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Wait for me. Never let me go.

I fell in love with Jackson Moreno in hell, the only two survivors trapped in a catastrophic tunnel collapse. But when rescue comes, I discover he has secrets darker than I could have guessed. He disappears from my life as quickly as he came, and I can’t afford to chase after him when I have to raise my daughter alone.

I fell in love with Jackson Moreno six years later, on a bright summer afternoon, cleaning the lobby of a small-town bank. But he’s still running, and I’m struggling to keep my little family afloat.

I fell in love with Jackson Moreno in three feet of snow, in the middle of nowhere, after we lost everything. Because sometimes a tatted bad boy and a shy dad who loves knitting are destined to be together, no matter how many years and miles and memories pull us apart. No matter how many times we have to start over.

If we refuse to be broken, I believe someday we’ll find each other for the last time.

An epic, moving story of second chances and love that defies all odds, featuring a double gay for you relationship full of first times, hurt/comfort, a demisexual main character, and mental health representation!

Triggers (potential spoilers): includes a disaster situation with emotional distress, claustrophobia, darkness, and brief mentions of blood and dead bodies; also includes violence, drug dealing, mentions of suicide, and mental illness (depression, anxiety, panic).

338 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 1, 2022

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About the author

Riley Nash

14 books746 followers
International bestselling author Riley Nash (he/they) is based in the rainy PNW and writes stories about broken boys who find home in each other, hurt/comfort, and mental health rep.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews
Profile Image for aleksandra.
754 reviews3,298 followers
April 11, 2024

This book is the definition of right person wrong time, but not one wrong time as usual, but more wrong times. But did I still like it? Yes.

Oliver’s and Jackson love story was beautiful and heartwarming, but at the same time I wanted to go inside the book at just do something because I couldn’t just read and see them so heartbroken, sad and struggling everyday. Oliver was the most precious person in the world with the heart of gold, he deserved everything. Same goes for Jackson, if I had the chance to hug him, I probably wouldn't let him go. The moments when they were homey and cozy with each other were my favorites.

“I can be your boyfriend. I’m not ashamed of that.” To my surprise, he frowns. “It sounds cheap. It’s not enough.”
“What, then?”
“You’re…” He rests his fist on his chest, over his heart, like it’s clutched in his palm. “You’re this. You’re the reason it’s still beating. But I don’t have a word for it.”

Now you would ask me why my rating is three stars even though I like Riley Nash's writing and Oliver and Jackson stole my heart? There are actually a few things here that I didn't understand or just didn't like the way they were handled. So let’s move to them.

one Why didn't they realize after the first meeting that it could be them? They didn't even suspect it.

- They literally said their names. Jackson said JaX but that’s basically the same.
- Jackson saw Oliver’s red hair color.
- Then Jackson find out Oliver has a daughter?
Listen, how is it possible for two people named Oliver and Jackson to meet and one of them is similar in description to the person you got stuck in a tunnel (yes, I know it was dark) and none of them even suspect anything.
- Oliver liked to knit, and even when Jackson found out about it, he didn't even suspect that it could be him? How many red-haired men with a daughter like to knit? They were so dumb, I swear.

two I don’t judge, maybe it was their way of reacting on stress when they were trapped in the tunnel, but how they can even think about s*x in that situation? Oliver was anxious, stressed and worried that he will never see his daughter again and then boom! They are banging. I would probably cry and try to survive in their place, but ok.

three I know the time skips were necessary, I know. But, why so much of them? Every time each letter was written months or years later I wanted to curl into a blanket and cry.

four It's a bit weird that Oliver and his friends welcomed Jax so well. After not answering him for years for his letters, he suddenly stumbled upon Oliver and everything is fine? He didn't even look for him when they were apart. I know he had his problems, but Oliver had them too, and yet he somehow tried to look for him while Jax did nothing.

five And one last thing, please don't take examples from their intimate life. I'm pretty sure these men have never heard of lube.

I think the idea behind this book was amazing, I still really liked it, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more if what I said above had been done differently. I’m pretty sure I could have rated it five stars if it weren't for these things.
Profile Image for Kati *☆・゚.
1,081 reviews528 followers
December 18, 2023
4.5***** stars

Wait for me. Never let me go.

I have no words. ♡
For this beautiful second-chance romance that was like no other I’ve read before.

Do you know these series’/authors where you have the same feeling and the same vibes through all the books only with a slightly different plot, setting and characters? Well, Riley Nash books are very different to that. This is the third book in the Water/Air/Earth/Fire series and they all have been so different so far. Every book comes with a completely new set of characters and vibe to the story - it’s impressive, and amazing. Especially considering that RN only started publishing this year.

Thank you, Riley, for bringing us Oliver & Jackson and telling their story. A story about two men who fell in love with each other twice.

First they meet in absolute darkness. They are stuck in a tunnel after tragedy hits and there, waiting for rescue to come, they experience a connection none of them has ever felt before. But they haven’t even seen each other’s faces when they got rescued and separated from each other.

When they meet again many years later, they don’t recognize each other. But they fall in love with each other again anyway. But being together and holding onto each other is not that simple. They are both so broken and love can only do so much.

Another few years go by and it’s everything when they find each other again for the last time. ♡♡

They say a story is only as good as its ending.
Some heroes look death in the face for one chance at love.
Others stand up to fate and win.

But I like the ones no one bothers to write down, where the hero flaunts the demands of fate and says fuck it. He just goes home, opens his front door, and walks into the arms of the ones he loves. Because in the end, that’s all he was ever fighting for.

And thank you, Riley, for giving us another few glimpses of Jonah & Gray! ♡

Water, Air, Earth, Fire Series:

Book 1 - Hold Me Under - 5.0 stars
Book 2 - Make Me Fall - 5.0 stars ♡
Book 2.5 - And All Their Stars - 5.0 stars
Book 3 - Show Me Wonders - 4.5 stars
Book 4 - Teach Me to Sin - 5.0 stars

Xmas Novella Bundle - Merry and Bright - 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Gloria (in a slump? idk).
138 reviews227 followers
December 1, 2022
Available Now!

