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Midnight Mayhem #4

In Chaos We Reign

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I was the trick that they could never play.
She was the greatest game of all…

There is elegance that comes from being carved from the ashes of all the darkness that surrounds you in the world. You start as dust, and you end as dust. At least that’s what I always thought. Crowned Princess Mayhem all my life became old fast, and I found myself forging my iron crown with the blood of our enemies.

To The Brothers of Kiznitch, I was nothing but a little brat that always got my way. I was the sister none of them asked for, but they’d find themselves needing. He was no different. Loving Keaton Cicero was never going to be easy. There was evil within him that would never be accepted.

They thought their over-protectiveness had kept me safe all these years, but they were wrong. Everything they thought they knew… was about to burn around them. I wasn’t someone who needed protecting…

They were

354 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 12, 2022

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About the author

Amo Jones

54 books13.8k followers
Amo Jones is a USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author whose books have been translated in multiple countries.

She resides in the tropics of Australia with her family, though she's a born and bred Kiwi who more often than not, misses New Zealand.

You can follow her here:

Website: http://www.amojonesbooks.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/amojonesauthor
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 495 reviews
Profile Image for Leticia (jerseygirlsbookshelf).
497 reviews261 followers
August 26, 2022
"Why do I always find myself back to you?"
"Because even in your darkest moments, you know you can."

First, you need to read In Silence She Screams or you won’t be able to understand this story. In fact, go back to the first book of the series because I feel like you need it for the full experience.
I can’t believe this is the last book, but what a ride it’s been. Am I missing Midnight Mayhem already? You bet. This will be another spoiler-free review, I don’t want to ruin it for anyone.

"Keaton exists within darkness so that I can be the light to guide him home."
Keaton is the darkest of the brothers and I just knew his story would be a hard one. He was meant to be a hard, dangerous, and dark hero. Unloving and unlovable? Maybe. Except for that huge crack in his armor that is Cartier Nero.

"I’d been told I didn’t have much humanity in me, but what I did have belonged to her."
Princess Mayhem. The Ice Queen. So many names for Cartier, and somehow none of them fits her. Because she is so much more than she seems. Make no mistake, this is a badass heroine, and grown-up way beyond her years. I’m in awe of her.

"I know I’m going to ruin, fuck, break, and mend this girl back together."
Keaton and Cartier have been circling each other for years. Teasing. Present. Yes, she is his best friend’s little sister, but there’s a lot more to it than just that. They’re unavoidable, like a hurricane, and they can be very explosive as well. But they’re also meant to be.

"I don’t have to be possessive, Cartier." Wrapping my fingers around the back of her neck, I force her lips against my own. "Everyone knows you’re mine."
The story takes you back and forth in time for you to have a full picture. Scratch that. You don’t get the full picture until the end because Amo plays with your mind. A lot. I, for one, welcome that and give her a standing ovation.

"Her body melts against mine like a blanket my soul never knew it needed."
There’s so much history, so much Mayhem, and so much Kiznitch going on around them. The Kings are also back. All of it to uncover buried secrets that can change everything.
I loved seeing all of them (Killian is my personal favorite), but I liked it that it somehow was always about Keaton and Cartier.

"You see, love isn’t supposed to be perfect either. Love is supposed to be whatever the fuck you want it to be."
Are they both unstable? Yes. Dangerous? Of course. Toxic and unpredictable? Definitely. But to each other? They’re absolutely perfect, and that’s really all I cared about. There’s love in everything they do, however messed up you find it to be.

"This is family. It’s love. It’s hate. It’s an unimaginable amount of patience. It’s peace with a little havoc, fury with a smidge of mischief, screaming when being silenced, and finally a little chaos when we reign. We perform crazy acts in front of strangers, dress up like little monsters after the clock strikes twelve, but at the end of the night, when the curtains close and the show is over, we’re just this. Midnight Mayhem."
As with the other books in the series, I was left wondering WTF did I just read and why did I like it so much? I had tears in my eyes because of this quote right here. Maybe they’re insane, deranged, chaotic, dark, and twisted. Sexy as all hell, but murderous. People you shouldn’t fuck with. But the way they love is like none other, from King to Keaton. They’re family, and I feel like I’m part of that now.
Thank you, Amo.
Profile Image for Lenka Laštincová.
95 reviews5 followers
August 15, 2022
I have read every single book Amo has ever published. Some even more times. Well, I honestly have to admit that I have never been as confused by any of them as by this In Chaos we reign. Alternation of times, a sudden jump of three years, after a chapter a jump to the past....I still had to be on my guard so as not to get totally lost and plus also think about what happened where before in the books. It was incredibly frustrating. I hate to admit it, but these confusions caused by time jumps plus the connection of previous events were at the expense of the development of the relationship between Keaton and Cartier - for that I am disappointed. Moreover, she can't point out to me that I don't understand why Amo has beta readers when they can't point out the book's shortcomings. Because it seems as if Amo has completely forgotten what she wrote in the book before. The flaws are so glaring that you don't even need to be an attentive reader. Anyone who doesn't have drunken or otherwise deformed brain coils will notice it.

