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I shall refer to her as Lizard here, but not because of the small lizard tattoo that I discovered on her inner thigh.
The woman has round, black eyes that gaze at you with utter detachment, like the eyes of a reptile. Every bend and curve of her small body is cool to the touch, so cool that I want to scoop her up in my two hands.
This may bring to mind the image of a man holding a bunny or a chick, but that's not what I mean. What I imagine is the strange, tickling sensation of sharp claws scampering around in my palms. And then, when I open up my hands to take a peek, a thin, red tongue lashes out. Reflected in those glassy eyes, I see my own lonely face, peering down, looking for something to love and cherish. That's what Lizard feels like to me....

180 pages, Paperback

First published April 20, 1993

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About the author

Banana Yoshimoto

207 books8,448 followers
Banana Yoshimoto (よしもと ばなな or 吉本 ばなな) is the pen name of Mahoko Yoshimoto (吉本 真秀子), a Japanese contemporary writer. She writes her name in hiragana. (See also 吉本芭娜娜 (Chinese).)

Along with having a famous father, poet Takaaki Yoshimoto, Banana's sister, Haruno Yoiko, is a well-known cartoonist in Japan. Growing up in a liberal family, she learned the value of independence from a young age.

She graduated from Nihon University's Art College, majoring in Literature. During that time, she took the pseudonym "Banana" after her love of banana flowers, a name she recognizes as both "cute" and "purposefully androgynous."

Despite her success, Yoshimoto remains a down-to-earth and obscure figure. Whenever she appears in public she eschews make-up and dresses simply. She keeps her personal life guarded, and reveals little about her certified Rolfing practitioner, Hiroyoshi Tahata and son (born in 2003). Instead, she talks about her writing. Each day she takes half an hour to write at her computer, and she says, "I tend to feel guilty because I write these stories almost for fun."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews
Profile Image for Liong.
251 reviews420 followers
January 10, 2025
Collection of 6 short stories.

1. Newlywed - rating 4 stars

2. Lizard - rating 4 stars

3. Helix - rating 3.5 stars

4. Dreaming of Kimchee - rating 3.5 stars

5. Blood and Water - rating 4 stars

6. A Strange Tale from Down the River - rating 4.5 stars

I enjoyed reading her short stories, especially the last story.

I discovered this Japanese author, Banana Yoshimoto when I read her book "Kitchen"
Profile Image for Mariana.
422 reviews1,906 followers
February 10, 2018
La primera vez que leí a Banana Yoshimoto estaba pasando por un mal momento en mi vida y en sus letras encontré a alguien que -como yo- veía al mundo con unos lentes de color azul, que hacían todo parecer nostálgico. Banana fue esa buena amiga que estuvo ahí y me escuchó, no me dijo que las cosas se iban a poner mejor o intentó animarme, solamente lloró conmigo y me llevó a explorar situaciones y relaciones muy extrañas que me encantaron.

Ahora ya no estoy triste y me pregunto si es por esta razón que los dos últimos libros que he leído de ella no han tenido el mismo impacto en mí.

Lagartija es un volumen de cuentos en donde, una vez más, la autora explora las relaciones humanas. En particular las de pareja. Vamos viendo lo difícil que es mantener una relación estable, al tiempo que los protagonistas exploran acontecimientos de sus pasados que podrían explicar el cómo se sienten ahora.

Desde una chica cuya madre casi la ahoga en el río cuando era una bebé, pasando por otra que vio como su madre era apuñalada por un maniático y otras cuyos padres se unieron a un culto, todas arrastran alguna especie de secuela que se manifiesta en la forma en la que conducen sus vidas. Y aunque han tenido que enfrentar la adversidad, en la mayor parte de estos cuentos siento que el final es esperanzador, o al menos, Banana nos deja que saquemos nuestras propias conclusiones en lugar de condenar el destino de los personajes.

Todos los cuentos me gustaron pero "Lagartija" y "Una curiosa historia a orillas de un gran río" fueron mis favoritos (este último contiene una poderosa lección sobre el slut shaming, además).