Umm clearly either Goodreads is broken or I slept through the much needed app update because when I tried to rate this 10 stars, I could only reach a maximum of 5 🤡 Sooo y'all better watch out, this mf-ing app is glitching

If a book doesn't make your heart clench the entire time, or make your trachea tighten so hard you consider buying a damn nebulizer, or make your entire existence pause from the first word until the very last letter, was it even worth it? 😩😩 when I tell you I neither ate nor drank any food items the entire 8ish hours I spent consuming this instead 😭 I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever.

istg this author has transcended into full-blown-sorcerer-mode causeee just when I think, "holy sugar they definitely could never top this one"...They slap me across the face with a, "sikeeee" and run away laughing back to the cave where the magic is concocted. Seriously, how does Riley keep doing it? How do I keep walking into every book feeling so confident I could possibly survive it, and walking out completely obliterated??

Book 1 snatched my wig, Book 2 threw it out the window, and Book 3 set it on fire. Lmao I'm scared, what else is left to do to my damn wig??? 😅

Honestly, I wish I could cut up a slice of a cake made up of all the feelings I felt while reading this, and share a sample of that one slice with you all because my words will never ever do this masterpiece justice. But I'll try, and I'll try to make it as vague as possible because we love a spoiler-free review.

"I want him like a person wants the nameless feeling that lingers in the memory of their dreams, something taken from them too long ago to remember."

If there's one thing reading romantic fiction has taught me, it's that disasters usually precede an epic event. Just when you think you are at a point where fate couldn't possibly stomp you any further into the ground, the world shifts again and a sliver of light sneaks through the mountain of bullcrap. And for most people treading through total darkness, light can be assaultingly refreshing. This is exactly where we meet Jax and Ollie; in literal and metaphorical darkness. In the kind of darkness that makes you grope and cling to any thing that can shield you from suffocating. For these two, the earth definitely shifts, and they quickly become that lifeline for each other, that refreshing sliver of light.

"Without him, I’m lost. And without me, wherever he is, he’s cold."

I loved them so much for the way they so perfectly contradicted each other. Oliver Shaw; cinnamon roll, can knit with his eyes closed, Ollie. And Jackson Moreno; broody, can definitely survive a zombie apocalypse, Jax. While they were quite literally day and night, the best and worst parts of themselves were woven so intricately together, they were never meant to survive apart. So much so that the earth had to break to unite them sighhhh. But that's the thing about the day and night, their existence only intersects for a few moments in the day: dusk and dawn. It's the universal law. Anytime they meet, they are quickly thrust apart. Ollie and Jax though? You can trust them to break every single universal law if it means getting to spend every waking moment of their lives together. These two were the definition of soulmates, the epitome of, "if two people are meant to be, they'll find their way to each other"

“I’ve never not loved you"...
"You’re the only perfect thing in this fucking world.”

Mannn, their story was just flawlessly executed. From the characters, to the setting, to the mood, to the tone. Riley's words and gorgeous prose just carry the reader through the pain and heartache, with gentle whispers and calm reassurances. Seriously, right from the first page, I had tears in my eyes. Tears that didn't let up until the very last page. This one is an emotional read guys (def cried wayyy harder than the other two books) so don't forget your box of tissues.

I wanna say more but I'll leave it at that.
If you love a good forced proximity trope (and that's putting it midly 😂), pick this book up! You will not be disappointed I promise 💛💛 I'm so grateful Ollie and Jax picked Riley to tell their story
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
648 reviews425 followers
December 7, 2022
Don’t cry.
Close your eyes and pretend I’m there, wiping the tears off your cheeks with my thumb. Pretend I kiss the tip of your nose until you smile.
I’ll find you someday.
And on that day, I will show you the wonder of a world where we never have to say goodbye again.

This was great but not as fantabulous as "Make Me Fall". Jonah and Gray have my heart. "Make Me Fall" is still my absolutel fav. Don't read this one if you don't want to but please do read book 2. You're missing out...like a lot.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,468 reviews33 followers
December 2, 2022
3.25 very disappointed stars...

I think I'll be in the minority here.

So after thinking it over and getting my thoughts in order, here is what I think...

1. The premise of the book and the idea of it are both fascinating. I was wanting alot of angst and pining amd got that to a degree.

2. I cried in the first part of the book. The author managed to accurately portray Oliver's fear and his desperation to return to his daughter.

3. I was intrigued with Jackson's backstory. We knew nothing about him but his compulsion to help Oliver made him lovable to me.

4. The letters Oliver writes to Jackson after their ordeal were beautiful. I teared up reading some sentences in them. Again, the author showed ALOT of emotion here and I truly felt Oliver's pain and how much he missed Jackson.

5. Even Jackson's letter to Oliver, no matter how short was powerful imo.

6. I loved the time lapse. I'm a sucker for second chances and when years pass before they get back together it's all the more poignant for me.

7. Loved seeing Jonah and Gray.

There were some beautiful quotes in this book. Like:

"Without him, I’m lost. And without me, wherever he is, he’s cold."

"I can’t remember what you smelled or sounded like anymore. My dreams remember, but they won’t tell me."

Tipping his head back, he closes his eyes. “I’ve never had a reason for anything before.”“So you’re my reason, and I’m yours. Is that good enough?”


I felt like the connection that Oliver and Jackson forged in the crash needed more oomph... more time, more focus. The way it is now felt very insta-lovey. Now some may argue that this connection was made stronger by their shared trauma, by the overall dire situation and I agree... but I still feel that it needed more time or at least something more tangible.

The sex: This can be explained in 2 parts:
Part 1: Their sex scenes in the crash. First, they came out of nowhere and with no build up. Jackson is made to be Ace/Demi and Oliver is straight. There was absolutely NO reason why they should have been physical in such a short amount of time. I can suspned belief but this was too much. Until that first sex scene, the book to be was perfect but then they got physical and that took away from the enjoyment. It felt very unbelievable. You're both filthy and ass play in that situation is quite frankly.... not cool. 😅 Also, when in a situation of dehydration, one should not cum 😅😅 That will cause faster dehydration. They each came twice. For me, this should have been researched.

Part 2: Their other sex scenes all felt awkward and off for me. Oliver's "condition" with his c*ck came out of left field and didn't fit the narrative at all. The dirty talk was stilted and didn't fit either MC.

