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Crookhaven #1

The School for Thieves

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"So this is really a school for criminals." It was meant as a question, though it came out more as an accusation.

"We are so much more than that," Caspian said, sitting in a plush leather chair and gesturing for Gabriel to sit in a similar one across the table. "We are a home for the forgotten, a sanctuary for the lost and ... yes, a training ground for the greatest crooks of the future."

13-year-old Gabriel is a brilliant pickpocket, a skill which he uses to keep his often empty belly not quite so empty. And then one day, he's caught.

But instead of being arrested, he is invited by the mysterious Caspian Crook to attend Crookhaven - a school for thieves. At Crookhaven, students are trained in lock-picking, forgery and 'crim-nastics', all with the intention of doing good out in the world, by conning the bad and giving back to the innocent.

But ... can you ever really trust a thief?

With a school wide competition to be crowned Top Crook and many mysteries to uncover, Gabriel's first year at Crookhaven will be one to remember...

279 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 1, 2022

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J.J. Arcanjo

8 books41 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for Muffinsandbooks.
1,463 reviews1,092 followers
April 23, 2023
J’ai adoré ! C’était hyper addictif, vraiment original, avec un côté « Poudlard » pour des voleurs, le tout hyper bien ficelé et avec des personnages attachants… vraiment, c’était une excellente lecture !!!
Profile Image for Marcella.
1,184 reviews79 followers
March 8, 2023
Wat een fantastisch begin van een nieuwe serie over een school voor dieven. Goed, sfeervol geschreven met een goede dosis mysterie, spanning, humor en nieuwe vriendschappen. Ik kijk nu al uit naar het volgende deel!
Profile Image for Sivu kerrallaan.
463 reviews42 followers
October 26, 2022
4.5 ⭐. Crookhaven eli Varkaiden akatemia on ympäristönä todella kiehtova. Jonkin verran aika tuttuja nuorten kirjojen juonen käänteitä, mutta viihdyin silti hyvin tämän vaudikkaan sarjan avausosan parissa.
Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,806 reviews169 followers
April 27, 2023
A marvellous read

This book is about a boy named Gabriel who is a skilled pickpocketer who lives with his nan and who steals food as they little money. One day Gabriel gets caught by a thief, but instead of steeling he invites Gabriel to Crookhaven, a remote school, teaching all about how to become a master of thievery by learning lock picking, forgery and "crimnastics" but they learn to steal from the rich and not the poor and to take things back to their rightful owners. This book is like Hogwarts for thieves and i love the lessons they learn and the things the characters get up to like having to pick the lock to be able to go to the loo!.

I'm looking forward to the sequel and would recommend this book for ages 9-13.
(Thanks to Net Galley for this Book).
Profile Image for Liralen.
3,121 reviews236 followers
October 8, 2023
Das Leben ist für Gabriel nicht einfach: er wohnt mit seiner Oma, die er sehr liebt, aber sie haben kaum genug Geld und kaum genug Essen. Um seiner Oma zu helfen stiehlt Gabriel—nicht viel, aber ein bisschen hier, ein bisschen da. Und dann kommt der Tag, an dem Gabriel erwischt wird...

Schule der Meisterdiebe ist eine klassische Geschichte von Internat, Mut, und Freundschaft—mit dem Twist, dass alle Schüler:innen Gauner sind. Das Buch ist für jüngere Teenager geschrieben, also gibt es wieder einen Twist: die Gauner stehlen nur für gute Grunde. (Moderne Robin Hoods...) Obwohl alle Student:innen Gauner sind—oder Gauner werden willen—die Schurken sind die, die...nicht "ehrliche(?) Diebe" sind. "Wir tun Unrecht," sagt der Lehrer Caspian Crook, "um die Welt wieder in Ordnung zu bringen." (loc. 533)

Das Buch—und die meisten Figuren—ist ganz süß und lebhaft. Und die Wortspiele! Kriminastikzentrum, die Brüder Crim...ich liebe es.

