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Key Features Comparable authors are Jeanne Kalogridis, The Borgia Bride, Anita Diamant, The Red Tent and by Anya Seton. The book has a sumptuous package with a strong appeal for fans of Historical Fiction. Follow up book from Eleanor De Jong was Jezebel-another infamous fallen woman from biblical history. Part of our strategic plan to bolster Avon's historical offering which has so far been hugely successful. About the Book: Delilah Maligned as the courtesan who revealed the mighty Samson's secret for money, Delilah has become synonymous with treachery. But behind the myth is a tale far more tragic? From the moment they met, there was a fire in their relationship, with Samson pitted against Delilah's family. But Samson soon develops an overwhelming passion for Delilah; entranced by her beauty and passionate nature. Meanwhile the Israelites and the Philistines are in a state of constant conflict, with Samson a seemingly unbeatable warrior. The Philistines are desperate to learn the secret behind Samson's power and enrol Delilah as a pawn to bring him down. Driven by misplaced anger, Delilah agrees to use her wiles to discover the secret of his strength. But Delilah finds that Samson is far from the ogre that she had assumed. But a sequence of events have been set in motion which both of them are powerless to stop. The consequences of her mistake have gone down in history and this wonderful novel is as alluring and beguiling as Delilah herself. The perfect treat for fans of Anita Diamant and Helen Dunmore. About the Author: Eleanor De Jong Eleanor de Jong is the daughter of academics and grew up in Europe, America and the UK. She studied history and politics at university, and is now settled in London with her partner.Delilahwas her first novel.

377 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2011

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About the author

Eleanor De Jong

3 books22 followers
Eleanor de Jong is the daughter of academics and grew up in Europe, America and the UK. She studied history and politics at university, and is now settled in London with her partner. Delilah is her first novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
Profile Image for Amy.
165 reviews7 followers
April 27, 2014
WOW What an amazing book!! I found this, and though it interested me, there was just something about the discription that didn't quite sell me. When last week it was on sale, I chose to give it a chance and try it out and I am so, so glad I did!! This book is amazingly well written and moves quickly, yet smoothly. It gives a new spin on an old story, while still keeping to the idea of the Biblical scraps we have. What hit me more, was the emotional effect this book had one me. I really felt the love and the pain and the confusion so much so that in the climatic final scenes I almost teared up, and I don't remember the last time that happened!! I eagerly await Ms. De Jong's nexgt book!! I would recommend Delilah by India Edghill to anyone who enjoyed this book!!

First read October 13-14th 2011
Profile Image for Sandra Nedopričljivica.
729 reviews76 followers
April 26, 2016
Poznata priča o Samsonu i Dalili, valjda nema nikog tko ju ne zna. Bilo mi je OK za podsjetiti se, nije bila dosadna što pozdravljam ali... nije me oborila s nogu. Dalila mi je ostala u sjećanju kao negativan lik koji je "prodao" svoj narod. A Samson kao mnogi muškarci, dozvolio da ga opčini žena. Nije mu pomogla ni kosa, u svakom slučaju nije lik koji bi bio oličenje "muškosti".
Profile Image for Ana.
543 reviews64 followers
June 29, 2016
Comprei este livro por impulso e pensei que seria mais um para a pilha, no entanto a escrita foi uma agradável surpresa.
Para mim Dalila era a eterna sedutora, mulher fatal que levou Sansão ao declínio. Mas Eleanor de Jong tenta repor a verdade histórica e explicar todos os motivos para as suas atitudes e sentimentos.
Profile Image for Karen.
39 reviews
May 8, 2011
Started reading it late last night, and finished it this morning. Couldn't put it down. A very fast page turner. Very enjoyable, and I look forward to her next one. Great if this is her first novel.
Profile Image for Sema.
12 reviews1 follower
May 15, 2024
This was brilliant. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and is packed with romance and passion. Although It has an amazing plot and is a definite tear-jerker. Definitely one of my favourites.
Profile Image for Margaret.
726 reviews14 followers
February 10, 2017
Samson & Delilah is one of my favourite classic movies, so I was quite curious to read this book.