Oliver at times seemed to behave like a teenager. He was 36 years old but I didn't feel that when I read his parts.

I feel like Jackson should have known who Oliver way before they did. There were plenty of clues for him but he seemed totally oblivious to all of them.

Generally... something was lacking in this book. Maybe it was my high expectations after loving book 2, but this book didn't deliver for me. The idea was great but the execution sadly didn't match. I skimmed the last 20%.

PS ... do these men know that lube exists?
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews223 followers
December 4, 2022
You know those books where you finish it, and you just stare at the wall, happy tears slipping out, and you just want to sit with it and try to find the right words to pour praise on it? That you FEEL, feel SO MUCH from the power of the words you’ve just read? This is one of those books. I finished it a week ago, and it’s still living in my heart. I can count on one hand how many books have this impact on me. This is a book, I know, that I’ll read over & over again.

Swoon /5 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Angst /5 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Steam /5 ♨️♨️♨️♨️
Plot /5 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐
LOLs /5 🤭🤭

“Show Me Wonders” is the 3rd full-length book in the “Water/Air/Earth/Fire” series (there’s a novella between book 2 & this one). These are, unbelievably, the first books the author has published. Each are completely original & could be read separately (we do get brief cameos from past characters), but I would highly recommend you start from the beginning because they’re just THAT GOOD.

The book is divided into 4 parts, detailing different parts of Jackson & Oliver’s journey to love. They meet as the only survivors of a train crash. During the time it takes for them to rescued, they deeply connect in the darkness. The realities of their lives are on hold as they fight to simply stay alive. But when they do get out, their vastly different lives separate them.

Years go by, and they are coincidentally reunited. They fall in love all over again. Jackson’s early life has been harsh & traumatic, and as much as he tries to escape it, it comes back to haunt him again. And they’re separated AGAIN. By this time, you are so deeply invested in them being together, the angst is AWFUL & heartbreaking. Christ, I cried buckets, especially for Jackson.

I don’t want to give too much away, even though I could write an essay about this. But they do, FINALLY get a HEA. The depth of Jackson’s character development is pure brilliance, as is the portrayal of him being on the ace spectrum, and he is someone who I’ll always think about.

You HAVE TO read this book.

Check out my reviews and MM content on Instagram, Facebook, & Bookbub, all under the same name! I gratefully received an advance copy and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Jamie.
707 reviews113 followers
December 2, 2022
I was not emotionally prepared for this book. It made me laugh, made me cry, gave me anxiety. Don’t even read it in public, I’m currently crying in the airport after having just finished.

This book did not have a dull moment. Every second was wonderful, I could not put it down.

Loved Ollie. I’m actually surprised how much I liked Jax as well, I don’t normally like his type of character but I loved him too.

If I have to give any criticism, I would say I wish part one in the train was a little longer.
Profile Image for Lilly [Hiatus due to School] .
938 reviews397 followers
December 1, 2022
"Someday I'll show you the wonder of a world where we never have to say goodbye"

Riley Nash has once again written a wonderfully beautiful masterpiece in the Water, Air, Earth, Fire series.

Jackson has seen true darkness. He has done things that he regrets and has dealt with horrors himself. He feels like he doesn't deserve happiness, especially not with sweet Oliver.

Oliver has dealt with abuse, loneliness, and trauma; however, he finds the strength to keep going for his daughter and for Jackson.

This was a wonderful second-chance romance! My favourite ever. I don't tend to read second-chance romance as it is not one of my favourite tropes, but it seems I might have to reconsider that.

Show Me Wonder was a breath of fresh air while still having the intrinsic qualities of Riley Nash's writings that I came to love.

This is a story of fate and destiny. Jackson and Oliver are meant to be, no matter the obstacles life has placed in front of them. They were brought together under extreme circumstances and together survived, broken but together, and there was no way they were not meant for one another. They did not fall in love with one another only once. I love how they meet again years later, in a small town so far away from their first encounter, not recognizing one another yet falling in love all over again.

Their happy ever after was not easy. It took years, close to a decade, for them to finally be together. The emotions, the love, the pain and the fear….Riley makes you feel it all through their story.

"But I can still love you, right? And you can still love me. It can't cure us, but we fight so fucking hard, and maybe that's the thing we're fighting for."

“I have never not loved you. You’re the only perfect thing in this fucking world”

The spice, while lower compared to the previous books in the series, is still sensual and wonderfully written.

I can go on and on about this beautiful story. I can't recommend it enough if you love second-chance romances, demisexuality, Hurt/Comfort, Single Dad, found family, and powerful love stories that stand the test of time.

I am now excited for Scout's story and book 4!

**I received a complimentary copy, and this is my honest thoughts**
Profile Image for alyssa.
994 reviews200 followers
November 21, 2022
“You’re my reason.”

ah yes, the feeling of Riley Nash earthbending the feels straight into my soul through violent, bodily means 😌

[4.6] kid you not when i say my hands refused to part with my kindle for a single second once the ARC showed up in my library.

i spent the last few hours interacting with the world solely through my peripheral vision. cooking? i offer my sincerest apologies to the poor burnt, unsalted eggs that i cooked only for sustenance. exercise? my eyes got a workout of their own as they spun in circles trying to keep track of the words onscreen as i model strut on the treadmill. restroom? did it all singlehandedly baby. that’s how invested in this story i was.

the meager snippets we got in the previous book could never have prepared me for what i was walking into with Oliver (Ollie) Shaw and Jackson (Jax) Moreno’s multi-chance love story spanning years of hellos, goodbyes, and i love you’s. i can’t think of a more explosive way to start off their story than what the author did here: a combination of “love is blind” and “survivor” taken to train tunnel collapse levels of extreme that had me on tenterhooks.

i don’t want to reveal too much, but the hole Jax could never quite escape tore my heart to shreds and brought anxiety clawing at my throat. like sitting next to a ticking bomb sans countdown display so you drive yourself crazy in the endless loop of speculation. Jax deserves the world and more - not only for his innate understanding of Ollie’s needs in terms of his mental health, but also his resilience and strength in the face of so much mistreatment and violence throughout his life. knowing what i know now, let’s just say if i locked eyes with him on the street, i’d be folding at his feet like fresh laundry.

