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New system? Check. Companions? Check. An accidental soulbound murder bunny with aspirations of becoming a chef? Check.

It’s not easy being a System Traveler. Well, the traveling part is hard, at least. But once Derek got his feet under him, he hit the ground running, saving an entire area from a massive dungeon overflow in the process. He even found some companions to help ease the massive hole inside him formed from spending decades alone in the void.

508 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 14, 2023

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,248 reviews2,024 followers
June 8, 2023
This is second in an isekai LitRPG series and follows closely on the first. Read in order.

This starts with a prologue whose only purpose seems to be to depress the reader and make them hate the whole world a little bit. I have no idea why an author would want to do that and I found it completely off-putting. Seriously. Skip both that and the epilogue as neither has any bearing on the story and only provides random emotional ambushes to a reader—the kind you'd expect to find in a back-alley of a grimdark urban megalopolis.

This story is a tone shift from the first book, but a relatively subtle one. Derek has a handle on the System, more or less, so he is mostly poking around with the next step. I'm still not sure what his next step is supposed to be, but so far it's seeing if there are any bad guys despicable enough to need killing. Which is to say it's less exploring the world and more exploring human society and the power structures they've created. I'm glad that there was a good mix of moral discovery in the book with nobles essentially split fifty-fifty on the evil/kind axis but with a kicker of an extra-political power broker he befriends just for kicks and bunny-giggles.

And yes, Sylvi the murder bunny is still one of my favorite parts of the story. I think the majority of my laugh-out-loud moments came from her antics and that's no small thing. Thomas, Derek's kinda apprentice, is largely neglected in the story, only providing a randomish plot-element or two to set Derek up in opposition to some bad people.

The pace shift (with less monster hunting and system-experimenting) was a bit of a downer, but didn't really affect my enjoyment that much. It turns out I mostly like Derek, even when he's slice-of-lifing the place a bit. I'm going to call this four stars as it's nearly as good as the first book, if not quite as engaging overall.

A note about Chaste: Derek is figuring things out and keeping most of his relationships surface only. There's a hint of attraction in one area, but it isn't explored at all, yet. So it's very chaste without even any kissing involved.
Profile Image for XR.
1,914 reviews105 followers
February 22, 2023
As overpowered as Derek is, I really love reading the series because of the secondary characters he encounters and becomes friends with. I especially love Silvi, she's so darn cute and deadly. I can't wait for the next book to come out!
Profile Image for Devan.
566 reviews17 followers
February 17, 2023
Filler book

So not much happens this book. I was pretty dissatisfied. At 60% mark the MC was just walking around talking to people, eating, and checking on people he knew. The MC does a quick dungeon run near the end to level a bit and then fights the usual tropey arrogant villain and that’s it.

Barely any cool character growth or manipulation of the system like in book one. He gets a cool skill at the end, but other than that he does absolutely nothing to learn about or develop his class. The level grinding literally lasted a couple pages and introduced some cool achievements that would have been fun to explore but were immediately forgotten.

Such a disappointment. It’s like the author used up their best ideas on book one. Like they didn’t want to put much thought into this book and got some words on paper as fast as possible.
Profile Image for Alicia.
Author 1 book3 followers
March 4, 2023
The main character is a dick. He treats people like things and demonstrates truly crappy parenting skills.
You really have to have read the first book for much of this one to make sense.
Finished because plotting is good and I like the bunny, but this is the end of the road for me with this author.
Profile Image for Tony Hinde.
1,891 reviews61 followers
February 27, 2023
If you're into overpowered protagonists, this series is an exemplar of the genre. Nothing is a real challenge, the hero gets stronger with little effort and arrogant a**holes get their comeuppance. We also enjoy witnessing him rescuing the weak and being a wise mentor.