The story is a bit different and gives a more detailed image of the conflict between the Israelites and the Philistines. Samson, the seemingly unbeatable warrior of the Israelites, wants his people to be free from the Philistine oppression and is a thorn in the side of the authorities. To seduce him and bring him down, the leaders call in Delilah, a beautiful and fiery woman, who thinks Samson is a brute. When Delilah gets to know him, her opinion softens and she is captivated by his passion. But the Philistines want Samson stopped and, if Delilah can´t handle the task, they have other tricks up their sleeves… tricks that will put Delilah between a rock and a hard place.

I enjoyed the story, with its many period details, but I found Delilah to be too “modern” for the time, which made some scenes somewhat far-fetched. The ending was a bit rushed and not as powerful as the movie. To be honest, I think I still prefer the movie!
62 reviews7 followers
June 21, 2013
Delilah is based on the biblical tale of Delilah and Samson. In the book, Lord Phicol, the lord of the Philistines, pays Delilah to seduce and help capture Samson, a leader amongst the Israelites. However, as Delilah starts to fall for Samson and learns more about her Israelite heritage, she finds herself in a difficult position: unable to be truly loyal to either party.

My favourite thing about this book is the way it takes you back to the ancient Holy Land and brings the story of Delilah and Samson alive. De Jong’s descriptions of the small things: the market places, the customs, medicine, etc. of the time, create a wonderful feeling of authenticity.

De Jong’s rendition of Delilah and Samson is of the romantic kind. Delilah falls for Samson and this alters Delilah’s intention to help Lord Phicol. I found the romance side a bit cringey but enjoyed the fact they initially hated one another but transformed into loving one another. Samson’s quick attitude change was understandable - driven by lust, but I felt Delilah was a bit too quick to convert.

I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was an original plot-line, or I had not been aware of the original story. All throughout it, I couldn’t shake off waiting for the inevitable demise of Samson. When the end did come it was a bit too short. Since the ending is of great significance, I wish the author had spent more time (and pages) on it.

I loved Delilah, it’s an interesting rendition of an ancient tale, and the first time I’ve read anything set in that era. I’d recommend Delilah to any lover of historical fiction and I look forward to reading her other book, Jezebel.
Profile Image for Redfox5.
1,603 reviews66 followers
July 22, 2016
I knew this was based on one of the stories from the Bible but it wasn't one I knew so after I started reading, I checked out wikipedia to get a summary of their story. Which was pretty silly actually as I then knew it wasn't going to end well.

I really liked Delilah, she knew her own mind and was independent in a world where woman were seen as nothing but objects. At first I didn't really like Samson but like Delilah, once I got to know him I loved him. I kept picturing him as Khal Drogo from Game Of Thrones which helped ;)

I kept picturing Phicol as Judge Claude Frollo from Disney's Quasimodo and I didn't like him at all or Delilah's horrible stepsister. They suited each other.

I liked the way this was based on a bible story but it didn't go too much into the God aspect at all. I learned from my internet googling that Samson's strength was down to his hair being long and I was wondering the whole time at what point she was going to cut it off. And when she did, I was like nooooo! You don't know what you are doing!

I really enjoyed this book and it only took my a day to read, the pages just flew by and I will be looking for out for more books by Eleanor De Jong.