Bonito libro de quien siempre será una de las autoras que llevaré en mi corazón.
Profile Image for luce (cry bebè's back from hiatus).
1,526 reviews5,091 followers
June 5, 2022
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I have noticed that when I review a novel or novella by Yoshimoto I always describe them as being ‘quintessentially’ Yoshimoto. The reason why is that every time I read something by her, I know, without a doubt, that what I am reading is indeed a work of Yoshimoto. Her breezy style and her slice of life storytelling are certainly idiosyncratic. Her narrators do tend to sound very similar to each other—they can be surprisingly cheerful, prone to navel-gazing, and tend to view their surroundings through dream tinted glasses—yet they never fail to capture my attention. Regardless of whether I find what they are saying to be rather banal or baffling, their commentary is often amusing and I enjoy seeing the world through their eyes.

Lizard comprises six short stories, each following a different, yet indelibly Yoshimoto-esque, character. In ‘Newlywed’ a recently married man finds himself not wanting to go home so he stays on the train instead of getting off at his stop. He’s then drawn into a peculiar conversation with an elderly man, who our narrator presumes to be homeless. The man’s ‘ordinary’ appearance belie his true nature, and what follows is a peculiar, and rather surreal, conversation about nothing in particular that nevertheless leaves its mark on our protagonist. In ‘Lizard’ a 29-year-old man is drawn to a woman with the tattoo of a lizard. They both have lived through some extremely traumatic experiences and find kinship in each other (i will say that their ‘pasts’ did seem a wee bit ott). The following story, ‘Helix’, I did not entirely understand. It seems to have no discernible story but two characters who talk about memories (maybe?). In ‘Dreaming of Kimchee’ a woman is having an affair with a married man. When he leaves his wife for her she worries that the maxim ‘Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?’ will prove correct. ‘Blood and Water’ follows a young woman whose parents belong to a cult. She runs away to Tokyo and begins working in a design studio. In the last story, ‘A Strange Tale from Down by the River’, a woman who used to lead quite an active sexual life decides to leave this lifestyle behind once she falls ill. She then begins a relationship with a man who knows nothing about her ‘past’ and becomes worried that he may not want to be with her once he knows of her orgy-filled days.
Written in Yoshimoto’s usual spare yet vibrant prose, these stories repeatedly blur the line between reality and fantasy. Although many of the interactions and discussions that occur within this collection are grounded in realism they are permeated by a subtle sense of the surreal. I did not much care for ‘Lizard’ or ‘Blood and Water’ and ‘Helix’ left no real impression on me but I did enjoy ‘Newlywed’ and ‘Dreaming of Kimchee’. My favourite was probably ‘A Strange Tale from Down by the River’. All in all, I would mostly recommend this collection to readers who are already familiar with Yoshimoto's work. Her style and brand of quietly weird stories aren’t for everybody. I, for one, find her storytelling oddly comforting and will probably end up making my way through her oeuvre.
Profile Image for Alexandra .
936 reviews342 followers
January 7, 2018
Im Rahmen meiner Autorinnenchallenge bin ich beim Buchstaben Y zufällig auf Banana Yoshimoto gestossen und sehr positiv überrascht. Ich möchte unbedingt baldigst einen Roman oder eine Novelle von dieser Autorin lesen, denn ihr Schreibstil hat mich sehr begeistert.

Komisch dass mich bisher alle Japaner an Murakami erinnern, typisch mysteriöse Vorgänge im Plot und in sich sehr zerrissene Figuren zu skizzieren, hat auch Frau Yoshimoto extrem meisterhaft drauf. Das dürfte wirklich typisch japanisch sein und ich stelle mir mittlerweile die Frage, ob es da irgendwo eine Schreibschule gibt, in der man das lernt, oder ob die japanische Gesellschaft prinzipiell so tickt?

Dass ich trotzdem nur drei Sterne gebe ist ganz einfach erklärt. Ich mag prinzipiell keine Kurzgeschichten, sie sind mir schlicht und ergreifend zu kurz unter einer Novelle lese ich ungern etwas, da auch die Möglichkeiten Plot und Figuren zu entwickeln, in dieser Schreibform extrem beschränkt sind. Trotz dieser Rahmenbedingungen schafft es Banana Yoshimoto außerordentlich gut, das Wesen ihrer Figuren punktgenau einzufangen, zu skizzieren und dem Leser zu vermitteln.
Irgendwie muss sie jedoch Kompromisse an die Kurzgeschichte machen, was eben dann im Plot passiert und was deutlich zeigt, warum ich so gut wie nie (Nur zweimal bei Philip K. Dick und bei Stanislaws Lem) Kurzgeschichten für gut befinden kann. So steht ansatzlos nach dem ersten Treffen und dem Anruf danach schon der Heiratsantrag auf dem Programm.

