The Poseidon Trials have never been more deadly, and it’s not just my life at stake. Poseidon, my sister, and the whole realm of Aquarius are just as likely to die as I am if we don’t stop Atlas.
But the revelations coming my way are so much worse than anything the insane Titan can throw at me.
Between discovering the rest of the Oracle’s prophecy, what happened between Poseidon and Atlas’ wife, learning to use my magic, and trying to save my sister's life, only one thing is certain.
If I fall in love with the fierce sea god, it will kill me as surely as the stone will.
Sacrifice of the Brave King is the last book in the Poseidon Trials trilogy. Expect magic, mythology, and a long-awaited end to a searing slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance that will leave you desperate for more.
Twists, turns, revelations, and a steamy happy ending are guaranteed.
Eliza Raine writes Greek mythology inspired fantasy that is fast paced, full of new worlds and creatures and sprinkled with a healthy dose of romance. She lives near Reading in England with her husband, three cats and outrageously cute puppy. She has a BA Hons in History and has a deep-rooted passion for mythology and stories about women who don't need rescuing. She can usually be found reading fairytale retellings, playing board games or binge-watching Netflix shows.
You can read some of Eliza's stories for free by visiting her website at
This was a really fun series, and I'd definitely return to Eliza Raine's books in the future.
The trials were still really interesting and she's continued to develop a really interesting world, but the action ended up tiring me out a bit - it was just constant high stakes and near-death encounters. The plot would have benefitted from some breathing room, especially as it was a little rushed at the end.
Reading the Poseidon Trials series has been an incredibly amazing experience. It has taken me on a thrilling roller coaster ride that I thoroughly enjoyed. The series was a perfect blend of excitement, intense emotions, romance, and adventure. Sacrifice of the Brave King provided a flawless ending that left me completely satisfied.
The first two books of the Poseidon Trials series built up excitement and curiosity, making me really want to know the answers to the mysteries they presented. When those answers were finally revealed, I felt incredibly satisfied. The author did a great job in revealing them, slowly and in a well-planned way, so that everything made sense. These revelations not only answered lingering questions, but also helped me understand the characters, their motivations, and the intricate world the author had created.
What impressed me most was the author’s attention to detail and her ability to plant subtle clues and foreshadowing throughout the series. As I delved deeper into SOTBK, I couldn't help but appreciate the cleverly crafted hints of things to come that had been scattered throughout the previous books.
The undeniable chemistry between Almi and Poseidon was evident throughout the entire book. It was a joy to witness their teamwork and the evolution of their love story throughout the trials. Almi's journey from a vulnerable individual to a strong and admirable heroine was portrayed with depth and sensitivity. And Poseidon turned into a loveable character and we finally got to see his true self and emotions.
Eliza Raine has won me over as a devoted fan, and I eagerly anticipate reading her future works.
Un tout petit peu trop "happy ending" pour que ça fasse "réaliste" mais ça me satisfait quand même parce que j'adore quand tout fini bien !
Une bonne trilogie agréable à lire. Perso c'est mes lectures d'entre-deux : quand vous lisez des livres assez intenses en détails et en actions, vous avez besoin de lire des livres plus simples pour décompresser ! Et bien cette série a eu ce rôle là pour moi.
The end did feel a little bit rushed but I’m glad it was a happy ending. I would’ve appreciated more mythology descriptions & romance between Poseidon & almi. Overall for Poseidons perspective this is unique
I loved the Poseidon Trials so much and just like the other Trials series this one was absolutely brilliant. The conclusion of the series was perfect for Poseidon and Almi. I love the fact we get to see a bit more of Hades and Persephone too. I adore Kryvo too, he's such an adorable little starfish and he wants to help Almi, even if he is scared.
Almi is determined as ever as Atlas puts her to the test in the trials. She's grown stronger with every book and I love her determination to save her sister even when the odds are against her.
Ms Raine has outdone herself with this one. I have loved all of her Olympus-themed Trials books, but this one is by far the best. From literal laugh out loud moments to actual tears, this story grabbed ahold of me and wouldn’t let go. Honestly, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I couldn’t put it down due to the suspense, and am now grieving its end. These characters were fantastic, and I really can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This follows Poseidon and his eventual love interest. I’ve been reading all of the trilogy series by these two authors. Hades Trials were the best imo since they were the first ones written. It feels like it was quite a stretch to make this into three separate books. Thank goodness for Kindle Unlimited otherwise I wouldn’t have continue this series. Way too much detail into the each actual trials that was very repetitive, boring, and didn’t lead to any character building. I’m now invested into this because I want to know what the heck Zeus is up to. Each of these series can be boiled down to one book.
All three books were full of adventure and action. I honestly could visually/mentally imagine it as if I were watching a movie version of the books. I did enjoy reading those books.