I don't know what exactly I expected from the last book of Midnight Mayhem, but it certainly wasn't what I got. Was it surprising? Heck, yes. Did it make me angry? No, it pissed me off. I liked it? At certain moments, yes. Otherwise 🤷
Cartier is the "ice princess" she is Kyrina's sister and every single brother protects her from everything. She had a special connection with Keaton since she was little. Cartier was his full moon during the dark. But what if Cartier's reality is completely different? Their relationship I would over the years she described as an obsession - sex... I missed that we didn't have any real conversations between the two of them. If we don't count the reminders that she won't fuck anyone else and the like. I'm slightly disappointed by that. I had to wait until the words I love her to the epilogue. Or even some show of affection that made us believe that he really cares about her and it's not just sex. But the positives of the book are the side characters. Kill and Sass are still my number one loves. I was grateful for all happy lives. As for Dove and Kohen, I don't have the right words to express how I feel about it after finishing the book. I'd have to use every single vulgarity I know. If we as readers have been promised a book for years and it suddenly doesn't come, that's disappointing . The fact that the author deletes all the contributions to the given book does not mean that the readers will forget that the MM series was supposed to have 5 books. And it is extremely disrespectful if you still try to convince us that it should always have been 4 books. I think this is the first time I haven't finished a book by Amo. I always end up saying "WTF" was that?! And I have to manage it for a few days. Now...it's more like...um, well this wasn't cool, WOW.
Profile Image for khushi.
76 reviews35 followers
August 16, 2022
0 stars
rant and spoilers below

I'm so done with this bullshit and weird way to earn more 💸💸 the previous book (in silence she screams- was a standalone mmf and I somewhat liked it) ended in a cliffhanger; what's the fuckin point of writing a standalone only to end in a cliffhanger( one of the H dies and comes alive but the h doesn't know it) Now I wait for 6+ months. I don't even get a satisfying scene with the characters.

safe to sayI won't be reading any other amo jones books
42 reviews
August 16, 2022
I’m so done with Amo destroying her first heroines. First, Madison in tillie’s book and know Perse in Cartiers book. I mean why? Why makes us connect with them to then make them unrecognizable in the next books?
Profile Image for Amy.
999 reviews33 followers
August 16, 2022
I didn't want the end of this series to arrive because I do love this world and now it's over!

I read through this book in a day because I needed to see how it was all going to end, and as I finished I realised I was sitting on the fence. I couldn't pick a fckn side to jump over... Love, no. Like, yes. Hate, meh, some things.

I'll try and break it down.

First of all, I loved Cartier and Keaton. Their chemistry was bang on and hot and they also had a connection. I liked how there was that little forbidden aspect to their relationship with Keaton being a brother of Kiznitch and Cartier being off limits to the brothers, especially brothers best friend, but Keaton doesn't really give any fucks so that was never going to stop him. Keaton can be a prick at times but he was equally hot, caring and dominating. Cartier, the ice princess is thrust into a roll where she has no choice but to go through a rough few years and a keeper of secrets, but she's still got that wild streak and comes out stronger.

Now the first half I enjoyed then the back end had me scratching my head.

And not from any twist.

If you're picking up this book then you've clearly read ISSS and were waiting, like me, to see what made Eli fake his death and disappear, leaving behind his newborn baby and 2 lovers. That cliffy was brutal... And this is the answer we get? Eli gave himself in place of Cartier? Seriously? For what? Was this just made up last minute? Fckn dumb.

The other plot point that really annoyed me was when Lilith found out that Eli was alive and others knew the whole time, including Kyrin, and she's just like, oh ok, let's get him back then. Where did the fckn spitfire go?! Did she have a character transplant from the last book to now? And don't even get me started on their big reunion. Lilith, Kyrin and Eli back together again. A big fat underfuckingwhelming.

Being the last book in the series, things obviously need tying up, but the back half came across messy, the flow wasn't there and there were errors in editing, that's becoming a theme.

Also, I would have loved a big Midnight Mayhem performance scene, with all the crew, to see this series out with a bang! I feel like that was definitely missing.

Characters, thumbs up, Plot, thumbs down.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for SmutandSpice.
133 reviews38 followers
August 12, 2022
Ugh I’m so sad this series is coming to an end😭 I love these characters and their world so much that I’m definitely feeling a little slumpy. Like when a vacation ends and you have the post vacation blues.

As always, this was such a wild ride. The last half in particular was insane. Amo’s writing is such a full body experience. It makes you hate and love the characters and you will for sure be asking yourself “wtf did I just read?!” the entire time. Cartier and Keaton are an undeniable duo and their chemistry was off the charts. Chapter 6 😮‍💨 After reading the other MM books, I wasn’t sure if I’d like Cartier as much but she exceeded my expectations. She’s such a bad bitch and always forges her own path. There isn’t much else I can say without spoiling but make sure you check TWs if needed⚠️
Profile Image for Emma.
651 reviews7 followers
August 16, 2022
I really loved this world Amo created. The first two book were incredible and there still my favorite today. I truly believe Amo is a great writer. I love her early stuff.

