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Having his beloved home town turn monstrous overnight was rough for Silas Adler. Even more difficult was finding out that he suddenly had the power to channel electricity...at the expense of being able to touch anyone.

Two decades later, he was stunned when Juniper Finch stumbled into his arms without being hurt. It was a lucky thing since Silas knew at first glance that Juniper was meant to be his.

88 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 5, 2022

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About the author

Fiona Davenport

204 books2,668 followers
The writing duo of Elle Christensen and Rochelle Paige team up under the USA Today bestselling Fiona Davenport pen name to bring you sexy, insta-love stories filled with alpha males.

If you want a quick & dirty read with a guaranteed happily ever after, then give Fiona Davenport a try!

You can connect with Fiona on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Fiona-Davenp....

Professional Inquiries: Fiona is represented by SBR Media. For inquiries regarding foreign rights, audio and other media outlets, please contact [email protected].

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews
March 16, 2023
**1.5/5 stars**

Not gonna lie, this was one of the worst novellas I've ever had to read. It was so bad. The general premise in the beginning was actually a fun little idea but it quickly morphed into a pile of dung when both main characters met for the first time. Not kidding. But I'm getting ahead.

I believe this novella was a bit of an introduction to what happened in Screaming Woods, a little town filled with many types of monsters, witches, werewolves, etc. who were all humans once. On a disastrous Halloween night, the people who were at a party and who drank a special punch started morphing into monsters. When it comes to Silas, he didn't change much physically, but he got the power of electricity and cannot touch anyone since then or be touched without the risk of hurting them, or even killing them. Twenty years later, he then meets Juniper, a young woman who seems to be very unlucky with technology, and it's love at first sight. When he realizes that he can touch her without hurting her, he's already set on keeping her.

Silas started out a bit broody and solitary which I liked but he quickly transformed into that ridiculous over-the-top-JessaKane's-hero-wannabe that I hate so much. It honestly ruined his whole personality and he was super unsexy. It's good to point out that his personality switched from being somewhat reserved before meeting Juniper to being a grunting neanderthal upon seeing her for the first time. He had no charms, was super controlling and somewhat of a hypocrite when pointing out how her parents were so controlling. Like, look at yourself bud.

As for Juniper, she went from having green eyes, to brown eyes, to green eyes, to whiskey eyes, to brown eyes, the authors couldn't make up their mind. She wasn't very bright but I guess she was sweet.

And I mean, yeah, that's pretty much it. Honestly, that whole idea was kind of fun and original but not well exploited in my opinion! It's just unfortunate that the whole relationship between Silas and Juniper was immature and rushed to no ends, without any real substance to it other than insta lust/love. They had absolutely no chemistry. Everything happened too quickly between them for me to believe in their attraction. I hated it. And the drama at the end with the parents was too cliché for me to enjoy.

✔️Dual POV
✔️Age gap
✔️OTT/ Possessive H
✔️Sweet/ Virgin h
✔️No OW/OM
✔️No cheating
🔥 Steam level: -1/5
Content warning

Would I recommend this novella? Absolutely not. I finished this novella only because I set myself to read all the stories in this series, a bit like a challenge. I'm never this harsh in my reviews, so that tells you enough... I'm hoping the following ones will be more enjoyable.

**Note that I do not rate novellas and full-length books by the same standards**

Monster Between the Sheets Series

1. Watt and Bothered* - 2. His Heartbeat
3. Now You See Me - 4. Knot Running From Fate
5. A Bride for the Beast - 6. Naga Say Never
7. Dragon of My Dreams - 8. Bad Boy Minotaur
9. Ogre My Dead Body - 10. Orc Me Baby One More Time
11. His Heartbeat
3. Now You See Me - 4. Knot Running From Fate
5. A Bride for the Beast - 6. Naga Say Never
7. Dragon of My Dreams - 8. Bad Boy Minotaur
9. Ogre My Dead Body - 10. Orc Me Baby One More Time
11. Extra Virgin Gargoyle - 12. Something Wicked This Way Comes
Profile Image for Sarandah chrysalis.
512 reviews54 followers
April 8, 2023
Such a clever title and concept but just… same old tired tropes and scenes and patterns. The one thing that was sort of amusing is that the heroines eyes were described as green, and then THE VERY NEXT PAGE they were brown. Whiskey brown.