Ollie’s relationship with his agoraphobia, of feeling like a failure for being unable to accomplish the bare minimum that a normal person does without a hitch, is one i think anyone with anxiety can relate to deeply in their own way. but Ollie’s more than that - he’s his staunch dedication to his adorable reptile-loving daughter, his creative storytelling, his knitting skills, his love of gardening. even at his lowest, he continues to be the singular source of sunshine that Jax can’t turn away from.

some plot points were at times 狗血 (i can’t think of the word in english lmao, maybe “a flair for the dramatique”?), they certainly could’ve done with more lube on the whole lol, and i would’ve liked the sex to have been held out of reach for a little while longer (then again, my demisexual self has never found herself in such a precarious situation before so who knows 🤣), yet everything still managed to tie together in the best of ways. i genuinely don’t know how Riley Nash has pulled off this Febreze freshness with every story so far in the series, but color me impressed. each installment has offered something fundamentally unique and entertaining, and i couldn’t recommend this author’s work enough.

don’t mind me lurking in the corner for more info on those future books dropped at the end there 👀

Thank you to GRR and the publisher for providing an advanced copy of the book. This is my honest review :)
May 15, 2023
Audio - LD - 3 stars
WB - 4 Stars

Story - 5 ++++++ Stars

I almost passed on this story because two of my least favorite narrators were casted for the audiobook. Out of desperation, I gave in, and I don't regret it. The story and writing were so strong, I think it forced the narrators bring their A game. TF!!!

Profile Image for Cat the bookworm.
802 reviews147 followers
May 1, 2023
Heartbreaking. And beautiful. And tender. And did I mention heartbreaking?

I mean - I know it’s going to be good after reading the previous books, who both wrecked me emotionally. I just didn’t know HOW good it’s going to be.

We already met Oliver in the previous book, where he’s one of Gray‘s clients and he‘s trying to get compensation after being trapped in a collapsed tunnel for a week, and we all remember being confused that he accepts a settlement because he doesn’t want to cause problems for the other guy he’s been trapped with. The other man, Jackson/Jax, is in prison because he violated the terms of his parole.

This book here gives us the background, of how Oliver and Jackson met and connected in complete darkness, the only survivors on a train that got buried in a tunnel. I won’t lie - it was terrifying. Imagine being trapped, not knowing if and how you’ll survive, surrounded by bodies you can’t see, because there’s no light at all, not even a tiny bit. It’s an extreme situation, and the way the unlikely pair bonds is described so… realistically. So heart wrenching. You just KNOW Jackson is a good guy under all the gruff shell, even though he went to prison for killing somebody.

I don’t want to spoil it (because yes, you should read it, even if you haven’t read the previous two books).

Just let it be said that it’s beautiful, and ugly, and hard, and full of soft and tender, poetic moments. It will leave you sobbing, and crying tears of happiness when they finally, FINALLY, have their HEA. They’re not your usual mm romance characters, and it’s not some standard mm romance. Brace yourself, and let yourself sucked in in this heart wrenching story.

10 stars out of 5 🥰
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
651 reviews618 followers
November 30, 2022
*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story***

Show Me Wonders is a beautiful emotional ride. Jackson and Oliver have a love story that is not easy and is filled with difficult moments. They are a great pairing due to their intense differences. Jackson is a rough around the edges grumpy biker, while Oliver is a sweet and shy single father who is just trying his best at life.

This story has two tropes that make it quite special that include forced proximity/survival and second-chance romance. Both are perfectly placed within the timeline of the story which makes it quite an emotional read as you go on a journey with Jackson and Oliver, who meet by chance and are forever bound to one another.

Show Me Wonders is a beautiful story that left me emotionally bereft when it ended. I fell for these characters, their desire for one another, and their willingness to sacrifice everything for one chance at a HEA. Their love story is moving and left me anxious while reading if a HEA was even possible.

Overall I loved this story, I loved how strong both Jackson and Oliver were in different ways and how they are such great complements to one another by truly understanding each other while keeping each other safe. Such a wonderful story that left me wanting to see more from this couple. I cannot wait to see what comes next!!!
Profile Image for Ash&#x1f349;.
579 reviews117 followers
November 19, 2022
New challenge: try and read a Riley Nash book without crying (you can’t it’s impossible)

I won an arc for this book about 8 hours ago and I have since devoured the book and my eyes feel like they’re gonna fall out of my head but it was worth it.

I don’t think I have the words to describe this book but anyone who’s read the previous books in this series will be familiar with Nash’s kind of delicious angst, and this book is no exception. Oliver and Jackson fight hard for their happy ever after but it’s all worth it in the end (I won’t say any more or I’ll start crying again).

The only thing I have left to say is
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,790 reviews25 followers
April 12, 2023
2.5 stars

It’s me… I’m the problem it’s me.. lol

I honestly don’t know what about this book I couldn’t connect to but I am so bummed about it.

It could be the narrators, while I do like Wyatt Baker.. Liam DiCosimo isn’t a favorite..

As for the book, the beginning was engaging, I was very invested, then they were rescued my attention for these two went down the toilet.

Also I don’t know how two people who were in a traumatic accident didn’t recognize one another from their voices or at least their brief talks when they started to talk again haha… I mean the names Jax and Ollie aren’t that far off from Jackson and Oliver lol 😂

Also Oliver’s dick hang up 😂, I’m sorry, some people probably who have this might have the same hang ups, but I wasn’t expecting it I guess haha when he officially said why he didn’t want Jackson to touch his dick I was like um what.. that came out of left field! Haha

Also I felt like the characters after the 50% mark were doing things that they wouldn’t have done earlier in the book, idk I just didn’t connect with either MC and I am bummed. I ended up skimming the last 50% of the book..

The one shining light was Jonah and Grey haha seeing them in some scenes was great.