I liked being back in this world, reading all the characters. Picturing this world that doesn't exist. There is no series like this. The details are amazing. The men are amazing.

I liked ISSS, but I didn't like the ending or Eli’s part. And I have to be honest. When the plot went the way it went in that book. I honestly didn't know how Amo would come back from that in this book. Now finished ICWR. It was kind of pointless. I found his plot so be flat, the reason he left was stupid. I don’t even know how to word it right.

It's like Amo just wrote without stopping and reading what she had just written. It wasn't a good enough reason for me as a reader.

For me Amo last 4 books have been very different to her normal way of writing. I find the plot, the plot lay outs, Past and Present to be messy and confusing. It's not a mind fuck. It's messy. I was very confused at times and had to go back and read things over and over again. This is with her last 4 books. ALL THESE PLOT TWIST WERE NOT NEEDED. It was too much. It's not dark romance. Someone doing coke and killing someone which we dont actually read isn't dark. It maybe for her new reader or younger readers but for the readers fwho has been here for years its not.

For me this wasn't a MIDNIGHT MAYHEM book. It was so off track.
Saying all this I really did enjoy being back because I know thats it now.

Which make me so sad but then happy because if you compare the last two books to this and ISSS they are completely different in every way. They don't flow or follow each other. There no MM. This book felt young, the woman are all the same. doing coke, wearing nothing, having sex with everyone. no one is different and I felt this book to be young.

I've been told this is the last nook in MM world but Dove will get her book. I hope its a dark romance and not full of twisted. Just a good romance dark read like Amo older books.

The elite king series ended pretty bad and not this series is no series is no different.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,805 reviews1,352 followers
July 31, 2022
My favorite couple and story from the MM world!

Beta read
Profile Image for Kati *☆・゚ [a bit distracted atm].
1,011 reviews482 followers
Shelved as 'dropped'
September 23, 2024
***no rating***
dropped @10%

Probably for the same reason everyone else did, I wanted to read this conclusion to the series. So I started. And was intrigued.

Then (don’t know exactly why) I switched to reading the reviews instead. And the disappointed readers summarize it all the same:

🚩 messy writing, plot holes galore, in need of serious editing

🚩 story confusing af and difficult to follow

🚩 the conclusion to book three’s huge cliffhanger underwhelming and underdeveloped

🚩 love story superficial and not convincing

🚩 trashing this series’ first heroine (she was great, mind you)

🚩 using unspeakable things done to the characters for shock value only

Most of these complaints honestly don’t come as a surprise to me having read the previous books in the series. Pity, really. This whole thing had so damn much potential.

Midnight Mayhem Series

Book 1 - In Peace Lies Havoc - 4.5 stars
Book 2 - In Fury Lies Mischief - 2 stars
Book 3 - In Silence She Screams 2.5 stars
Book 4 - In Chaos We Reign - dropped
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,525 reviews118 followers
December 2, 2022
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

L’ultimo libro della Midnight Mayhem Series racconta l’intricata storia di Keaton, il più spietato ed enigmatico tra i fratelli di Kiznitch.

L’autrice, famosa per i suoi romanzi sempre ricchi di suspence e mistero, con trame contorte e lussuriose progettate apposta per lasciare spiazzato il lettore sul finale, ci ha abituate a storie nelle quali, soprattutto all’inizio, si capisce poco di come sarà l’evoluzione.
Questo perché si concentra molto sulla descrizione dei personaggi e sull’aspetto caratteriale, elaborando lunghe e profonde introspezioni, che non sempre definiscono al meglio la caratterizzazione degli stessi ma ci danno un incipit sostanzioso sulla loro natura intrigante, perversa, concupiscente.

In questo quarto libro l’estro creativo e confusionario della Jones, tipico della sua penna, ha superato la mia immaginazione, lasciandomi con più domande rispetto a prima, e questioni irrisolte.

Ma hei signori, il Circo ha chiuso i battenti.

Il Midnight Mayhem, luogo oscuro e peccaminoso, a tratti osceno, nel quale per i vari protagonisti della serie è stato impossibile razionalizzare le proprie emozioni perché offuscate dalla perversione e dalla lussuria che permeava intorno ad essi, ebbene, ha calato giù il tendone.
E io mi sento di dover ingraziare di cuore l’autrice per avermi permesso di entrare nel suo folle mondo, un pó sopra le righe. Una mente visionaria e fantasiosa la sua, che tra illusione e magia e seguendo l’effetto #amojones che noi amanti del dark romance apprezziamo moltissimo, ci ha fatte innamorare di questo pazzo circo….

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC in Anteprima e la collaborazione
Profile Image for isadora.
50 reviews5 followers
May 14, 2023

3,5/5 ⭐

"This is family. It’s love. It’s hate. It’s an unimaginable amount of patience. It’s peace with a little havoc, fury with a smidge of mischief, screaming when being silenced, and finally a little chaos when we reign. We perform crazy acts in front of strangers , dress up like little monsters after the clock strikes twelve, but at the end of the night, when the curtains close and the show is over, we’re just this. Midnight Mayhem."

