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Loving Curves #8

Mistletoe: A Steamy, Plus Size, Friends to Lovers Christmas Romance

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Christmas sucks!
In fact, one of the worst holidays ever created.
If that made her a Christmas Grinch, then so be it.
Honestly, there was a time when Camille Comet would have called blasphemy to anyone who thought Christmas was terrible, but right now, she couldn’t agree more. In fact, she’s never been so certain in her life that it was made to torment her. She’s determined to not celebrate this year, and for a good last Christmas party she had, her fiancé dumped her.
Talk about giving someone your heart last Christmas only for him to give it away the same damn day.
Her friend Ana is not so easily deterred though, and she will try anything to convince Camille to have some fun. Even if that means hours of convincing her friend to go to the most exclusive Christmas party of the year. Yet when they find out that said ex-fiancé will be there with his new girlfriend, will Camille be able to go through with it?
Will she run away?
Or will her best friend—and old-but-not-so-old—crush be able to help her avoid the embarrassment?

34 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 29, 2022

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About the author

Isabelle M

30 books7 followers

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
Profile Image for Drasevia.
155 reviews2 followers
December 7, 2023
A very likable main couple, a simple yet good(and very sweet😊)story line... Plus great and oh soo🔥 finale. What more can I say, a great short Christmas story! 8,5/10.
8 reviews
November 8, 2022
Merry Christmas, baby!

I was in the mood for a a down and dirty holiday story and this supplied the need. Sweet story line, well written and edited. I look forward to reading more of the author’s work.
139 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2022
Enjoyable quickie...

Short and to the point, I like that.
Don't we all have that one friend that we'd willingly cross the line for if the circumstances were agreeable? I feel like there's a bigger story for these two, I hope there's a bigger story for them.
29 reviews
November 25, 2023
It was cute

I loved the short/insta love stories, the only reason I gave it a 4 star has more to do with the fact I wanted a more explanation from Austin about what he did when she was dating her ex.
Profile Image for Amy.
671 reviews4 followers
January 2, 2023
Very short (34 pages) and entertaining.

I wish there was more of a closure at the end.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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