinks things through. When she's with Luke she knows what she wants and how "far" she’s willing to go. It’s nice to see a MC who actually thinks before she acts.

Despite not meeting my expectations I can't say it wasn't an enjoyable read because it was. I read it during my break at college and was practically glued to the book; engaging it is.

The ending felt rushed. Throughout the whole book you are anticipating the very moment everything is explained and then when it comes together? You have the overall conclusion only everything in between is missing.

I felt like their relationship could have been more developed. Sure we know they are connected somehow and that they are attracted to each other, but that's the case in any YA book nowadays; I wanted something more from this book, something not so predictable like the new boy in town. The book had a great enough premise where it could have really done without all that.

London had the tendency to not do herself any favours when she purposely left out vital information which puzzled me.

With a more well thought out plot and characters this book had the potential to be amazing
Profile Image for Amy.
109 reviews
July 17, 2015
“Whaaaaaaat?” was the first thing that went through my head after finishing this book. It was shortly followed by: “But the… and the… what did she… and he… UGH!” after which I immediately flung down the book in disgust and retreated to my room.

Seriously. It was that bad. And it had so much potential. Really, the only thing I can say right now is: “What were you smoking, Cat Patrick?” Honestly. I don’t think I’ve ever been so confused after finishing a book. Ever.

It really did have so much potential. And I’m going to keep saying it until I can get this awful feeling out of my mind from reading this book. IT HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! And you completely ruined it, Cat Patrick. Completely. The storyline was so original! But there was just so much stuff so irritate me and want to rip every single page out of this book and burn it. Without mercy. And I do not treat books like that. My books do not have a single dog-eared page, or a single crease in the spine. They are perfect, and they will remain that way. So for me to want to rip out every single page of a book and burn it… That’s saying something.

So without further ado, the top three things I absolutely hated about this book:

1. The relationship between London and Luke. It was love at first sight. Literally. And it was so awfully clichéd and… ick. I just wanted to go and throw up at some parts of the book. She couldn’t even remember him half the time! And she was madly in love with him! Sorry (not really) for hating on the whole “insta-love” thing if it happened for you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/dog/whatever.

2. The way the characters were so unrealistic. I mean, really. London just forgave her mother and Luke for lying to her practically for HER WHOLE RELATIONSHIP WITH BOTH OF THEM. Seriously? And all of them were so airy-fairy the whole time, and so two-dimensional. I had a hard time relating to any of the characters.

3. The ending made me… I don’t even know. I just wanted to drive through the wall of the author’s house and strangle her. It was like halfway through the book, even Cat Patrick got bored. Everything was so rushed, and she only half answered all the questions she posed in the earlier chapters. London didn’t even find her brother. You don’t know whether Luke died trying to save him. It doesn’t even explain how she found her dad. There’s just some random conversation at the end, which made me think, “Did I miss something here?”

You lost me, Cat Patrick. You really just lost me. I regret every minute I spent reading Forgotten, and, quite frankly, wish I had London’s backwards memory so I could never remember reading this.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Marshall.
Author 8 books118 followers
September 5, 2011
I honestly don’t quite know what to make of this story!

The reviews were amazing and I was terribly excited to read it.

The story in principle was really good but I must confess to being a bit unnerved by some of London’s premonitions, especially the whole funeral thing. The idea of having to live with the knowledge that this young girl was living with scared me, and although the plot was intriguing and kept me reading I did feel at times as though I was living some form of horror with her.

The relationship she had with her boyfriend was sweet but I felt terribly sad for both of them and couldn’t help but wonder how terrible it must be not to remember the most important person in your life.

Perhaps I got too involved in the story and let my imagination run too wild but I did find myself in a love hate relationship with this book at times.

Compelled to read the book because I had to know what was going to happen next yet terrified of finding out.

Can I get the characters out of my head? No!

Is the plot still playing away in my mind like some sort of ‘Groundhog day’? Yes!

Do I want to know what is going to happen next? Yes!

Would I like the author to write a sequel? Yes!

Would I read that sequel? Yes!

Would I read the book again knowing what I know now? Yes!

What does that make my final opinion of this story?

