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336 pages, Paperback
First published September 1, 2022
"You have not been chosen to attend this infamous school solely for your crooked talents; you have been chose because of what you were doing with your talents when we found you. Those of you who we found stealing were not stealing out of greed, but to survive or to give your loved ones a better life. . . . Those of you who were hacking did not hack for progfit, but to expose the wrongdoings of corrupt companies or individuals. Those of you who were picking locks or scaling walls did so only to reclaim what was yours or recover that which once rightfully belonged to another. . . . Here, we will teach you to do wrong, but only so that one day you will put the world right."So we have a boarding school with very different subjects, and we have the normal things that go on with kids at school - competition, friendship, bullying, prejudices, missing home . . . The key character is a nice boy who was brought up by his grandmother and who pickpocketed to give them a little food. He's very relatable and I, the reader, totally want him to do well.