Wenn English seine erste Sprache war und Schwachsinn seine zweite, dann war Lügen definitiv seine dritte. Und er sprach sie fließend. (loc. 373)

Ich fand das Unterschied zwischen Meriten und Legaten ganz komisch—ein Punkt von der Geschichte, aber immer noch traurig, wenn nicht nur die Schüler:innen sondern auch die Lehrer:innen einen Unterschied sehen, machen, verstärken. Und...obwohl Gabriel nur mit ein richtiges Können (Diebstahl) zur Schule kommt, ist er sofort ein von der Beste. Die Leser:innen können für ihn jubeln, aber...wie viele Bücher können wir in dieser Reihe erwarten? Für mich wäre es besser, ob Gabriels Fähigkeit durch die Reihe sich verbessert. (Sich verbessert würde? Oder was? Vielleicht kenn mein Deutsch sich durch die Reihe verbessern...)

Ein ganz spannendes Buch, und ich würde gern weiterlesen—auf Englisch oder auf Deutsch.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley. Deutsch ist nicht meine Muttersprache, und alle Fehler sind meine eigenen.

jucken: To itch
frösteln: To shiver
Kaff: Dump/hole (as a location)
Kieselstein: Pebble
Strickjacke: Cardigan. (Definitely thought for a second that this was "straightjacket"...)
Durchfahrtsort: The sticks (as a place)
im Handumdrehen: In no time
Zickzack: Zigzag
Anschuldigung: Accusation (opposite of Entschuldigung)
Schlabberhose: Loosely fitting pants
Segen: Blessing
quälend: Tortuous
tollpatschig: Clumsy
Blubbern: Bubbling
Fingerfertigkeit: Dexterity. Finger-readiness!
Königsdisziplin: Supreme discipline
Quasselstrippe: Chatterbox
Quaddel: Hives/welts
Etwas wie [seine] Westentasche kennen: To know something like the back of one's hand...or one's vest pocket
spindeldürren: Spindly
kniffliges: Tricky
jämmerlichen: Miserable
Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
878 reviews401 followers
June 5, 2023

Το βιβλίο αυτό μου κίνησε το ενδιαφέρον από την πρώτη στιγμή που διάβασα την περίληψη του. Ένα σχολείο για κλέφτες; Ποιος μπορεί να αντισταθεί σε κάτι τέτοιο ειδικά από την στιγμή που αγαπώ κάθε είδους βιβλίο που εξελίσσεται σε σχολικό περιβάλλον και που τα Έξι Κοράκια είναι το αγαπημένο μου found family που υπάρχει; Και κάπως έτσι κατέληξα να διαβάζω αυτό το βιβλίο μέσα σε 2 μέρες.

Έχουμε τον Γκάμπριελ που τον ανακαλύπτει ο Κάσπιαν και τον οδηγεί στο σχολείο για κλέφτες , το Κρουκχέβεν. Εκεί θα γνωρίσει πολλά άτομα στην ηλικία του και όχι μόνο με τους οποίους θα σχηματίσουν την συμμορία που θα τους οδηγήσει στον τελικό στόχο του σχολικού χρόνου. Μου άρεσε που είχαμε τους μαθητές που χωρίζονταν σε 'επίλεκτους' και 'γόνους', που η συμμορία του δεν στάθηκε σε αυτή τη διαφορά και είχε πολύ ενδιαφέρον το γεγονός ότι οι αρχές του σχολείου ήταν αρκετά καθαρές ,ενώ οι πράξεις τους ήταν σίγουρα γκρι. Και κάπου εδώ έρχεται το ρητό.. Ο σκοπός αγιάζει τα μέσα; Και φυσικά μαθαίνουμε λίγα πράγματα για όσους δεν βαδίζουν σύμφωνα με τις αρχές του σχολείου και χρησιμοποιούν τα μαθήματα τους με κακό σκοπό, τους λεγόμενους Ανώνυμους.

Το βιβλίο αυτό έχει πάρα πολλές ομοιότητες με τη σειρά βιβλίων Χάρι Πότερ. Ας μην κρυβόμαστε, αλλά βρήκα πολλά κοινά σημεία και δεν με χάλασε ιδιαίτερα, αλλά εκτίμησα ακόμη περισσότερο τις διαφορές του. Ένα βιβλίο κατάλληλο για παιδιά από 10 ετών που πιστεύω θα τους αρέσει πολύ και σε μικρούς και σε μεγάλους. Ειδικά αν είστε φαν του διασημότερου σχολείου μαγείας. Απλά αφαιρέστε την μαγεία και έχετε ένα σκανδαλιάρικο , ευχάριστο γρήγορο ανάγνωσμα. Ανυπομονώ για την συνέχεια του!!
Profile Image for Esther.
629 reviews111 followers
September 19, 2023
Dit boek is FANTASTISCH voor iedereen van 10 jaar en ouder. Ook een geweldig voorleesboek, denk ik zo.

