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Pretty Little Liars #11

Pretty Little Liars #11: Stunning

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336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2012

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About the author

Sara Shepard

111 books14.6k followers
Sara Shepard graduated from NYU and has an MFA from Brooklyn College. She has lived in New York City, Brooklyn, Tucson, Arizona, Philadelphia, and now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Sara's Pretty Little Liars novels were inspired by her upbringing in Philadelphia's Main Line.

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Profile Image for Michael.
278 reviews405 followers
June 11, 2012
It's a sad day when you start to slowly realize that one of your favorite (guilty pleasure) series is slowly starting to wane in quality. It was originally supposed to be four books, but anyone who reached the end of Unbelievable knew that there was enough life left in the series that adding four more books just seemed natural. Wicked through Wanted were the same quality as the first four books, and I never got the sense that it was tacked on just for the sake of writing more entries in the series.

I think my excitement for Twisted and Ruthless kind of overshadowed the dwindling quality of the novels. Wanted tied up every possible story line in a (while very far-fetched) concise way. Now, the characters feel like ghosts of their former selves. There's just no fun left in the plot lines. The way Sara Shepard wrote it just makes it seem like she's tired of it all.

Stunning perhaps has one of the lamest story lines ever written in a PLL novel. Yes, the A and murder plots are omnipresent, but it's the everyday lives of the girls that fuel the story forward, and Sara Shepard used to be so good at making those plots flow so easily from book to book. But now, I find myself rolling my eyes at some of the things I was forced to read. What happened to stories like the Ezra/Aria relationship? Spencer/Wren? Emily/Maya? Hanna/Lucas? Now, we have oh-my-God-your-dad's-a-cross-dresser and I'm-going-to-dress-up-in-camouflage-and-follow-you-around-the-mall.

I'm still giving this four stars simply because I feel like I've been with this series so long that I know it like the back of my hand. Sara Shepard could release thirty PLL books and I'd buy every one the day it came out, but I'm actually looking forward to the next one being (hopefully) the last. I feel like if it goes on any longer, it's just going to keep declining until they become truly awful.
Profile Image for Geraldine O'Hagan.
127 reviews154 followers
November 8, 2012

Finally I reach what was promised to be the penultimate book of this series, only to find that Shepard has now extended the suffering yet again by promising more volumes. I’m beginning to think of PLL as a kind of Sisyphean torture, endlessly promising a release that will never come. The worst of it is that Shepard ran out of ideas roughly 6 books ago, so how she proposes to continue is beyond me.

One of Shepard’s methods of stringing out what little plot she has is to feed us one or two morsels of this volume’s story in the prologue, spread the rest out very thinly throughout the rest of the text whilst bulking the chapters out with inconsequential flimflam regarding outfits and stylish parties, and then finally throw the remainder of the details in our faces at the book’s conclusion before rushing out of the door with her latest cheque. Accordingly, in this prologue we learn that Emily was going to sell her baby to a rich woman called Gayle, (there is no mention of the morality of this) rather than just hand her over to the Social Services like normal people, but at the last minute decided that Gayle was a psycho for reasons we are not yet privy to. Therefore she involves her 3 sort-of-friends in a plot to steal the baby from the hospital and leave it on the doorstep of a nice family called the Bakers, thereby creating a convenient new enemy/suspect in Gayle. We know they are nice because they have a simple name and golden retrievers. We still don’t know what is wrong with normal adoption channels. There has also been no mention whatsoever of contraception, which could’ve saved everyone a lot of trouble.

Back to the present. Everything is as usual. Everyone is still very rich and there are still a lot of mentions of the TV-movie “Pretty Little Killer” for no reason that is apparent. Aria is still with Noel, which means a lot of bra-touching and whining. Klaudia is now with Ezra and they are apparently looking for flats to rent together, which seems a bit previous. Spencer’s mother is planning an extravagantly revolting luxury wedding, and Spencer’s stepfather-to-be hands her an audition with a play producer on a plate, because everything comes easily to rich bitches. On the same note we hear a lot about summat called “Eating Clubs” which Spencer may or may not join at Princeton, membership of which involves a process called “bicker”, hinges on you being a massive snob, and grants you the right to whichever of the top jobs takes your fancy. It’s basically like watching the conversation between Lord Snot and Miss Money-Sterling in the Young Ones episode “Bambi” except without the satire or humour. Meanwhile Hanna is now best friends with Kate, increasing the likelihood that she is ‘A’#3 quite considerably, and her father is still running for senate. It increasingly appears that there is going to be a full political-campaign storyline running through at least 4 books without any mention of a political party, which is pretty pathetic. Also, Hanna has now taken to saving some time by simply imagining what type of notes ‘A’#3 would send if they could be bothered. In a similar move, Emily re-reads hers in order that they can be re-used in the text, relieving Shepard from having to create any identical new blackmailish compositions. Other than that she doesn’t do much except find out by accident that the Bakers have moved away, which she finds very upsetting even though she couldn’t have cared less about the baby for the last 2 books. What makes her so confident that the authorities have allowed them to keep a baby they found dumped on their doorstep is not explained.