I want to talk about various points of the book, so I gonna organize it by selections.

— The plot and organization of the book:
I love a brother's best friend plot, and Kyrian wouldn't deceive us. The forbidden vibes are 5 of 5 stars. I don't have a criticism about the couple. I just wanted to scream with Keaton about the brunette girl (now I'm in peace, reading everything made sense). But I need to make a reclamation about the book "mysterious", Amo has some difficulties on organization everything and sometimes her book stays so fucking confusing, and it's not a question of reading two or three times again, maybe in her head everything makes sense (and I understand) but this is something I always feel on her book, ok the characters just understand wtf is happening, but I can not understand things from nothing, and after 50% of ICWR I was constantly loosed about the history.

I was not waiting to like Cartier so much, she's wild af (poor Kyrian) and made me laugh with her craziness. She's the perfect Ice Queen and deserves her name. Keaton gonna have a fucking problem keeping up with her, lol.
Keaton is hot and dominating, everything I like in my men. I was angry with him in more than half of the book, but as Cartier said, she loves everything about him, even his asshole side. His friendship with Kyrian keeps being gold even when they want to kill one another.
Keaton and Cartier have one of the best dynamics as a couple to me. They are soulmates and always had been destined.

Saskia and Lilith with Cartier make my heart melt, they're my favorite girls and never deceptive. Cartier and Lilith are the best sisters-in-law, the moments between them are one of my favs.
Eli and Cartier's friendship was something I didn't wait for, but I loved it!!!
Now, Persephone. I swear, I already didn't like her bc of the way she treated Lilith, but now she made me so angry, the bitch doesn't even have a backbone, King says and she obeys, but she wanted Cartier's birthplace? Like, bitch put yourself in your place, her bitching about Cartier was a fucking joke, because she's the princess of MM and Perse thinks she can be on her level, jocks on her, lol.

Speaking generally, I liked ICWR more than I waited, but I missed something, I think Amo focused so much on putting all the drama when she should have kept her attention on the couple. If you like wild girls and grumpy boys who hate everybody else minus the main character, read it!
Profile Image for Jade Simcox.
773 reviews73 followers
August 15, 2022
I so wanted to love this book but sadly I didn’t.
This book is definitely more plot driven then character driven, but I wanted the character development to happen. I wanted to see more of Keaton and Cartier as a couple. But I did love them as a couple, the brothers best friend trope is always a good one.
I also LOVED seeing the EKC men again. Honestly they will always be my favs.
I think my reason for rating this book 3⭐️ Is because of how much was going on throughout the book and it just got confusing. I also couldn’t remember who certain characters were and felt like I was missing the dynamic. I think we could have done with a recap at the beginning.
I also missed the fact that we didn’t get any performance scenes like in previous books.
This series has been a good one overall, In Piece Lies Havoc was my favourite out of the series.
Profile Image for MissPetiteBrunetteBookBlog.
1,180 reviews238 followers
August 10, 2022
What A Wild Ride This Is! The final book in this series sure packs a punch! Welcome back the mystical midnight mayhem show and all its shady characters. Kyrin’s sister, Cartier Nero, has been sheltered from MM but not for long. Keaton may be a brother of Kiznitch but he has never really taken on that roll to Cartier. He is different with her...connected. The brothers always protected the Ice Princess but she is grown now and wants to be apart of their world…she just might not be apart of it how she thought. This takes place in the past and present showing the backstory and growth of Cartier & Keaton connection. A dark & steamy journey in this twisted tale where secrets and lies are a way of life. Fans of this series will love to see what happens and of course get more of all the brothers. Beware as there are some difficult scenes including non cons@nt. I’m still thinking about all the revelations in this one crazy thrill ride. Told in dual POV
Profile Image for Mim.
602 reviews42 followers
August 18, 2022

#𝐈𝐧𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬𝐖𝐞𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 is the last book in the Midnight Mayhem series by Amos Jones.
I read all 4 books over a week. But after finishing the series, it might not be the last book at all 🤷🏻‍♀️ the author has stated that its the last but the last line clearly shows they’ll be either a spin off another book or she just forgot that she wrote it in there.

Look, I really wanted to like this series after I’d heard so much about it. But I’m tired…
The characters are great… The MM world she has created is intriguing.
That wasnt the problem.

The writing is messy and plot was just confusing. I had to go back and re-read parts to understand what was going on. It was like that throughout the whole series but especially in book 4. There was no flow in most scenes. Characters appear out of nowhere and the editing errors were hard to ignore.

Book 3 left such a huge cliffhanger and but then it had no relevance at all in book 4. Lilith’s reaction to Eli being alive was like oh okay lets go get him.. and thats it…. None of the usual Lilith attitude that we knew from Book 3.

Book 4 is about Keaton and Cartier. The going back and forth in timelines with their history was so confusing and the ‘telekinesis/mindwiping’ plot was confusing AF. 😬

I actually dont even know what were Cartier’s true memories and what werent; thats how confusing it was. And unfortunately I dont care enough to go back and decipher it.

The highest rating I gave any of these books was a 3 because with the characters and plot it had so much potential!