There are a few things that make a great story in my humble opinion.

One; when you write a story so powerful that the plot and characters remain in the readers mind after they have finished you book.

Two; when your reader wants more - and finally

Three; when your reader would choose to read your book off the back of their own experience.

Working to my own humble rules I have to say that this was a great story.
Profile Image for mylin.
38 reviews15 followers
May 8, 2018
I feel bad writing this review because I hardly ever give a book less than three stars but it deserves this bad review.

Oh where to start?
Well there was no plot and no actual story line. The world building was nonexistent. Character descriptions were trash and none of them had any personality at all. (Except for slutty Jamie.(is this a personality trait?))

The idea of the story was not well thought out: She can remember what happened before because every night she forgets but can retain some information about the previous day by writing notes to herself. She knows all the people in her life because she can see into to future (something not explained). But cannot remember her boyfriend from the future? Then later can remember him for some reason. And then she thinks that someone is gonna die because she can see a funeral and for some reason she thinks it’s a family member and is devastated because she thinks she knows something about someone? And then the whole thing with the brother? I give up.

This makes no sense to me and the author obviously didn’t know what the hell was happing ether so just tried to carry on the story with no explanations what so ever.

Things that make no sense:
she wakes up every day not at all disoriented because she cannot remember anything? And how can she learn things (life things and school things) if she forgets everything the next day.

Lol I got to tired to think of anything else that didn’t make sense even though there was much more.

I was extremely disappointed with this book. Sorry.
P. S. If you are still reading this then you are a real trooper for listening to the spout of jumbled garbage that I call a review. Thanks!
Profile Image for kari.
854 reviews
February 13, 2012
Forgotten, and the sooner, the better.
This book could have been so much better than what is here. The premise is mysterious and the confusion London feels as she tries to make her way with no past memories is well done in the first few chapters. I'm not sure I understand why her teachers wouldn't know about her memory problems. That doesn't make sense or why it has to be such a big secret. Who would care? And that she can "remember the future" didn't really work to me. I understand why she lost her memory, but the future stuff didn't add up.
Also, for writers in general, clumsiness isn't a personality trait, so please stop using that to show character. It isn't. Unfortunately, London's personality traits as shown are being judgemental and hypocritical. She thinks this girl wears her skirts too short, the cheerleaders are too happy and loud. She goes to the prom and the other girls are wearing dresses showing too much cleavage. She dumps her boyfriend for lying to her during the months in which she was lying to him.
Additionally, the dialogue doesn't flow. People don't normally talk this stilted and formal, at least not anyone, particularly teenagers, that I know.
And if all of that isn't enough, the whole story takes a big turn right in the middle and becomes something completely different.
Challenging premise for a first time author, but uneven and cannot recommended.
Profile Image for Melannie :).
355 reviews181 followers
July 28, 2011
Oh man! how I loved this book!
I won this in The Mockingbirds facebookpage, so I am hugely and eternaly thankful
to Daisy Whitney; without her I wouldn't have been able to read this awesome piece of literature
two moths before it comes out.

So yeah this book was all the things I like:

Romance: the romance in this book is to die for!, kinda like in the movie 50 first dates that
Adam Sandler makes Drew Barrimore fall in love with him all over again every day, Luke does the same
with London, she doesn't remember him after 4:33 in the morning, so he must use all his charms to make her fall for him again.
I loved how Luke never give up on her, I mean can you imagine the herculean task of making someone
fall for you every day? but he looved her so much, so he did that and MORE even when she literally forgot all about him.
PS. Their first date is to die for! I was all sighs and 'awww's while reading it.

Mystery: Just when you think you've figured everything out, new information is revealed and your jaw hits the floor
and then you have to get a chin implant.
I loved that the story got unraveled precisely and at the end all the pices clicked, 'cause there was so much story behind London's
"contidion" than what you imagine from the first pages.

