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356 pages, Hardcover
First published July 11, 2023
The moment Fetter is born, Mother-of-Glory pins his shadow to the earth with a large brass nail and tears it from him.
He has put away childish things. His mad, violent childhood; the indoctrination; his training as a child soldier in his mother’s war against his father: these things, these people are in his past.
"They did not conquer us by violence….
They were a cult. The first cult we had ever known. And we had no defenses against them. They infected us with strange ideas...They brought doctrines of shame and disgust for the body, and the glorification of the perfected mind"
“They’re our mistakes, I suppose… it’s not surprising they’re so hungry to haunt us—the histories we forgot, the crimes we buried. Devils know I’ve buried mine.”