"Als es Zeit wurde zu gehen, konnte ich mich nur schwer losreißen und nickte ihm zum Abschied kurz zu. Wenn ich ihn doch wiedersehen könnte, wünschte ich mir von ganzem Herzen. Ich würde ihn bestimmt wiedersehen. Und so war es auch kurze Zeit später rief er mich an. "Würdest Du mich heiraten?" fragte er mich eines Abends nach dem Essen in der Wohnung."

Fazit: Ein sehr gute Autorin ich würde Euch aber statt dieses Buches eher eine Novelle wie Kitchen oder Tsugumi empfehlen
Profile Image for Tina .
206 reviews206 followers
January 13, 2023
Me alegra tanto haber leído este libro porque siento que lo leí en el momento correcto, justo cuando lo necesitaba. Banana Yoshimoto es una excelente escritora, muchas personas quizás la lean y piensen que no es para tanto, que sus historias son más bien sencillas, y la verdad es que sí, son simples pero ahí radica su magia. Kitchen fue uno de mis libros favoritos el año pasado, así que ya veía venir más o menos el contenido en este. Es una colección de relatos hermosa, que te hacen sentir en paz, que busca darle esperanza a sus personajes que se encuentran en situaciones monótonas o no muy buenas. Me encantó leer el epílogo y posfacio, siento que me dio mucha perspectiva sobre los temas que aborda y por qué lo hace. Mis relatos favoritos fueron Lagartija, Soñando con kimchi y Una curiosa historia a orillas de un gran río.
Profile Image for Fiona MacDonald.
788 reviews192 followers
January 17, 2019
I can never tell if short stories are better when they have a beginning, middle and end like a full length novel, or if they are more powerful as little snippets of someone's life that don't actually 'end' per se.
Yoshimoto's short stories fall into the latter - they are moments/snapshots of lives that you dip in and out of, that have no beginning or end. They are beautifully written, with wonderous, lyrical moments and innocent delight. I know short stories are usually best read one per sitting, but i couldn't resist devouring numerous stories in one go!
Would love to read 'Kithen' next.
Profile Image for سلطان.
Author 13 books834 followers
September 3, 2015
هذه أجمل مجموعة قصصية قرأتها حتى الآن في الأدب الياباني.
اقتنيتها من معرض الكتاب قبل سنوات، ولو كنت أعلم أنها بهذا الجمال ما تأخرت يوماً في قراءتها.
تضم المجموعة عدداً من القصص القصيرة المكتوبة بحرفية وإتقان كبيرين، وهي أول عمل أدبي أصافح به إنتاح الأديبة اليابانية بنانا يوشيموتو. وجاءت ترجمة الكتاب موفقة إلى درجة كبيرة.
أما أجواء القصص فتدور في إطار العلاقات البشرية بصورة كبيرة، لكنها تغوص في تفاصيل تفاصيل هذه العلاقات، تغوص بعيداً إلى مناطق لم يسبق لي أن قرأتها من قبل في أعمال أدبية.
من مميزات قصص المجموعة أيضاً سلاسة لغتها، وأن لها بدايات ذكية، تجعلك تود معرفة باقي الأحداث.
مجموعة مميزة أنصح بها، رغم سوء الغلاف الذي لم توفق دار النشر المترجمة في اختياره.
Profile Image for Dee.
400 reviews127 followers
January 15, 2023
Unfortunatly i didnt really enjoy these short stories. I see that Yoshimoto is very popular and therefor i will try another book. Maybe it was just that this one wasnt for me.

I felt the storys fell flat and while reading them i didnt really get pulled in or feel any interest to find out what was going to happen. When i finished each story i felt a little flat and disheartened to carry on if im honest.
The subject matter was rather depressing and seemed to leave me feeling a little confused. It all had the feel of people settling for a easy option and bland life. Where as it is supposed to make you feel grateful and hopeful.

So no, this did not make for a good read for me.

The 2* was for the story lizard itself as i found it had a decent(ish)meaning to it and a better ending.
Profile Image for Steph.
719 reviews429 followers
January 8, 2023
how i love quiet, meditative japanese fiction. i love the moonlight shadow, heavy snowdrift, softly muffled and introspective quality of banana yoshimoto's work in particular. she is so good at evoking this specific mood, semi-incomprehensible and soaked in melancholy nostalgia.

as for the individual stories:

NEWLYWED's most interesting quality is that it was originally published on posters on commuter trains. its protagonist rides the train and has an odd conversation with a mysterious person, and what fun it must have been to read the tale while on your daily commute! though i honestly expected the story to be more philosophical.