A lot of filler happens, undisguised by the repetitive writing. Everyone feels emotions ripple through their gut or burn in their stomach, or possibly feel like ping-pong balls in their stomach before said organ drops to their feet. There are a lot of descriptions of hair-colour, shoes and skirts. Aria talks on and on about how perfect Noel’s family are, thereby immediately cursing them with family problems; sadly the best Shepard can come up with is that Mr.Kahn is a cross-dresser who wanders around nearby supermarkets in his wife’s frocks. Spencer meets a Grateful-Dead-loving stoner cliché called Reefer, in a scene where political feeling is portrayed as a sort of embarrassing social disease which must be avoided at all costs. Hanna tries to seduce Mike in public because she is jealous that he has a new girlfriend, fails and deservedly makes a fool out of herself. We learn that the local gym now offers pole dancing lessons which are fully viewable to the testosterone-fuelled clientele, all of whom watch with impunity whilst teen girls gyrate in public. Meanwhile Emily bumps into Isaac and suddenly realises that she should’ve been through that whole “should I tell my baby’s father that I’m pregnant?” question a year or so earlier. She’s distracted from this pretty quickly when she realises that in one of those PLL coincidences that drive most of the plotting Mr.Marin’s new campaign donor is Gayle the Psycho of the prologue. Immediately afterward the girls have one of their usual conflabs and decide that Gayle must be ‘A’#3, which conclusively proves that she isn’t. Emily does, to her credit, attempt to point out that their deductions make no sense, but is roundly ignored since they have the highly-incriminatory evidence that Spencer saw Gayle in a cake shop last week. After all, why would Gayle be in a cake shop unless she was the crazy blackmailer that knows all their secrets and has been stalking them obsessively for months?

More nothing happens. Aria continues to dwell on the drag issue, extrapolating that since Mr.Khan was wearing a frock he doesn’t love his wife any more, or panicking that ‘A’#3 might find out even though there is exactly no blackmail potential in the matter whatsoever as far as Aria is concerned. We hear a little about Emily’s difficult decision regarding whether her baby’s primary need is love or money. Since this is obvious and we already know the outcome it doesn’t make for very exciting reading. We also learn that Gayle has recently lost a child, which is important for cod-psychology reasons of a “Hand That Rocks the Cradle” standard. Hanna attends a pole-dancing class to impress Mike, and it’s supposed credentials as genuine exercise rather than titillation are somewhat tested by the fact that she is allowed to join the class straight off the street, wearing stripper make-up and super-high silver high-heels. The whole sequence is both appalling and ridiculous, with both Hanna and Colleen delighted to be leered over by all the nearby teen boys as they dance to “Hot Stuff” (The Full Monty being Shepard’s only reference stripper-wise) and the whole thing culminating in Hanna’s pièce de résistance, a slight flash of the very edge of her red bra, which drives all the boys there insane with lust due to the intense bra-fetishism which pervades Rosewood. To create a contrast with this scene Emily goes to church and confesses her child-bearing supposed-sins. It doesn’t help. We hear a little more about Gayle’s child who had an accident when she was young before dying recently, but Emily forms no suspicions about who the mysterious dead child might be. Also, there’s some business about one of the Alisons calling Meredith 5 years ago to ask her about a lot of stuff which is now over-and-done-with and was dull even when it was happening 10 books ago. Why is it being brought up now? I have no idea.

A lot of stuff too dull to write about occurs. ‘A’#3 gets a girl Spencer vaguely knows arrested for drug-possession in a highly unlikely manner, the police responding within minutes to a tip-off that a student girl may have some marijuana. People continue to say “über” a lot. Hanna is astounded when Mike gest annoyed at her calling his girlfriend a slut to her face. Aria is threatened by ‘A’#3 with the public display of a photo of Mr.Kahn in drag, to be released if she doesn’t break up with Noel. This seems very much not her problem to me, but she takes it fairly seriously. Emily remains convinced that Alison has/had supernatural power and is/was essentially omniscient , which is how she achieves/achieved the blackmail business. To be fair, it is hard to see how ‘A’#3s is managing without telepathy and teleportation powers at the bare minimum, so maybe she’s onto summat. Hanna buys some camouflage gear, a “field-scope”, night-vision goggles and a military helmet in order to spy on Colleen, because she is absolutely demented. However it doesn’t occur to her, even though she’s on a covert operation, to turn her phone on to silent.