By the way if you managed to read this book without that 'Hey there Delilah' song getting stuck in your head then hats off to you!
Profile Image for Milena.
25 reviews3 followers
October 29, 2024
Istorijska fikcija poznate price o Samsonu i Dalili napisana pitko i zanimljivo u formi ljubavno-istorijskog romana. Drzi paznju i bavi se vecitim nedoumicama u vezi musko-zenskih odnosa. Lako stivo, moze se citati na plazi (po ovoj knjizi cu, izmedju ostalog, pamtiti plaze Majorke :))
201 reviews
May 2, 2022
Dalila je sa svojih 8 godina ostala bez oca i njezina majka udala se za vinogradara filistejca Akiša za kojeg je njezin muž radio. Time je Dalila dobila polubrata Ekrona koji je bio zaljubljen u Dalilu i polusestru Heminu koja se prema njoj odnosila kao prema sluškinji, ali tu je bila i Akiševa prva žena Arijadna. Kad je Dalila napunila 14 godina, njezina godinu starija polusestra Hemin imala je proslavu zaruka sa Samsonom. Time je Akiš, filistejac htio popraviti odnose između filistejaca i izraelaca jer je Samson izraelac. No kad je na proslavi zaruka došlo do davanja miraza, Samson se naljutio na mali dio koji je Akiš darovao i ako mu je Akiš govorio kako je to samo mali dio, da će ostalo dobiti na dan vjenčanja, Samson mu je rekao kako je prekršio dogovor i otišao je nakon borbe. Iako je Samson bio najveći i snažan muškarac, Dalila mu se suprotstavila kako bi obranila svoju obitelj. Nakon te drame, u kuću je došao knez Fikol iz njihovog mjesta Aškelona i zamolio je Akiša za Heminu koja se tome razveselila. Poslije se vratio i Samson i dalje je bio gnjevan jer je Akiš prekršio dogovor i ponudio mu je Dalilu, ali se ona tome suprotstavila i jako naljutila na svoga oca. Nakon Samsonovog odlaska i vinograd im se zapalio, ali su uspjeli brzo reagirati tako da nije bilo veće štete. Nakon obrane od požara Dalila je prvi put vodila ljubav sa slugom Jošuom i nakon toga je vidjela nesretnog Ekrona. Tri godine poslije toga putovala je s ocem u Ašdod kako bi proširili prodaju vina. Znala je da je sin trgovca Jered jako zgodan i sviđao joj se. Dok su njihovi očevi pregovarali, njih dvoje je obišlo Ašdod i Dalila je pogledom susrela Samsona koji je bio na tržnici na kojoj su oni kupovali. Kad se s ocem vraćala u Aškelon, njihovu kočiju napali su razbojnici i Samson ih je zaustavio, ali su morali dati vino, nakit i novac. Čak ih je i otpratio dio puta. Poslije toga, na tržnici u Aškelonu dok je kupovala s Ekronom susrela je Samsona koji joj je hvalisao i njegovi pristaše su je ogovarali na hebrejskom i ona im je odgovorila. Samson se začudio što zna hebrejski i ona mu je rekla kako je i ona Izraelka. Samson ju je počeo gledati drugim očima. Nakon toga, knez Fikol ju je pozvao u svoje odaje i punudio joj 1100 srebrnjaka ako zavede Samsona i otkrije im njegovu slabost. Filistejci su smatrali Samsona prijetnjom jer je izazivao pobune po gradu. Dalila je prihvatila srebrnjake i sakrila ih je u Jošuinu sobu. Odmah je počela provoditi svoje namjere u djelo i otišla na tržnicu u kojoj je ponovno susrela Samsona koji ju je odveo do skrivene izraelske krčme i na rastanku je poljubio. Njihova strast je bujala i Dalila mu se jedne noći i predala. Te noći su ga napala tri filistejca ali se uspio obraniti i nije posumnjao u Dalilu. Fikol je Dalili počeo sve više prijetiti jer nije provodila svoju zadaću, a Samson je i dalje dizao pobune. Prije festivala, Dalila i Samson su se posvađali jer iako joj je Fikol rekao da se pobrine da Samson dođe na festival, ona ga je zbog straha za njega zamolila da ne dođe i posvađali su se jer je on bio tvrdoglav. Akiš i Beula su u goste pozvali Jereda i njegova oca da prisutstvuju festivalu i Dalila je vrijeme provodila s njima. Njihovi roditelji su željeli vjenčanje Jereda i Dalile, ali je ona jasno dala do znanja da to ne želi. Samson se ipak pojavio na zabavi i htio je sudjelovati u igri koju je i dobio ali je počela borba između filistejaca i izraelaca i Dalila je jedva uspjela napustiti grad uz pomoć jednog od njegovih ljudi. Uspjela je poslije vidjeti i Samsona koji ju je nakon što im je pomogla, poslao kući. U vinogradu ju je dočekao Ekron i ošamario je. Zbog šamara i masnice, par dana nije izlazila iz kuće. Kad se masnica povukla, otišla je do grada i vidjela da Fikol zabranjuje svima druženje sa Samsonom i da će svatko koga vide sa Samsonom platiti životom i između ostalog tražio je i samog Samsona. Samson joj se prikraden obratio i dogovorili su se za sutrašnji sastanak. Samson ju je odveo do njegove majke Azube i izraelaca i Dalila je napokon bila sretna i smirena. Kad su se vraćali, Jošua ju je dočekao tamo gdje ju je i ostavio, a Samson je krenio svojim putem. Kad su se približili gradu, Dalila je vidila metež i zamolila Jošuu da stanu i stali su unatoč njegovu protivljenju. Uspjela je doći do središta grada i vidjeti u kavezu Samsonove prijatelje i knez Fikol joj je objasnio da je ona kriva za to i da će tako prizvati Samsona i da ona tu ne može ništa i pustio je lava na njih dvojicu i time ih odveo u smrt. Rekao joj je i kako je bespotrebno potrošio novac na nju, da je bilo dovoljno potkupiti jednog od Samsonovih pristaša Kaleba i da je tako saznao sve. Uplakanu ju je našao jedan od Samsonovih ljudi i odveo ju do njega. Nakon vođenja ljubavi, pustio je svojih sedam pletenica i ona ih je prala. Od rođenja, njegova kosa nikad nije bila šišana jer je to bila njegova snaga. U tome je došao kenz Fikol s vojnicima i nakon što ih je napao, došli su i Izraelci i pobili su filistejske vojnike, a Fikola je Samson na kraju pustio. Znali su da nakon te večeri ništa neće biti isto. Povukli su se u špilju i ujutro je Samson otišao pronaći svoje ljude, a Dalila je otišla do svoje kuće i probala je nagovoriti majku da napusti s njom Akiša i ode u dolinu gdje je njihov izraelski narod, ali Beula nije htjela napustiti Akiša. Kad je s Jošuom otišla premjestiti srebrnjake u vinograd, Fikol je s vojnicima napao Akiševo imanje, pobili su sve i zapalili imanje. Dalila je pronašla mrtvu majku i Akiša koji je u zadnjim trenutcima svoga života izgovarao Ekronovo ime. Otišla je do Samsonove špilje s Jošuom i sve mu ispričala. Rekla mu je i za svoju izdaju i iako je bio ljut, nije je otjerao. Pošto nije htio napustiti zemlju bez borbe, Dalila je uspavala Samsona i odrezala mu kosu kako bi mogli napustiti zemlju a da ih se ne primjeti, ali vojnici su in napali kad su napuštali Aškelon i Samsona su odveli u zatvor, a Ekron je zatvorio Dalilu i prizno joj da je on ubio svoga oca i njezinu majku. Dalila je 2 mjeseca trpila poniženja od Ekrona koji je iskorištavao kao sluškinju i silovao je nakon što joj je rekao da je Samson mrtav. Znala je da je truna sa Samsonom i to je prikirvala. Jedne večeri kad su večerali kod Fikola, Dalila je čula da je Samson živ i te večeri je skupila hrabrosti, ubila Ekrona i otišla do njegove majke. 4 mjeseca poslije, pojavla se u Aškelonu sa Samsonovom majkom i Arielom. Otišla je do Samsonovog zatvora i ondje je vidjela da su mu iskopali oči. On nije htio pričati s njom jer ga je izdala, rekla je da mu je donjela jelo i piće i da je došla s njegovom majkom. Pitao ju je zašto je došla i njegovom rukom mu je pomilovala trudnički trbuh i rekla je da je dijete njegovo. Rekao joj je kako će on umrijeti za Boga, a nek ona i njezina majka napuste Aškelon što prije. Taj dan su ga trebali ubiti. Dok su ga dovodili do mjesta gdje će ga ubiti, zamolio je dječaka da ga pusti kod jednog stupa iSamson je svom snagom razrušio hram i pogubio većinu filistejaca.
Profile Image for Em Chainey (Bookowski).
Author 12 books72 followers
December 5, 2013
Daha ayrıntılı yorum ve bilgi için: http://bookowski101.blogspot.com/2013...