If you're after grand literature or grim and gritty situations then you'll probably hate it.
Profile Image for Shonari.
373 reviews24 followers
August 3, 2023
The second instalment in the System Universe series is a thrilling and addictive addition to the saga. The main character, Derek, is incredibly overpowered, yet surprisingly, it works well within the story. With a diverse group of companions and action-packed sequences, the book keeps readers hooked. On to the next book!
Profile Image for Katie.
345 reviews15 followers
May 27, 2024
I don’t know why I read book 2 - I find the mc utterly unlikeable. I found it completely tedious how overpowered the mc is, and how the author describes every single female character primarily based on their attractiveness. Not recommended
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,636 reviews25 followers
March 30, 2023
Hope this keeps the same energy as book one.

Okay. I can't take this series seriously.

The first half of this book seems to have been filler, or one huge set up. It reads as if the author was laying foundation for the next book/ future books, which should not have been done in such a way.

So much of the first half was low stakes "follow the protagonist around slice of life". I expected more action, or more meat, not what I read.
Things picked up in the second half, kind of, but it just felt as if this book was a connecting book.

Also with what was said, I hope there wouldn't be an academy arc in the future.

Finally finished. This could have been more. Hope the sequel is better paced.

3/5 Stars
161 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2023
My Rating System:
5- Perfect for my taste, I could not physically stop reading/listening and wanted more afterward.
4- Almost perfect, could not stop reading/listening, probably wanted more afterward.
3- I enjoyed the book and could see others loving it, I need to think if I want more.
2- I can see why others might like the book, but I could not, I do not want more.
1- What is this? What went wrong? Why did they do this? This doesn't make any sense! (No idea who it is for, but definitely not for me).

[Audiobook Version]

This was a really good continuation of the story. While I am still not a fan of the narrator, Adam Verner, I was able to look past it and enjoy the story.
Profile Image for Lundos.
361 reviews10 followers
August 31, 2023
Our void knight continues his OP journey in a world that now includes an adventure guide, a noble system including highly corrupt top Nobles and a kingdom wide famous restaurant chain.

We also get (sort of) a change in the MCs lifestyle that now includes a posse and some people he decided to care about. The bunny is mostly annoying imo.

I'm not sure about the character system, the stats or the skill system as it's very loosely described in terms of power levels and importence of overall levels.
17 reviews
February 14, 2023
The story continues!

I'm happy with the progression in this book. Doesn't feel rushed like so many sequels tend to. If anything, the pace may be a little too slow, but ultimately, I can't complain. We learn about a few new characters that seem to be important to the story. And Derek.. well he does what Derek does, which is: bull his way through nearly any issue through sheer resilience.
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,653 reviews74 followers
September 8, 2023

OP MC is OP. That’s really the story. He is Superman, except no one recognizes him and ‘bad people’ tend to mess with him to their detriment.

Gonna get the next one. They pass the time. The writing is…weak, but serviceable.

Profile Image for Jon Svenson.
Author 8 books104 followers
February 16, 2023
I didn't think it would happen but book two is even better than book one. The comparisons between the two systems are a thing of the past, and Derek is purely focused on getting stronger and putting people who abuse others in their place. Sometimes that place in the ground. Sometimes it's far worse than that.

The first five percent are a bit slow but it picks up immediately after that. Derek's abilities and high level means that he runs into some important people, which eventually turns into meeting the nobles. I laughed out loud a dozen or more times while reading this book. There is still plenty of action as Derek goes around keeping track of the people he feels close to while also learning new skills, new ways of doing things, and eating at fancy new restaurants.

I really enjoyed this book to the very last page. The editing is very good, and the stats sheets are there for those who want to follow along. The list of skills is long, and I eventually gave up keeping track of them all.

Derek is a no-nonsense kind of guy. Get on his bad side and things won't go well. Get on his good side and you'll be fine. With the system comparisons in the background, we focus more on the story and the pure adventuring as Derek runs dungeons, fights various high leveled beasts, and in general has fun kicking ass and taking names.