LIZARD, the title story, is about occupying life's darkness with someone. about wanting to do the things that good normal happy people do, wanting to live in that light, but always finding yourselves back in the dark together. childhood trauma can color everything that comes after it, or maybe some people are just meant to remain in the dark.

HELIX is an oddly romantic and matter-of-fact yet mystical meditation on a relationship. specifically on the possibility of forgetting, of losing the details that bind you to the person you love.

I liked places like that where one thing runs into another, blurring the boundaries. Night and day; the sauce on a plate; the things they're selling in the shop right up near the café tables. I think that came from my love of her. She was like an evening moon, her white light almost swallowed up by the gradations of pale blue sky.

DREAMING OF KIMCHEE is an interesting story about the aftermath of infidelity. i like how guilt is discussed but no party is specifically villainized. but i couldn't quite grasp what yoshimoto was getting at with this one.

BLOOD AND WATER is an odd story about the pain of the ephemeral. there are themes of faith, self reliance, and necessary distance. our protagonist is trying to enjoy the small daily pleasures of life, which all must come to an end, as a means of forgetting the undercurrent of sadness that flows through life.

A STRANGE TALE FROM DOWN BY THE RIVER is a reflection on times past. that eerie moment when someone from your past resurfaces, and you learn that they have hardly changed, despite the fact that you are living a completely different life now. i love the sapphic rep in this story; one of the many memories reflected upon is of a dreamy affair between the protagonist and another woman. the story is ultimately about refusing to be haunted by the past, and it feels hopeful.

yoshimoto's afterword talks about themes of healing, karma, fate, and the uncertainty of encountering hopefulness. she dedicates the english version to the memory of kurt cobain, and ends her author's note by mentioning that she's on her way to a sonic youth concert! ahh, such a lovely little time capsule.
Profile Image for Jenny (Reading Envy).
3,876 reviews3,601 followers
January 6, 2021
"This town breathes in all the universes that people in this city have in their heads." - Newlywed

My first read for the January in Japan challenge is a book I've had on my shelf since I first started collecting books from allover the world in 2012. I read Kitchen by the same author and must have let this one linger. It is a story collection, always an unnamed narrator and generally one other person who they are in relationship with, confronting a big life decision or dealing with residue from the past (the author calls it fate and karma.) The narrator voice is male as often as it is female, and sometimes I'm almost but not 100% sure. The characters are willingly thoughtful, philosophical, internal. Most stories take place in Tokyo. The author dedicated them to Kurt Cobain if that tells you about the era in which she wrote them.
Profile Image for Violely.
371 reviews115 followers
March 4, 2018
Como en la tapa de mi edición, leer estas historias es como el momento en el que mirás atenta una estrella fugaz atravesando el cielo nocturno.
Los relatos de Banana Yoshimoto me gustaron mucho, un libro equilibrado como pocos los de este género. Cuenta historias simples, que te permiten conocer otras vidas pero al mismo tiempo, en ese transcurso, analizar la propia. Las sensaciones y reflexiones que te genera se te quedan dando vueltas por un buen tiempo: qué pasaría sí, como hubiese sido mi vida en el caso que, esto generará necesariamente esto otro, y así, la cabeza se mueve y se mueve por ese cauce tranquilo y manso que te presentan sus palabras. Recorrer sus páginas es como estar sentado a la orilla de un río en una noche de verano y dar rienda suelta a tantas cosas de tu vida y la de otros que se entremezclan en tu cabeza. Todos congelados en un momento especial de nuestras historias donde todo puede cambiar o no, con solo una decisión.
Profile Image for Óscar Moreno (OscarBooker) .
348 reviews462 followers
May 15, 2023
No hay mucho que decir en esta reseña más que yo disfruto enormemente leyendo a Banana Yoshimoto.

Este compendio de cuentos tocan diferentes temas como pasión, amor, desamor, trauma, matrimonio, etc. todos se entrelazan en un panorama general.

No creo que sea lo mejor que he leído de la autora y en definitiva me gusta más su faceta como novelista……peroooo me gusta.

