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ありす19th [Alice 19th] #2

Alice 19th, Volume 2: Inner Heart

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Peristiwa ditolongnya Alice oleh Wakamiya, mendekatkan Alice dengan cowok itu, cowok yang sudah lama disukainya.


First published January 1, 2002

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About the author

Yuu Watase

368 books1,156 followers
A Japanse shoujo manga-ka. She is known for her works Fushigi Yūgi, Alice 19th, Ceres: The Celestial Legend, Fushigi Yūgi Genbu Kaiden and Absolute Boyfriend. She likes all music, except heavy metal and old traditional music.

She received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo for Ceres, Celestial Legend in 1997. Since writing her debut short story "Pajama de Ojama" ("An Intrusion in Pajamas"), Watase has created more than 80 compiled volumes of short stories and continuing series. Because of her frequent use of beautiful male characters in her works, she is widely regarded in circles[which?] as a bishōnen manga artist.[citation needed] In October 2008, Watase began her first shōnen serialization, Arata: The Legend in Weekly Shōnen Sunday.
Her name is romanized as "Yû Watase" in earlier printings of Viz Media's publications of Fushigi Yūgi, Alice 19th, and Ceres, The Celestial Legend, while in Viz Media's Fushigi Yūgi Genbu Kaiden and Absolute Boyfriend her name is romanized as "Yuu Watase". In Chuang Yi's English-language versions of Fushigi Yugi (spelled without a macron or circumflex), her name is romanized as "Yu Watase".

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,576 reviews42 followers
September 23, 2017
Este tomo estuvo muy divertido.
Las locuras de Frei son únicas, la actitud de Alice con el es divertida. El pasado de Kyou es misterioso. Mayura es enigmática.

Cada vez vamos viendo como las palabras tienen fuerza cuando los sentimientos te dirigen.
Profile Image for haven ⋄ f (hiatus).
801 reviews14 followers
June 16, 2020
Thankfully, I found this one to be better than the last. There are still some parts where I honestly question why it was even in there in the first place.

It is a fantasy/contemporary series (at the time it was published, anyways) so there are some crazy magical bits included. I found whenever there was action, it was wildly and confusingly done because of the magic and paneling.

I did like some parts of it though. The scene when they are writing notes to each other in a notebook felt well done and natural, which is surprising because a lot of Watase’s works don’t feel natural.
Profile Image for Hannah Mérida.
25 reviews2 followers
June 14, 2018
AY ME ENCANTAAA ME ENCANTAAA😍😍😍ME ENAMORE DE KYO Y DE FREI💗💗Y este tomo me hizo reír mucho más que el primero<33
Profile Image for Kricket.
2,311 reviews
March 12, 2008
in which we discover that alice's self-proclaimed fiance is a lotis master named frey and the gang's plan to save mayura is waylaid by oishi, who, after failing to steal kyo for herself, tells everyone at school the terrible thing kyo did once. and she's evil. and the lotis gang has to go into her heart and rescue her from mara. and then they still need to get mayura. and kyo drops a startling confession on alice.

the fantasy aspect of this one almost totally lost me. i don't understand how they journey into people's hearts, or what the rules are for using the lotis words...or why frey has no trouble using the lotis words at first but later he's not supposed to because he's still in training? everything seems to be happening at complete random.

BUT the goofy little floating bunny makes me laugh. and kyo and alice seem to be workin something out.
Profile Image for Jesus Flores.
2,321 reviews58 followers
July 5, 2023
So the misterious guy Frei keeps joking about Alice being his girlfriend.

Still goin fun

3 stars
Profile Image for Harumichi Mizuki.
2,060 reviews82 followers
January 22, 2023
Wakamiya Kyou ternyata juga Lotis Master. Lotis Word pertamanya adalah "Kara" yang berarti perlindungan.

Di volume sebelumnya, Alice dan Wakamiya bisa masuk ke inner heart-nya Matsujou yang dimakan oleh kegelapan Mara dengan kata kunci "Na Sadaru Lotis Ran". Alice akhirnya berani mengatakan pada Matsujou bahwa dia tak bisa bersama lelaki itu karena menyukai Kyou.