Awesome characters: First there's London, who forgets everything that happened to her that day when she goes to sleep, at exactly
4:33 in the morning, her memory is whiped clean, and not only that; she also remembers everything that's gonna happen to her, that's right: the future!
So when she can't seem to remember Luke, the hot new guy in school, she figures there's no point in getting to know him if he's not gonna be in her future,
but ohhh London how wrong you were! *wink* *wink*
And then there's Luke, who is one of the most amazing YA guys on my list. He's incredible and I'm not gonna try to put into words how awesome he is
so I'll stop here.

If you're still wondering if you should go out and buy this book next June, I'll tell you my personal experience with this book,

So, My family and I decided to went shopping this past friday and I have the book sitting on my bedside table,
it's 8:00 in the morning and I decide to give it a try while everyone gets ready, but oh surprise the book is so good I can't stop reading,
I read 'till they're ready, I read in the 1-hour trip to the outlet, I read while inside the shops, I read while walking and almost got run over by an SUV, driver doesn't get mad but
my mom almost lost it and sends me to wait in the car (without the car keys so I can't turn on the a/c) so I wait 2 hours in the texas heat inside a car,
I'm sweating like a pig but I'm happy 'cause this book is awesomeness.
And yeah I finished the book that day.
And of course I didn't buy anything, but it doen't matter, this book is so good I've forgotten all about shopping :D


Wow. Just find out this is becoming a movie! With Hailee Steinfeld as London!
I'm so going to be there at the premier day :F
Profile Image for Ari.
941 reviews1,337 followers
March 20, 2015

I am not sure about my feelings for this book, so this doesn’t really count as a review.

The concept was great – having memories from the future is something I thought about at some point in my life. Add to this the fact that London can’t remember her past (that her day ends precisely at 4:33 am taking away all her memories) and that she needs to keep notes about what happens (or to rely on her ‘future memories’ to know where she stands) and you get a pretty awesome settling.

Another thing that I liked was the mystery around the funeral – it kept me thinking about whose life might end so soon and I was relieved everytime London took someone down from the list.
Also all the first times she met Luke were cute – I wish there was more to it tough, like some kind of hot and cold relationship, where she likes him ‘at first sight’ one day and she doesn’t the next one (maybe I’ve seen too many movies *cough* 50 First Dates *cough*).

Still the relationship between characters and the action (in fact the lack of it) didn’t make me care too much about the story and that’s a shame, because I wanted to love this story just as much other people did.

Let’s take a look at the things that bugged me a bit:

First, at some point I just wanted London to tell her mother what she knew and get over with it. Plus, the resolution was too quick and made me feel like I lost too much time running in circles to get to the initial point (obviously the fact that she should have talked with her mother, duh!).

Also, I am still not sure why she couldn’t see the boy in her “memories” until near the ending (I would have preferred her not to ‘remember’ him at all), and I am not sure why it took her so long to figure things out – I mean, why in the world wouldn’t she write down the notes she needed? It was like she wanted to remain clueless, she just made her life harder on purpose.

Then, there is this thing that I didn’t like – the moment when she had the guts to be annoyed when someone kept a secret from her – when she did that all her life (yep.. unnecessary dramas are so not my thing). But the guy was cute, and there were some moments I did enjoy a lot.

Other than this, the friendship was a bit forced (or again the lack of it). Sometimes she didn’t care about her best friends because she knew they were supposed to be friends in the future too, other times she was sticking her nose in other people’s business and so she became a bit annoying. But hey, this is a book for teens and teens are ‘flexible’ like that.

Anyways, I got to finish it without headaches and these days this is becoming (kind of) my standard for liking a book, LOL, but on the other hand it felt a bit juvenile on some aspects. It was still an entertaining read and it got lots of high ratings, so if you feel like reading it you should give it a try. I hope you’ll like it better

Happy midnight reading!

This review can also be found at ReadingAfterMidnight.com

PS: even though my copy is the one with the big black text all over it, I pretty much don't like it (you can't judge my personal taste on it, can you?), so I'll pretend that the flowery cover is 'the one'. :p

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Profile Image for Samantha (A Dream of Books).
1,246 reviews117 followers
March 29, 2011
I'm in love. With a book. And it's name is Forgotten. This is such a stunning debut novel that I was compltely blown away by it. I don't think my review will be able to do justice to just how amazing this book is and how much I loved it but I'll try and put into words how incredible I found it and what a phenomenally talented writer Cat Patrick is.