Also alot of characters from the Elite Kings series appear. I havent read that series but felt like I needed too. Some of these books have been marketed as standalones but I dont understand how it could be considering you need to know what happened in previous books. 🤦🏻

I’m so disappointed. 😑😑 I feel like if there was another round of editing done on the whole series and extra dialogue added to make it go with the flow it would of been much better than the choppy writing we got. This book wasn’t the epic finale readers were waiting for and I feel like the author crapped on some of the female characters to the point where they were unrecognisable in the book. Hello Perse and Lilith. Perse became a miserable bitch through out the series even though we know she wasnt! I dont know what the fuck happened there.

⭐️⭐️ Stars
Profile Image for mia.
605 reviews265 followers
August 22, 2022
Keaton exists within darkness so that I can be the light to guide him home

Yes, you're seeing it correctly. Me, a person who's stingy with her ratings, me whose average rating is 2.46 across 407 ratings, gave 2 consecutive 4 stars in a series. Yes, I didn't know it's possible either.

I refuse to acknowledge the series has come to an end, Ms Amo tell me it's not true!

The firsts always matter and this series will mean something to me because I was hesitant every time this series came up on my timeline. But I still took the leap forward to read it. It's my first carnival series and I have to say it was done so well I know these characters will run in my mind for some time.

⚠️ TW: violence, murder, blood and gore, grooming, miscarriage (side character), sexualising assault, bdsm, blood play, OW (other woman) drama, necrophilia (implied), incest (implied)

This book, definitely can't be read as a standalone. It is a follow up to book 3 (Elite Kings x Midnight Mayhem crossover) so if you didn't read that this book will just be a maze to you that you will never come out of. There were time jumps from the past to the present to better understand Keaton x Cartier's journey. The plot twists, again, made my jaw became loose momentarily from how many times I had to open and close them.

I should be honest and come forward: none of the FMCs gave me a good first impression. Cartier was the second worst of them all. She had more appearances in Book 3 because she's Kyrin's sister and it was foreshadowed that she and Keaton had a little thing going on (okay not little in hindsight) But she just wasn't it for me at the start. If I can say one thing to lessen the burn it's that I think she was at least a little more vocal than the other FMCs.

You could say that Cartier is forbidden fruit since she's Kyrin's who's-a-brother-of-Kiznitch sister which means she's cordoned off to the other brothers but that or nothing will actually stop Keaton. Keaton was always described to be a scary one throughout the books, his friendliness is not to be underestimated and that was clear in this book. I would say that his part of the Brothers is indeed quite intimidating. But this grumpy sunshine turns into a puddle of goo at Cartier's toes, you can never lie and say you don't smile at that.

I thought Cartier was a little too sheltered initially, as the Brothers themselves felt and said in the books. She's called the ice princess because everyone, from fathers to mothers to brothers to strangers were literally at her feet. As things started falling into place and everyone played their roles, she then started bringing her true self out of her which showed her character development, especially when she went against whoever she needed to protect her family. I liked that this book shed some light on this aspect - age has got nothing on abilities and respect is earned.

Cartier and Keaton's forbidden romance packed the heat, the element of I-can't-have-him-but-I-can't-help-myself was throughout the book and it contributed to their chemistry. I liked that they were both soft towards one another and took care of each other in their vulnerable states. I don't exactly agree there's a deep connection between them though because to me the romance seemed like a sub plotline in this book and there just wasn't enough communication between them.

I felt like some characters weren't how they were from book 3 and that dulled the big climax of the book. Given the pace of the book and the plot twists, I expected something more from the main characters involved in the plotlines of this book but it felt like there was a change in them from Book 3 and 4 which.... was disappointing to me. I didn't like how everything about Also what's with the brothers and bringing in other women to make their woman jealous? It was literally present in every book. I know Kiznitch isn't monogamous but like.... just don't resort to that self. The time jumps were also a little messy in my opinion, if I didn't read them and process it carefully I would have been lost in the book. I do respect Amo's style of writing though.

One major good aspect of this entire series I would say is the bond between Midnight Mayhem.
This is family. It’s love. It’s hate. It’s an unimaginable amount of patience. It’s peace with a little havoc, fury with a smidge of mischief, screaming when being silenced, and finally a little chaos when we reign. We perform crazy acts in front of strangers, dress up like little monsters after the clock strikes twelve, but at the end of the night, when the curtains close and the show is over, we’re just this. Midnight Mayhem
If you read that quote you'd know the titles of the books are in there. Everyone has their ties and relations, they came in as strangers but grew into a family. I always feel that camaraderie is hard to be written but Ms Amo did a fantastic job in it. The brothers have a strong bond, the ladies have a strong bond, the bond extends to one another and becomes even stronger. These are the type of people I'm sure I'd love to belong to. I won't lie - there was this temporary feeling of loss when I swiped to the last page of the book.

I will definitely be bingeing Elite Kings, soon. Maybe not immediately but I will because I'm curious about their dynamics.
The Elite Kings are run by ten families. They all have weird little things that they do, and you know what? This would take me all day to scratch the surface. All you need to know is that they’re dangerous and powerful
does this not interest you yet? Because I've bitten already.