After some prevarication the girls decide to steal Gayle’s phone in order to prove that she’s ‘A’#3, even though there have been numerous times in the series when someone has pointed out that one of the various ‘A’s probably or definitely has a second phone for blackmail purposes and that therefore their original phone is no evidence whatsoever of anything. However all of this has slipped the girls’ minds, for some reason. In the meantime Spencer buys some pot from Reefer to impress some cool kids, decides she fancies him but then pretends not too, as she does with all rich young males who come within a 50-foot radius of her. Emily meets her completely characterless friend Derrick, who exists merely to be the other half of her conversations during the period when she was in hiding due to the baby business, and then later hang about knowing her secrets and therefore being suspicious. Aria actually dumps Noel even there is no need to, because she is ridiculous. A party descends into a bacchanalian orgy due to the effects of a single tray of space cakes. Hanna finds out that Colleen was in an advert for laxatives, and decides to use this fact to bully her mercilessly in revenge for the absolutely nothing that Colleen has done to her.

Eventually we reach the 2/3 party, in this case the Marin fundraiser at which the girls plan to pointlessly steal Gayle’s phone. Spencer however fails to make it as she is suddenly in hospital, having apparently overdosed on a mix of weed, Ritalin and LSD, a bizarre combination that ‘A’#3 apparently managed to sneak to the whole party via means that are not explained. She also sees Teresa, or a vision or Teresa, or some nonsense. Meanwhile Hanna is delayed deciding not to bully Colleen after all, and is immediately rewarded by being made a figure of fun by ‘A’#3, which to be fair she deserves. Then ‘A’#3 claims to have kidnapped Emily’s baby, causing Emily, Hanna and Aria to panic and run about like idiots for a while before falling into ‘A’#3’s trap and going to Gayle’s house. There they eventually discover that Gayle’s mystery dead daughter is Tabitha, the mystery dead girl they’re all obsessed with. Whilst this is incredibly obvious it does raise the question of how the girls can have been following all the Tabitha-based news stories for months without picking up a single clue about her much-mentioned her bereaved mother.

But there’s no time for answers or sense. Instead Gayle is suddenly found dead, her usefulness as a red herring at an end, and the girls are apparently to be framed for her murder despite the complete lack of motive or logic. Spencer is included in this as she abruptly turns up at the crime-scene, having presumably recovered from the never-again-mentioned overdose. Everyone trots off to the police station, where we find out that Gayle was actually Tabitha’s step-mother. This apparently explains why she wasn’t in any of the news reports, although I don’t know how it does so. Eventually the girls realise with shock that they were once more totally wrong about the identity of A, and go home. Luckily Spencer’s father turns out to be old friends with the father of investigating officer Lowry, and so there are no legal ramifications for the girls to face and they walk away consequence-free as usual. The events of the book are then negated as Aria and Noel get back together, since their breaking –up made no sense, Hanna and Mike get back together, since he finds being stalked flattering, and Spencer sorts her Princeton problem out by a combination of blackmail and realising that she isn’t actually arsed anyway, and has been wasting everyone’s time for this entire book. Also she fancies Reefer apparently, which means she’ll be going out with him 10 minutes from now. Finally Emily is probably back with Isaac and it turns out that her baby was safe all along, in exactly the place she was supposed to be. Conclusion, everyone lives happily ever after because they all have money and boyfriends, and none of the stuff that happened in the book was important anyway. Except for all the dead people, and who cares about them?

As the book ends the girls attend Gayle’s funeral, which seems in bad taste, at which it is announced that Tabitha’s autopsy is back and she in fact died not from alcohol but from murder!! This isn’t actually how autopsies work, but never mind. Then ‘A’#3 reminds them that all the crap from the beginning of the book is still happening, before rushing unseen from the church whilst giggling psychotically. The end.

Stupidest Names
Kerri Randolph
Colleen Bebris
Harper Essex-Pembroke
Tansy Gates
Raif Fredricks (a.k.a Reefer)
Madame Richeau
Trixie the Pole Dance Instructor
Jessie Pratt
Professor Dinkins
Jeffrey Labrecque
Fletch Huxley
Nanette Ulster

Most Ridiculous Local Shops
The “artisanal cheese shop Quel Fromage!”
���The Pump, a musclehead gym”

Most Noticeable Plot-Holes and Nonsense

“Hanna’s eyes widened. How did Colleen know Liam was a player?”

Because it was published in a national magazine? Considering that’s actually how Hanna found out, you’d think it would’ve made more of an impression on her.
Or Aria’s:
“Whoa. What if Tabitha’s family and friends somehow found out Tabitha hadn’t died from an alcohol overdose?”

Falling from a cliff and “alcohol overdose” are not the same thing, and don’t show up all that similarly in a post-mortem. Surely Tabitha is supposed to have died from falling off a cliff whilst drunk? At least that would half-way make sense.

Oddest Sounding Food
heirloom tomatoes
So… these are preserved and handed down from generation to generation before eventually being made available in the local supermarket?

Worst Yuletide Effort
“Emily hadn’t been to this mall since two Christmases ago, when she’d agreed to be the mall’s Santa.”

So Father Christmas was played by a skinny 16-year-old girl? Doesn’t sound like ideal casting to me.