I think either I wasn’t in the mood for this, or i just didn’t click with this book, but either way I am in the minority with the ratings. Don’t get me wrong I will be jumping in reading other Riley Nash books, but you can’t love every book by a favorite author!
Profile Image for Sebby.
106 reviews14 followers
February 6, 2025
This book is batshit crazy and I honestly could not tell if I was supposed to be taking it seriously or not? Like sure I can forgive somehow surviving a week with no water and a deadly gash wound stuck in a tunnel collapse and sure bottoming for the first time in said tunnel collapse with no lube and just vibes is definitely a choice but this book lost all credibility when it’s revealed that the reason Oliver is insecure about his dick is because it’s TEN INCHES long. At that point you need to get that thing it’s own zip code dude I was driving my car when I got to this reveal and had to pause the book because I could not stop fucking cackling that he has a monster cock and it’s ruining his dating life. There was just so much truly insane things happening in this book that a lot of emotional value was lost because I was just baffled like really there’s a huge lucrative gang scene in small town Iowa are you serious right now? Either way 4 stars purely for entertainment value because my god this was a trip
Profile Image for Dani.
1,210 reviews173 followers
January 7, 2023
Both these characters made me hurt. Oliver's agoraphobia and anxiety was so sad, and the stress he put on himself to just deal made it worse 😭.

Jackson stole my heart straight away, but I seriously wanted to shake him with some of the stupid decisions he made.

This was definitely a well earnt HEA and I loved Jackson, Oliver and Megan as a family.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,429 reviews583 followers
December 4, 2022
⭐︎ 5+++++ Stars! Absolutely Blew Me Away! ⭐︎

I loved this, from start to finish. It pulled me in right away. I fell in love with both Oliver and Jackson almost instantly.

The first part of this book details their harrowing days trapped under rubble in the pitch black as the train they were on crashed in the tunnel it was in. They are the only two survivors, and must rely on each other for survival, in the pitch black, unable to see each other, what the other looks like.

They're stuck in there for almost a week, and in that time they fall in love with each other.

Oliver is a shy, nerdy, sweet and caring man who has a 6 year old daughter at home h has to get home to, but is trapped in a loveless relationship with the mother of his daughter, who literally trapped him into a relationship because of his parent's money. An actual gold digger. Who doesn't care about Oliver or their daughter, Megan. But threatens taking custody of her from Oliver if he leaves.

Oliver loves Megan more than anything. And then soon enough, eh comes to love Jackson more than anything too.

All Jackson has known is hardness, darkness, a shitty life. He grew up in trailer parks, in a place where joining a gang was inevitable, really. He's had the shit kicked out of him multiple times. He's had to do horrible shit just to survive.

When he's on that train, he's running. He's toughened from the life he's lived, and when he meets Oliver, he doesn't expect to fall in love. He doesn't expect for the sweet, kind, sincere man to smash through his defenses and become the only good thing that has ever happened to him.

But as close as they get, the outside world seems determined to keep them apart. Once they're finally rescued, Jackson gets put back in jail for violating his parole, and they don't see each other for 6 whole years. At first, Oliver tries to see Jackson in jail, and sends letter after letter, which Jackson never responds to.

But of course, Jackson holds onto every one as if they're precious.

6 years go by, and we see Oliver having left Megan's mother, eventually, and living in Iowa near Gray and Jonah, trying to make ends meet, all on his own, without is parent's help, as they were on Kay's side - Megan's mother- a lot of the time and didn't help Oliver when he needed it most, or apologize when it came to light what she was really life.

They're struggling, but Oliver is determined to make it work, even with his slight case of agoraphobia. He can get out of the house, but there are times when it's too much, or too many people is too much and he can't handle it.

Jackson, since he got out jail the year before, is on the run from his old gang again, and he's in Iowa, just there for a few weeks to make some money, and then move on again.

But he gets a job at the bank Oliver is working at, and that stay is a lot longer than a few weeks, it turns out.

They don't recognize each other at first, as they never saw each other's faces in the tunnel all those years ago. And they go by 'Ollie' and "Jax" in Iowa, so they don't fully work it out.

But they start to fall for each other all over again, and when they eventually figure it out, Jackson seems spooked. But of course, he has to see Oliver again.

Only, he's caught the attention of some bad guys in this small town in Iowa. He was sleeping wherever he could find shelter, and he slept in one car in the yard of a trailer park, and when he went back to get his stuff, this bad looking dude, the type of guy Jackson is familiar with, threatened him if he ever came back on his property.

And right after Jackson and Oliver find out the other is *that* Jackson and Oliver, the guy threatens Jackson again, because the gang Jackson is running from has been seen around the state, looking for him. The guy gives him an option of joining him and helping out with shit whenever he needs him, or leaving town within 24 hours or he's a dead man.

Jackson is planning on leaving, but when he goes to say goodbye to Oliver, they reconnect in such a big way and Jackson just can't say goodbye.

So he takes the guys "offer" to help out whenever, just so he can stay in town and be with Oliver.

Oliver, of course, is overjoyed. And of course, over time, Jackson starts to fall for Megan too, as he finally meets her and gets to know her.

They become Jackson's whole world, and Jackson become's Oliver's. They're so deeply in love and it's so beautiful to read.

The way Jackson barely talks to anyone else and is so hard, walls up around anyone else, but with Oliver he melts...*happy sigh* I love that trope so fucking much.

Oliver and Megan are everything good in Jackson's world and I melt just thinking about the love between them.

It was just so so good and I couldn't put it down. An eventual separation does come near the end - as, of course, him working for that asshole in the trailer park comes to a head sooner or later - but we get to skip over it fairly quickly, which I appreciated.

I'd fallen in love with these two so so much by that second separation that I wouldn't have been able to handle a long time, page wise, with them being apart from each other.

Thankfully, it's not, and they get reunited fairly quickly, book-length wise. For them, it is a few years. But then that's it, the last separation, and seeing them get their HEA after all the heartache and pain was worth all of it.

I so so hope we get a short novella, or even a short bonus scene or something, of these two in the future, because these two were my favorite of this series so far, and that's saying something because I loved the previous two couples as well.

But these two blew it out of the park and I was just entranced from the very begining. Absolutely loved it and HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend. It's just so so SO good!