If you’re going to Mad Libs your writing, try to keep the colors straight.
Profile Image for Mara.
1,846 reviews4,221 followers
November 29, 2022
2.5 stars - bonus points for the creative paranormal element, but the plot was pretty underbaked
Profile Image for Shea ☾⚂.
310 reviews2 followers
February 27, 2023
All in all, I had fun. At times I was physically cringing at the lines, but if you ignore those times I was entertained, so 2.75 ⭐️
The negative things I can list off the top of my head:
- Instalove
- The relationship with the parents sucks big time
- The mom is an enabler
- The dads just a greedy ass
- And I love the name James, and this book felt like a personal attack on that
- And the nicknames, I can’t
- My beauty
- Baby
- Ew
- I also feel like Silas is just in it for the sex and the feeling like fate made this happen
- At times he honestly felt like a predator bc the 20 year age gap and they way he acted and the things he said. Not good
- In the epilogue the last sentence is literally “Now he was just Silas Adler, beloved husband and father” and it sounds like something you would put on a tombstone….
Profile Image for AvidReader.
1,355 reviews291 followers
November 15, 2022
2.75 🌟.

I loved the concept but wish there was a little more substance to the story.
Profile Image for Ellen.
185 reviews19 followers
November 19, 2022
I felt like this book was written by a frat bro who had just marathoned a bunch of Hallmark movies, while procrastinating a paper on classic literature. So cringey. Much barf.
Profile Image for Lady Tea.
1,532 reviews134 followers
February 26, 2023
Rating: 3.5 / 5 (rounded down)

Perhaps I should start off my review by saying that I liked this story.

No, seriously, I did.

I enjoyed reading it and got through it pretty quickly. I mean, yes, it's a short story in and of itself, but that's no guarantee of getting through it quickly. However, I did, and that's my own indication to myself that I did like it.

So then...why the rounded down rating to 3 stars, you may ask?

Well, like a lot of the reviews have been saying, I'm afraid the bad writing just brings this down a notch in terms of enjoyment. Usually, when I read a story, I like to be completely absorbed in the story, to the point that the writing itself isn't noticeable--or, if it is, it's noticeable in the best way that has me admiring the skill of the writer rather than cringing at some of the word/sentence choices that they make.

Unfortunately, this latter scenario is what happened to me a few too many times to count in this novella; and that brought me out of the story in a negative way, thereby resulting in my rounded-down rating.

The story though, and the characters, were likeable enough, so I'm still giving this book the credit it deserves by the 3-star ranking (3.5 on my radar, but since we can't do half-stars, it is what it is, and I definitely wasn't going to round up to 4 stars, because that's a little too much).

In terms of the story itself--writing aside--I think that this book is supposed to be the intro to Screaming Woods as a setting, which intrigued me ever since I read Extra Virgin Gargoyle. Now that book was well written and sweet--because it's Honey Phillips and that's what you'll get--and it also made me curious about the setting and so many of the other fantastic pairings that were briefly and offhandedly referenced, and therefore made me curious to read more about this world-verse. I mean, full disclosure, I'd LOVE to live in Screaming Woods myself, it sounds exactly like the kind of place I'd need to give me a great atmosphere for writing. I've decided to get through all the books since they're all on my to-read list anyway and, heck, why not read them in order, as long as I'm reading?

So, that put this book as the first on the list and...yeah, it's kind of lackluster when it comes to the "monster" element--I mean, the guy IS just supercharged with electricity and that's it--but it still presents enough of a barrier for the hero not to be considered "normal".

Although...he pretty much IS to the heroine, as she for some unexplained reason is the only one immune to his powers, so...yeah.

But anyway, that being said, Silas and Juniper are both cute as heck, and although the insta-love is a bit obvious, for a novella of this length, I kind of expected insta-love and didn't see how we'd ever get in enough romantic fuzzies otherwise. Because, this just in: for 88 pages worth, we wouldn't, plain and simple.

So, yeah, the insta-love wasn't a problem, and neither was the couple themselves. It was cute to see them interact together and be so obviously attracted to one another; and, furthermore, I also liked how they both stood up to Juniper's parents, who are pretty much winners in the "Worst Parents Ever" category--from what I've read recently, at least.

All in all, I appreciated it for what it was, though at the same time acknowledged that it's far from perfect. Like...faaaaaar from perfect, believe you me. If the bad writing is something that gets to you--as it is apt to get to me at times, then you may not want to try this out.

If you do though, well, then who am I to stop you? Enjoy shocks and thrills from this power-charged couple, heheh...

(Okay, I'll leave now.)
Profile Image for Emms.
896 reviews41 followers
August 8, 2023
So is her eyes green or whiskey brown?
Profile Image for Tucker Almengor.
1,025 reviews1,682 followers
Want to read
September 30, 2024
i don't care if this has horrible reviews. the male narrator is actually one of the sexiest romance narrators i've ever listened to and i will be listening to his entire catalog
87 reviews1 follower
October 30, 2022
Misogynistic drivel. Everything was about how she would pleasure him. About how attractive her body was, right off the bat and how her body would please him. About losing her virginity, which HURK, gross. Stop fetishizing "innocence". (Side note: proof of innocence is a myth. Google it)

Honestly I don't know this author, but I wouldn't be shocked to find this is a pseudonym for a man.