Most Juvenile Sense of Humour
Mike wandered over to a table of satin bras, held an enormous pink one to his chest, and started striking exaggerated poses. Hanna snickered. Mike
used to do that all the time when they went shopping together, and it never failed to crack her up

I could understand it if cracked her up once. When she was drunk. But how funny can a girl find a bra? Incidentally, there’s a lot of bras in this book. Even more than usual, which is saying a lot.

Most Boastful Character Assessment
Aria on ‘A’#3:
“Whoever they were dealing with was diabolical and brilliant.”

I think Shepard is slightly over-estimating her own plotting-skills here.

Not only does it now seem that the 12th book won’t be the last, but the afterword to this book promises that it will take place on a cruise-ship as all the characters return to the scene of the JI for reasons of massive stupidity. Having informed me of this, Shepard concludes her witterings with the verbal equivalent of a slap in the reader’s face: actually writing “Anchors aweigh!” I could not be less excited about the upcoming publication of her latest money-spinning pile of vacuousity. Yet it rolls inexorably nearer, an unrelenting spectre of materialism, vanity and inanity.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews568 followers
February 18, 2020
Stunning (Pretty Little Liars #11), Sara Shepard

The Liars begin to suspect a woman, Gayle, might be "A", when she comes to Rosewood and begins to harass them, it is revealed that Emily backed out of a deal to let Gayle adopt her daughter in exchange. Emily finds herself reconnecting with Isaac while attempting to tell him about her pregnancy, but she fears the repercussions of such a confession.

Spencer visits Princeton hoping to join an Eating Club, but "A" interferes and spikes Spencer's pot brownies with LSD and Ritalin.

Aria panics when she finds out Noel's father is a drag queen and ends up putting her relationship with Noel at risk when "A" threatens Aria to expose Noel's father photo publicly.

On a tip from "A", Hanna begins spying on Mike's new girlfriend, Colleen. Later she becomes publicly humiliated by "A" when she sends everybody a video of Hanna stalking Colleen, and her desperate ways of getting Mike back.

Gayle is murdered by "A" and it is revealed that she was Tabitha's stepmother. Tabitha's father speaks at Gayle's funeral, and announces that Tabitha's autopsy showed no trace of alcohol, meaning that she was murdered. He thus plans to re-open the investigation into her death, and threatens the killer that he will find him, both Gayle's and Tabitha's killer. The girls get very nervous about this.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و هشتم ماه نوامبر سال 2016 میلادی

عنوان: خیره کننده: کتاب یازدهم از سری دروغگویان زیباروی کوچک؛ نویسنده: سارا شپرد؛

آلیسون، «آریا»، «اسپنسر»، «هانا» و «امیلی» بهترین دوست‌های یکدیگر هستند، تا زمانی که «آلیسون» به شکل مرموزی ناپدید، و در نهایت جسدش یکسال پس از ناپدید شدنش، در خانه ی قدیمی او پیدا می‌شود. در حین پژوهش برای قتل «آلیسون» دخترها پیغام‌های تهدید آمیزی دریافت می‌کنند. در این پیغام‌ها شخصی با نام «آ» آن‌ها را تهدید به فاش کردن رازهایشان می‌کند. بعدها که معلوم می‌شود «آلیسون» زنده است، و از ترس اینکه «آ» که او را نکشد، فرار کرده، و آن جسد هم جسد شخص دیگری بوده است. در کل سه شخص ناشناس با نام‌های «اوریجینال آ (ای اصلی)»، «بیگ آ (ای‌بزرگ)» و «آ.دی یا اوبر آ (ای آخر)» در داستان نقش آفرینی میکنند. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Kate.
328 reviews
September 27, 2015
Stunning by Sara Shepard
book 11 in the Pretty Little Liars series

My jumbled thoughts:
I feel like Emily's storyline has been very interesting in this particular arc in the series, and Spencer's has been the least interesting, which is different, because it's been the opposite for me in the other books, haha
Hanna is still great, I've always loved her storylines so far, and Aria has been quite good too.

I wasn't a big fan, at all, of Spencer's storyline in this one, and hope the next book moves on from that, I also hope it moves on from Emily's current storyline, which I am enjoying, but I feel it's time to stop, which I think it will, seeing as in this book, we got a bit of closure.

I was also a bit annoyed at the whole Gayle storyline because the girls were stupid enough to simply just throw all their A thoughts into her, even though, it was so obvious she wasn't A...

I wasn't too impressed with this instalment, but nonetheless I still enjoyed it when do I not enjoy a Sara Shepard book?