👍Two MASSIVE thumbs up from me! 👍

Cannot sing this books praises enough. Pick it right away, you won't regret it! All the gushing and love for this wonderful, wonderful book! 😍🥰😘❤️

My Ratings for the Water, Air, Earth, Fire Series:

🔆 Hold Me Under: 5 stars (my review)
🔆 Make Me Fall: 5 stars (my review)
🔆 And All Their Stars: 4.5 stars (my review)
🔆 Show Me Wonders: 5+ stars
Profile Image for KaylaMarie.
131 reviews8 followers
August 20, 2023
✰4 stars✰

I want him like a person wants the nameless feeling that lingers in the memory of their dreams, something taken from them too long ago to remember. And I have no idea what that means.

Okay, woah. This is a beautiful forced proximity/second chance romance if there ever was one.

I haven’t read a story with a premise quite like this one before, being trapped somewhere in pitch darkness with a stranger you’ve never met. It’s a whole new spin on the trope of being forced together that was beautifully and uniquely done.

Oliver and Jackson fall in love without every seeing each other and they get forced apart while being rescued and never get the chance in the chaos.

Oliver pines for Jackson, and God do you feel for him.

It’s beautiful watching them meet years later, not realizing who the other is and start to fall in love for a second time.

Their world still isn’t without issues and you get to watch them struggle and try to over come it all.

They say a story is only as good as its ending.
Some heroes look death in the face for one chance at love.
Others stand up to fate and win.

But I like the ones no one bothers to write down, where the hero flaunts the demands of fate and says fuck it. He just goes home, opens his front door, and walks into the arms of the ones he loves. Because in the end, that’s all he was ever fighting for.

Riley Nash totally nailed it with this one, and I highly recommend if you are looking for a story about two people who are unbelievably fated to be together.
Profile Image for Cyndi (hiatus).
721 reviews48 followers
August 18, 2023
I'll go ahead and jump on the bandwagon and say that Riley Nash is freaking amazing. Somehow he has managed to gift us with three beautiful novels and one absolutely gorgeous short story this year that couldn't be more different in tone and character voice. I feel like most authors have a fairly recognizable style, but not this one. It's like the characters truly are writing their own stories and I've loved starting each new book in this series with no idea what to expect.

Oliver was one of those characters you instantly want to roll in bubble wrap and protect at all costs. There was a softness to him that made him an easy target to be taken advantage of. He trusted too easily and loved with his entire heart, which led to a miserable existence where each day was spent living a lie in order to keep the peace and, in turn, keep his daughter, Megan. I immediately warmed to Oliver and, as the story progressed, I liked him more and more. His relationship with Megan was so special and I loved the way his love for her was reflected not only in the way he cared for her, but in all the things he did to make her feel important and valued. That same care and devotion was eventually extended to Jackson too and there was nothing better than seeing a big, scary man reduced to mush at the hands of a man who spent his free time knitting sweaters for fun.

Jackson was an interesting character. He was quiet because most of the time he didn't know what to say and when he did say things, they were almost innocently blunt, like he'd either never learned the art of mincing words or didn't see any point in it. I loved that about him. Life had been cruel to him and his experiences were a subtle but sad reminder that we put a lot of faith into a broken system that chews people up and spits them out. We're stuck in a lot of binaries because people don't want to deal with the gray areas and that leaves a lot of cracks for people to slip through. Without Oliver, I strongly believe Jackson would have been one of those people. We all know that love can't fix people, but sometimes people do things for love or because of love that change their lives forever.

All of that being said, there were a couple of reasons why I couldn't cough up that fifth star. The first was that I would have preferred something different in Part I. Considering the dire circumstances that forced Oliver and Jackson together, I think I would have felt their emotional connection more had it been rooted in conversations and non-sexual moments of intimacy where they cared for each other and worked to keep each other calm and safe. It initially began that way, but then things got physical and it felt like I'd stepped into a different story - one that didn't make a whole lot of sense.

The second reason was that the high volume of suspended disbelief required for things to progress the way they did often left me exasperated. My condolences to any author trying to make their MC's lose contact in the digital age because the reality is that it's pretty hard. What's even harder is trying to convince a reader. I respected the hustle in this book, but the result was a lot of contrived and convenient narrative decisions that stuck out like a sore thumb and pulled me out of the story as my heart begged me to go with the flow and my brain staunchly refused.

In the grand scheme of things, the characters made up for the niggles I had. I loved the letters Oliver and Jackson sent to each other and the way Oliver refused to pass judgement on Jackson without his side of the story. I adored every moment Jackson spent with Oliver's daughter. Of course, seeing Gray and Jonah again will never be a hardship and I was so happy to get a glimpse at their growing family. This truly was a beautiful story about unexpected love and second (and third!) chances. I can't say that I was super excited to learn that the fourth book will be MMM, which is historically not my cup of tea, but we all know I'm going to read it, so whatever.

*I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
566 reviews659 followers
August 11, 2023
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes & tags down below.

I sit with the ghosts of everything I wanted, everything I lost, the man I can barely remember, the promise I made myself afterward that I didn’t need love to be content. The fear that if I do somehow find love, I’ll erase him completely.

I quite often mention how easily I cry when reading, but this book legitimately made me sob. My face is puffy, it feels like someone rubbed sand in my eyes, and it looks like someone locked a teenager in my room for a week with only tissues and lotion for entertainment, if you look at all the snotty tissues lying around. This book broke my heart into tiny pieces, and it’s too soon to say if it put it back together again or not. Of course it’s another five star book by Riley Nash, because it’s absolutely brilliant, emotional and beautiful, but christ, it wrecked me. I won’t read it again, because it was right at the edge of what I can personally handle, but it was worth it. I think?

I’m running out of things you touched, Ollie.

Oliver is just a beautiful soul who deserves all the good things, and the universe took it’s sweet goddamn time giving it to him. Both MCs had to fight tooth and nail for everything they got, and it nearly wasn’t enough. If you’ve read either of the first two books, you know to expect emotional turmoil of epic proportions from this series, and this one certainly followed through on that.

If only wanting were enough, I’d be the king of everything.

If I had to give some sort of criticism, it would be that I wish we got a longer epilogue. Considering the struggles lasted most of the book, I felt naked and raw and left outside in the cold with how it ended. Personally, I could’ve used a gentler and slower let-down after all that. That’s not to say it wasn’t there. It was, and it was sweet, but I think I needed more.