Ms Amo if you ever read this, please know that I saw and read and swallowed the last paragraph of this book and my eyes are on you 👀

Midnight Mayhem series ratings
In Peace Lies Havoc
In Fury Lies Mischief
In Silence She Screams
Profile Image for Marina Jauregui.
136 reviews4 followers
August 16, 2022
Too much time jumping and all the mind erasing was hard to keep up with. Had to take time to figure out what was real and what wasn't. I think it took away from the main characters love story. The ending of Dove and Kohen upset me too for some reason.
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
2,150 reviews926 followers
August 15, 2022
Amo’s most erotic,most debacherous, and most impiously intriguing world comes to a close in this enigmatic finale. I’ve been so excited to get the story of Cartier- the rebellious sister. And like all the stories that have come before, this one is volatile, chaotic, toxic, and full of so many secrets and twists.

Amo’s authorial voice reigns supreme in this finale. She weaves the most complicated web in this finale- a story that spans time and weaves together so many characters, motivations, and secrets. Amo is a bold story teller- her narrative approach emulates the energy of her stories, her characters. It’s tumultuous, evocative, mysterious, and full of misdirection. She’s a strategic creator of an immersive kind of chaos- bleeding in information in discrete and little ways that both perplex and consume us as readers. To read her stories is to feel the energy, to wallow in the disorientation of the secrets, violence, eroticism, and twists- like her characters, we’re delved deep into an opaque world that we have to unravel. This finale capitalizes on that in the most epic of ways. Paired with Amo’s unique salaciously gothic tone, this finale is a swirl of frenetic energy. At times, it does feel a bit lost in itself- or perhaps I was just lost in it. It's an impressionistic way of painting a story- and the missing pieces didn't come together as easily for me in this one- I think I needed a re-read of the series before hand perhaps- at times I wasn't sure if I was intentionally confused or missing something key. But, what an experience.

The Midnight world is equal parts alluring and unsettling, so leave it to Cartier and Keaton to challenge us the most. So many pieces to this puzzle, so much to unpack. Cartier is definitely my favorite of the series- her character is a perfect encapsulation of the midnight energy. And Keaton’s darkness is like a seductive and lethal smoke that consumes all the air. Their connection is pure insanity- fittingly the most complicated couple we’ve had yet. And so wildly entertaining. I will miss this violent and tintillating world, but what a epic finale.
Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,605 reviews165 followers
August 24, 2022
This book was everything we needed for the Midnight Mayhem world Keaton and Cartier are so explosive together this story was filled with remarkable characters and a engaging storyline it’s dark and gripping full of intense passion and steamy lust the twists and turns were sooo good and in true Amo Jones fashion she added her twisted mind fuck and it was everything we expect from her stories! I’m so sad it’s over it was bittersweet but I’m so excited to see what this author does next she is definitely on the top of her game with this book!
Profile Image for Amy .
2,957 reviews
August 14, 2022
All the stars!!

“A killer’s love is as violent as the art in which they take lives.”

“You can’t put time on a bond that burns endlessly.”

👏👏 Bravo, Amo Jones, Bravo. Amo Jones has completely outdone herself. I’m exhausted and my mind is still processing the crazy and twisted ride I just experienced. I didn’t just devour this book, I inhaled it. It was heart-pounding and absolutely brilliant. Fans of this series, you are in for one heck of a crazy, yet satisfying ride…

Here we are again back in the world of Midnight Mayhem and as we dive into Cartier and Keaton’s story, we are once again asked to trust the process, and trust the journey. Every moment, every twist, and every turn has been building toward this story. It should come as no surprise that this journey is going to be a crazy one filled with so many twists and turns it will leave your head spinning and your jaw clenched as you try to unravel the web this author has created.

In Chaos We Reign took on me on the best possible journey, leaving me exhausted and completely turned inside out. It is a brilliantly written and masterfully crafted story that will take readers on a bent and twisted ride that will keep them on their toes, on the edge of their seats, and leave them devouring every word. This story is filled with danger, intrigue, and betrayal. It’s filled with shocking twists and unexpected turns and a love so powerful that nothing can stand in the way of it.

In Chaos We Reign isn’t just a story. It’s an experience. It’s something that will burrow its way into you and will leave you thinking about it long after you’ve reached “The End”. And as we close this chapter on the Midnight Mayhem series, I am so happy to have discovered this series and fallen in love with these characters. I can’t wait to see what twisted tale Amo Jones has in store for us readers next!

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for kels.
257 reviews234 followers
August 14, 2022

I’m so sad to have finished the midnight mayhem series but wow, what a way to go.

This is definitely the most twisted and confusing book so far, Amo never fails to leave you lost for words.

I absolutely adored Keaton and Cartier’s romance, especially having seen the build up of them from the previous books. I’ve been dying for them to get together. The angst and tension in this was incredible, and the forbidden aspect of their relationship (brother’s best friend) was so fun to read. I loved Kyrin being so overprotective, I can’t lie.