Order of PLL books from fav to least fav (so far)
1. Wanted
2. Wicked
3. Killer
4. Pretty Little Liars
5. Twisted
6. Unbelievable
7. Ruthless
8. Heartless
9. Flawless
10. Stunning
11. Perfect
Profile Image for Tylah Marie.
135 reviews17 followers
February 2, 2019
Definitely more suspenseful than the previous few books. Always an easy read that you kind of just breeze through. 6 more books to go!
Profile Image for zara bella.
82 reviews81 followers
November 6, 2024

—angels like you by miley cyrus now playing

hey spence! think your college friends would let you into their eating club if they knew about your appetite for murder? kisses
- A 💋

trouble with a brother, a jealous ex, and an ex back in emily’s life, princeton and some brownies, a stolen child, someone out for revenge, family secrets, a secret and of course A.

♡﹒“but this is rosewood. and in rosewood, the only way to keep your secrets safe is to have none at all”

♡﹒“her time with liam might have been electric and intoxicating but with mike, she’d been silly and immature and utterly herself”

hanna i’m so mad at you; you lost mike 😭😭😭
i loved him. get him back.

i hear there are sharks in the caribbean sea and they can always smell blood…
anchors aweigh!
- A 💋

the cliffhangers in this series are crazy!!

ahhhhh whatttttt
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,923 reviews317 followers
December 3, 2018
I feel like the author is just grabbing at straws to keep this series alive at this point. Nothing really seems to add up anymore and the stories just keep getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on. Are we really supposed to feel sorry for these girls?

Anyway, the last book ended with Emily's pregnancy story coming to light. However, I will say I was a little confused because in the last book this was super secret and seemed like only Emily and her sister knew but apparently in the beginning of this book all the girls knew from way back when?? Where was this information from? Nowhere was it even hinted at that the girls knew anything about this. See, this is what I mean about grabbing at straws. It's like Shepard just changed the story because she needed more drama. Then add in some crazy almost kidnapping drama and come on.

Aside from Emily, Hanna is trying to win back the boyfriend she dumped by stalking his current girlfriend and just being all around horrible. Question - does anyone actually like Hanna? The truth about what Spencer did comes out and she's also horrible. Aria learns a secret about Noels dad and A tells her to break up with Noel or the information will go public. And Aria being the dumb girl she is chooses to break up with Noel instead of talking to him.

All of these stupid events could easily be avoided but these girls are so dumb that they just set themselves up for blackmail. They are digging their own graves so to speak and it just keeps getting worse. I'm still amazed that there are 16 books in this series. Like how? Nothing is happening. It's just the same drama repeated over and over with the same stories over and over.
Profile Image for Brighton Henderson.
9 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2014
This was really disappointing. This is one of the worst I've seen from Sara, I'm sorry, but when are these girls ever going to effin' learn? Seriously, It's the same thing every damn time. First, the secrets are just becoming ridiculous. Really? Noel's dad being a crossdresser and Emily having a baby was one of the most insane and unrealistic i've read so far. I mean, I know crossdressing isn't a bad thing, and people can wear whatever they want, but it's a great example about how much Sara is pulling this stuff out of her ass. These books need to end, quickly. Because they are ruining the fantastic series and the mindblowing conclusion i've savored, hoping that Sara will come to her senses and END IT ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Profile Image for Roline.
31 reviews
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February 17, 2012
Is it just me or Sara Shepard's really fast with thinking of plots and titles for another book?
Profile Image for n.
360 reviews37 followers
July 15, 2012
Why are we still beating this dead horse?

I started reading the PLL series in '08 and I loved it. Every time I got a new PLL book, I'd stay up all night reading it in one sitting. I thought the ending in Wanted was perfect: open, a little creepy, still leaving you with the feeling that Someone Is Watching You. Scene.

Then I found out there was a third wave of books coming out. I've read them all, of course, and they aren't bad--but they aren't of the same caliber as the first eight books. At some point the series passed from "somewhat believable" to "okay, I have to suspend belief a lot but this could still happen and it's bloody interesting even if it is unlikely" to "oh my god, how much of this could one group of teenage girls actually do?!" And I don't really sympathize with them anymore. In fact, I want them to get busted. Bullying is something that, if you display genuine remorse, can be forgiven. was something I could forgive because it was truly an accident. But or ? Those are adult crimes with adult consequences. They aren't accidents. Your pettiness and inability to take responsibility for screwing up your own life are getting boring, little girls. Just go to prison already.

I get that this third wave of PLL novels most likely came about because of the success of the ABC Family show based on the books, but why? If you're out of good ideas, don't write more books. Focus on your other series. Maybe start a third one.

There's one book left and of course I'll read it. I just hope I'll like it more.
Profile Image for Abby.
48 reviews14 followers
November 17, 2012
oh goodie! another PLL book to rip to shreds.

-I already want to punch aria in the uterus so she can never bring more stupid people into the world. I mean, seriously... you're going to break up with your bf because some anonymous nut says that if you don't she will tell people his dad cross dresses? that sounds completely logical. much more same than minding your own damn business and not judging people and moving on with your life.

