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170 pages
First published January 1, 1747
لن أتكلم كلمة واحدة فالمؤلف فولتير و المترجم طه حسين و النشر الإلكتروني لهنداوي يعني متعة مجانية حقيقية.
ما حياة الناس إذن؟ أيتها الفضيلة بماذا نفعتني؟ لقد خانتني امرأتان. و هذه الثالثة لم تقترف إثما. و قد قضي عليها بالموت. كل ما فيّ من خير كان مصدره شقاء لي. و لم أرتفع إلى أرقى المراتب إلا لأهوي إلى الدرك الأسفل من الشقاء. و لو قد كنت شريرا ككثير من الناس لظفرت بما يظفرون به من السعادة.
”That great and first Cause has created an infinite Number of Worlds, and no two of them alike. This vast Variety is an Attribute of his Omnipotence. There are not two Leaves on the Trees throughout the Universe, nor any two Globes of Light amongst the Myriad of Stars that deck the infinite Expanse of Heaven, which are perfectly alike. And whatever you see on that small Atom of Earth, whereof you are a Native, must exist in the Place, and at the Time appointed, according to the immutable Decrees of him who comprehends the Whole …. Frail Mortal! Cease to contend with what you ought to adore.” “But, said Zadig — whilst the Sound of the Word “But” dwelt upon his Tongue, the Angel took his Flight towards the tenth Sphere. Zadig sunk down upon his Knees, and acknowledg’d an over-ruling Providence with all the Marks of the profoundest Submission. The Angel, as he was soaring towards the Clouds, cried out in distinct Accents: “Make thy Way towards Babylon.”