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Move into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality

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Remember a time when you were bursting with energy, curiosity, and creativity? When your body felt strong and flexible, free of any aches and pains?

With the Anat Baniel Method, you can feel that way again and experience renewed, intensified vitality–greater health, flexibility, strength, sensuality, clarity of mind, and enthusiasm–now and throughout your life, no matter what your age or physical condition.

Your level of vitality is directly connected to your brain. When your brain thrives, growing and making new connections, you are invigorated, infused with a new sense of aliveness and possibility, capable of infinitely new ways of moving, thinking, and feeling. Combining cutting-edge neuroscience, the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, and her own method based on more than thirty years of experience working with thousands of people around the world, Anat Baniel has defined the Nine Essentials your brain needs to flourish. In this breakthrough book, she offers specific, practical advice for incorporating those Essentials into everything you do to achieve immediate and powerful benefits.

In Move Into Life , you’
• Learn the Nine Essentials your brain requires to thrive, including movement with attention, subtlety, and variation
• Experience simple, safe physical and mental exercises that satisfy those needs and thus awaken your vitality
• Discover why and how these methods work
• Find easy ways of incorporating the Essentials into your daily life so every activity–from washing the dishes to working at your desk, from interacting with your loved ones to your golf game–brings you renewed vitality

Endorsed by leading physicians, scientists, and transformational teachers, the Anat Baniel Method will help you enjoy renewed energy and stamina. You’ll be lighter on your feet. Your memory will be better. Thinking and problem solving will become easier. If you are active in a sport, yoga, or work out at the gym, you will notice yourself performing better and with greater ease and fewer injuries. Most important, you will experience yourself moving more fully into your life.

320 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2009

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About the author

Anat Baniel

16 books6 followers
Anat Baniel has established an international reputation for her work with children with special needs. A clinical psychologist, she has refined her method for more than thirty years, and now runs the Anat Baniel Method facility in Marin County, California. Visit her website where you can download free chapters.

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Charmin.
1,015 reviews110 followers
January 9, 2023
1. Don’t try to close the deal too soon. Don’t make crossing the finish line your primary goal.

2. Children delight in their experience of their newfound abilities.

3. Keep daydreaming until you come up with something you like and that will likely enhance you and those around you.

4. Being in the process of fulfilling our dream heightens our vitality.

5. It is not in WHAT the profession or activity is that our vitality lies, but in the HOW we go about doing it.

6. Process of continued exploration.

7. Vitality lives in the process itself.
- Vitality is being intimately connected with the moment.
- Choose to resume learning through classes, reading, own exploration, and experimentation.
- Vitality comes about by bringing attention to our movements.

8. Improvement and refinement through increased complexity.

9. Brain constantly seeks to evolve, the way it was designed.
- We have the capacity to regenerate and improve ourselves by choosing to continue to evolve. Introduce small changes.

10. Many top colleges are now observing that while today’s freshmen are test-wise and academically accomplished, they lack the ability to think for themselves or explore outside the box.
Profile Image for Paul.
597 reviews16 followers
December 30, 2012
I found this book both useful and interesting.

I was at first attracted to the book because I believed it was about a method called Feldenkrains.

I think the book is faithful to the principles of Feldenkrains but I think the author takes it to a different level which is actually quite accessible to the average reader.

There are few physical exercises in the book. The ones there are I was not so interested in. What did interest me are her nine principles of vitality which not only refer to physical "movement" but also mental and emotional movement which I feel are just as critical.

Principles of slowness, subtlety, and variation really got me thinking and making small changes to everyday activities. I found this of great benefit and I mean to keep these principles in mind.

The cover makes it look like it is some exercise book and it definitely is not.

Reading it, I became less interested in Feldenkrains in itself and more interested in seeing how her principles can improve life in general.

A good read overall.

Profile Image for Kylie.
1,145 reviews15 followers
July 28, 2022
Anat Baniel is an amazing person. I first watched a video of her working with children with cerebral palsy and with stroke victims to help their brains to remap their bodies and learn to move fluidly again, through very slow and gentle movements that bring awareness. Like Feldenkraiss but a level beyond. I have been doing her online movement program and finding myself becoming much more flexible and coordinated. I didn't expect much from the book, because I thought the movement was the important thing, but I actually learned so much from the principles in this book that has helped me in my daily life. This is definitely a book that I will revisit often.
Profile Image for Jan Patterson.
7 reviews8 followers
August 7, 2017
Changed the way I think of my body and its ability to move, and the way I think of movement and its ability to change me.
Profile Image for Louise Silk.
Author 6 books14 followers
January 13, 2017
It was disappointing to see that the book really does not stand alone, but only serves as in introduction to a very expensive training in Ana Baniel's techniques. The 9 essentials our brains need to thrive in life's vitality:
Movement with attention.
Turn on the light switch.
Subtlety- reduce the force to increase sensitivity.
Variations and greater possibilities with feelings, thoughts and actions.
Holding goals loosely.
Imaging and dreaming.
Awareness- knowing and knowing that you know.
Profile Image for C.M. Mayo.
Author 16 books23 followers
February 28, 2011
Protégée of Moishe Feldenkrais, the Israeli engineer and Judo expert who developed the renowned "Feldenkrais Method," Anat Baniel built her own "Anat Baniel Method" (ABM) on this foundation and three decades of helping thousands of people, from the tiniest babies to elders, move more easily and find freedom from pain. I have tried the ABM: gadzooks, it works! This book is a fine introduction to the method, and all-around inspiring. P.S. Her video beats a cup of coffee.

1 review
March 26, 2014
I've tried to read this book for 3 days and each time I pick it up, it's a struggle to flip a few pages. The info inside is likely great and I've dog-eared the few lists of things to do, but it's written incredibly dry and repetitively. I swear I've read the same sentence on different pages, as if someone read the original book and insisted it be longer.

I wish there were a short version. A "get to the point say it like it is" style would be nice.
Profile Image for David Mitchell.
384 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2015
The first half of this book is rich in practical exercises and is solid. The second half left me feeling flat as it held many anecdotal stories that never seemed to thread together. The book had some fantastic footnotes and a lot of the text of the footnotes would be well included in the body of the text.
118 reviews3 followers
June 15, 2009
Good ideas, but ultimately boring. Unlike with other method books I've read, taking a class of Anat Baniel's or a class in Feldenkrais seems necessary to really be able to take in what is being presented here.
Profile Image for Laura.
6 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2012
Very informative on how the brain and movement are connected. Gives insight into how we can heal the body through movement, while make new connections in the brain.
Profile Image for Karen.
8 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2012
Great book for those that want to learn how to live with vitality!
Teaching you the Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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