-why is hannah such a disgusting, vile witch? every time I see her name, I can taste bile. she is a despicable louse that deserves everything that is coming to her.
-- apparently being a psychotic stalkerish, possessive, jealous freak is now noble and sexy. man... I've been doing this the wrong way all these years. look out, matt Damon cause here I come!

-once again, adults are acting like tantrum throwing toddlers. Isaac's mom saying to Emily's face that she is not a good person? and what grown woman "flounces" away? come on, Shepard, let's use grown up words now.

-what the hell was the point in adding BSC almost-adoptive mother gayle? what kind of 17 yr old idiot would believe a grown ass woman would schlep around the state/across the Atlantic to stalk them? oh and the fact that she was so adamant about adopting a baby mere MONTHS after her teenage daughter dies sounds completely sane. wtf shepherd/

-so 4 girls witness a murder and the police seem pretty disinterested. "oh what's that? someone TOLD you to come here? it was a joke? oh okay that is a perfectly solid alibi you're free to go" uh... why wouldn't the police want to SEE this alleged note? and the fact that the girls won't show them the text BC "a will tell on us".... just wow.

no words. for the sake of my burning eyes, please end this horrid series!
Profile Image for Danny Books.
254 reviews88 followers
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February 20, 2015
Llegue a la pagina 67 y no pude más, no, no, no y de verdad me entraron ganas de seguir con la serie para saber como acababa, pero no. Aburrido totalmente, no puedo creer que Sara continuara con la saga después del libro 8. En esto ya no pasa nada, NADA. Se nota bastante que Sara siguió esta saga solo para sacar dinero o algo así porque después del octavo libro se invento otra trama totalmente diferente de la que venia contando en los primeros.

Seguramente vio que le iba bien con esta saga y con lo popular que se hizo la serie de TV se invento otro problema para seguir la serie con los mismos personajes, A acosando a las chicas, cuando es claro
Estoy decepcionado de Sara después de que los primero libros al menos eran más entretenidos, ahora con sus dramas por todo y que no aprendan de lo ya vivido cansa después de leer 10 libros de casi lo mismo y aguantarse otros 6, no, paso, hay cosas mejores.

Igual y me leo el último que creo que es el último si no se le aloca a Sara y sigue sacando. Y solo para ver como acaba todo y mejor ver la serie que al menos es más entretenida.

Para mi la saga acabo en el octavo libro, fin. Bye Sara.
Profile Image for Eleanor.
192 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2012
I have to admit: I was a little annoyed when Sara Shepard decided to write more of this series after the great, supposed to be, ending in Wanted. However, I kept reading, and I'm glad she continued because, as crazy as they all are, I can't get enough of these characters. I watch the TV show, too, and, while I enjoy that, the books are MUCH better, of course. (I just have to think of them as two separate things.) Anyway, Stunning, the most recent addition, was a lovely one. Like all of the others, it kept me hooked wanting to know what would happen. Even though I guessed part of the ending, like always, I was surprised by other parts of it. Aria and Spencer are my typical favorites, but in this book, I actually liked Emily more than Spencer, and I normally find her annoying. Hanna, as always, makes me laugh. Something about how she goes about solving her problems is just a little too ridiculous, but still great, because it's Hanna. Anyway, these four girls are crazy and get even more crazy and paranoid in this book, but it's still so good, even though it's ridiculous. Yes, I would continue reading the series if you have gotten this far, and if you haven't, you totally should.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,982 reviews1,377 followers
December 11, 2013
(Source: I own a copy of this book.)
Ali, Chelsea, Tabitha, Mona and who knows who else are dead, but the pretty little liars are still getting threats from A., and Emily is worried about the safety of her baby who she gave up for adoption.
Who is A. now? And is the baby really safe?

This was an okay story, but these books seem to be getting worse as they go along now. How many times can A. be reincarnated? And how many times will the girls happily accept that there is a new A.? It’s getting ridiculous.

After reading ‘Pretty Little Secrets’ I really hoped that this book would be good, but unfortunately it just didn’t live up to expectations. Initially I was surprised that it seemed Aria, Spencer, and Hanna all knew about Emily’s baby, as it wasn’t obvious in the last book that they knew about it at the time when she had the baby. We then found out a bit more about what had gone on with regards to Emily’s pregnancy and search for adoptive parents, but it all started to once again sound a bit far-fetched, and some of the decisions Emily made weren’t very clever.

The rest of the book was fairly dull. We had some lukewarm threats from A. in the form of text messages, but once again the girls were looking for someone new to label as A.. This storyline has just gone on way too long for me now though. The whole thing with Alison and A. has been done to death, and while we are getting other storylines now like Emily and the baby, they’re just not interesting enough to keep me entertained, and I’m now looking at my to-read pile, and thinking ‘4 more books, plus 2 still to be published. Ick.’ Which is not something I thought I would say about this series after reading the first few books.