Profile Image for lecturas_niponas.
141 reviews171 followers
January 29, 2021
La sensibilidad y la intuición de la autora son maravillosos. Me emociona muchísimo leerla y encontrar reflejado en sus relatos sentimientos que permanecen dentro mío y no se como verbalizarlos, por eso mismo no me canso de extraer citas bellísimas de sus obras, y Lagartija no es la excepción.
Profile Image for el.
347 reviews2,092 followers
July 26, 2023
this is my first encounter with banana yoshimoto, so i didn’t know what to expect going in and was quietly surprised by the uncanny slice-of-life existentialism she nails, particularly in a way that feels regional and specific even though her writing is so sparse and lacking in grounded detail. this atmosphere was most effective in her first two short stories—“newlyweds” and “lizard”—and petered out from that point on. so 3.5ish, but still a very enjoyable experience.
Profile Image for Haiiro.
261 reviews319 followers
March 9, 2016
Thằn lằn là 6 lát cắt nhỏ của nỗi buồn đô thị, kiểu nỗi buồn mà chính chúng ta trải qua hàng ngày. Không phải buồn vì mất người thân mất tiền bạc hay giằng xé vì phân ly hay buồn vì nhân loại không có lấy một ngày an ổn. Không to tát thế. Tôi cũng không biết nói sao, nó gần như hơi thở và tựa như đem hứng mảnh kính thì nó phà hơi vào cho kính mờ đi thật. Ngày tàn, bất an mơ hồ, chán nản không rõ lí do... - nó như thế đấy.
Nhưng rốt lại không hỗn độn, nó thảnh thơi giống như được nằm lên cái giường êm sau một ngày mệt mỏi. Đọc dễ chịu dù không để lại ấn tượng nhiều, vì đó là cuộc sống mỗi ngày có lẽ đa số chúng ta đang sống.
Và có lẽ chỉ mai ngày kia thôi là tôi quên ngay cuốn sách này viết những gì. Có nhiều thứ tôi không nhớ về bằng chi tiết mà nhớ về bằng những cảm xúc nó mang lại. Với Thằn lằn, chắc sẽ là sự bình yên.
Profile Image for Andrea Ladino.
Author 1 book152 followers
March 20, 2019
No está al nivel de Recuerdos de un callejón sin salida, pero muchísimo mejor que Kitchen, sin dudas.
Los mejores cuentos son Lagartija y Una curiosa historia a orillas de un gran río.

En una ocasión me encontré a una persona extraordinaria en el tren. Ocurrió hace mucho tiempo, pero el recuerdo aún sigue vivo.


Te estoy hablando en una lengua que solo entendemos tú y yo. Entre todas las personas existe un idioma parecido.


He comprendido que no lograré realizarme si, en vez de seguir expresándome hacia fuera usando el cuerpo, no expulso lo que llevo dentro.


Cuando odio a alguien puedo llegar a matar. Me creí superior. Me reí de haberlo hecho. Eso forma parte de mí.


La verdad es que yo también guardo un secreto -le confesé yo-. No soy hijo de mi madre ni de mi padre.


Hay personas que ven cosas horrorosas y se mueren, y otras, como tu madre, que resisten; familias que levantan cabeza y familias que se echan a perder, hay de todo, no sé si depende de la naturaleza de lo ocurrido o de la personalidad de cada individuo.


Sin embargo, al haber sobrevivido, y pese a las secuelas, puedo disfrutar de la buena comida y sentirme de buen humor los días de sol. Algo es algo.


¿Cuántas personas tristes habrá esta noche? Gente que ha perdido seres queridos, gente que va a morirse. Gente traicionada, asesinada.


Quiero olvidar a mi yo que quiere olvidarlo todo de ti.


Nuestra forma de pensar es así de distinta, pero somos una pareja de tiempos pretéritos.


Me entran ganas de abrazar a la persona que era yo en aquella época. No sé por qué.


Aunque no sea para siempre, algún día esta persona y yo compartiremos nuestras vidas.


Es imposible comportarse como si no pasara nada cuando te juntas con alguien después de que haya ocurrido algo. Sin darme cuenta, me hallaba en un constante estado de "espera". Estaba obligada a vivir en esa "espera" hasta que el cansancio y esa especie de mal sabor de boca desaparecieran... O eso intuía yo.


¿No me afectó porque era fuerte y no tenía nada que perder?


La misma corriente que hizo que se enamorara de mí surgirá algún día entre otra persona y él.


