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544 pages, Hardcover
First published January 23, 2024
What will she say to the alien? She has not planned that far. “Take us so your leader”? No, the alien’s supposed to use that one. “We come in peace” has the same problem, and would, anyway, be a lie. Anna has no peace to offer. “Invade us, I beg you.” At least this would resolve the problem of her Argentina-sized debt.
The devil can tempt you, but it is your choice to succumb. It is your choice to keep feeding the snakes two lives a day, instead of standing up and saying “no more.”
This meat is Blackbird-imitation Chaya thigh muscle. The appetizers are sweetmeats from various organs in her body, to guarantee they get a full vitamin spread. If it’s good enough for Jesus … but did Jesus ever take communion of himself? She can’t remember. Did he eat the bread at the Last Supper? There’s no Bible to check. Maybe there never will be again. Maybe all that lives of scripture lives in her.
“My operations are more humane and more effective than those of our military. A military we both know has normalized violence toward the very people we claim to liberate. If you are repulsed by the idea of my program killing a single target, how could you accept the everyday reality of Iraq? Scared teenagers racing across the desert in Humvees, blasting “Bodies” and slamming Rip Its, uncertain what they are doing or why, watching for any reason to shoot. Which is actually more humane?”
She crosses “main street,” the unspoken divide between the Chaya-Davoud-Khaje pragmatists and the Aixue-Erik-Clayton flagellants.
““What the fuck did you do?” Erik shouts. “Clayton, what the fuck did you do?”
“I played La Malinche,” Clayton says. “I signed up with Cortés.”
“It’s very elegant! It turns out that each kind of symmetry implies a law of conservation. For example, rotational symmetry turns out to imply conservation of angular momentum. Translational symmetry implies conservation of linear momentum. Time symmetry implies conservation of energy.”
“The cosmos is flesh, and I am its portioner. I am tooth in tissue. I am the cutter of cuts. O knife! Be my soul thy blade, be my spine thy hilt!”
“She realizes that her image of her own soul is not very different from the way she imagines hell.”
“The problem is that the good always seems so fragile. And the evil you’ve done sets on you like cement.”