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Window on the World: When We Pray God Works

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Well loved by young and old - a book that will inform and inspire the whole family, this beautifully presented, yet practical book, is the ideal accompaniment to Operation World. Stunning photographic visuals complement this A to Z of countries and people groups providing an exciting learning experience and guide for prayer. Short stories about featured countries or people groups help relate foreign lands and people to children in the West. Each page includes a small map putting the country into perspective with neighboring countries, a fact box with essential country, and people information and prayer points that children can ask God for as well as thank God for.This invaluable resource develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Families, churches, and schools will all benefit from this book and in turn be able to pray more effectively for their world.Winner of the 2002 Gold Medallion for Elementary Age Children.

221 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2001

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Daphne Spraggett

3 books2 followers

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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews
41 reviews3 followers
June 30, 2016
This book is OK. I like the short glimpses of people groups and countries that we can learn about. My kids have learned a lot about different regions of the world, and mapping the countries has been great for their Geography skills. However the author was often very patronizing and seemed to stress that some of the groups needed missionaries to counter act the other Christian denomination missionaries in the area. I skipped over most of this. I don't feel like that was a good message to send to my children. We used this book as part of our Sonlight Core C and next time I go through this Core with my younger children I will probably substitute it with another book.
Profile Image for Tina Cook.
14 reviews1 follower
March 17, 2019
Oh man, what a wonderful book! When I was homeschooling and teaching geography to my kids, we read this book daily to learn about the different people groups around the world and how to pray specific prayers for them. This book really helps children to travel outside of where they live and gives them a glimpse as through a window of how others live, often so radically different than themselves.
Profile Image for Kara.
197 reviews
June 22, 2011
This book was included in our Sonlight homeschooling curriculum. I really didn't like this book... but my kids LOVED it. They didn't articulate why they loved it. I didn't like it because I found it a very monotonous read and the tone of it felt some what uppity to me.
Profile Image for Emmie.
281 reviews
February 1, 2021
Window on the World is a great snapshot of different countries and people groups all over the world. We absolutely love learning about different people all over the world and learning how God is working and moving in different places. Along with the culture and people groups we also learned about other prominent religions around the world and how those religions differ from Christ-following. This gave us an opportunity to look at how different Christ and His salvation is vs the others that require you to work hard enough or be good enough to earn your salvation.

I appreciate that this book was real and didn't shy away from hard things and explained them in a way that was easy to share with children of all ages. Our family enjoyed reading about and praying for these people together as we learned what God was doing in those places. Even with all my world missions studies there were a few groups I was unfamiliar with and enjoyed learning about. In fact, I want to go visit one of these people groups during my life time if the Lord allows it.

The biggest downside with this book is that it's 20 years old. I would love to see this updated to know how this book has helped people pray and to see what God has done in these people groups since this book was published.

I also struggled with the wording of some of the prayer requests, but that may just me be and my idiosyncrasies. I absolutely recommend this book, I'm just not sure I can give it five stars.
Profile Image for Phil Whittall.
377 reviews25 followers
August 13, 2021
We started this book a while ago and used it a couple of times a week as a family. We'd read one of the two page spreads out loud after dinner and we'd all learn something about a new country or people group. We'd then share out the prayer points together and learn to thank God for our world and ask Him to keep helping all the peoples of the world know and love Him.

Our children (11 & 13) really engaged with the material, found it interesting and so did we. Highly recommended resource for families.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
33 reviews
April 4, 2010
A must-have for anyone working with missions groups, especially if teaching children. Many of the world's people groups are covered. Photos, personal stories of children, statistics, interesting facts, and a prayer guide for each group give a fascinating glimpse into different cultures. This would also be a nice resource for the home. The heavy Christian slant with a missions zeal make it a much better choice for a church library than for a public library.
Profile Image for Greg Dill.
795 reviews20 followers
February 24, 2021
This book was instrumental in showing our family places where God potentially wanted us to serve. As a family, we prayed through each of the countries in this book asking God where He wants us to serve. It was through this book we were first introduced to the country of Albania. And it is where our family will be serving in full time ministry.
Profile Image for Becca Harris.
63 reviews9 followers
August 23, 2011
Excellent resource for parents who want to teach their children about the nations. This prayer guide has pictures, relates to the children, and is easy to read. It's a great way for your family to pray for the nations.
3 reviews39 followers
Currently reading
May 10, 2013
Great book for opening eyes of our children about other cultures and lives of people all around the world!!
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 reviews

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