Filistinliler ve İsrailoğullarının husumetinin çok çok eski zamanlara dayandığını bilirdim de bu kadar eski olduğunu bilmezdim. Toprağın ve toprağa hakim olmanın neredeyse her şey demek olduğu bir zamanda bu iki halk da birbirleriyle toprak ve kendi halklarının geleceği için savaşırken Samson ve Delilah'nın hikayesi bu durum ile paralellik göstererek ve de zıtlaşarak şekillenmiş. Kitap çok canlı bir şekilde bu efsaneye/anlatıya uygun olarak yazılmış ve sonlandırılmış. Eleanor de Jong gerçekten kitabın hakkını vermiş. Samson'a ve onun sarsılmaz inancına hayran olmamak, bazen de ondan ve gücünden ürkmemek elde değildi. Delilah ise kendi koşullarında değerlendirmemizi hak eden femme fatale olarak nitelendirilmesi gereken bir karakter. İlk başlarda yargıladım karakteri ama sonrasında anlamaya çalıştım. Hani tarihle ilgili önemli bir şey vardır; dönemi koşulları ile değerlendirin diye. İşte ben de bunu karaktere uyarlayarak karakteri "kendisi ve çevre koşullarına" göre değerlendirdim. Üstelik Delilah sonlara doğru yaptığı yanlışın farkına varıyor ve aşık olduğu adamı kurtarmak için elinden geleni yapıyor. İşe yarıyor mu? Kitabı okuyun ve görün diyorum. Okurken keyif aldım ve de bilgilendim, -ki bu ikincisi özellikle benim için çok önemlidir.


