Transported to the Universe of the Four Gods, Miaka is saved from the Imperial Guards when she is proclaimed to be the Priestess of Suzaku. But now she must deal with the lovestruck Emperor and the ire of his would-be bride.
A Japanse shoujo manga-ka. She is known for her works Fushigi Yūgi, Alice 19th, Ceres: The Celestial Legend, Fushigi Yūgi Genbu Kaiden and Absolute Boyfriend. She likes all music, except heavy metal and old traditional music.
She received the Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo for Ceres, Celestial Legend in 1997. Since writing her debut short story "Pajama de Ojama" ("An Intrusion in Pajamas"), Watase has created more than 80 compiled volumes of short stories and continuing series. Because of her frequent use of beautiful male characters in her works, she is widely regarded in circles[which?] as a bishōnen manga artist.[citation needed] In October 2008, Watase began her first shōnen serialization, Arata: The Legend in Weekly Shōnen Sunday. Her name is romanized as "Yû Watase" in earlier printings of Viz Media's publications of Fushigi Yūgi, Alice 19th, and Ceres, The Celestial Legend, while in Viz Media's Fushigi Yūgi Genbu Kaiden and Absolute Boyfriend her name is romanized as "Yuu Watase". In Chuang Yi's English-language versions of Fushigi Yugi (spelled without a macron or circumflex), her name is romanized as "Yu Watase".
This manga is such a parody of the time period in which it was published. Like, every manga cliche is present here. But kudos for a trans character in the late 90's. I mean, there were some jokes about it, but overall I'm proud at this bold choice.
I don't like Tamahome, I'm still Team Hotohori after all these years. Miaka is a goofball, even when dying she chases chocolate cake. There isn't really much stakes until the very last chunk of this volume but Yui is about to become a bigger player in the plot. The rules of the world and the magic is a bit loose and that's made more apparent in this volume...and I wanna shake Miaka for not finding any more of her warriors yet despite Hotohori begging her for the sake of his kingdom. But there's still 16 more volumes to go. :p
This is by far the most ridiculous shojo manga I've read, and I love it for that. Character genders are never what they seem, the dialog is hilarious and there is even some action. I liked the random magic mirror, and all the twists and turns in the plot. The only think I find annoying is all the fan service panty shots and shirtlessness. I also find the author columns really bizarre, because she is always berating herself, but I suppose that matches the bizarre story. I'd recommend to fans of Otomen, Vampire Knight, and Kitchen Princess.
Again, a re-read from a few years back and it is kinda annoying that not only pretty much all the characters love the herione BUT she and her love interest are alreadt deeply in love...Granted, the book says they spent months together but it just doesn't feel that way to me...Plus, the heroine is 15 and very niave...
Ehhh - I'll still try and read it though, because despite it's flaws I do want to find out what happens AND I really enjoy Watase's art.
Tamahome is super whipped so fast as well this is so wild lol I will never get over how everyone is declaring their love and we are literally on like chapter 12 😂 Hotohori makes some sense since he’s grown up being told about the priestess and how he will serve her. I’m not surprised he’s like omg I love her. Though the slight ick that she’s 15 and everyone is into her. Hotohori is 18 and idk how old tamahome is but this was a different time I guess.
Re-read, weil ich nach über 15 Jahren endlich die letzten 7 Bände gekauft, aber keine Ahnung mehr habe! Schön, dass es mir auch aus einer 'erwachseneren' Perspektive immer noch gefällt. Band 1 war noch etwas lahm, aber hier nimmt die Handlung Fahrt auf, und ich bin sehr gespannt, was noch passiert.
Y'all can miss me with the jokes at Nuriko's expense. Like, wow so gross. That's why I bumped it down from a 3 star to a 2 star rating. I know this is one of Watase's earliest works, but that doesn't excuse anything on her behalf.
Zum Inhalt: Eine Liebe die eigentlich nicht sein darf, eine Freundschaft die zu erbitterter Feindschaft wird und ein Abenteuer das im Manga-Universum seinesgleichen sucht: Yuu Watases Kult-Manga Fushigi Yuugi ist all das und noch viel mehr!
