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Letters of Marque: ABCs for the Savvy Scalawag

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Avast, me hearties! Be ye ready for an alphabet adventure? Climb aboard then, mateys! As readers accompany a crew of pirates on their exciting treasure hunt, 'Letters of Marque: ABCs for the Savvy Scalawag' delivers a thoroughly enchanting journey for pre- schoolers, and a uniquely entertaining experience for everyone! Cast off the lines and prepare for a fun, educational voyage of pirate lore, nautical rhymes, and engaging shipboard illustrations as the buccaneers roam the seven seas!

34 pages, Paperback

First published December 14, 2010

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About the author

Renee Peterson

47 books16 followers
Since earning a degree in English literaure in her home state of California, Renee has been working in an unrelated field, but hopes to one day be able to focus on writing full-time. She spends her time at home reading, writing, and knitting, but also enjoys participating in the Society of Creative Anachronism as her pirate alter-ego, Katla in Mikla. The occasional bottle of rum may be harmed in the process.

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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews
1,330 reviews23 followers
January 25, 2011

I looked at this book from different angles because I am a mom and a speech-language pathologist. Overall, I really liked the book. Not everyone learns the ABC's at the same age/pace so I appreciate that this book can be used for multiple ages/abilities and not considered to be too "babyish" for those children who are delayed. As a SLP, a few of the vocabulary words in the book were too high to teach semantics or phonemic awareness, but they went with the theme. I loved the activities at the end of the book. They were a nice surprise. If your child likes pirates (and who doesn't?), then this book will be sure to keep them engaged. It is appropriate for a wide range of ages so it will be on their reread shelf for year to come.
6 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2011
I thought the book was cleaverly written. Children like pirates and they will enjoy this book. My only criticism is I did not like the illustrations.
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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