Ayrıca belirtmeden geçemeyeceğim kitabın son okuması yapılmamıştı sanırım, bir kere daha üstünden geçilip küçük yazınsal hatalar düzeltilseydi daha pürüzsüz bir okuma süreci sağlanacaktı.
Profile Image for Sanne.
106 reviews
November 30, 2013
A novel about the life and times of the biblical duo, Samson and Delilah.

This was such a good read, and having known so little about these people, I now understand why she did the things she did. Based on extensive research but written as a novel, Eleanor de Jong has written a riveting story about the events surrounding the times of the pair.

As a child I was only taught about Delilah being a woman who cut off Samson's hair because he was too strong...and being not really very interested in this story from the bible, I never bothered to find anything out. However, this book is far from the boring story I knew as a child, and shows just how some people will manipulate and abuse others on their road of evil just to get what they want.

Delilah wasn't the soul of purity, she was promiscuous and despite manipulating in her own way, also allowed herself to be manipulated by evil. Once she realised that things she'd always believed to be true, were in fact fantasy, she then understood so many others knew so much more of the truth than she'd been led to believe. Basically, she changed sides.

I'd always been taught that the Israelites were the bad guys and the Philistines were the good guys...not so according to this story. The extent the Philistine brother-in-law went to in order to get what he wanted was horrific. He stopped at absolutely nothing to get it.

A very interesting read.
Profile Image for Lisa.
35 reviews
October 19, 2013
The story piqued my interest from the start and was easy to read. The descriptions were good although I detected a bit of 'info-dumping' at times (I really didn't need to know in great detail what every dress of Delilah's looked like).

The middle of the story was slower and felt like it was held together by many love scenes one after the other, with certain character actions and thoughts thrown in just to show the reader "look, I haven't forgotten about this very important point!". One character that I thought would be central completely stopped appearing after the first few chapters for no apparent reason. And although I thought the plot was well thought out, with its rationalising of certain events and making the characters seem human, some behaviour I did find odd, like Delilah's family's lax attitude towards their teenage daughter, letting her disappear for days and nights on end and sleep with whoever she wanted.

I found the ending quite shocking; although I vaguely knew what to expect, I'm not familiar with the biblical story and I don't know what has been elaborated on. It seemed a bit harsh. But overall it was an enjoyable, easy read and a bit different.
February 19, 2015
It was an enjoyable read, especially toward the end... but it was definitely one of those books where I am practically yelling at the characters (in my head), "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! / NO, STOP! / AHHHHHH!"

Case in point, where Samson decides to let Phicol go. Should have done away with him then and there! And then, the scene where Delilah cuts Samson's hair... sigh. I knew it was coming, of course. But the entire time I was reading it, I was thinking, "You are an idiot. What the hell are you doing?"