From the first to the last page this was a stellar read. I rushed home from work to finish reading it immediately, after daydreaming over the book all day. Even now, after a couple of days have gone by, I'm still thinking about the story and the characters. I'm jealous of people who will get to read this for the very first time and discover just how fantastic the experience of losing themselves in it is.

The concept is brilliant and really piqued my interest when I first heard about the book. London Lane is an average teenage girl in every way but one. Every day at 4.33am her memory resets and she's able to see events that will take place in her future but cannot remember anything about the day before. She has to write herself long detailed notes of everything important that she needs to know so that she'll be able to live as normal a life as possible. The idea of this actually happening to someone is incredible. Obviously London gets to choose what she does and doesn't want to be reminded of the next day, which certainly solves the problem of embarrassing incidents - they can just be wiped from memory. The insights that London gets into her future lead to her questioning the people around her as she tries to work out the meaning of her visions.

I loved the character of London. She's the kind of person that you'd love to have for a best friend. She's true to herself and follows her own path but she's also incredibly loyal and will stand by your side no matter what. She's extremely likeable and I really identified with aspects of her personality.

Although the hook for this novel is the idea of a girl who has no backwards memory, what made the book for me is the central relationship between London and her incredibly hot boyfriend Luke Henry! I was absolutely sucked into the romance between them as they go on their first date and share their first kiss. Their relationship is very mature for a couple that are still at school and I like the fact that it's simple and easy between them without too many big dramas.

I have to say that as London fell for Luke, I did too! He's at the top of my literary boy crush list! He's gorgeous but also caring and kind, sensitive and romantic. He's the sort of boy who'll be polite to your parents, remember your favourite movie and always be in exactly the right place at the right time. I loved the way in which their romance was written and there are some seriously heart fluttering moments between the two of them.

Simply put, this book had it all. It manages to combine an intriguing mystery with a strong romantic undercurrent, a fresh and appealing female protagonist and a sucker-punch ending. I was blown away by Cat Patrick's debut and I shall be recommending this to everyone I know. We may only be a few months into the new year but I think I may have found my book of the year already! If love was a book then it would most definitely be 'Forgotten'.

Profile Image for Kai.
407 reviews131 followers
April 5, 2011
Review posted at Amaterasu Reads

London's brain resets at 4:33 am. Everything she has done for the day, fighting with her mom about the secrets she's been keeping from her about her dad, talking to her bestfriend Jamie, getting hit by a dodge ball in the face, borrowing hideous clothes from a snarky schoolmate, and meeting that one boy who she'll love, she forgets all of them. Whether she likes it or not, the moment her eyes open the next day, she would not remember any of it.

If you think that would be fun, you're wrong.

Living a life filled with notes you need to read to get you through day by day, meeting people, experiencing life changing moments and having all of them erased, wiped clean in a day, I can't imagine how one can live a normal life, let alone build one at that.

First, I would like to say that I'm humbled to be introduced and read about a character like London. Sure she's not a perfect character, but because of what she's going through, I appreciate all the little things I used to take for granted. Because I will remember all of them and they will always stay with me. For London's case, no matter how hard she tries, it wouldn't. Ever. I admire the strength she has and her determination to live life as normally as she can.

It's a lot harder because London can only see what's in the future. She can never look back even if she wanted to. How can you come into terms with the fact that you know what's in store for you tomorrow, even those years from now, and not what HAD happened today? It's heart breaking and very sad. If you had the power to see them, would you want to change it? Will you tell people? It's hard to be London.

Here's what made me love Forgotten even more. Aside from the uniqueness of the plot, I loved how the characters behave. Specifically Luke. He's vulnerable, sensitive, awkward at times and weird. Who paints ears anyway? He cries in front of London, he does sweet things for London, tells her the cutest things, like when when he told her she snores. Even with London's reluctance to have Luke know of her secret, he was there, doing the littlest things, making the effort to make sure that even when London forgets everything, she'd still remember him. The guy she likes. Now that's a love that's enduring despite all the difficulties they face and will face in the future.

