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How will Christmas Find us?

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Anita Stansfield, Betsy Brannon Green, Clair M. Poulson, Jerry Borrowman, Jennie Hansen, Julie Coulter Bellon, Connie Angeline, Jeri Gilchrist, K.C. Grant, Susan Aylworth, Michele Paige Holmes, Marlene Bateman, Kenneth M. Page Both laughter and tears will fill your soul with this heartwarming collection of a dozen true Christmas stories from favorite LDS authors, ordinary people whose lives have been touched in extraordinary ways. Discover lighthearted surprises, faith-affirming treasures, and thoughtprovoking insights about the greatest gift of all in this wonderful keepsake book. You'll want to share these timeless holiday tales of peace, hope, and love year after year.

73 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2010

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About the author

Anita Stansfield

127 books452 followers
Anita Stansfield, the LDS market's #1 best-selling romance novelist, is an imaginative and prolific writer whose romantic stories have captivated her readers.

"With sales approaching a half million, Anita Stansfield has clearly found a niche in this market," said Nicole Martin, Publicist for Covenant Communications. "Her popularity stems from her ability to empathize with and write about the issues that LDS women deal with on a daily basis."

"I always write for women like me. It's through my interaction with other women that I've found there are some personal and emotional struggles that are typical," said Anita Stansfield. "I hope my writing makes women feel better about themselves and shows them these real problems can be solved through gospel principles."

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
Profile Image for Tenille.
614 reviews
November 13, 2010
These were great TRUE Christmas stories from LDS authors. They were little short stories... easy to read. Great for putting me in the Christmas Spirit. Most of them wrote about the Christmas that they felt the Real Spirit of the Holiday!
Profile Image for Amy.
907 reviews39 followers
December 10, 2011
Just a nice collection of Christmas stories. Nothing too memorable, but it definitely got me in the Christmas spirit.
1,675 reviews
December 22, 2010
A good compilation of Christmas warm fuzzies that brought tears to my eyes.
Profile Image for Debbie.
833 reviews6 followers
January 4, 2011
These were good stories of different Christmas memories by the authors. My daughter and I enjoyed reading them.
Profile Image for K.C..
Author 19 books41 followers
February 15, 2011
Of course I read it because one of my stories is in it!
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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