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The Bow Street Society Character Guide

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The Bow Street Society is a fictional group of amateur detectives, operating in Victorian London. Each of its civilian members has been enlisted for their unique skill or exceptional knowledge in a particular field derived from their usual occupation. Members are assigned to cases, by the Society's clerk, Miss Trent, based upon these skills and fields of knowledge.

About the This guide is both an introduction to the series and a keepsake for fans. Each character has been skilfully brought to life by the talented Peter Spells in the form of silhouettes accompanied by a brief description written by T.G. Campbell. The character’s usual occupation, age, and memorable quotes are also included. For the first time, the key Metropolitan Police Force officers who feature in the series are also included. These may be found in the latter part of the guide.

Silhouettes were chosen as this art form is traditionally associated with Victorian Era cameo brooches and lockets. Therefore, as the series is set in the 1890s, T.G. Campbell felt silhouettes was the most appropriate style to use. Miss Trent is depicted in the guide by Sabrina Poole who played Miss Trent in the book trailer for The Case of The Curious Client.

53 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 31, 2022

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About the author

T.G. Campbell

17 books108 followers
Tahnee Georgina Campbell wrote her first crime fiction story at the age of sixteen as a gift for her best friend. At only 40 pages long it fell considerably short of a “novel” but it marked the beginning of a creative journey that would eventually spawn the first of the Bow Street Society mystery novels; The Case of the Curious Client. During that time she attended the University of Winchester where she acquired her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Studies and wrote a dissertation on the social and cultural importance of the works of Agatha Christie.

The Bow Street Society is a fictional group of amateur detectives, operating in Victorian London, that feature in the murder mystery writings of award winning crime author, T.G. Campbell. Each of its civilian members has been enlisted for their unique skill or exceptional knowledge in a particular field derived from their usual occupation. Members are assigned to cases, by the Society's clerk, Miss Trent, based upon these skills and fields of knowledge. This ensures the Society may work on the behalf of their clients regardless of their client’s social class or wealth; cases that the police either can’t or won’t investigate. From an artist to an illusionist, from an architect to a veterinarian, the Bow Street Society's aim is to provide justice by all and for all.

The Case of The Curious Client won a Book Award with Fresh Lifestyle Magazine, an achievement she is extremely proud of. She's written a monthly feature for the magazine ever since. Her features cover a range of topics from Hidden London to every day life in Victorian era London.

Other works in the Bow Street Society universe are:

The Case of The Lonesome Lushington (Bow Street Society mystery, #2)
The Case of The Shrinking Shopkeeper & Other Stories (Bow Street Society Casebook, volume 1)
The Case of The Spectral Shot (Bow Street Society mystery, #3)
The Case of The Peculiar Portrait & Other Stories (Bow Street Society Casebook, volume 2)

Subscribers to the free, monthly, Bow Street Society newsletter - the Gaslight Gazette - are first to read new Casebook short stories. Sneak peeks of upcoming releases, deleted scenes from published works, and news about upcoming book signing events are also included. You may subscribe to the newsletter by visiting the official Bow Street Society website at https://www.bowstreetsociety.com/

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Profile Image for Helen Simpson.
1,133 reviews37 followers
June 18, 2024
A great introduction to the characters in the series. I did like the small touch of adding quotes each of the characters have spoken.
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