Summary: A farmer named McDonald has various animals that he keeps on his farms. One by one the farmer names his animals which are a cow, chicken, dog, pig, duck, horse, cat, and sheep. The name of each animal is said along with the sound that the animal makes.
Review: The book has great illustrations and shows students what the elements of a farm has (barn, animals, tractor). Every character in the book seems to be having a great time, and it shows by the expressions on their faces. The book is exciting, and young children enjoy it due to the colorful illustrations and catchy tune.
In class use: (1) The students can make their own class book with a spin on it..ex: the students can do animals in a house, at a zoo, in the classroom, etc. (2) the students can draw their own barn and recall what animals were said in the song and glue pictures of those animals to the barn and also make their own farmer.
Pretty cute and fun. Another one from the READS library loaned to my Kindle Fire. Also on the format of separate text and picture so they never quite meet up. love that there is a actual music sheet in the end but too small to see in eBook torn.