Highly recommended even if book one didn't work well for you. 5/5*
4 reviews
March 14, 2024
better than book 1

I had many criticisms of the first book. This second book fixed several of them, although the lazy editing is still in full effect. The arrogance of the MC has been softened a little by more reasonable behavior, and by giving a little more agency to some of the surrounding characters.
Thomas does not get much development in this book, although in someways he does grow up a bit. I enjoy the new characters, although I still think more could be done to progress the characters introduced at the beginning.
The overarching story of the battle of the two systems is still on its slow burn, even slower in this book than in the first, but promises to be a big deal in the future.
I do think Derek should be using more of the cool skills that he has. For example in the last quarter of the book, he has a battle with some assassins, one of them throwing magical and magically infused weapons at him repeatedly, and he never thinks to use that absolute nullify skill that Counteracts magic thrown at him. Come on, use that stuff! What was the point of introducing it otherwise?

One thing that I find really immersion breaking, is when characters from this new planet, use phrases that are completely based in earth culture. For example:
“Trump card”. What, they just happen to have also invented tarot, and name the cards the same way with the same purposes?
“Tank/tank the damage”: this completely non-mechanized society knows about tanks? We only have that word because of actual battle tanks.
“ up to snuff”: I can believe that somewhere they have the substance and practice of snuff, but to give it the same connotation that we somehow did?
“Have a clue”: how do these people from another planet have the cultural background of the ancient Greeks and cretins, so that they would know about Ariadne and Theseus and the String he used in the maze? That’s where we get the term clue from.
and there are a bunch of others. It really annoys me when authors don’t get far enough into their characters heads to think about how their dialogue and internal monologues shouldn’t use phrases they wouldn’t know about.

Overall pretty good, a solid 3.5 stars.
122 reviews
March 25, 2024
I kinda don't like the MC. He's very much might makes right and while overall he's "good" he's also a jerk with very few social skills. I know it was mentioned on Earth he was mostly a loner but wow, some of the choices, justifications, and actions he's taking towards others is very... not good. Starting the series with an overpowered MC was an interesting start but I don't like the way he's going.
Profile Image for Justin.
20 reviews4 followers
November 11, 2023
If you read the first book and you're thinking, "Eh, I'll give the second one a try." Don't. It's not worth it. I cringed my way through most of this one. I know that power fantasy stories can be fun but I feel dirty after reading this one... It's just a step too far.
Profile Image for Mark.
40 reviews
November 25, 2023
TL;DR: "System Universe #2: Torith" is an intriguing sequel that maintains the engaging nature of its predecessor, though it falls short of a full 5/5 rating. The story shifts focus from world exploration to a deeper dive into human society and power structures. While the pace and lack of action may deter some, the development in character dynamics and moral exploration is commendable. A solid four-star read for fans of the series.
It's pretty cool and definitely keeps you hooked, but don't expect it to blow your mind like a full-blown 5-star blockbuster. This time around, it's less about exploring crazy worlds and more about diving into the nitty-gritty of human society and what makes people tick. Derek, the main guy, is getting the hang of this whole System thing and is kinda just seeing what's up next. It's a bit of a bummer that there's less monster hunting and system play, but honestly, Derek's cool enough to keep things interesting even when he's just chilling.

Characters-wise, Derek's doing better – he's less of a hothead and more of a decent dude, especially with how he's treating Thomas. There are some new faces too, like Silvi who’s pretty hilarious. But heads up, don't expect non-stop action. A lot of the book is more laid-back, and it feels like you can tell it was a web series first. And yeah, some parts are a bit out there, even for a litRPG.

Derek's pretty overpowered but in a good way. He’s sensible, stands up for himself and his crew, and you can't help but root for him. The book's got a good mix of day-to-day life and some cool action scenes, though I wouldn't have minded a bit more of the action stuff. Most of the exciting bits happen in one place, but it's all good. There are some neat plot lines starting to brew, both where Derek is and elsewhere.