Cartier herself was a great main character. It’s her world we’re living in. And I loved seeing more of Keaton and his backstory, as he’s always been a little mysterious in the previous books.

The reason this isn’t 5 stars is probably just because in comparison to the rest of the series, this is probably my lowest favourite. There was a lot of plot in this, which left the romance feeling a bit sub-plot, and for me there wasn’t quite enough of their relationship. Because they already had a small pre-established relationship, it sometimes felt quite stagnant. Additionally, usually with Amo’s books you know everything the MC does (which isn’t a lot), but with this we didn’t even know what Cartier knew. I don’t think that’s necessarily bad, it just made things hard for me.

Honestly this series has been a wild ride from start to finish, and I love the snippets we got of the other couples in this book and how their stories ended.
And the ending!! I’m not sure if Amo will give us a book that explains what that final plot twist was, but I love being left on a bit of a cliffhanger and can’t wait!

Thank you so much to Amo Jones & her assistant for sending me an advanced copy of this book!
Profile Image for Vanessa97.
586 reviews26 followers
October 30, 2022
Devo dire che è stato molto confusionario questo libro... ci sono, a parer mio, troppi salti temporali. Non so se anche per gli altri, ma io quando leggo la Jones non capisco un c***o, poi le ultime 4 frasi aiutano a chiarire un po' il libro... vedremo se riprenderà in mano la serie, ma penso di sì, la storia di Kohen non può finire così. Almeno che ci venisse spiegati qualcosa mi basta anche una novella ( in tal caso sicuramente non capirò un emerito c***o, la Jones difficilmente si destreggia con un libro di 400 pagine.. figuriamoci con una novella da 60-80 pagine.
La serie è iniziata molto bene, i primi due libri mi erano piaciuti molto, con il terzo e il quarto si è un po' persa... peccato aveva grande potenziale. Un consiglio che darei all'autrice è di non creare ventordici personaggi diversi, io me ne ricordavo solo una manciata e questo non aiuta ad immergersi nella storia, soprattutto se i libri escono a distanza di un anno l'uno dall'altro.
Profile Image for Chelé-----4 The Love of Books .
822 reviews58 followers
August 15, 2022
I have to start off by saying that I am in complete turmoil over the fact that this is the last MM book, it has been such a dark and delicious ride, no one writes tumultuous characters quite like Amo does.

Cartier and Keaton are a tsunami, causing a series of emotional torment that is both passionate and blazing! I am obsessed with their chemistry, captivated by their passion and haunted by their connection. They just might be my favorite couple of the series.

In Chaos we Reign only cements the fact that I can do nothing but devour every word that Amo writes. A world spun from her wild and irrational (this is compliment) imagination that gives us every bit of violence, intrigue, suspense, mystery and destruction. I will follow Amo anywhere!!
Profile Image for Leggere Romanticamente.
1,934 reviews270 followers
December 20, 2022
Recensione di Virgy sul blog https://www.leggereromanticamente.com...

Lo stile di Amo Jones è assai particolare, perché spesso risulta contorto e con trame molto difficili da seguire. "Keaton" non fa eccezione, anzi! Preparatevi a tanti salti temporali (per comprendere meglio la storia tra Cartier e Keaton...o forse per farci impazzire!), ad una trama intricatissima e ad un finale enigmatico.

Keaton e Cartier sono due anime spezzate, eppure, quando sono insieme, riescono a fare scintille. Dimenticatevi le storie d'amore dolci e lineari: Keaton e Cartier vi faranno impazzire, tra follia, rabbia e passione.
Profile Image for freyleyce.
435 reviews254 followers
August 19, 2022
what thee fuck.

NAHHHHH. i was literally in shambles after finishing in silence she screams and i think i’m right back there after this one

i loved cartier and keaton, but tbh i loved this world more. for the first 50% they were my fav but then it kinda went downhill. i felt like a bit of a wasn’t needed, ESPECIALLY all that confusion. like huhhhhh
but all in all it ended how i thought i would but i’m still not over this being the end😭
Profile Image for Willie Mercedes.
1,099 reviews106 followers
August 24, 2022
Forbidden, brother's best friend, kidnapping, death, blood play, violence, manipulation

The final book in this series surely packs a punch! Kyrin's sister, Cartier Nero, has been sheltered from Midnight Mayhem for most of her life but that is coming to an end. Keaton is a brother of Kiznitch but he has never really taken on that roll towards Cartier. He is different with her…connected. This takes place in the past and present showing the backstory and growth of Cartier & Keaton connection. There were so many twists and turns, the suspense was perfection. My mind is still processing the crazy and twisted ride I just experienced. I'm gonna have to reread this entire series - this world is 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽
Profile Image for Maya.
111 reviews45 followers
August 15, 2022
i love amo jones books but i couldn’t with this one. it seems everyone in the reviews loved this but me…i literally couldn’t even finish it but the highlights were eli and lilith. cartier and keaton were the worst couple in the series and that says a lot being that persephone and kingston are right there. i’m gonna stop anticipating books because i always get disappointed in the end. maybe i’ll finish on another day but as of now it’s a no
Profile Image for ari.
407 reviews100 followers
December 12, 2023
“You see, love isn’t supposed to be perfect either. Love is supposed to be whatever the fuck you want it to be. This is family. It’s love. It’s hate. It’s an unimaginable amount of patience. It’s peace with a little havoc, fury with a smidge of mischief, screaming when being silenced, and finally a little chaos when we reign. We perform crazy acts in front of strangers, dress up like little monsters after the clock strikes twelve, but at the end of the night, when the curtains close and the show is over, we’re just this.
Midnight Mayhem.”