The ending was okay, and there were a couple of twists along the way, but for me this is just getting more and more far-fetched, and the Ali/A. storyline is just past old. If we don’t get something more interesting happening in the next book, I’m going to be really bored.
Overall; same old storyline, and pretty dull too.
6 out of 10.
Profile Image for Briana.
154 reviews25 followers
June 20, 2012
I loved it as usual. I love the story Sara Shepard has spun between these girls and their personal stalker. You get to know each individual character as the series progresses. Another thing is that Shepard does a fantastic job of throwing in twists and turns you never see coming. But no matter how many issues and plots are going on in one book, they all get solved at one point or another. And the best part about it is that it really takes like 3 or 4 books to solve the problem. Then another one pops up but not the point.

This book is one of those in between books. It was good. Don't get me wrong. Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily all have their individual problems and their big problem with A. I was a little disappointed with the lack of interaction from Spencer. She was so distant in this book. I felt it kind of focused too much on Hanna and more on Emily. But I guess at this point, their stories are alittle bigger.

Read it for yourself. I will definitely be waiting for the 12th installment of Pretty Little Liars to be coming soon!
Profile Image for Miguel Nava.
237 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2017
A pesar de que varias cosas se sienten forzadas aquí, la verdad es que estuve muy entretenido y gritándole a los personajes cada que hacían algo tonto.
Me deben una explicación para lo que pasó con Aria y Noel aquí pero igual me gusto, Hannah fue muy tonta pero siento que al final tuvo lo que se mereció, la historia de Spencer en este libro se me hace lo más creíble de las 4 y Emily por fin tuvo su revelación que aunque se siente forzada, repito, igual me gusto.
Solo espero el final no decepcione y ahora sí quiero saber quién shingados es A.
Profile Image for Victoria.
174 reviews19 followers
March 29, 2021
I think I might get too old to read this series. It’s kind of horrible to say, and I love YA. But I just can’t take this teenage drama anymore... I didn’t have that feeling while reading the previous one. But the fact that it took me almost 2 weeks to read this one kind of makes me think that it might not be for me anymore.
To read my review, go here : https://reviewswithsprinkles.com/2021... :)
Profile Image for Cameron Sauschuck.
529 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2022
I gotta be honest: I almost feel like the cross dressing plot was unnecessary. And the ominous mentioning of Hanna’s car accident. They just seem like plots talked about so vaguely that they might not even matter all that much. I miss the old books. But I love these characters with all my being. I absolutely LOVE the plot of Emily’s baby and them all working together on it. I think that would have been fine for plots. But I guess each girl needs their own secret to tell. Spencer’s drug summer, Emily’s pregnancy, Hanna’s “car accident”, and whatever happened to Aria on that trip. I did like the chapter where Emily and the girls go to see the Baker’s and Emily can see that Violet is safe. However, I think the whole, thinking Gayle was A thing, was just annoying. Like each time they jump to a new person who looks suspicious and then when that person dies they are like how did we not see it this whole time that they aren’t A? Um, because you don’t think all that much, just jump to conclusions. Anyway, I can’t rate this any lower than a 4 because the characters just mean so much to me and the mystery still gets me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ashley ❣️.
221 reviews56 followers
May 19, 2019
I think this was my least favorite so far. I really enjoyed how suspenseful it was and how a new A keeps popping up and how the girls think they know who it is lol. I also liked the honesty aspect of the book like all the girls were becoming more and more honest with themselves and with those that they love!
Profile Image for Vanessa.
369 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2013
These girls are so stupid. This book is the point where I really can't justify any of their actions any more. I know that this is supposed to be the book where they realize that A lets them dig their own graves a lot of the time, but I feel like they should have came to this realization a long time ago.

Hanna's A problem is entirely her own stupidity. I was dying of second-hand embarrassment the entire time. I really hope by the end of the series Hanna gets enough self-esteem to not completely degrade herself for the men in her life. At least she was stalking Mike, who I still really like. He isn't interchangeable with all of the other male characters.

Spencer also gets herself into trouble. Why can't they just mention that they have stalkers? The people at the party would probably have thought it was cool.

I actually did kind of like Aria's plot. We at least got a little bit of closure about her family situation. It's nice that her awful parents at least attempted to explain their behavior, even if it is several books too late. It would have been a lot easier for her to maybe hint that Noel was keeping a secret, but it at least is the mildest case of the girls being idiots.

Emily's secret is the main plot of this book. It was kind of stupid the whole way through. I have a hard time seeing how Emily could have effectively kept any weight gain from showing, especially as an active swimmer before and after her pregnancy. Emily is surrounded by terrible parents that happen to be rich, and I don't think the same person that knows Spencer would be that easily swayed by a wealthy parent. Also, there is no way that the police would not know about A after the end of this book if it was remotely realistic.

My biggest problem with the book is that there wasn't really any suspense, and it didn't seem like the girls were in any danger until the end. The parents in this series swing so rapidly from villains to saints, that I knew that Emily's parents would conveniently be completely fine with her having a baby a few books from now. It didn't make any logical sense for to be A, because it didn't fit into the timeline. This A seems content to just taunt the girls as they do stupid stuff all on their own, so I just didn't really expect A to do anything proactive.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,985 reviews673 followers
December 11, 2013
Stunning wasn't that great.