So, all in all, it's a solid read. It’s almost as gripping as the first book but in a different way. If you liked the first one, you'll probably dig this too. I'd say it's a solid four out of five – not perfect, but definitely worth your time.
Profile Image for Kenzie LaMar.
144 reviews
November 15, 2024
I read the second book in this series just because I really wanted to give it a chance. I didn't care for the first book much. The second book on average is better than book 1 but its more inconsistent. I am going to move on to a different series now. I might come back at some point out of boredom but I doubt it. I can't recommend it.

I think this series is meant for young teenage boys. When I was 13 or 14 I would have enjoyed it. It is a huge power fantasy. The main character is possibly the most dislikeable out of all the books I have read. He is what a young boy thinks is the coolest, toughest a man can be. He is more a trope than a character. And the series is turning into a harem book without the sex. He is surrounded by attractive women and a few men that are weaker than he is. The dialogue is incredibly cringe inducing.

I gave this book and the first a 3 star only because there are a few aspects I did enjoy. A few of the secondary characters are interesting. I was curious to see what happens to them. I was considering finishing the books that are out because they are really short and I can finish them quick but I have such a huge backlog of other series I want to read that I am abandoning this one. A small part of my inner teenage boy must still remain because some of the power fantasy did appeal to me but not much of it. Nothing feels earned. There is no struggle or growth. This is the opposite of progression/cultivation.

If you are a teenager or someone who likes those kinds of power fantasy series like Defiance of the Fall you might enjoy System Universe. Or if you just consume all litrpg books you can you also might like this. Beyond that I don't think most people will enjoy this. I feel like I wasted a few days of my life reading these 2 books.
Profile Image for Forrest.
231 reviews4 followers
March 6, 2023
I swear this author named the MC "Derek Hunt" intentionally. Say his name 3 times fast, and you get an outline of his entire personality. lol

The MC is as unlikable as he was in the first book, but this time he isn’t offsetting that by trying to make friends and help them level. He has definitely gone full-on murder-hobo.

My biggest complaint with this book, at the moment, is the concept of Oaths & Contracts. Also, their use or lack thereof. For example, Derek makes heavy use of Contracts and Oaths except when it might give him a reason to not kill somebody that he wants to kill. All of his "trusted" friends have all taken oaths not to harm him, or his interests. Yet when he has an enemy at his mercy, he can't think of ANY way that he could possibly spare their lives. Even when he has seen examples of Oaths and Contracts that result in the death of the person who breaks them. Really?

I am also at a loss to understand a world where Contracts and Oaths are used so heavily and yet the King somehow does not require an oath of loyalty from their nobles. Or at the very least an oath to uphold the law and not harm the kingdom. At this point it seems like only the MC and the bad guys are aware of Oaths and how to use them. How is that possible?! There are characters with a class related to creating contracts and NOBODY thought to use them to enforce laws?

If I'm a King, and a Noble refuses to swear to uphold the law and not commit treason, that person is no longer a Noble. The end. And you make them swear BEFORE they can build a huge powerbase with all of their illegal dealings. Sheeesh.

All of that being said, I enjoyed the story enough, that I will likely read the next one.
Profile Image for Russell Gray.
604 reviews105 followers
February 18, 2023
Book 2 will tell you a lot about a series, and this one told me that I'm in good hands. I enjoyed this even more than the first book and it really felt like the author hit their stride.

There was a heavy investment in character relations and interactions that I enjoyed. We got to see Derek interact with some of the heavy hitters of the new world and come onto the radar of even more. A lot of sequels wander off the story path and delve heavily into a training grind or crafting experimentation. This story seemed to delve into social networking instead, which I liked but might make other readers feel impatient. That's not to say we don't get other things. There are plenty of action scenes, a few training scenes, and a healthy dose of f*ck around and find out scenes that are always a good time.