Een soort Harry Potter voor zakkenrollers! Heerlijk verschillende karkaters, verschillende vakken, vragen, mysteries en een shot aan humor.

Ik kan niet wachten om het tweede deel te lezen!

5 sterren MEER dan waard.
Profile Image for nico.
375 reviews38 followers
November 30, 2023
I need more??? Bardzo fajna książka to była, czułam się jakby czytała o hogwarcie ale do przestępców - gabriel był niczym jak połączenie Remusa z all the young dudes, bliźniaki to bliźniaki. Nie moge się to czekać aż przeczytam kolejny tom bo ten był świetny nawet jeśli skierowany jest do młodszych
Profile Image for Alisa Chapple.
182 reviews
July 11, 2024
i read this as a bit of a palette cleanser but i think im now very attached to gabe and penelope. and its such a fun premise. a school for thieves like come on, can i go there?
Profile Image for kate.
1,516 reviews967 followers
January 8, 2024
Whilst this didn’t feel all that groundbreaking or unique and featured some somewhat questionably written POC representation, overall this was a fast paced, action packed adventure and a fun book to spend a few hours with.

TW: Islamophobia, bullying
Profile Image for Petra Valković.
Author 4 books35 followers
June 8, 2024
Kupila sam ovaj dječji roman na blef jer me najprije privukla naslovnica, a onda sinopsis. Nadala sam se da neću skroz fulati u odabiru i drago mi je da sam bila u pravu.
Crookhaven je nešto kao Hogwarts, ali za lopove. Uz ponešto sličnosti, ima i velikih razlika. Prije svega tu su školski predmeti poput Kriminastike, Krivotvorenja i Prijevare, te podjela učenika na Nasljednike i Odabranike. Nasljednici su djeca prijašnjih učenika škole, svojevrsna elita, a Odabranici su regrutirani zbog svojih posebnih talenata. Gabriel Avery, natprosječno dobar džepar, jedan je od potonjih. Dospijeva u školu za lopove zahvaljujući tajanstvenom ravnatelju Caspianu Crooku koji u njemu vidi potencijal za velike stvari. Gabriel je 13-godišnjak koji preživljava džepareći bogate ne bi li nahranio sebe i baku s kojom živi u siromaštvu, konstantno vrijeđan od gotovo svih u mjestu. Najviše od svega želi doznati zašto su ga roditelji ostavili kao bebu, pritom nestavši bez traga. Dok boravi u školi, otkriva brojne tajne o svojem podrijetlu te se sprijateljuje s učenicima iz svog razreda, posebno s Crookovom kćeri Penelope, blizancima Adeom i Edeom i šutljivom Amirom.
Uživala sam čitajući ovaj roman o lopovima čija je misija svojim talentima za kriminal činiti dobro, ispraviti svijet od nepravde. Posebno me se dojmio lik Gabriela koji je za nekoga njegovih vještina nerazmetljiv, samozatajan, suosjećajan prema drugima i spreman pomoći, ali i tražiti pomoć. Jer najveća lekcija koju u školi mogu dobiti je da ne moraš sve nositi/raditi sam, nego je važno imati svoju ekipu na koju se možeš osloniti iako se ne slažete uvijek.
Nestrpljivo čekam nove nastavke 🙂.
Profile Image for zaczytana_julcia.
982 reviews49 followers
October 1, 2023
do „akademii crookhaven” miałam ogromne oczekiwania i czy zostały one spełnione? TAK, TAK I JESZCZE RAZ TAK.
ta książka stała się moją niemałą obsesją i wy sobie nawet nie wyobrażacie jak bardzo ją kocham i jak bardzo nie mogę się doczekać kolejnych tomów.

za co tak bardzo pokochałam „akademię crookhaven. szkoła oszustów”? najprościej byłoby powiedzieć, że za wszystko, a tym wszystkim są:
- WSPANIALI bohaterowie - każdy jest różny, inny, barwny i każdego kocham, no poza typowymi wyjątkami jak vilette i decome, ale ade i ede, gabriel, pen i amina całkowicie skradli moje serce
- absolutnie genialna fabuła, która jest tak interesująca i wciągająca
- sam pomysł na szkołę dla oszustów i złodziei, no c’mon to samo w sobie brzmi genialnie (i takie jest)
- dużo tajemnic i sekretów
- zakończenie, które sprawia, że czekanie na drugi tom wydaje się być torturą (uwierzcie mi - to zakończenie 🤯 wow wow wow)
- piękne wartości, które niesie ze sobą ta książka.

ogólnie to baardzo się zakochałam w tej książce i będę ją napewno wielokrotnie polecać.
+ jest idealna dla fanów nevermoor i magicznego ekspresu.