That aside, I have no complaints. The characters were likeable, the descriptions left me feeling connected to the time and place, and the plot was evenly paced. Not bad for a first novel. :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for caffeinated reader.
423 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2020
Here's a defense of the Delilah who oozed with a thousand and one charms: while she may be a lot of things, one thing she certainly did not do was maliciously with evil intent, delivered Samson to the Philistines.
2 reviews
July 11, 2011
A brilliant fast-paced easy read full of excitement, sexual tension and thrill. A highly recommended, gripping read.
23 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2011
Terrifically entertaining version of a well-known story. If you liked The Red Tent, you will love Delilah.
Profile Image for Lauren-Jane.
85 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2014
Absolutely haunting and stunning! This book is so evocative and you really connect the characters, who are utterly vivid and convincing. I cant wait for Jezebel!
Profile Image for Samantha.
89 reviews
March 7, 2012
Read in one sitting couldn't put it down! So glad I bought it now!
Profile Image for Mónica.
257 reviews45 followers
October 9, 2018
Nada como este livro para olharmos para os acontecimentos bíblicos sobre outro prisma, neste caso, o de Dalila. Ganhei um carinho especial por estas personagens históricas e pelo livro em si.
Profile Image for LeeAnn Hardeman.
37 reviews
July 4, 2019
Huge sigh! I was loved like Delilah once

I once had a similarly brief but mutual love that went deep into the very heart of our souls. That was over 20 years ago, and I still ache for him. But like Samson he to was brought low by evil and left this earth way to soon. This book rekindled the wonderful warmth and true happiness of our time together. It was as if we were having a new adventure together again.
It says a lot about an author if they can transport a reader through time and space like that. I thank her for giving me what feels like a new memory with my guy. I highly recommend this book. I'm going to purchase the second(I think) novel as soon as I finish this. The only reason for only four stars is because I really think she could have continued the story far past where she stopped. I wanted more. For a first book she knocked it down the baseline just brushing the foul pole for an inside the park homerun.
Profile Image for Eva.
43 reviews
June 9, 2017
Adorei este livro! Uma perpectiva mais humana e realista de acontecimentos que fazem parte de uma história que faz parte de pelo menos 2 das maiores religiões actuais. Fala sobre a história antes da lenda e é contada sobre o ponto de vista de uma mulher, Dalila, que para muitos foi considerada vilã, prostituta, que o único interesse era a ganância.

Mas que aqui temos uma vida contada por uma pessoa muito humana com as suas falhas, dúvidas e virtudes. Que reconhecia as suas fraquezas mas que lutava acima de tudo pela sua felicidade e pela familia que amava. E que descobriu a coragem de lutar pelo acreditava.

Uma janela que me pareceu muito realista, para uma civilização à muito perdida com as suas lutas do dia-a-dia.
Profile Image for The Idle Woman.
791 reviews33 followers
November 6, 2018
My quest to find decent novels about Ancient Mesopotamia continues, although I’m still not having much luck finding books about this period other than Biblical fiction. And so I came to Eleanor de Jong’s Delilah, the story of my favourite Biblical harlot-hairdresser. It turned out to be quite a contradiction: a Biblical tale that doesn’t particularly follow the Bible; an historical novel which shows little interest in history; and a story which should show women at their most wily and powerful, neutered into a love story. Come, join me, as we try to tease our way through an increasingly unfamiliar Biblical tale...

For my full review, please see my blog:
Profile Image for Alison.
138 reviews36 followers
July 26, 2021
4 stars. I read Eleanor de Jong's other book Jezebel some time ago and I was intrigued by the fresh take she gives to Biblical women's stories. This was no exception and I think I liked this even more. Loved the characterisation and easy but descriptive writing. Fast paced story albeit somewhat tragic but most of us know that Biblical stories are tragic ones even though they give out messages of faith, perseverance and hope. These two books 'Delilah' and 'Jezebel' are the only book in De Jong's repertoire - pity as I would have loved to read something else by her.
77 reviews
December 13, 2018

Very interesting love story about the struggle for power between the Israelites and the phillistines and how the power of love brought the strongest man down. Samson was unbeatable but his downfall was falling hopelessly in love with Delilah
February 20, 2019
A clear proof that all disasters in war comes from woman... Take the best warrior, seduce him, spoil all the plans, make your family and beloved one die.. and.. just dissapear from the city.. Ooops)))
1 review
April 21, 2019
This was an amazing book! I could not put it down! I was awake until 3am crying about the ending! My favourite character is Joshua and it was a shame he was killed off in such an unnecessary way. Eleanor De Jong is a very underrated author and deserves more attention!💗
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