On the blurb it says:

"Secret by secret, lie by lie, the girls get tangled in A’s dangerous web. Soon A will have enough ammunition to pull the trigger and end the pretty little liars, once and for all…"

It's been saying that since book eight, yet the girls are still standing.

Honestly, I'm beginning to feel like i'm being tortured more than what the girls are by -A. The books are getting so ridiculous, and are being dragged out so much, that they're becoming really hard to get through.

The girls had another ridiculous guess on who -A was. It really wouldn't surprise me if they think it's Hanna's dog Dot, sending out the texts next.

Emily made some stupid decisions in this one.

It did get a little bit more interesting at the end, but it still wasn't that great.

Overall, Dull. This series really needs to end now.
Profile Image for Stacy.
116 reviews38 followers
April 9, 2020
Dear god this one draggggggeddddd onnnnn. I’ve come so far. I must finish this series. I named my daughter after one of them, after all. So why did they have to keep going? They were so good. It should have ended with number 8, really. But let’s see where Sara takes me. When I inevitably finish this series for good in five years 🙄
Profile Image for madzia:).
46 reviews
August 19, 2023
1,5* honestly these books are getting worse and worse but i Committed so i might as well read them all. i need 3 months of a break at LEAST to recover
Profile Image for Lexi.
90 reviews9 followers
December 15, 2019
Even though their arcs are very different in the show and books, Spencer and Hanna are my favorite characters in both. And Emily is the most annoying.
Profile Image for Nicole.
420 reviews14 followers
December 9, 2018
So i am really confused - Ali was really Courtney now we have Tabitha who is really Ali or is she not. Man these books just build and build. I really don’t understand why the girls need to be so secretive and just don’t tell people what is going on - seems to me like it would make their lives much easier?
Profile Image for Dodajeek_books.
168 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2023
Ten tom był w porządku.
Dużo spisków, tajemnic , akcji , zagadek i A.
Chociaż moim zdaniem ten tom nie ma w ogóle odzwierciedlenia w serialu , mam wrażenie , iż ten tom jest odosobnioną fabułą , taką dodatkową , ale intrygująco.
Wiele się tutaj dzieje , nie pomyślałbym , że takie rzeczy mogą spotkać dziewczyny..
Mam wiele znaczników , które są dla mnie ważne i życiowe 🤗
Profile Image for JH.
1,459 reviews
June 14, 2012
This book was fun, like the other books in the series. Best part: all the girls are friends for the whole book! Worst part: You still don't know who A is. Will this ever end?

Added after more reflection:

I'm curious as to why the girls feel like they can't tell anyone about their texts from A. I seem to remember the whole world finding out about texts after Mona died in the fourth book. So why can't they just call the cops and say "it's happening again, protect us!" And A never hinted that she would harm Noel if Aria didn't break up with him, so that whole blackmail seemed to serve no purpose.

I don't know why Hanna thought A was helping her get back together with Mike at all. When has A ever had their best interests at heart? Especially at the end when they get the tip about the baby being at Gayle's house and Hanna said "it sounds like a trap." Um, how come she couldn't have suspected that earlier on? These girls are giving A too much power! ...But I guess if they didn't there would be no series.

It was never explained why Kate was being nice to Hanna- I wanted elaboration on her whole fight with Riley and Naomi. I also didn't think Aria's mom apologized enough for KICKING HER OUT OF THE HOUSE when she found out Aria had kept the affair a secret from her- that's your child, woman! I think one of the most aggravating things about this series is how you can't trust the parents (or siblings, for that matter)- they all seem like horrible people whose love is fleeting and who only care about their children when it's convenient for them.

I do wish I knew if the end was in sight. I love the characters but I can't keep following this ridiculousness forever.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily Benoit.
311 reviews
July 25, 2012
Concept/Ideas: 4/5
Storyline/Plot: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
Writing Style: 4.5/5

Ah, yet another. I love the series, and I always will, no matter how long it goes on for, but the books are really starting to get old. It's basically the same ending in every book. The girls think they've got A, but then... they don't. By this point in the series, you just KNOW that they once again will not discover who A is, even though they think they will. It's too predictable now. Especially knowing there is another book, you know it's still going to be kept in the dark about A.. Or else... why another book.

The storyline's are always good, interesting, suspenseful, and wonderfully written. But like I said, I'm sick of the constant roller coaster, and I just want to know who A really is by this point. I really do hope Burned is the last book, because at this point, there isn't much more to write about in my opnion. I think it's time to give up the identity of A, and let us all finally know how this demented person has continued to over and over screw with these girls life so diguised. Come on Sara Shepard, end this suspense for us once and for all!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 998 reviews

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