He gives a little snort, like he’s stifling a giggle. “What now?” “Sorry, it’s just… the fucking romance trope. I’m soooo cold. Here, let me hold you close. Oops, I kissed you. Let me put my dick where you can keep it warm.” When he’s done, I leave him hanging in awkward silence for way too long. “Let it be known that I’m not the one making this weird.”

I’m going to go read something comforting for a bit. Highly recommend though. Fucking fantastic book, but ouch. Bring tissues.

Oh, and someone please get these guys some damn lube.

Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Disaster, survival, demisexual/bi-awakening, single dad, strangers to lovers, separated by outside forces, transcends tropes, mental illness, MC in prison, hard-fought HEA, angst, hung bottom

⚠️⚠️ Content warning ⚠️⚠️
Explicit sexual content
Homophobia (brief, from unnamed side character)
*from the author*
A disaster situation
Emotional distress
Brief description of vehicle accident
Mentions of blood and dead bodies
Mental illness
Panic attacks
Mentions of past suicide attempts
Domestic abuse

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Book safety ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Cheating: No
OM drama: No
Third-act breakup: Yes. They are separated for a long time, several times.
POV: 1st person, dual POV
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
828 reviews233 followers
December 1, 2022
"I want him like a person wants the nameless feeling that lingers in the memory of their dreams, something taken from them too long ago to remember. And I have no idea what that means."

Show Me Wonders is the third book in the fabulous Water, Air, Earth, Fire series by Riley Nash. This is Oliver and Jackson's story and it is a heart-wrenching, angst-ridden story, born out of disaster and horror into the hardest won HEA.

So many fave tropes in this one, including forced proximity, first times, bi-awakening, second chance, opposites attract -but at its heart this is simply a love story, with two souls who are meant to be together come what may.

Loved it.

Show me All The Stars ✨✨✨✨✨
Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
1,079 reviews160 followers
February 4, 2024
“Sorry, it’s just… the fucking romance trope. I’m soooo cold. Here, let me hold you close. Oops, I kissed you. Let me put my dick where you can keep it warm.”

When he’s done, I leave him hanging in awkward silence for way too long. “Let it be known that I’m not the one making this weird.”

3.9 - 4

This book does have a pretty sad story in there, not so much because of what happened but how it developed further.
For my personal taste there were too many roadblocks and subplots that were - again - unresolved or done with in a couple of sentences and I really wanted that resolve to be in complete favour of the main characters, but in this book (as in the first one) I felt the main relationship was overshadowed a bit by twists of fate that seemed endless, so the last 10-20% of the book didn't really work for me - therefore the rating.

🟣 Demisexual/Asexual/GFY (in my opinion this was a gfy as well)
🟡 Single dad/(Ex-)con
🟢 Hurt/Comfort
🔵 A traumatic event, possible trauma-bonding
🟠 Mental health issues on both sides
🔴 Abuse (emotional, physical, not on-page, not between MMCs)
🔵 Forced proximity (trapped together)
🟣 Opposites attract (big, inked bad guy and a small nerdy dad)
🟡 Found family (would've liked more of it, they didn't connect enough)
🌶️ A lot of intimacy, some sex, emotional and a fantastic balance of everything; t/b

This story had a really interesting twist and even though you might think it'd be too dramatic for you to read about being trapped in a train under some rocks for about a week, it wasn't that angsty.

Jackson and Oliver met when the train they took got crushed under the falling rocks, they were the only two survivors and made it to 6 days in complete darkness. Now, things about how they survived aren't really credible, I'll give you that, they'd be so dehydrated based on a few sips of water they drank, a lot of crying and orgasming that they probably wouldn't be alive anymore in reality - but they made it!
And they parted ways without seeing each other for the next 6 years.

"Up close, I can’t decide if he has a scary voice or not. Something about the low steadiness, the scratchy texture, sits comfortingly in my chest."

"Of course he’s wearing a sweater. He’s like a sweater personified."

Oliver and Jackson - surprisingly for them both - get close and intimate when being trapped, so with that new awakening they stumble on a long and troublesome road to their happy ever after.

It takes years for them to finally meet and when they do, they still can't make it work. They both have a plethora of issues in their lives that they're dealing with, with Jackson being a former con who's on the run from his former gang and Oliver being a broke single dad dealing with the aftermath of the accident - it's not a fairytale romance, it's more of a gritty real world thankfuckigettokeephim romance.

They don't have a lot of sex, but they're intimate all the time. The sex scenes that were present were hot and sexy, I think they could've offered us a lot more, but the author didn't take us down that road. It's more of just touching each other, penetrative sex not being the final goal.
They're so connected, it felt like it was permanent already when they were trapped in the darkness.

It goes from

"Leaning up, I kiss the corner of his mouth. “I can be your boyfriend. I’m not ashamed of that.”
To my surprise, he frowns. “It sounds cheap. It’s not enough.”
Not enough for six years and a thousand miles and the rush of absolute peace whenever I meet him for the first time. “What, then?”
“You’re…” He rests his fist on his chest, over his heart, like it’s clutched in his palm. “You’re this. You’re the reason it’s still beating. But I don’t have a word for it.”


“Shit,” he whines. “Jax, fuck. I haven’t played with it a single time. Can you feel? It’s tight because I saved it for you.”

The story definitely could've had more smut. Just being demi doesn't mean you don't have sex a lot. Actually when you find your person, you can be the ultimate slut and Oliver having a bigger-than-average-dick yeah, I wanted that to be utilised more.

I really liked where everything was going all until Jackson decided to split. When they were building something and instead of just him coming clean trying to get out of the shit he's in, Jackson goes and breaks Oliver's heart for the second time around - but this time it was completely pointless and the events that followed were there for absolutely no reason at all.
That part should've been way more thought-out. Questions in my mind were if Oliver was close with Gray, why couldn't they turn to him for help? Why did Oliver move back from Iowa to his parents' and then two years later again back to Iowa? So pointless. I didn't like that development and instead of adding that to the story, it'd be better if Oliver and Jax had more time together on-page. They really should've stayed together and work it out that first time around.

The Garrett trailer park gang just disappeared, Jackson's old gang somehow stopped chasing him, he went back to pay his dues yet none of it was on-page. And besides, just taking off and not explaining anything to Oliver while the guy is searching all over for you, gaaahhh... Not a fan, Jackson. I'm not a fan.