Also the sex was blander than milquetoast.
Profile Image for Natalie .
3,186 reviews30 followers
November 14, 2022
I'll admit the pun title grabbed my attention. Then I saw it was a series of multi author shorts and started a binge read. This one felt like fixed coincidence. The electricity and power drain thing were interesting, but I couldn't connect with the characters or get into the story. The only bit that did hold my attention was the friendship with the sister. The parents were awful.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,776 reviews194 followers
October 8, 2022
3.4 stars.
So cute.
This had all the things I was craving.
It was insta-love, age gap, Silas was a ‘monster’ with electricity in veins, Juniper was a bit of an electric absorbent, and there were cute little spooky puns and vibes thrown around the entire book.

Plus, the smut was hot, as usual.

Short, cute, spooky, and sexy.
What more could you want?
Profile Image for Olivia .
346 reviews15 followers
April 23, 2023
This was so bad that it was entertaining. Like watching a car crash happening bad.

So, apparently, there is this dude Silas, who, 20 years ago, drank a potion by a mad scientist and turned into a human battery. Hence, he wasn't able to touch anyone without killing them for 20 years. Flash forward, Silas meets Juniper while she is wandering across his front lawn in the woods. Juniper is visiting the Screaming Woods with her parents as a working trip. When she almost falls down the stairs leading to Silas' house, he catches her, and ta-da Juniper doesn't die when she is touched by him. She doesn't even feel a sting of pain. Turns out Juniper for no apparent reason saps out the energy of everything she touches. Convenient, eh? Five minutes later, they sit on Silas' couch, making out and planning their future. The next day, they go on their first date to become girlfriend and boyfriend and jump each other's bones. Less than 72 hours after meeting for the first time ever, they confessed their love for each other and moved in together. Nine months later, they have their first baby. I am not making this up... This is the story.

As I said, it's so bad that you can't stop yourself from reading it. It's time to work on that KU addiction...
Profile Image for A-reader.
1,545 reviews42 followers
December 14, 2022
My reviews always contain spoilers, I write them so I can remember the story.

One Halloween a freak event makes all the residents of a little town into monsters. Silas has turned into a real live electrical wire, he’s able to control electricity, his hair turned white, his eyes look like they have tiny lightning bolts in them, and his whole body is charged. Resigned to never being able to be touch another person again he lives deep in the woods and wears heavy protective clothing when he is out where people will be. Juniper a young college student has the misfortune of draining any device of its charge by touching it. She’s on vacation with her parents, needing space from her demanding but neglectful parents she heads into the woods for a walk. Getting lost she finds Silas’s cabin. When he goes out to confront her he is stunned by how beautiful she is, he envisions a future for them but knows it can’t be. When she almost falls he instinctively reaches for her, amazingly he doesn’t shock her. He’s able to hold her without her passing out. Because she drains electricity he can touch her, it’s like she was made just for him. He takes her inside, they talk and kiss. They agree to a date the next day. They go back to his cabin and the have their first time together, she’s a virgin he’s been celibate for over 20 years, their sexy times are hot and plentiful. They go back to the resort a few days later to get Juniper’s clothes, confrontation with her parents and Silas confessing his love. She tells him she loves him to and they leave, her dad telling her not to come back. Epilogue with them pregnant, married and later with their daughter a little older and the family celebrating Halloween. Looking forward to Silas’s sister, Maggie’s book, she’s been turned into a green skinned witch.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Andrea Marie.
Author 27 books231 followers
October 19, 2022
"Having his beloved hometown turn monstrous overnight was rough for Silas Adler. Even more difficult was finding out that he suddenly had the power to channel electricity...at the expense of being able to touch anyone." Awesome start to this multi-author series. Grabs your attention and doesn't let go. Awesome characters with great chemistry. Can't wait to read the next one.
756 reviews6 followers
October 3, 2022
Oh my gosh, I absolutely loved this one! Silas and Juniper were incredible together! I loved the electricity between these two! Silas couldn't believe that he finally found the one person on the planet that he could touch without gloves. Juniper couldn't believe that she found Silas. These two were so sweet together. I loved their story and that epilogue... Swoon!
Profile Image for Kadijah_reviews.
492 reviews
October 6, 2022
This was a totally different read then I’m used to but I really love the different from this book to other I read buy this author and I hope I get to read more book like this one because I really love this book

I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Mary.
200 reviews27 followers
November 23, 2022

Watt and Bothered has a lot heat, romance, and plot packed into a novella. The chemistry between to two is great. The only thing that threw me off is that the ages of the couple was never defined.
Profile Image for Fiona Fog.
1,455 reviews83 followers
October 4, 2022
I can honey say I’ve never read anything like it before, that opening chapter and I’m invested from start to finish.

It’s Insta-love with an element of electricity that had sparks coming off our lead alpha.