I think he's the one person you would not want to be erased from your memory, or from your notes, no matter what happens.

Forgotten is a one of a kind read. It's an amazing debut novel. It has a captivating plot, with real and emotional characters, and that one girl who will leave us contemplating about the things in life we tend to ignore. Forgotten will rouse powerful emotions from readers once they are immersed in London's world, filled with notes and things to remember, yet filled with love and hope that sometimes, the mind can forget, but the heart will always remember.

You wouldn't want to miss such an UNFORGETTABLE novel, right?
Profile Image for Claire (Book Blog Bird).
1,085 reviews41 followers
October 28, 2015
Forgotten is a book I’ve been meaning to read for a while, so when I saw it in the library the other day I snagged it.

It tells the story of London, a girl who suffers from short term memory loss. Every morning at 4.33am, her memory resets and wipes everything clean. The only way she knows who her friends are, where she sits in school and where her house is is by accessing her future memories. Yes, London can see into the future, the way the rest of us access memories from our past.

Firstly, I have to say that I really liked the author’s style of writing. This is a bit of a lame point to start on, but I thought it flowed very easily and had a lightness of touch that made me want to keep on reading. I finished Forgotten in less than a day, and while I was reading it I really enjoyed it. The little snippets of the future were quite interesting and funny and I liked London’s narrative and thought she was an interesting protagonist (albeit a bit judgey sometimes) and I liked all the little coping strategies she had in place to deal with her condition.

I also liked Luke. He seemed very sweet and a stable influence for London, and although their relationship was instalovey to the extreme (she has to fall in love with him Every. Single. Day.) and their attraction seemed to be based a bit too much on looks instead of personality, they made a very cute couple.

The plot of the book is okay, but really only okay. It was a really interesting concept, but I just don’t think it was fully explored. A bit more delving and some more tension would have made the plot of this book explosive, and coupled with the author’s writing style could have probably catapulted it into my top ten of the year. As it was, I just felt it fell a little flat. Not bad, but definitely not up to its full potential.

In a way, I would rather London’s affliction had just been short term memory loss. That way the author could have focussed much more on how London’s life had been affected and not so much on the minutae of high school life. Making the book into a contemporary novel would have made the romantic element work a lot better. Kind of like a YA 50 First Dates.

As it was, I thought the romance swamped the storyline a bit. The future memory thing didn’t really work so well for me; I don’t think it was explored to its fullest and because the book is being sold to us as a paranormal story, I expected it to be edgier somehow. Like l kept expecting the government to pop up and whisk London away to a secure facility and Luke would have to break her out and they’d go on the run ...

Or whatever. It’s not up to me to re-write this book. I’m just reporting how I saw it. Ultimately this was a cute, light read to fill the time, but probably needed a bit more tension to really hook the reader in.
Profile Image for Alexa.
648 reviews242 followers
July 26, 2016

I wanted to give this a four stars, but with how mundane it was for the first 3/4 of the book I really can't. I love Patrick's Revived and The Originals, but unfortunately didn't feel the same for her debute novel.

The cool thing about magical realism (which I'm pretty sure is what this book is categorized as) is that it makes the ordinary day-to-day stuff feel just a little bit more magical. But I just didn't feel that magic with this book.

If you want to give it a try, go for it! But if you have more pressing things to read I would suggest reading those first.
392 reviews341 followers
August 10, 2011
Haven't written my review but I have already done MY BOOK BOYFRIEND. LOL For visuals http://irresistiblereads.blogspot.com...

Is it sad that I am giving this 4 star because of the ever so super sweet romance? I am sure if you look up the meaning romantic fool there would be a picture of me next to it.