Jackson and Oliver had a lot of potential but I think their story could've been so much better. I honestly think they didn't really get what they deserved. A lot of things don't feel satisfyingly resolved.

I want it to be known that even though I'm rating this book with 3.9 - 4⭐ and did Gray's book with 4.25⭐ (but the follow-up novella was stellar), these books are very good. I've rounded down my rating because of some of the things I personally didn't like, but overall this author's writing is fantastic, for me personally they just bring the perfect amount of everything into the story, cover all the details, you're not left wondering about anything pertaining to the main couple's relationship.
There is a small niggle of how events develop, I think that was nailed in Gray's book, but not here, so that needs to be worked on a little bit more, but other than that these are books worth reading.

Gray and Jonah remain my #1 though. 😄❤️
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,226 reviews61 followers
November 14, 2022
I'm struggling to find words to review this book because it's so good it gave me a huge hangover, but it's also unique. It's the third in the series, and can be read as a standalone, though characters from the second book appear in this one. I recommend at least reading Make Me Fall.

Oliver and Jackson meet under what can easily be called less-than-optimum circumstances, but given who they were before they are trapped together underground, it's unlikely they would have met otherwise. Oliver's a gay man married to a woman because of the child who resulted from their disastrous hookup, and Jackson's an escaped convict. They shouldn't suit each other, but they do.

I won't say much more because I don't want to spoil the story, but I will say that if you go into this book expecting Make Me Fall 2.0 and characters who are like Jonah and Gray, you can stop right now. This is not that book. Ollie and Jax are endearing and sexy, and they have a long road to their HEA, but that path is significantly different from Make Me Fall, though no less engaging.

I may even like it best of all Riley's work so far, because of the challenges faced and met, and the unique connection Ollie and Jax have. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for TrippyBooks.
926 reviews447 followers
January 8, 2023
This one, although still enjoyable, had some issues that really irked my nerves.

1. I just feel like sex will be the last thing on my mind if I was trapped in a tunnel after a Tragedy. But sure let’s ignore that and move on

2. If you’re looking for someone named Jackson and someone introduces you and their name is JaX… and the same coin you’re looking for someone name Oliver and you meet someone Named Ollie
But you’re both too stupid to realize this is who you’re looking for the entire time??? I don’t buy it

3. Have these people never heard of lube.

4. I hated the third act conflict & This man spend the entire book running away from him, and absolutely does no groveling. Every single one of his friends and family watched this happen. Yet they still are welcome him with open arms?
I don’t buy that either.

Overall, it was a decent book, but there was just too many things I didn’t like, so it wasn’t my favorite . I look forward to the next book however.
Profile Image for Morgan ♓︎.
309 reviews79 followers
May 26, 2023
I thought I was going to rate this higher because the first 30-40% of this book was a pleasant read. I really enjoyed the beginning where they’re trapped in a tunnel together because I loved the forced proximity trope, especially when it’s a life or death situation. In this one, two men are the only survivors of a mountain collapsing on a train they were riding which results in them being buried together in complete darkness while they wait for help to come.

I also liked the second chance romance they had afterwords. It was sweet even if it was extremely unrealistic. The couple had cute moments and I liked their dynamic as a wholesome dad x biker with a troubled past.

But after the first 30-40% the story lost my attention little by little until I was finally skimming the last 100 pages. At some point the story became so unrealistic that I was taken out of the book completely. It lost any uniqueness it had at the beginning and the conflict of the second half dragged. The romance got way too sappy for my tastes and then the ending was awful and had strange character choices all around. I started to dislike reading it so much that I began to forget what it was that I enjoyed about the beginning of the book.

These are some of the things, in detail, that I disliked about the book, but a warning for spoilers:

I love the forced proximity trope, especially when it brings together two people who otherwise would never have interacted with each other in their day-to-day lives together. This had that, but didn’t have anything else going for it. 🫤
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
668 reviews230 followers
August 5, 2023
my feelings urmagad. rtc when i get my thoughts in order
Profile Image for E.L. Ough.
Author 8 books96 followers
December 5, 2022
I needed a minute, some processing time before I wrote my review.
I went in blind, I didn’t read reviews or even the blurb, but it’s a Riley Nash book so I was always going to read it!!
It was nothing like I’ve ever read before, it was so much, it was so good, it was super emotional, it was intense, it hit a nerve in me and I couldn’t put it down, it consumed me for a few days.

These two men Jackson and Oliver are both broken men but in different ways, they first meet in darkness, they form a bond, they form a friendship, a lovers relationship, a kinship, and understanding, they haven’t seen each other but have experienced so much in the 7 days they are buried in a collapsed tunnel. Then they are rescued and they are ripped apart and go back to the lives they had in the light. Both had to learn to live without the other and try overcome the everyday obstacles that just kept being thrown at them.

Jax and Ollie meet again years later in the light but don’t know each other, but the bond they formed in the dark starts to show between them until fate decides to show his hand and they are again separated.

Sometimes things in life are not easy and you have to fight hard for what you want. These two men fought hard, it took them years, and falling in love twice before they decided to tell fate NO, we belong together so you can just back the F up and leave us alone.

They won their HEA but my god did they both work for it.

If you haven’t already read this series, I urge you too, Riley writes the most beautifully broken men and she touches every emotion you hold within you, and she deals with complex everyday issues so well.

This book has so many things, content spoilers below. There are also trigger warnings for this book please read if you’re sensitive to them.

Second chance love
Demisexual rep
Hurt comfort
Years pining
Double Gay for you
Single dad
Mental health rep

This is the 3rd book in the Water, Air, Earth, Fire series and Riley nails the elements in each book.

Profile Image for Evelyn220.
557 reviews30 followers
December 4, 2022
5⭐️ Damn, Nash murdered my heart with this one. Sobbing, blubbering, painful. It doesn’t let up, not until the very end… And yet, somehow, she made me love every second of it.
The first 1/4 of this book blew me away. The survival story was raw and visceral and is forever burned into my brain as if it were a true event. It was that well written.

I don’t even know what else to say. Read it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews

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