"The second volume of IDW's re-presentation of Sir Author Conan Doyle's beloved Sherlock Holmes presents more of the wiley investigator's adventures including: The Valley of Fear (novel), The Noble Bachelar, The Yellow Face, The Greek Interpreter, The Sign of Four (novel), Silver Blaze, and The Cardboard Box.
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for A Study in Scarlet, the first of four novels and fifty-six short stories about Holmes and Dr. Watson. The Sherlock Holmes stories are milestones in the field of crime fiction. Doyle was a prolific writer. In addition to the Holmes stories, his works include fantasy and science fiction stories about Professor Challenger, and humorous stories about the Napoleonic soldier Brigadier Gerard, as well as plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction, and historical novels. One of Doyle's early short stories, "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement" (1884), helped to popularise the mystery of the brigantine Mary Celeste, found drifting at sea with no crew member aboard.
– Tudja, Holmes, valamit nem értek… – Tudom, Watson. Önt azért fizetik, hogy valamit ne értsen, nekem meg el kelljen magyaráznom. – Háhá. Milyen frappáns. Az is milyen frappáns lesz, amikor a kokainját kicserélem szódabikarbónára. – Jól van na. Folytassa, kérem. – Szóval itt van ez a vándorló sebhely. A Tanulmány vérvörösben c. epizódban még a vállamon volt az a fránya háborús sérülés, most meg a lábamon. Akkor hogy is van ez? – Ne csináljon belőle nagy ügyet, kedves Watson. Nem várhatja el egy krimiírótól, hogy minden új munkája előtt újraolvassa a régebbieket. – Aha. Értem. Viszont árulja el nekem őszintén: miért van az, hogy az első utamba kerülő fiatal nőbe, aki kicsit jobban néz ki, mint Picasso avignoni kisasszonyai, muszáj első blikkre beleszeretnem? – Ezt se vegye a szívére, barátom. Mr. Doyle kénytelen volt valami érzelmi szálat bevinni a sztoriba, mert az írók már akkor is a hölgyolvasókból éltek. Az meg ugye kizárt, hogy engem, a drogfüggőt házasítson ki valakivel. – Igaz… Akkor most már tényleg csak egyetlen kérdésem van. Ha maga rájött, hogy hol van a gyilkos elrejtett hajója, rajta a kinccsel, akkor miért nem foglalta el rögtön, miért kellett addig várnia, amíg órák múltán kifut a Temzére? – Most komolyan azt hiszi, hogy Mr. Doyle kihagyta volna az írásművészet első hajós üldözését? Hát anélkül tök lapos lett volna a történet! – Holmes, maga tényleg mindenre tudja a választ. De tudja mit? Mégis van valami, amivel képes vagyok Önt meglepni! Azzal Watson hirtelen felpattant, ledobta álbajuszát… és máris ott áll Holmes előtt – SHERLOCK HOLMES! – Jó, hát ez azért már tényleg hülyeség – mondta Sherlock Holmes. Az egyik.
İlk kitaba nazaran daha deli toplu bir çeviri ve çalışmayla karşılaşıyoruz bu ciltte. Böylece ünlü dedektifin maceralarına daha bir keyifle kaptırabiliyoruz kendimizi.
Meşhur "Son Vaka" yani Holmes'un son macerası da bu kitapta yer alan öyküler arasında, doğal olarak en sonda yer alıyor.
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes." --- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Hound of the Baskervilles"
I can honestly say after reading 2 volumes of Sherlock Holmes, that I do observe those around me more often.
That aside, this book was phenomenal. Sherlock Holmes Volume 2 had a compilation of short stories and the novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles". I love the way Conan Doyle writes Sherlock Holmes, through the eyes of his best friend Dr. Watson, and the way they always sum up what's going on at the end as well as tying up any loose ends.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to curl up with a good mystery and a cup of coffee.
Meglepően tetszett ez a könyv és Holmes karakterének leírása, semmi elképesztően különleges de jobban tetszett mint Agatha Christie könyvei és jól szórakoztam, amíg olvastam (Bár a nő helyében ennyire nem örültem volna, hogy nem leszek milliomos miután beleszerettem egy férfiba, akit három napja ismert, de kinek mi)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I liked this story, I like Sherlock Holmes character sooo much. The story is about a robbery and murder, and it has a really interesting end!
This is the story how Watson find his wife, this is a story about an oooold robbery, where in some war situation our villain killed a man with 3 of his accomplices for a huge amount of treasure, but after it they got imprisoned for their sin of murder, but nobody knew about the treasure what they hide. The only opportunity to escape from prison was to trusting two soldiers who were lucking money, they offered 1/5 of the treasure for helping them escape, but one of the soldier fooled them and stole the money. After it the other soldier went to him to ask for his part of the treasure, and got a heart attack, so our soldier fearing that everybody will think he killed him just hid the body and kept the treasure for himself. But then our villain somehow with a help of an accomplice, a little black tribe man could escape from the prison and sweared to take revenge and get back the treasure.... this is the main story!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
No need to write a review for Sherlock Holmes story. But this Malayalam version is really well written. The authors have done a great job in translation. It is the second part of the series. First one contains better stories this collection.
Sherlock Holmes. Polisiye dünyasının bir numaralı ilham kaynağı. Daha ne denebilir ki?
Holmes hikayeleri devam ediyor. Bu arada Holmes hikayelerinin pek çoğunda konunun cinayet olmadığını vurgulamak gerekir. Küçük hırsızlıklar, esrarengiz gizemler Holmes'un hikayelerinin çoğunluğunu oluşturuyor.
Ancak REM doğru tercih olmayabilir. REM yayınevi, Sherlock Holmes'ün toplam kaç hikayesini yayınlayacağı, bunları kaç ciltte toplayacağı, her ciltte hangi hikayeler bulunacağı, tüm hikayeleri kapsayıp kapsamayacağı hakkında okuyucuya en ufak bir bilgi sunmuyor. Ayrıca yayınladığı hikayeleri kronolojik yazım sırasına göre basıp basmadığı da şüpheli.
The title says it all, Sherlock Holmes Volume 2. This collects the novels Valley of Fear and The Sign of Four along with a few short stories from the works of Arthur Conan-Doyle.
I absolutely enjoyed more the short stories where Holmes's deductions are in the spotlight rather than a long racconto explaining the circustances of a case (valley of terror)