Enjoyed this book. It was just a light, relaxing read. Full review coming eventually...
Profile Image for Anabel.
743 reviews133 followers
September 24, 2015
Me ha decepcionado un poco. Tengo que ser sincera, he visto que la idea está bien, la verdad es que la sinopsis me llamo la atención. Pero la historia en si, no me ha acabado de agradar. A mitad de libro he empezado a tener curiosidad por la historia, de ahí mis 3 estrellas, pero al cabo de poco tiempo se vuelve predecible. Es una buena historia, pero mal llevada. No destaco la lectura de este libro.
Profile Image for Agnė.
27 reviews4 followers
July 8, 2024
It was okay. Not as exciting as the summary makes it seem. Just a quick, okay read.
Profile Image for Lisa .
257 reviews127 followers
June 17, 2011
The Short Story ? - A touching debut centred around a girl whose memory reset everyday at 4:33am. Beautiful writing, moving plot and fantastic characterisation. Forgotten is a novel that shows the depth of the meaning ' The Future is Yours'. A perfect balance between reality and fiction, this is one debut I wouldn't want to miss. Start saving your change and counting down people because this novel comes with a big fat tick of approval from the Bookie!

The Long Story ? - When I first read the blurb, I was a little weirded out, it sounded like a contemporary but then there's the fact that London's memory reset itself everyday and that she had memories of the future. I could accept the fact that her memory resets itself but the fact that she has memories of the future in a YA contemporary? It sounded better fit in a paranormal. So when I turned the first page my thoughts ran along the lines of - 'okay, don't know how this is going to work but I'll deal.' 10 pages into the book and my thoughts changed to - 'Ohhh interesting, who cares, this is good stuff.'

My original thoughts about the girl with the whacked up memory and visions of the future turned to admiration of the author's ability write such an original story! I loved the plot, one of the highlights of the novel for me. It was the perfect balance between real teen problems mixed with a little 'super-human' element. I would still be a little skeptical if London's 'futuristic' memories were about things like ' the next president' or 'when the world is going to end'. Thankfully, her memories are of little everyday things, things that aren't far-fetched because it's so normal. I could accept the fact this was a contemporary because her memories were so normal, it could have been any one's memories from the past instead of London Lane's memories from the future. The novel also had a nice flow to it, keeping things interesting the entire length of the novel!

Another highlight for me was the fantastic characterisation! I could connect to London on a emotional level. I understand how hard it is when you forget something so it must be horrible to forget everything, everyday including who your boyfriend is or what you wore yesterday. Nevertheless, London's doesn't give up, she writes notes that she reads everyday to remember, she smiles and thinks about other people instead of just herself, she works her way around the fear of the unknown everyday. I respect her ability to cram the morning before a test! London is a fantastic protagonist that everyone can connect to, she's strong yet she's not afraid to ask for help.

Moving on to our love interest, Luke Henry. Luke, if I ever meet the perfect guy, he would be exactly like you. You're supportive, impressively good-looking, kind and totally in love with London. Your utter devotion to her, even when you know her secret is moving. You are the perfect boyfriend and I envy London. PS- I cried a little when you cried a little,I love a man who's not afraid to cry.

Lastly, oh what beautiful writing! Cat, we as YA readers are very lucky to have you join the community. You have a strong teen voice and a unique writing style. Your writing is comfortable and easy to read, the style is easy to follow and I appreciate and admire your ability to write in first person, present tense, which is something very rare in not only YA but literature in general!

Overall, Forgotten would have stolen my heart if Luke hadn't already! A touching story, moving words, a strong heroine and a hard-not-love boyfriend is the perfect combination to a book that you wouldn't want to miss. One of the best debuts I have read this year and one of the best contemporary I have read ever, Forgotten is one book you'll regret not reading - please add to your bucket list.

Rating 5/5
Profile Image for Jessica-Robyn.
588 reviews45 followers
July 12, 2014
Forgotten may not be unforgettable, but it will certainly leave you remembering it for days yet to come.

While I was reading Forgotten I was surprise by how pages were just flying by. I mean, this is no raging action romp, there are no magic carpet rides, or magic wardrobes, but still I found myself almost entranced by the daily comings and goings of London. London is your "average" teenage girl who just happens to have some rather serious recollection issues, forgetting her past the moment she drifts off to sleep.

I found myself being roped in by this story, despite the admittedly lengthy period of time between my having started the book, having to return it to the library, and then waiting while re-requesting it. When I finally came back to reading there was no hassle. It was like I had never even put it down!