¿Será esto lo que antaño llamaban estar poseído por un "espíritu maligno"? La fuerza del pensamiento. La presión que se produce cuando una persona odia a otra.


Me entristece decirlo, pero sentía el peso inexorable de la sangre.


Haga lo que haga, soy quien soy y nunca podré ser hija de otros padres.


Me sentía desamparada, y me había vuelto incapaz de encariñarme con nada por el miedo que me producía que en el mundo hubiera cosas que cambian radicalmente y desaparecen.


Cuando alguien me cae bien, no gente con quien tengo cierta confianza, sino alguien prácticamente desconocido, no puedo contenerme. Aparte de cierta timidez, siento que me embarga la amabilidad, la otra persona me cae cada vez mejor y mejor, y llego a creerme dispuesta a hacer cualquier cosa por ella.


Independizarse no consiste en casarse o vivir sola. En absoluto. He visto mucho gente que se casa, se marcha de la casa de sus padres y, aunque tenga hijos. carga con la sombra de sus progenitores. No digo que sea malo, pero tampoco creo que sea independizarse.


Yo soy mu propio hogar, mi lugar es este en el que me encuentro y nada puede impedirlo.


Tú también, ve, sigue fluyendo hacia delante.


¿Por qué sería yo la única que, aun haciendo lo mismo, no conseguía encajar?


El que seas tan responsable y siempre estés dudando si marcharte o no debe de ser porque naciste a orillas de un río -dijo mi madre.


Los amigos de esa época eran muy tímidos, y muchas veces, aunque me vieran, no me dirigian la palabra. Finalmente, corté de forma natural con ellos dejando de ir cuando quedaban. Aunque pueda parecer raro, no los echaba de menos.


Sabía que aquello tenía un fin, que esos días habían sido demasiado perfectos para continuar nuestro romance en Tokio.
Me dije que esas cosas pasaban. Amores perfectos condenados a terminar sin pena ni gloria.


Hay una cosa que se llama tiempo y tú eres aficionada a mirar hacia adelante. De que tienes talento para creerte la mentira de que puedes pulir tus capacidades, hartarte y poner punto final. La gente en cambio, se la pasa toda la vida dando vueltas en torno a lo mismo.


Parecía que estuvieras cubierto por una pátina de soledad y orgullo herido, como un cachorro abandonado. Estamos en mundos distintos, ya no me entendería contigo.


Pensé que si te casabas podrían salir a la superficie heridas del corazón que estaban escondidas y me pareció que había cosas que era mejor que supieras.


Puede que me haya quedado una herida en el corazón, pensé. Pero sobreviviré.


Todos experimentamos en algún momento de nuestra vida un rechaza categórico por parte de nuestros padres. Dentro del vientre materno, por ejemplo, o cuando todavíamos no podíamos ver. Cuando no éramos capaces de hablar. Quizá por eso la gente busca desesperadamente, fuera de toda lógica, vivir con otra persona que sustituya a la figura de los padres y asuma físicamente parte de la responsabilidad en casos de padecimiento extremo.


Y medité sobre qué implica ocultar algo y que ese algo salga a la luz. Así me vino la idea a la cabeza de que, a lo mejor, el río me había llamado.


Profile Image for nananatte.
408 reviews127 followers
June 28, 2020
โยชิโมโต บานานาก็ยังคงความเป็นโยชิโมโต บานานาไว้เสมอ :-)

เรื่องสั้นเล่มเล็ก อ่าน 30 นาทีก็จบ โทนเสียงราบเรียบเย็นใจ เรื่องราวของชายหนุ่มที่ทำงานในคลินิกบำบัดเด็ก กับหญิงสาวหางตาชี้ผู้มืดมนแต่เป็นครูสอนเต้นแอโรบิก

คุณชายหนุ่มน่ารักดี ตอบไม่ได้หรอกว่าทำไมถึงโดนความมืดมนของเธอดึงดูด รู้ตัวอีกทีก็ตื่นเต้นที่จะชว���เธอไปทานข้าวแล้ว :-)​

เป็นเรื่องราวความรักนิ่งๆ ของคนเงียบๆ ผู้มีบาดแผล ไม่กราดเกรี้ยว ไม่ฟูมฟาย แต่ออกฤทธิ์แบบค่อยๆ ซึมตรงสู่ใจ

แต่น้อยกว่าปีกนางฟ้ากับเดอะเลค ด้วยเหตุผลเดียวเลยว่ามันสั้นไปนะ เล่าเรื่องยาวกว่านี้ก็ได้กำลังอินอยู่เลยก็จบเสียแล้ว...