HOLY FUCK!!! This may or may not be a long review but at this point, I need to let it all out. Fair warning, what I’m about to say may or may not make sense but my emotions and my mind are far too all over the place to care at this point.

WOW. Just wow. I’m seriously crying. I cannot believe after 4 amazingly dark books, this beautiful series named Midnight Mayhem has come to a close. From King and Perse, From Kill and Saskia, From Lilith, Kyrin and Eli and finally, from Keaton and Cartier…..this series has come to a close. I’m still recovering from everything i’ve just read and the fact i finished this entire series. I don’t want to say goodbye. In fact, it doesn’t even feel like a goodbye…feels more like a…see you in the darkest part of your mind or see you in your dreams…or nightmares.

I knew I would love this series just as much as I have loved all of Amo’s other stories, especially the Elite Kings Club series. God, just reading the names of Bishop, Nate and Brantley and seeing them make appearances in this series even if it wasn’t for long had me literally screaming and my heart pumping wildly. I loved how both series’ somewhat interconnected and how much of a mindfuck Amo can cause in her stories. You get glimpses of secrets and glimpses of the truth as you’re reading, making you jump to conclusions and creating your own theories just to figure out the real truth in the end and how wrong / far off (or possibly close but doubt it) you were. Ugh. I just loved this entire series and i’m so so sad it has come to the end. I truly do not know how I will recover from this series.

Keaton and Cartier are far from a “normal and perfect” couple just like the others in this series. Both having flaws and dealing with their own traumas and bs they have to put up with including that with each other…yet they still find themselves going back to one another at the end of the day. I loved Keaton and Cartier so so much and I will truly, truly miss them just as I will every other couple within this series.

One thing I want to mention though, is a big shoutout and thank you to this series and even the Elite Kings Club series, for letting my dark mind and dark side flow freely and express itself throughout this series. For experiencing such an amazingly well done world which has many flaws and frankly many shades of messed up, but nonetheless another great closing from the one and only, Amo Jones.
Profile Image for Vero Exposito.
547 reviews5 followers
January 8, 2023
5 Stars

Amo Jones is one of my favorite authors and she never disappoints with the masterpieces she writes. This book was amazing, beautiful, emotional and had so many plot twists I didn’t see coming.

I loved how Cartier was a bad bitch but still aloud herself to be soft and how Keaton accepted and even fought his demons for Cartier and for himself. I loved their love.

This book was the end of an era and that made me so emotional because it’s one of my favorite series. Although I know I won’t need to say goodbye to this characters because I’ll probably see them in Carpe Noctem but I was still emotional.

I loved how everything wrapped up and the book leaves you with this sense of family and peace. How midnight mayhem at the end of the day is more than a show is a family filled with love.

I loved this book and I can’t wait for Dove and her Koko. I definitely recommend this masterpiece. Toodles!
Profile Image for Amanda.
385 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2022
Amo is absolutely amazing. She makes you feel so many emotions throughout the story. There were so many twists and turns, the suspense was perfection. I loved the way the story was written timeline wise and getting to see the progression of Cartier and Keaton’s relationship and love. This was a great end to the MM world (though I hope to visit it again).
Profile Image for Brittany waggingwithwords.
738 reviews35 followers
August 14, 2022
In Chaos We Reign was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it’s so bittersweet! It was so friggin good and perfect ending to the Midnight Mayhem series. ⁣

I am so obsessed with this series I even got a tattoo themed around it. ⁣

I was mind blown and taken on the wildest ride like Amo loves to do with her writing and I’m always here for it. I didn’t see a single twist coming. ⁣

I love the absolute destruction and chaos of the relationships of the couples; they bend and break for one another. They are the light and darkness all wrapped up into one. They hurt each other just to come back fighting with hard love. Messy love. Chaotic, explosive love. The chemistry is dynamic. The lust is off the charts. Through the ugly, these characters have built a family that is volatile but solid as they come. ⁣

Keaton and Cartier may be squeaking by as my favorite couple but Lilith, Kyrin and Eli are still pretty close. Their love is messy and fierce. Keaton is quiet and lives in the shadows, silently destructive and Cartier has always been his. Cartier is a BOSS BABE. She’s gives as much as she takes. She’s a fierce tigress. They are dynamite and woooweee HAWT. 🔥😮‍💨⁣

The men in this series are dark, broody, toxic and oh so seggys, but the heroines are bad @$$ bishes with brains and skills and truly just want to be besties with and want to have your back. ⁣

I absolutely loved this book and this series with my whole heart. ⁣
Displaying 1 - 30 of 495 reviews

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