Setelah berhasil keluar dan mengusir kegelapan dari hati Matsujou, muncul seorang Lotis Master misterius dari Norwegia bernama Frey yang langsung menyatakan cintanya pada Alice *tepok jidat. Ibu Alice salah paham pada kedekatan putrinya dengan Frey. Ia mengira Alice tak peduli pada hilangnya Mayura dan malah main-main dengan lelaki. Hati ibu Alice pun dikuasai kegelapan mara dan ia mengatakan lebih baik Alice saja yang menghilang menggantikan Mayura.

Frey lalu menunjukkan cara canggih dalam menggunakan Lotis Master untuk mengusir kegelapan dari inner heart orang. Tapi ibu Alice baru benar-benar terbebas dari kegelapan setelah mendengarkan kata-kata Alice yang bertekad akan membawa pulang Mayura. Setelah itu Frey akhirnya tinggal di rumah Kyou dan ikut menjadi pelayan di restoran milik paman Kyou.

Di sekolah, tersebar rumor bahwa Wakamiya pernah membunuh orang saat SMP. Yang menyebarkan adalah Oishi, gadis pembully Alice yang ditolak Wakamiya dengan tegas. Benarkah rumor itu? Alice tak berani memastikannya.

Child abuse menjadi isu yang diangkat secara serius di sini. Ayah Wakamiya adalah seorang pemabuk yang suka menyiksa istrinya. Karena itulah Wakamiya bakal marah besar jika melihat ada perempuan yang disakiti. Namun, jika marah dia bakal kelepasan dan bakal menghajar orang yang cari gara-gara dengannya sampai orang itu benar-benar babak belur. Di saat itu Wakamiya akan dihantui oleh bayangan kekerasan yang dilakukan ayahnya dan menganggap dirinya tak beda dengan sang ayah.

Oishi yang hatinya dikuasai kegelapan pun kurang lebih sama. Kedua orangtuanya selalu bertengkar sehingga ia merasa hampa. Wakamiya menyentuh hatinya dengan mengambilkan koknya yang tersangkut di pohon. Karena itu ia jadi sangat terluka setelah Wakamiya menolaknya.

Ketika Frey berusaha melawan Oishi dengan berbagai jurus serangan, hanya Alice yang tahu bahwa bukan itu cara yang tepat untuk menyelamatkan Oishi. Yang dibutuhkan Oishi adalah kasih sayang.

Terakhir aku mau mengomentari soal karakter Frey. Secara visual, desainnya memang menarik. Tapi secara sifat? Ya ampun, dulu waktu masih muda aku menganggap adegan Frey yang suka nyosor itu lucu. Tapi sekarang enggak lagi. Apalagi dia diceritakan sudah mencium bibinya Wakamiya juga sampai suaminya jadi geram (karena sang istri malah senang). What a cheap joke, Watase Yuu.
Profile Image for Sharon.
322 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2017
The story continues and gets a little bit darker as it goes. It's not yet Ayashi no Ceres dark, but knowing Watase-sensei it could very well go that way.

First the bad... well and kind of gross. I really hate the 'molestation is funny until it's not' moments complete with a bit of gay panic. Watase-sensei is not the only one who did this and does this but it makes me B| every time. It also sort of makes me wonder what her contemporary manga or like.

That aside, I do like the continuation, though slightly hesitant about where it's going because well it is a bit too close to what we've seen before. Still the concept is interesting and I enjoy how it's not just about defeating the bad guys but 'purifying the darkness'. And that it doesn't really change the nature of someone's character but makes them a little bit better? Though they are still as much of a jerkass as they were (so it seems). I also feel that this speaks to high schoolers and in general about standing up for yourself and others but I'm not sure I like how 'courage' is always applied.
Profile Image for Katt Hansen.
3,779 reviews102 followers
June 24, 2022
Now we start getting in to the meat of the story. Lotus master Frei is finally talking about what it means to master the words, and how to fight for a heart which has been consumed by the darkness. The problem? Mayumi is really lost. She doesn't seem interested in coming back (I wonder what the reason for that is...was she not happy in her 'perfect' life? hmm...)