ปล ตอนอ่านต้องตั้งสติกับสรรพนามบุรุษที่ 1 ดีๆ เพราะเราสับสนว่าตรงนี้เป็นชายหนุ่มพูดหรือหญิงสาวพูดกันแน่
Profile Image for Nixi92.
288 reviews69 followers
December 11, 2023
Quando leggo Banana Yoshimoto mi sento compresa.
Anche se questi racconti non sono al livello di "Kitchen", esplorano i rapporti umani in maniera sublime. Il tema principale trattato in questi brevi racconti è la difficoltà dei rapporti umani. Viviamo il dolore lacerante dei protagonisti, la loro paura di non sentirsi compresi e al tempo stesso della solitudine. Percepiamo il peso del destino e dei traumi del passato, mantenendo la speranza e la forza di rialzarsi.
Racconti preferiti: "Lucertola" e "Strana storia sulla sponda del fiume". In questi il lirismo e la dimensione onirica, tipici della Yoshimoto, raggiungono l'apice.
Profile Image for Amari.
358 reviews81 followers
January 23, 2008
Yes and no and yes and no... I was concerned about the apparent trendiness of this author, and not without reason. I was attracted to Yoshimoto by critics' comparisons to Murakami and others. She has very little indeed to do with Murakami, though there is a certain, unusual coexistence of distance and involvement, bearing a resemblance to Murakami's narrators, that I sensed in Yoshimoto's as well. I was very disappointed in nearly all the stories in this volume; I found them "lite." However, after finishing the book (which only took about two hours, if that), I began to notice that my thinking patterns had changed somewhat. Maybe "lite" was just what I needed yesterday evening. The stories certainly do have their merits. I just can't quite articulate what they are.
Profile Image for Xueting.
284 reviews141 followers
August 24, 2020
2.5 stars but rounded up on the higher side because I’m impressed by how tightly connected the six stories in this collection are thematically. The stories are about young urban characters in contemporary Tokyo having a sort of existential awakening. Most of them had a difficult (some really traumatic) childhood, and now as adults they are trying to set out on their own, carve their own life and self. But they figure out their independence not in solitude but with the help of companionship, like romantic relationships or marriages with others. Spirituality is also a major theme but not just content-wise; i don’t really know how to describe it, but i felt like the prose and the whole feel of the stories have an uplifting spirit, even though most deal with quite dark topics.

I loved “Kitchen” by the same author, and her simple, beautiful prose shines in this collection too. This collection is not nearly as memorable as Kitchen, though. There are many odd moments where the tone didn’t feel very balanced and appropriate. I liked the second half (the last 3 stories) much better than the first half.
Profile Image for Shatterlings.
1,077 reviews13 followers
January 7, 2018
There’s something very sparse about these stories and I like that, there’s no over the top passion in the relationships. It’s even hard to work out what sex the narrator is and sometimes it felt like I had been reading it in the wrong voice, if that makes any sense. One of these stores was serialised on public transport, that must make commuting more interesting and I can’t imagine that happening here.
Profile Image for Miguel Lugo.
88 reviews15 followers
February 8, 2023
Me he reencontrado con Banana Yoshimoto. Había leído varios de sus libros y cada uno lo sentía igual al anterior, después de años me he leído lagartija y han vuelto todas esas sensaciones de melancolía, soledad, abandono de la vida cotidiana, leer lagartija fue un abrazo de despedida de esos que duelen pero que son necesarios para avanzar.
Profile Image for Agustina de Diego.
Author 3 books410 followers
June 9, 2024
Fabulosa y sensible, Banana Yoshimoto me volvió a cautivar. Kitchen fue una novela tan exquisita que temí seguir leyendo a la autora y que nada lo iguale, pero este conjunto de cuentos le hizo justicia.
Profile Image for T O À N P H A N.
498 reviews753 followers
March 6, 2022
Con người ta dù ở bất kỳ hành trình nào trong đời thì vẫn đeo mang một nỗi bất an. Bất an như một lực kéo, kéo mọi thứ thụt lùi tít tắp. Bất an lạnh gáy, chờn vờn và dính dớp trên da.

