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Spy Mice #1

The Black Paw

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For Oz Levinson, life is always the same. No matter what school he goes to, it's always sharks -- bullies -- versus everyone else. What would Oz's hero, James Bond, aka 007, do? He would make mincemeat of the sharks. But Oz is no 007 -- more like double-o-lard.

Then Oz meets Glory Mouse, a skateboarding private eye trying to take down the evil rat leader, Roquefort Dupont, and Oz is swept into a exciting world of espionage. But this is no make-believe movie. It's real life: mice vs. rats, kids vs. bullies, good vs. evil.

And all the power lies in one paw.

256 pages, Paperback

First published June 21, 2005

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About the author

Heather Vogel Frederick

31 books882 followers

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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews
Profile Image for ✨Anna✨.
39 reviews
June 27, 2023
I love Heather's writings and the book was written very well. I started it and it was alright, but it did seem to be more of a book directed for boys. Like I said, written very well, but if you're a girly-girl like me you may be disappointed.
Profile Image for Brooke.
247 reviews
November 17, 2020
I really love her other books and series. This one was fine, I just didn’t love it like I did the others. Probably won’t continue the series.
Profile Image for The Styling Librarian.
2,170 reviews195 followers
December 23, 2013
Spy Mice by Heather Vogel Frederick – Animal Fiction/Mystery – 4th grade and up – I enjoyed rereading this and reading aloud the book to my son, took way too long to read it aloud but we enjoyed all the twists, turns, and adventures throughout! Glory Goldenleaf is a mouse who works at the spy museum going on secret, dangerous missions and helping the mouse world with various challenges including receiving a black paw, threat of death, from her family’s nemisis. It was fun to follow her skate boarding, creative solutions, and flying on pigeons adventures. I especially loved how she found her partners.
Profile Image for Alicia.
260 reviews29 followers
December 29, 2015
This was a really cool, fast-paced and detailed story. It was definitely more of a plot-based story than a character-driven story, but there’s ROOM for more development in the rest of the series. The writing and ‘world-building’ were great. Would I read more by this author? Yep. Would I recommend this to others? Sure. Kids would really get into this.

See the full review on my blog, Awesome Book Assessment.
Profile Image for Peter Espelien.
17 reviews
May 6, 2016
I choose this book because I accidentally checked out the third book in the series from the library. The book was a good spy novel. it was also very suspenseful and exiting. I learned from the story that family is the most important thing in the world. I would use bits of the authors writing style like her excitement and suspense in my own writing. I was surprised that the story did not show mice as pests it showed them as intelligent creatures with advanced society. I was surprised at how badly rats were portrayed in the story.

Profile Image for Tarissa.
1,480 reviews85 followers
September 15, 2014
Fun adventure story, filled with the cutest of mice, bravest of kids, and most evil of rats.

The whole plot beamed with intrigue. The spy agent theme made the story come alive! The author really included some fun ideas for what mice would do if they lived as we do -- it is these details that truly made the story charming and fun.
Profile Image for Angela.
1,847 reviews
January 28, 2008
This is the first book in a series and it was an okay read but I think it's too "cute" to cash in on the spy craze. The story would be better without the talking mice/human interaction and more focus on mice spy gadgets. I won't be pursuing the rest of the series.
Profile Image for jiawei Ong.
85 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2010
This book is very cool. I like how mice and humans work together to fight rats. I think mice like these will happen 20 years later.
Profile Image for Toby.
28 reviews2 followers
January 15, 2014
A great part was when Oz's mother was making cookies for the class and Oz took one for his friend Glory and i thought that was very funny. (-:
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews

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