Cover: Das zweite Cover zu der Reihe ist von der groben Aufmachung her wie beim ersten Band. Wir haben hier hauptsächlich ein gelblich gehaltenes Cover, in dem sich ein rahmen befindet. Dort abgebildet sieht man die beiden Charaktere Miaka und Tamahome. Das passt sehr gut, auch wenn es kaum etwas zum Inhalt der Geschichte aussagt.
Eigener Eindruck: Nach der Zurückweisung durch Tamahome wird Miaka krank. Aus Sorge um Miaka, die aus einer fremden Welt stammt, will sie der Kaiser Hotohori schnellst möglich in ihre Welt zurück bringen. Währenddessen bemerkt Miakas beste Freundin Yui in der Menschenwelt, dass sie alles fühlen kann, was Miaka fühlt. Als Miaka in der Buchwelt in einen Kampf gerät wird nicht nur Miaka verletzt, sondern auch Yui muss feststellen, dass sie Verletzungen bekommt. Doch obgleich aller Schwierigkeiten gelingt es Miaka schließlich in ihre Welt wieder zurück zu kehren, aber schließlich nur, um festzustellen, dass ihre beste Freundin Yui plötzlich verschwunden ist. Miaka beschleicht ein Verdacht wo diese sein könnte…
Also ich habe den Manga jetzt schon so oft gelesen und muss immer wieder sagen, dass ich hellauf begeistert bin von dem, was dem Leser hier geboten wird. Die Reise von Miaka ist so wunderbar und fantastisch, dass man kaum aufhören kann zu lesen. Neben vielen ernsthaften und spannenden Szenen gibt es aber auch viele humorvolle Stellen. So muss Miaka unter anderem mit Entsetzen feststellen, dass die Figur Nuriko, die so sehr in den Kaiser verliebt ist, gar keine Frau, sondern ein Mann ist, der nur so tut, als wäre er eine Frau. Ein ganz schöner Schock für den Charakter und auch für den Leser eine absolute Überraschung, weil man einfach nicht damit rechnet. Neben dem Wunsch heim zu kehren rückt auch wieder die Abweisung von Tamahome in den Mittelpunkt. Während Miaka für diesen Feuer und Flamme ist, scheint der nichts von ihr wissen zu wollen – oder tut zumindest so. Dass ihm Miaka nicht so egal ist, wie er tut, sieht man an einigen seiner Reaktionen. Es bleibt also abzuwarten, wie es mit den beiden weiter geht. Interessant ist auch die Tatsache, dass Yui und Miaka nun scheinbar die Plätze getauscht haben und ich muss ehrlich gestehen, Respekt für den Mut, der von der Mangaka hier an Miaka gegeben wurde, denn sie kehrt freiwillig in das Buch zurück, um ihre Freundin zu suchen – und offenbart ihrem Bruder so, dass sie nicht einfach von zu Hause abgehauen ist, wegen ihrer schlechten Noten, sondern wirklich in einem Buch verschwunden ist. Das finde ich wieder sehr raffiniert, denn ich denke er wird die Geschichte als Außenstehender weiter verfolgen.