(ta książka zasługuje na hype pokroju harry’ego pottera, bo jest serio wspaniała).
Profile Image for Międzystronnik .
50 reviews4 followers
July 11, 2024
Świetna książka! Bardzo komfortowa, porywająca I po prostu wartościowa 💙
Profile Image for Ellen.
42 reviews2 followers
October 3, 2024
I want to give this book a 4,5 ⭐️ but it was waaaay too good and I loved every second of it. So 5 ⭐️ it is 🤩. I just disliked all the different elements that felt too much like Harry Potter. There was one too many. However, the formula still works… clearly.
Profile Image for Evelyn Evertsen-Romp.
1,450 reviews79 followers
October 8, 2022
Oh wowwww wat een heerlijk boek!!
De sfeer is helemaal top: kostschool, vriendschap, mysterie, interessant plot, leuke personages en genoeg humor dankzij de tweeling.
Ik wil deel 2 NU 😁
Profile Image for Herisson08.
80 reviews6 followers
July 22, 2024
Malgré un petit côté déjà vu dans l'univers général, j'ai apprécié les Personnages de cette aventure !
Profile Image for alexandria.
826 reviews21 followers
October 8, 2023
Ten uczuć, gdy książka dla dzieci jest lepsza niż niejedna fantastyka 😅
Profile Image for Denise Gale.
77 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2023
Wow! Thank you Hodder for sending me a proof of this wonderful book in exchange for an honest review.
So about a year ago I was chatting to a customer who slipped into the conversation that he had a kids book coming out the following year. I asked him what it was called and he replied Crookhaven and gave me a little synopsis of the story and I told him it sounded awesome and I can now confirm that it is indeed awesome!
Gabriel Avery has never known his parents but lives with his Grandma on the grounds of a very posh house as she is the housekeeper. Gabriel often finds he has to pickpockets for money so that he and his Grandma can eat. One day whilst on such a pickpocketing trip he is scouted by a man who claims to have a place for him at a rather unusual school called Crookhaven. Here they train kids to be criminal masterminds but they only use their skills against people who deserve it to help those in need, a bit like a modern day Robin Hood but better!

I loved so much about this book, the school itself was like Hogwarts but without the magic and instead the kids were given lessons in crimnastics, forgery, lock picking and gardening. I loved the mystery adventure elements as Gabriel tries to figure out his past and who his parents were. I loved the lighter moments with some comic relief from Ade and Ede, brothers who are the best hackers Crookhaven has ever seen! Most of all I love Gabriel and the friendships that he makes, these friendships are pivotal for any successes he has. With themes of found family and questioning what it means to be good. I Loved this and I would highly recommend to any mystery adventure fans especially if you like a good series to sink your teeth into as this appears to have been set up to be a series and I can’t wait for more!
Profile Image for Henna.
582 reviews32 followers
November 3, 2024
Very entertaining with a cast of fascinating characters. I loved the criminal bording school setting and I couldn't get enough of it. I hope there'll be plenty of more books in the series! My only complaint is a bit rushed ending and some secondary characters could have done with a bit more depth in their character.
Profile Image for Kathleen Dixon.
4,165 reviews64 followers
February 27, 2023
Many many years ago, my sister and I would sit up with Mum one night a week and watch It Takes a Thief with the charming, smooth Robert Wagner as the thief enlisted to work for the government in return for a Get Out of Jail Free. Well, the kids in this book are going to be so good at their thievery that they'll never get caught - however, they are also being trained to only work for good:
"You have not been chosen to attend this infamous school solely for your crooked talents; you have been chose because of what you were doing with your talents when we found you. Those of you who we found stealing were not stealing out of greed, but to survive or to give your loved ones a better life. . . . Those of you who were hacking did not hack for progfit, but to expose the wrongdoings of corrupt companies or individuals. Those of you who were picking locks or scaling walls did so only to reclaim what was yours or recover that which once rightfully belonged to another. . . . Here, we will teach you to do wrong, but only so that one day you will put the world right."
So we have a boarding school with very different subjects, and we have the normal things that go on with kids at school - competition, friendship, bullying, prejudices, missing home . . . The key character is a nice boy who was brought up by his grandmother and who pickpocketed to give them a little food. He's very relatable and I, the reader, totally want him to do well.