Granted my reading didn't start off so smoothly, the beginning was a bit slow for me. By 50+ pages in I couldn't tell exactly where the story was heading and found myself waiting for something to start to happen. Looking back, despite my early impatience this build up did pay off. I loved the way that London's world gets more and more fleshed out, it made the experience of reading more immersive. Though I do still wish that I hadn't had such a reluctance with the beginning, it didn't win me over in the way I feel it should have.

Starting off, I didn't know how Patrick would pull off constantly writing about London's memories without it becoming overly repetitive but London feels very real. For me, there wasn't anything that jarred me out of the story being told. Everything made sense! Yay, super-happy-times!

The mystery surrounding London's memories was natural. I expected there to be that moment where it would feel like a switch was flipped and we go from London: everyday to London: shit is going down. But that moment never happened and everything came together rather casually. The second half does manage to pick up the pace but the transitions were smooooooth.

I have to mention also, the relationship between Luke and London! It was adorbs! Yet still believable in a very fairy-tale, I sure as hell hope boys like this really exist and early teenage romance isn't dead, kind of a way. Luke is the kind of Prince Charming that actually plays a part in the story AND in how London evolves as a character. It was a nice portrayal of first-love and not the "my life is all about you and nothing else," kind of love that I'm seeing way to much of these days.

Additionally, I found myself rather liking all the little subplots and how they related to London figuring certain things out. It was nice to see London's future telling in action and did a great deal in helping me to understand the whole future-past thing.

A couple of other quick notes to sort of wrap things up!

I really liked the role that the mother played. She felt like an actual mom, so that was a major plus towards the story.

I did have some trouble with some words/sayings that were unfamiliar to me (an exampling being "a crew team") but it only happened twice or so and google is my friend.

I loved a lot of the dialog, there were some really wonderful chuckle moments.

Overall, this was a really great read and I would recommend it to anyone looking for something a bit more relaxed, but incredibly unique. Cat Patrick is definitely on my to-watch list.
Profile Image for Trudi.
615 reviews1,674 followers
August 21, 2011
I've definitely got a weakness for books / movies that deal with memory. Forgotten tells the story of 16-yr-old London, whose only memories are not of her past but of her future. Huh? Sounds weird, doesn't it? Well it is weird, and while London's unusual plight is by no means fully explained, I was never left with the impression that it involved something supernatural or paranormal. If anything, this book is very much grounded in realism, save for this one unusual detail of London's malfunctioning memory.

I read this book in one huge gulp, just tearing through the pages. The premise is so original that I was hooked from the beginning and instantly came down with a case of "the gottas" -- as in, I just gotta know what happens next!! I remember (no pun intended) experiencing a similar case of the gottas when I read Lisa McMann's Wake, another compulsive page-turner featuring a young girl with an unusual affliction.

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend that you do! In it, McMann introduces readers to Cabel (who I crowned the boyfriend we all wish we had in high school). And he still is IMO, but whoa mama, has he got some serious competition in Luke. I mean, is this guy for real or what? At times, he was almost too saccharine-sweet perfect and I didn’t know whether to puke or to run screaming to the dentist. I did neither, because in the end he completely won me over. Grown men who wish to woo their long-term partners would seriously benefit from taking a few pages from “the book of Luke” – this guy has got it figured out gentlemen. Trust me.

So yeah, while there is mystery in this story, and while there is high school drama, this is mostly a teen romance. I don’t want to lie to you about that, in case you might have been getting other ideas. But it’s a romance that is tested by a pretty unusual problem – that being the girl has no past memories but a whole life of future memories. This makes her present very interesting. Forget girl meets boy, try girl meets boy over and over again because she can never remember him. Okay, I know it’s a stretch, but I promise if you suspend disbelief for just a moment, the story really will sweep you up and away. This part of the book reminded me a lot of the movie 50 First Dates.