So this volume picks up right after our main character Miaka has fainted after confessing her feelings to Tamahome. So this particular volume explores mainly the feelings of our four main characters that we have so far for each other in a way. You have two male characters who are in love with our main female character. And then there’s another male character who is actually in love with one of the male characters. What’s interesting about this male character is he happens to identify as a female. Which makes me really happy that there is some LGBTQ plus representation in the series although from the YouTube video I watched it doesn’t exactly end very well for this character and the characters name is Nuriko. And since Nuriko identifies as a female I am going to refer to them as she in my review. So she is in love with the Emperor Hotohori however he is in love with Miaka. And she is of course in love with Tamahome. Who I believe is in love with her but he’s decided that he’s going to be indifferent to her because he knows the emperor is in love with her and he feels like he doesn’t really have a shot with her. Or at least that’s what I’m reading into this. No I’m not the worlds biggest fan of love triangles or stories where are the characters are all in love with the one person. I do really like Ranma and that series has two characters were like a lot of people are really into them or at least in love with them in someway. And that’s sort of a similar concept that’s going on in this series along with the influence of Chinese folklore. So I’m hoping, really hoping that things start to change and pick up soon like they do in realm where you know that this person and that person have genuine feelings for each other. And do you have this feeling that you know they’re going to end up together in the other characters are going to move on and find other people. I really hope this happens for our characters in the series particularly the seven constellations that Miaka has to find. I also need to point something out I forgot to mention about Nuriko, At the end of this volume she is now having to wear male clothing which I hope is only for a small amount of time. She mentioned she’s doing this because she feels that it would be easier for her to protect Miaka as a man instead of as a woman. Which is greatly disappointing for me I really really hope that she can start wearing women’s clothing again like she was at the beginning and that by the end of this year is she can prove that women can protect just like men can.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Today's post is on Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play, Volume 2: Oracle by Yuu Watase. It is 189 pages long and is published by Shojo Beat. The cover has the two main characters on it facing the reader. The intended reader is someone who likes historical fantasy, high fantasy, romance, and shojo stories. There is mild foul language, mild sexuality, and violence in this story. The story is told from third person close of the main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
From the back of the book- During a pilgrimage to the oracle Tai Yi-Jun, Miaka is trapped inside a cursed mirror while her evil reflection goes free! Can Tamahome, Hotohori, and Nuriko save the real Miaka? Can Yui, now back in the real world, help her missing friend come home? When Miaka does make her way back to Tokyo, things are not as expected.
Review- Lots of plot and character development happens in this volume. Miaka decides that she needs to go home to fix things there before she can do her job as the Priestess of Suzaku. So her friends on both sides of the book help her get home but Yui get sucked into the book and is currently missing. Miaka and Tamahome are starting to deal with their feelings towards each other and is cute and a little funny. Of course there is a love triangle with Hotohori falling for Miaka too but I think that has something to do with her being the Priestess of Suzaku because all her guardians are very drawn to her. I am very interesting in what happened to Yui and where the plot is going to head from here.
I give this volume a five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.
I think I read the 3-in-1 edition so I don’t know what happened when, but one thing I think we can agree on is that Miaka and Tamahome are falling for each other FAST! I’m not complaining, just stating facts. Am I going to get second lead syndrome this time around? I love the emperor, but I don’t think so. I’d rather claim him for myself or I’ll even step aside if he reciprocates poor Ruriko’s feelings! My SHOCK that he turned out to be a man though. HE’S SO PRETTY. Not that a man can’t be gorgeous, but Ruriko really had me fooled on that one. I mean, how was a man in ancient China allowed to be a consort for the emperor? Even the emperor himself didn’t know Ruriko was a man! He clearly doesn’t pay attention to his consorts. Is that the right word? I think consorts are wives but that can’t be right. Mistresses then? That also sounds wrong. How about a “harem” then? Sure. So how did this come about? Did Ruriko cheat his way into the emperor’s “harem”??? EITHER WAY I DON’T CARE! So that means Tamahome was kissed by a guy HAHA! I really love Ruriko. I hope he finds someone who reciprocates his feelings since it won’t be Tamahome OR the emperor. I really hope this stuff happened in volume two and if not I am SO SORRY FOR SPOILING! Also, Miaka was gone for THREE MONTHS? FOR HER IT WAS LIKE ONE DAY! Poor Tamahome having to wait that long for her. More in the review for volume three!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
I think I read the 3-in-1 edition so I don’t know what happened when, but one thing I think we can agree on is that Miaka and Tamahome are falling for each other FAST! I’m not complaining, just stating facts. Am I going to get second lead syndrome this time around? I love the emperor, but I don’t think so. I’d rather claim him for myself or I’ll even step aside if he reciprocates poor Ruriko’s feelings! My SHOCK that he turned out to be a man though. HE’S SO PRETTY. Not that a man can’t be gorgeous, but Ruriko really had me fooled on that one. I mean, how was a man in ancient China allowed to be a consort for the emperor? Even the emperor himself didn’t know Ruriko was a man! He clearly doesn’t pay attention to his consorts. Is that the right word? I think consorts are wives but that can’t be right. Mistresses then? That also sounds wrong. How about a “harem” then? Sure. So how did this come about? Did Ruriko cheat his way into the emperor’s “harem”??? EITHER WAY I DON’T CARE! So that means Tamahome was kissed by a guy HAHA! I really love Ruriko. I hope he finds someone who reciprocates his feelings since it won’t be Tamahome OR the emperor. I really hope this stuff happened in volume two and if not I am SO SORRY FOR SPOILING! Also, Miaka was gone for THREE MONTHS? FOR HER IT WAS LIKE ONE DAY! Poor Tamahome having to wait that long for her. More in the review for volume three!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Nuriko is growing on me by the second. It was the 90s, so I guess I'm not surprised by the jokes at their (sticking with they/them for now because they seem to prefer she/her at the moment but I have an inkling that's going to change over the course of this series...) expense, but said jokes don't sit well with a 2021 mindset.
