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149 pages, Paperback
First published January 1, 1992
With my hand stretched out in front of my face, I walked across the hall. Everywhere was a sweet smell I associated with June [his dead mother-in-law]. It came from the lavender soap she had bought in bulk. We were not even halfway through her supply. I groped my way across the living room and opened the door to the kitchen. The smell here was of metal and, faintly, butane gas. The fuse box and switch were in a cupboard on the wall on the far side of the room. Even in this darkness it showed as a blacker patch ahead of me. As I edged around the kitchen table, the sensation that I was being watched intensified. The surface of my skin had become an organ of perception, sensitized to darkness and to every molecule of air. My bare arms were registering a threat. Something was up; the kitchen did not feel the same. (92)
“June told me that throughout her life she sometimes used to see them ... running down the path into the Gorge of the Vis, the bigger one trailing blood on the white stones ... fading as they move into the foothills of the mountains from where they will return to haunt us, somewhere in Europe, in another time.”