How would you live if you weren’t able to remember what happened yesterday, but you know what will happen next week? A year from now? Ten years from now? Do you accept your fate? Do you try to change it? Most importantly, do you keep your mouth shut about the fate of others? Imagine knowing when someone was going to die, even how they were going to die? That is one burden I could live without. I am a firm believer in ignorance is bliss. I think. And ultimately, that’s what I loved about this book the most, it made me think. Are our futures written in stone? Is it destiny or free-will?
Profile Image for Kayleigh {K-Books}.
1,108 reviews15 followers
November 13, 2011
Forgotten Review on K-Books

At first I really didn't know what to think about this book. I thought the writing was really simplistic and I thought the storyline was really quite weird. However I was still really curious which kept me reading. I am so glad I gave the book a chance because I actually really loved it.

London has a rare memory condition, every night when she goes to sleep her memory resets itself. She can't remember anything from the past. Not even yesterday, not what she was wearing, what she did. Nothing. But she does get flashes on memories. From the future. Then she meets Luke, the boy who makes her life better and worthwhile. But she doesn't remember him. Why is the boy who she is falling madly in love with not in her future?

This book is a great story but I found it kind of hard to get into at first. It was such a weird concept and I couldn't really get my head around it. How can someone remember the future? It just doesn't make sense. At first I found London a little annoying but then I put myself in her shoes and asked myself how would you react and what would you do if you couldn't remember anything? If you had no memory of the past? The more I read the more I wrapped my head around London's condition and came to sympathise with her.
I don't know if maybe I look at this book different because of being a Psychology student but I found myself asking why? Why does she have this condition and how did it happen? This is the part I had the most trouble with while reading this book. Cat Patrick does a good explanation of why this happened to London (I won't say what because it will ruin it) but it is a good explanation in fiction. It is not a realistic explanation and it doesn't make psychological sense.

By the end of the book I loved London and I felt like the ending was very optimistic and that the future looked positive for London and Luke. Luke, I loved him so much. He is like the perfect guy. He came to terms with her condition and even though she couldn't remember him he still stayed with her. No matter how hard it was to be with a girl who didn't remember him he wouldn't go and I loved that about him.

Overall I think it's a really good story. It's a very unique story that you won't find anywhere else and I think Cat Patrick did an amazing job writing such an unusual book. Yes the writing is quite simplistic that would annoy me in any other book but it completely fits with the tone of the book. How would you not think in simplistic ways if you have this psychological condition that London has.
I really hope that there is a sequel to this book as I would love to find out what happens next.
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192 reviews28 followers
July 18, 2011
Originally Posted @ The YA Bookworm

forgotten is about London Lane, London is your very normal teenage girl except she hides a secret-- she isn't able to know what her past was, every time she goes to sleep she forgets what happened to her yesterday, enable to keep track of what she did recently she makes a note before she goes to sleep. but even though she doesn't know what her past was she is able to see through the future.

Forgotten's premise is something fresh and new. right? i was so intrigued with this book cause everything is just so new to me, Imagine living a life like London's? i can say that her life is really tough cause she isn't able to remember anything regarding her past, i mean what fun would it be to know things from the future but your past is blank? and everyday you have to make notes of what you've done recently enable to keep track of what you are doing, when i was reading this i can't help but feel so pained regarding London's situation I was like " and i thought my life is tough!?"

the book is something i would have finished with just one sitting cause of the very fast paced plot and the mystery is something that will make you grab on the edge of your seat. i was so much looking forward on what is London's dream about, i was thinking that maybe it's her funeral that she is seeing, but i was wrong (Super Major WRONG).
the other thing that i really appreciate about this book is maybe the thought that there is really someone out there for you like there is actually a person that is meant to be with you and even disregarding your unnatural abilities, and even accepting you for what you are  like how Luke still loved London even though he bears the tought that London won't be able to remember her the moment she wakes up (See? See? *pokes*)

Overall : A nice book, i would have given this one a 5 star rating cause of the story's originality but i was just so disappointed with the ending, if i have this book on a hard copy i would have juggle all through it's pages over and over again just to make sure i am reading it's ending, i guess i have no words to describe what the ending is i can't call it a happy ending or a cliff-hanger. so my supposedly 5 star rating reduced to 3 stars, but forgotten is a good book, i do recommend it to readers who likes to have a taste for contemporary YA Fiction. :)
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