The romance is indeed pretty rushed. Again, a very early-shoujo element that I'm not surprised by. I could do with it having taken a bit longer knowing there are 16 more volumes of this.
I was super confused when Miaka went back home and was saying she'd been in the book for months?? It was like maybe 5 days??? I was expecting there to be a time disparity (which there is, with her only actually being gone for two hours in the real world), but there was NO indication that she'd been in book-time for months. They were at the palace for like two days, a few more after she got sick, and then traveling for a day or so. Okay...
Miaka continues to be silly and hilarious, and I love it. There's lots of little details in the illustrations that make them absolutely gorgeous. On this second part we learn a bit more about how The Book works and how things are connected between the worlds. So we get a little more depth to the story, and of course a lot of shenanigans ensue. And even if it's a 20+ years old manga, it said *Trans Rights!* and I'm here for it! I know, there's still a couple of outdated jokes about it. But still, I loved how the character stood her ground. Yes, please!
Also, this is a Hotohori stan account, thank you very much.
Volume 2 Was very interesting. I still can't believe the difference between the show and the manga! How Miaka and her mother fighting over a high school exam. While reading that part of how Miaka is only studying cuz her mother wants to keep her reputation up high. Made me think how it's unfair how most Asian countries put pressure on the young generations. Wait, I'm going side ways here.... Back to the topic... Learning about Yui's partners left on a business trip and coming back to find out that their daughter is missing. And her Miaka's older brother finding her to only end finding her at school.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Ridiculous but loveable portal fantasy (girl falls through magic book, is the chosen one in the world she lands in). The characters are the best thing about this manga - I just want to protect them all.
The plot thickens! Now Yui is also trapped in the mysterious book, and Miaka is trying to find her as well as the seven constellations.
We've gotten to know all of the established characters more as well, especially a secret regarding Nuriko. As far as love interests go, I personally am swaying more in the direction of Hotohori. I'm a sucker for emperors and princes. However, Tamahome has a lot of potential to become my favorite, it all depends on what we learn about him and his true feelings.
The art is really nice and that’s about all the nice things I can say for this volume. It really shows its age; all the crazy tropes right down gender reveals are in here. It’s not GOOD, not even as a guilty pleasure, and yet I’m still compelled to read more. Possibly the best thing it has going for it is the main character knows who she’s in love with, but that also makes the current love triangle feel forces and manufactured
Este tomo no me atrapó tanto como el anterior, pero sigue siendo simpático. Miaka tiene la cabeza en las nubes y eso es parte del encanto. Y creo que prefiero a Hotohori antes que a Tamahome. Ya me acerco al punto donde no recuerdo absolutamente nada, cosa que me alegra.
Los chistes hacia Nuriko ahora caen en la bolsa de retrógrados (para decirlo suave), por suerte para el presente, no tanto para el manga. Me chocaron la verdad, no me acordaba de esas bromas. Lo que me llama la atención es que por otro lado las contestaciones de ella son geniales, así que no termino de entender la cabeza de la autora.
Not quite as good as the first one in the series, but still quite interesting! This one had a few more twists and action but it was a bit chaotic. Still, the characters are everything so there's still plenty to appreciate.