There were a few times I thought the book a little dull, and thus only 3 stars, but I like it enough to look out for when the 2nd book in the series comes out.
Profile Image for Claire ✨.
318 reviews66 followers
March 20, 2023
This was a charming book and a lot of fun, filled with the heart of a classic middle grade boarding school story.

Two things I LOVE in MG books are boarding schools, and thieves. What could be better than a boarding school for thieves?

Gabriel is a scrappy orphan who lives on the brink of homelessness with his grandma. To survive, he picks pockets, but when he picks the pocket of Caspian Crook, he is invited to Crookhaven, a boarding school for budding thieves who use their skills for good. There, Gabriel meets Penelope Crook, daughter of the headmaster and a bit of a know-it-all, Ade and Ede, twin white-hat hackers who bounce off each other like all siblings do, and Amira, a shy Italian-Muslim girl with a knack for agility. The school is filled with a varied, diverse cast, wonderfully representative of children today, with a big focus on friendship and belonging, as Gabriel comes to find his people and discover the secrets behind his missing parents.

The messages don't always hit – the story starts by implying Gabriel has had a tough time as a Hispanic(?) kid, but pivots when he reveals he actually has an eidetic memory, as if that's some massive barrier to belonging, lmao. There's also a heavier focus on the school aspect and less on the adventure and mystery, which wasn't my personal cup of tea, but I can see there being more depth to the series as more books come out.

A fun school series with a crooked twist.


eARC received from Hodder Children's Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This title released on the 2nd March 2023.

Profile Image for Magda.
186 reviews1 follower
August 9, 2024
Ale super się bawiłam na tej książce! Od razu sięgnęłam po 2 część, a to mówi samo za siebie.
Uwielbiam motywy szkoły w książkach. A tutaj mamy szkołę dla złodziei. Dobrych złodziei.
Uwielbiam motywy rozwiązywania zagadek i mierzenia się z przeciwnościami.
Leżała na tej samej półce co Harry Potter. Bo mimo że nie ma tutaj magii to mamy chłopca po przejściach, tworzenie się przyjaźni, wybitnie uzdolnionego chłopca, mierzenie się z poczuciem inności, bycia gorszym od innych, dobre serce i odwagę.
Książka bardzo wciąga a przy tym przekazuje pozytywne wartości.
Tylko trzeba pamiętać że nie jest to książka pisana dla dorosłych.
July 29, 2023
Olipas lupaavan menevä ja kiehtova sarjan avausosa! Perinteisiä juonenkäänteitä ja Tylypahkamainen ympäristö, mutta se ei haitannut mua ollenkaan. Gabriel on päähenkilönä jotenkin tosi sympaattinen ja on valtavan tärkeää ja hienoa, että hahmokaarti koostuu erilaisiin etnisiin ryhmiin kuuluvista ihmisistä!
Profile Image for Maarit.
700 reviews21 followers
December 16, 2022
Tarinan pohja rakennetaan hyvin, mutta lopussa sorrutaan perinteiseen kiirehtimiseen, kun kaikki selvinneet asiat pitää paketoida jollain tavalla yhteen eikä siihen tunnu enää riittävän sivuja tarpeeksi. Tämän vuoksi puolikas tähti pois ja arvosanaksi 3,5 tähteä.
Profile Image for Kirjoihin kadonnut || Johanna.
931 reviews92 followers
December 20, 2022
Tuttuja juonenkäänteitä useista nuortenkirjoista. Mut Crookhaven oli kiehtova ympäristö tapahtumille ja mukavan omalaatuinen ratkaisu. Kiinnostavia henkilöhahmoja ja jännittäviä juonenkäänteitä. Tykättiin lasten kanssa kovasti!
Profile Image for olaborcuch.
208 reviews5 followers
July 22, 2024

Bardzo przyjemna fantastyka dziecięca, fajnie wykreowany świat i różnorodni bohaterowie. Pojawiają się znane już w literaturze motywy, ale mimo to książka jest jedyna w swoim rodzaju. W wolnej chwili sięgnę po kontynuację.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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