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Ships, Sheep, and Happy Endings

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She thought the hard part would be disguising herself in her brother’s armor and rescuing the beautiful princess from a dragon. Or maybe revealing her true face to the princess afterward. Or asking the king for his daughter’s hand in marriage.

All that was easy compared to figuring out the whole happily-ever-after thing. Especially when it turns out a dragonslayer and a pampered princess don’t actually have that much in common. All of a sudden, the thought of slipping on that armor again and finding another dragon to fight sounds a whole lot better than frilly dresses and wedding bells…

This short story is 3900 words long. It is also available in Not Your Heroine, a fantasy short story collection.

18 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 10, 2023

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About the author

Zoe Cannon

115 books232 followers
** I no longer use Goodreads to track my reading. My subjective rating and review standards aren’t likely to be useful to other readers--how would it help anyone else to see that I rated a book 5 stars because I read it at the exact right time in my life, or 2 stars because it used a popular trope I dislike?--and I’m not comfortable with the idea of readers and even authors taking them as objective measurements, or worse, constructive criticism. I now track my reading privately, but send out monthly book recommendations through my mailing list at https://www.zoecannon.com/newsletter. My old ratings and reviews are still here, but don’t take them as anything other than personal reactions. I may not see messages and friend requests. **

Zoe Cannon may or may not be a supervillain out to conquer the world through writing. When not writing, she can be found perfecting her schemes for world domination, plotting against her archenemies, and staying up too late reading a book. Her secret lair is rumored to be located somewhere in southern New Hampshire.

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Profile Image for Larry.
2,417 reviews15 followers
May 17, 2023
This was well written, easily followed, and altogether different kind of story. The characters are very interesting, the plot is not your usual plot, and the ending much different than most. I still definitely recommend it.
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