This story also passed my general gamelit test of keeping the mechanics relevant. How skill levels, stats, and classes work plays an important recurring role, and the dungeon mechanics are key to how the story unfolds. Major plot points actually revolve around the mechanics rather than tossing them aside, which is a hallmark of a great gamelit story.

I thought this was a really well-balanced book that gave the reader a bit of everything while moving the story forward. This is probably one of the gamelit series that I'm enjoying most at the moment and I can't wait for the next book.
538 reviews7 followers
June 25, 2024
Loving this adventure

Chapter 35 is awesome!! The city-lord's son Clive and a female vamp (not the supernatural kind) try to rob and kill Thomas, the MC Derrick's apprentice. This seems to be how Clive gets pocket money. This causes Derrick to throw a verbal beat down on city-lord Malcom Torich, a real butt wipe. The whole fam, are a waste of oxygen. They think they're untouchable. WRONG!

There are business deals struck, dungeons dived, rescues made, assassination attempts and of course new levels and outrageous skills acquired. I'm enjoying the characters, both allies and villains. Some of the villians meet their ends, others get incarcerated and still others are drawing closer to their judgement day. The MC knows not to leave live enemies behind him.

Really enjoying this series. Still, though he's met some good candidates, the MC hasnt made a move towards any kind of intimate relationship. Even if its just physical or emotional, temporary or lasting... something! Fade to black is actually preferable but people really come alive through our relationships. The us and the downs.

Immediately jumping into the next book. Can't wait!
286 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2023
An improvement from book 1

This one was, as stated, an improvement from book 1. Derek calms some of his raging jerkishness down some, and starts realizing that Thomas should behave as a normal teen boy vs the insane expectations that Derek has been holding for him. Also some of the supporting characters for this one were better. Silvi was pretty funny, and a couple other new characters were decent.

Downsides for this one is that there’s really no action and not much going on for the first 60% or so of the book. You can really tell that this is an adaptation from a web series here. Also the plot really strained credibility, even for the genre. Yes the unbelievable happens all the time in litrpg, and heroes get away with stuff they probably shouldn’t. But this series takes that basic idea and really runs with it.

Overall it’s a decent filler novel, but definitely not top tier. If Amazon wasn’t so rough on how the ratings system works I’d rate it a 3.5/5 or maybe a 3.
1,096 reviews14 followers
February 24, 2023
anOP character just what we all want to be.

I don’t usually give out five stars but this book deserves it. The character is OP and is able to do what he wants to do as he travels throughout this world. The author doesn’t use him as a meat shield, but the character is very sensible, and likable, he has a strong, moral compass and doesn’t take any garbage from the people around him this book contains a lot of spice of life with some action sequences thrown in. It could be a little bit more balanced with a little bit more action, but I found this book very well done. most of the action takes place in a static location but in this instance, it is OK. you got to love the main character Derek, he protects his own, I won’t even mention the bunny, no spoilers. good plot threads starting to develop on and off the world that Derek is located on. Now I have to wait for the next book in the series. Well worth the read. The audible audiobook is excellent the narrator. Does an excellent job as well.
135 reviews
May 29, 2023
Not bad read not as good as book 1. But did enjoy it for most part and interested what do in next book.

Can please stop with constant coffee menchan and saying it's just annoying now, also nope no matter what author says its better growth and read when alone not with others.

Was worried his prison skill would be too OP & rediculas but thankfully put things in so wasn't nice. Offer new skills got sounds alsome fun and useful.

Also liked when showed offer characters sides they all except for Thomas was good read his parts boring. Also the over use of contracts and system oaths are way over used to point just sigh thinking again.

Looking forward to school and training arcs if nothing else can get rid of Thomas hopefully, and mc doing more alone like leveling so on. Might even be auctions in next book as new city sounds like something they well known for and hyped see what have to offer.
(Thankfully no guns just would not fit in this story & would have me saying bye.)
38 reviews
June 27, 2023
Bloodthirsty MC

Overall the plot is enjoyable, if not very original, and the supporting characters are likeable - even if they often serve only to marvel at MC's overpowered greatness.