And of course Alice is still having issues with boys, only now instead of wishing to be noticed by one boy in particular, Frei seems to think she ought to marry him. Can I say I really like Frei right now? He's so over the top, he's just fun. I Love people who live in a way which is true to themselves.

Loving every second of this story so far. Can't wait for more!
Profile Image for Ceejay.
558 reviews18 followers
April 30, 2018
This second volume of Yuu Watase's Shojo Manga is as enjoyable as the first. In this volume things become even MORE complicated for Alice. Her sister disappears, held in place by Mara, the darkness that everybody has in their hearts. A new character, Frei,a fellow Lotis Master appears and claims Alice as his fiancee! Also Kyo, Alice's sister's boyfriend, falls victim to slanderous gossip. He is also wondering who his true love really is. Excellent Manga! Excellent Shojo!
Profile Image for Dylan.
964 reviews4 followers
December 18, 2021
CW: Death of a loved one, Child Abuse, Spousal abuse, Distant Parents, Bullying, Violence

This second volume is really good! We go more into the back story of Kyo! He had a rough family life when he was little, this volume explores that. We also meet a new playboy character named Frey! He's a funny character! I really like how this series explores the darkness in people's hearts! I recommend this series if you like fantasy romance.
Profile Image for Nyx.
106 reviews
March 1, 2019
4.5 stars
This story gets more complex as we learn more about the magic system and the characters themselves. There was a lot of personal growth and development in Kyo especially. The more it goes on, the better it's gonna get. Overall, I just can't wait to keep reading.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kathy.
387 reviews20 followers
March 2, 2019
I'm so glad I'm rereading! In this book we get to know Frey who had a last second appearance in the first book and is another lotis master. We learn there are both light and dark words and more drama ensues!
Profile Image for Julia.
260 reviews3 followers
March 9, 2019
I’m liking this series so far. I liked learning more about Kyo. My only complaint is that Frey’s harassment is always brushed off even when Alice or Kyo get violent to get him to stop. Maybe they need to go into his inner heart and find out why he’s such an ass.
Profile Image for Juan Carlos malik.
869 reviews312 followers
December 19, 2020
Este tomo estuvo genial, divertido, cruel, misterioso y los personajes me están enamorando.

¿Para qué leer este tomo?

1) Para reir como loco de las ocurrencias de Frei
2) Para conocer la oscuridad que habita en los corazones.
3) Para saber el poder de las palabras que decimos.
Profile Image for Brianna.
365 reviews
August 20, 2023
I liked this one more than the first one, since the plot is finally getting into its stride. I like Kyo, maybe too much. The fighting inner darkness with words of light magic is really cool now and I was way more invested this time.
Profile Image for Erica.
96 reviews2 followers
January 9, 2018
This is a very exciting manga. I love the characters and the plot.
Profile Image for May.
1,594 reviews20 followers
July 27, 2020
still a lot of WTF am I reading. one more volume and I'll DNF if not into it.
Profile Image for R.
1,848 reviews5 followers
November 30, 2020
I can't put it down!! Great and suspenseful, enjoyable artwork and characters to love!
Profile Image for Liselotte.
1,061 reviews15 followers
May 22, 2021
This was one of my first mangas I read as a child, and they were adorable and a really cute series!
Profile Image for kaitlphere.
1,728 reviews38 followers
July 4, 2021
The worldbuilding with the words of power and the inner heart is interesting, and I like Kyo's character development. While Frei is occasionally funny, I find his attentions toward women annoying.
65 reviews
January 27, 2022
I think it's getting better but at the same time it isn't.... Kind of... The power and how it works it's weird but oh well
Profile Image for Karla V. H. .
571 reviews35 followers
March 22, 2022
Nos revelan varias cosas importantes en este tomito y la historia va agarrando forma y más sentido. Me encanta lo retro que son los husbandos, definitivamente algunos tropos nunca pasarán de moda.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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