Nhưng bất an cũng là bước cuối cùng mở ra hy vọng. Cứ đào bới đến mòn mỏi hằng hà cảm xúc quấn rịt thân mình, rồi tự nhiên sẽ có một ngày chợt xồ ra một mảnh hy vọng tươi rói, dần ngập không gian, và sẽ ánh lên rạng rỡ. Chùm truyện ngắn của u ẩn quanh co đồng thời le lói sức mạnh chữa lành này của cô Chuối kể về những con người như vậy. Họ bị quá khứ quẩn thân, áp lực xã hội đè nén, tâm hồn kiệt quệ, nhưng rồi bằng một sự hiện hữu hữu hình nào đó, của một người, một sứ mệnh mới khấp khởi hé ra, nâng họ lên bằng một thứ cảm thông ấm áp, bằng tình thương giản dị, ngời ngời.

Trưởng thành luôn là một cái bẫy giăng mắc những điều tồi tệ, song cứ thẳng thừng đối diện, chấp nhận và sửa chữa sai lầm, và cứ tin là hạnh phúc rồi sẽ đến, rồi nó sẽ đến, sớm thôi.

Đọc truyện cô Chuối kể hay bị lo ra, bởi câu chữ cô nó giản đơn và mềm như nước. Tuy vậy cái cảm giác vừa sợ mọi thứ trôi ào ra khỏi tâm trí vừa cố nắm níu không buông, để hiểu cho tròn, nó thỏa mãn dữ lắm.

Tui thích nhất truyện Thằn LằnGiấc mơ kim chi, bởi cái cảm giác tràn ngập khi nhận ra vẫn còn một người ở bên cạnh mình sau những lầm lũi khó khăn tưởng chừng tuyệt vọng, nó còn hơn cả sự biết ơn.
Profile Image for Nguyễn Thư.
Author 2 books45 followers
April 23, 2017
Đây là quyển sách chỉ có thể trích dẫn bằng cách đọc lại toàn bộ, không một lời đàm đạo thấm thía, sâu sắc, cách Banana lôi người ta vào hố sâu của nhân vật là kiểu dẫn dụ quá đỗi lừa gạt. Mọi người hay ví đọc sách của Banana như chơi roller-coaster, nếu thật vậy thì đường ray của chuyến tàu này là loại đường chỉ hướng xuống mãi, xuống đến vô cùng. Đối với tớ, cô Chuối chưa bao giờ là nhẹ nhàng và dễ tiêu hóa, cảm giác đọc một đoạn văn mà lỡ nghĩ chuyện khác một chút (tớ là chúa làm thế) thì sẽ chệch nhịp cảm ngay, là bị văng ngay khỏi roller-coaster lúc đang lao xuống vực ấy. Thế là phải đọc lại từ đầu. Tớ rất sợ đọc Banana, lần nào mua sách cũng để đấy đọc sau cùng, vì sợ, thật sự sợ ấy.
Profile Image for Alex Pler.
Author 6 books265 followers
November 24, 2017
"Cuando era pequeña, siempre me sentía así después de un examen o por la noche, después de una competición deportiva. Me decía que una especie de brisa nueva correría por mi cuerpo, que al día siguiente por la mañana me habría librado por completo de todo lo sucedido hasta el día anterior. Cuando abriese los ojos relucirían como perlas. Esa noche conseguí creer en ello de manera tan cándida y sencilla como en aquella época, en la que siempre pensaba en ello como si fuese una oración."
Profile Image for Antonio Marts.
Author 6 books67 followers
June 25, 2018
De algunos escritores japoneses me encanta el minimalismo en el manejo del espacio. La desnudez de su prosa. Amo a Banana Yoshimoto.
Profile Image for Iacopo Melio.
Author 8 books290 followers
July 25, 2017
Il primo libro che leggo di Banana Yoshimoto. Ero molto incuriosito e volevo scoprirla da tempo visto che ho letto molti commenti contrastanti su di lei, della serie "o la ami o la odi".

Francamente "Lucertola" mi ha lasciato indifferente. Sei brevi storie, non troppo entusiasmanti, delle quali ve ne resterà impresse sì e no 3.

Il libro è ben scritto e scorrevole, per carità. Ma mi aspettavo tantissimo di più.
Ve lo consiglio? Non lo so, vedete voi, provate a sfogliarlo e buttate l'occhio qua e là.
Personalmente proverò con qualcos'altro della stessa autrice, sperando la mia opinione migliori.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews

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