As I mentioned the plot is pretty predictable. MC working his way up the kingdom's power structure as he heads slowly towards the capital...

My main complaint is how transparent MC is about intentionally making powerful enemies, then ruthlessly murdering them. Author is careful to make them despicable people, but it's hard to believe MC wouldn't challenge anyone with power, either way. In other words, he's only incidentally a good guy. That trope is pretty common in LitRPG, but here it's just not satisfying.

Finally the verbosity in dialogues, internal and external, is pretty distracting. Less said would definitely be better. Trust the reader to fill in some gaps, and use some literary devices to break up long-winded multi-sentence monologues.

I'll continue reading, as I'm desperate for material, but author could improve in many ways.
Profile Image for Alesay.
191 reviews8 followers
November 24, 2024
4.2 stars. While still enjoyable, I didn’t find this book as captivating as the first.

One of the aspects I was most excited about was the MC’s mentorship of Thomas. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a major focus. Their interactions were minimal, and I was disappointed to learn that

Another letdown was the lack of character progression. While the MC is strong and took some steps toward self-improvement, these moments weren’t particularly engaging. This book mainly consists of business and slice-of-life activities. While these elements are objectively necessary, I wish they weren't such a focal point.

At first, I found Silvi to be an unlikable character. Although my opinion of her improved as the story progressed, I wish the MC had been more selective about whom he chose as a bonded companion.

Despite my complaints, I still enjoyed this book. There was a good amount of action, and watching the MC show off his overpowered abilities was fun.
Profile Image for Steve Naylor.
2,192 reviews128 followers
February 21, 2023
Rating 4.0 stars

A good continuation of the series. The MC is insanely OP. The hardest problem the MC has to deal with is interacting with nobels. The MC is somewhat of a loner. He is also from a completely different world and has an IDGAF ( I don't give a f**k) attitude. He is way more powerful than anyone has a right to be at his level which is part of the problem. People don't know how to deal with him. He is a good guy who tries to help people but cross him and he has no mercy. Of course almost all the nobles don't seem to care about people and they feel they have a right to do anything they want. The MC doesn't agree which causes problems. Not for the MC but for the people he calls friends. If you liked the first book you should like this one. I am looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Jim.
361 reviews9 followers
March 30, 2023
Growing stronger in the new system, Derek makes some enemies

And is on a collision course with nobles of low morality who he will not get along with.
As his power grows, he makes more connections and gets a better idea of this new world’s politics in his region. He also further decides on his future direction in this new world as he begins making plans for a more permanent base.
He becomes more socially known and associated with grows his perceived power level. Which is still nothing compared to his actual power level, and that’s before he decides to rush to level 100 using the undying dungeon. Silvi was already strong but now she’s like a rabbit sized dragon who can cook!
Tons of humor, abilities, and so much more awaits in each book in this new system world and the future showdown between systems should be exciting too! Unless all of reality is destroyed.
Profile Image for Joshua (ithildins).
318 reviews
July 29, 2024
There's a chunk right in the middle where it gets a bit boring. Thankfully, it doesn't last long and picks up a bit more. The fights don't get repetitive since the author knows when to describe Derek's strategy and when to fast-forward.

I'm not really a fan of all the extra stories happening outside of Derek's tale or all the extra people he's been collecting since they just aren't interesting, barring the uses Derek has for them. That's where the author's knowledge of how the system and politics work comes in handy, to keep the background moving - keeping the reader abreast of everything just drags the main plot down.

I think part 2 is also going to warrant a break since Derek was an idiot for not just teleporting, leaving the city, getting out of view, and releasing the others before heading back in - no smuggling, no wasted monies.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 175 reviews

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