The heat in this is strong, awesome chemistry, relatable leading lady Juniper is someone we can all relate to. The reads a quick one but it ticks every box.

It’s a yes from me
Profile Image for Jamsu.
800 reviews38 followers
October 17, 2022
I had difficulty putting this down and it felt like a perfect October read. I was glad that there was a reason our hero could touch the heroine and not just because they were meant for each other either. The only downside in the whole book was the parents since I felt like that drama was 100% unnecessary.
Profile Image for Kate Presley.
223 reviews4 followers
November 17, 2023
Okay. So like, did no one edit this at all? Was this the first draft? Holy wow.

"as she focused those gorgeous green gems on my face" - 24%
"but I saw the hurt in her whiskey-brown eyes" - 36%
"the sight of her brown eyes glowing" - 65%

The LEAST you can do is keep your characters features correct???

*knows her less than an hour and finds out she's never been kissed*
*kisses her before knowing literally anything about her*

"I won't stay a secret for long, I don't care what people think of me as long as you're mine" "You'll meet my sister soon, let's go baby." - SIR YOU'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER AN HOUR, YOU'RE 20 YEARS OLDER THAN HER, SHE'S A VIRGIN AND YOU'RE BEING A PUSHY CREEP.

46% - He tries to murder a guy who her father tried to set her up with all because he thought he was having lunch with her. *eye roll* (he was meeting her for their first date after knowing her for exactly an hour)

52% - "This is my girl" You didn't even ask her, you're literally on your first date, chill tf out dude.
53% "Are you ready... If you come home w me I'm going to make you mine... I was headed to our cabin, our future." - I have never cringed harder. I am so grossed. This isn't even a good instalove. I am creeped.

57% - "You deserve a reward for keeping that cherry safe for me." I vomited.

60% - She just lost her virginity with one thrust and no real prep other than oral. Nice going. Also, no mention of condoms, birth control, etc and he didn't pull out. I guess consequences don't happen in this world? hrmm. Gods this feels like such incredibly lazy writing and I am continuing to read this out of spite at this point.

61% - "I'd taken her bare, despite her being a virgin I had no idea if she was on BC... I hoped not." RED FLAG RED FLAG - SOMEONE TAKE ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING CARNIVAL I AM SICK OF THESE FLAGS.

68% "impaling her on my dick" - This is like a couple hours after she loses her virginity and they've already done it another time since. Also, ow.

80% "You will call James and apologize and pray he forgives you he is an excellent catch.." Ah, the old 'I have a rich father who wants to set me up with someone beneficial to him' conflict trope. cringe.

90% - Her parents give her the classic ultimatum of stay with us or don't come back home ever and so she chose to go with the guy she's known exactly 4 days. so, there's that.

Okay, I just finished this purely out of anger. This is one of the most poorly written monster romances I have ever had the displeasure of picking up. The premise and overall story were interesting in the fact that Silas was electrically altered due to the incident in the past, and she was the one person he could touch bc she somehow absorbed electricity. It could have been a cool book, except the execution was so bad that I can't even wrap my head around it.

I'm also going to read the next book just to see if it's as bad bc it is a series by multiple authors.

Pls pray for me.
Profile Image for Sylvia McCullers.
726 reviews13 followers
October 21, 2022
Don't bother.

I gave this 2 stars only because I did finish reading this book . My first issue is Silas' age difference with Juniper. If I try to follow the authors timeline he could be around 30 but possibly up to almost 40. Juniper is a 20 something (21 ?). Second issue this couple meet each other and Silas gets all " handsy " within moments of meeting Juniper ! He has her touching his "raised staff" within an hour of meeting her ! I realize this is just fiction but come on ! I would have been running out the door ! Super creepy sex perv ! I was pretty close to not finishing the book but it was a really quick read so ...yeah...this book was badly written , very amateur-ish. My review, 👎👎.
Profile Image for V.P. Nightshade.
Author 16 books52 followers
December 28, 2022

So this is the first book in the Monster Between the Sheets series. It was a short cute little smutty read. A treasure trove of smexy scenes, and Silas and Juniper were a cute couple. There was some over done wording in it that started to get a little draining, so it didn't quite hit 5 stars, and because of the overall shortness the characters were a tiny bit hard to buy into to the instalove aspect to where it was more believable and relatable, but it was still a pretty good read.
Profile Image for Margaret Huntley .
86 reviews2 followers
October 14, 2022
She goes from controlling parents to a controlling jerk. This “Come here” like she’s a dog and the grabbing of her chin thing he does constantly is too much for me. Add that to being another book where a man has to have an enormous penis that hurts a woman and he is happy just ramming it in there. WTF. I would give no stars if I could.

Oh and her eye colour keeps changing
Large green eyes
Whiskey brown eyes
Green eyes
Brown eyes
Green eyes
Whiskey brown eyes
Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews

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