I gave 3 stars (probably more like 3.5) because of a few proofreading mistakes and mostly because I could not bring myself to enjoy Almi (the FMC). I felt like her character was ruining the experience for me because she seems to be written as a woman somewhere in her 20s but her actions and reactions were very teenager-ish. It’s mentioned in a conversation with Poseidon how impulsive she is so I guess that is intentional. I could not connect a person who throws temper tantrums, doesn’t seem able to connect some basic dots without a lot of help, and has tunnel vision in regards to her sister to the cool stuff she does. I just felt like she was EXTREMELY lucky. Her character didn’t exactly evolve like Poseidon’s did, so I just couldn’t connect.
Again, the books are still an enjoyable read but I wouldn’t reread.
This is the third and final book in the Poseidon Trials. Atlas is in control but can they beat him? Can they defeat Medusa? Almi and Poseidon have been working together to collect shells and win the trials. Poseidon’s life, his trident, and his realm are relying on them to win. They are spending a lot of time together. Their love hate relationship is turning into something more real and passionate.
Almi is running out of time. She must decipher the prophecy from the oracle if she is to save her sister Lily, Poseidon, and Aquarius from the stone blight. “He who possesses the heart of the Nereid possesses the Heart of the Ocean”. What is the Heart of the Ocean? Will Almi discover the location of the Heart of the Ocean? The only way to cure the stone blight is with the Heart of the Ocean. Almi visits the oracle to hear the rest of the prophecy. “True love is not a necessity, pure possession will seal the deal. But true love will never go unnoticed. Should a Nereid fall in love, she will die, her mortal body cast aside, and her soul made extinct.”
Why would Poseidon hide this from her? Is there any way to save everyone? Almi cannot fall in love with Poseidon. What if he returns her love? What a mess for Almi. Almi cannot help but fall in love with Poseidon as they spend a lot of time together during the trials. She fights her feelings for Poseidon because she believes she can never forgive him for separating her from her sister Lily. She is discovering the real Poseidon. It is satisfying when she realizes everything he has sacrificed for her. But if she falls in love, she will die. She needs to put distance between them but that is impossible. Watching them discover their true feelings for each other was delightful. Their passion is hot and consumes them like a tsunami. They fit so well together. Almi and Poseidon are amazing! Together they are a breath of fresh ocean air and tumultuous waves.
There are many surprises during their trials. The action keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next. Aquarius and Olympus need Almi and Poseidon to defeat Atlas and Medusa. The characters are wonderful. Kryvo the starfish is a strong ally and cute sidekick. He gives Almi the boost of courage she needs. It is a wonderful bonus to have Hades and Persephone in the story. It is always a pleasure to see them again. Eliza has built a wonderful world and it just keeps getting better. This was a amazing trilogy. The stories just keep getting better. I thoroughly enjoyed this series especially this last book in the trilogy. This book was a great ending to the series. I look forward to reading more books by Eliza Raine. I cannot wait for her next book! I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Et c’est encore une saga de terminée. Clap de fin pour Les épreuves de Poseidon. Je suis tombée par hasard sur cette saga, un jour en farfouillant Booknode. J’étais très curieuse de découvrir cette saga. D’autant plus que je suis fan de mythologie alors découvrir des sagas traitant de mythologie c’est clairement ma passion pour le coup. Maintenant que j’ai terminé celle ci, il me tarde de me plonger dans les autres sagas de cette auteure. J’ai hâte de découvrir celle d’Hadès et celle d’Arès.
Ce que j’aime dans ce roman c’est que ça se lit tout seul. La plume de l’auteure est fluide et addictive. Les chapitres sont assez court ce qui fait que l’on ne les voit pas défiler. On arrive tellement vite à la fin que l’on a même pas le temps de réaliser tout ce qu’on a lu. J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé sa plume, elle est simple mais terriblement efficace. C’est d’ailleurs bien pour ça que je suis impatiente de découvrir ces autres romans, je sens que je vais me régaler!
Dans ce troisième et dernier tome, les Épreuves de Poséidon n’ont jamais été aussi meurtrières, et ce n’est pas seulement ma vie qui est en jeu. Poséidon, la sœur d’Almi et tout le royaume du Verseau pourraient mourir avec elle si ils n’arrêtent pas Atlas. Mais les révélations qui l’attendent sont bien pires que tout ce que ce Titan fou pourrait déchainer contre elle. Maintenant qu’elle découvre le reste de la prophétie de l’Oracle, et ce qui s’est passé entre Poséidon et la femme d’Atlas, qu’elle apprend à utiliser sa magie et qu’elle essaye de sauver la vie de sa sœur, une seule chose est certaine. Si elle tombe amoureuse du féroce dieu de la mer, il l’a tuera aussi sûrement que la pierre.
On découvre enfin la dernière épreuve et comment toute cette histoire se termine. J’avais très hâte de découvrir qu’elle allait être la dernière épreuve mais surtout comment toute l’histoire allait se terminer. Je n’ai pas été déçu en tout cas. La dernière épreuve n’est pas des moindres pour le coup. Je n’en dirais pas plus sur ça pour ne pas spoiler évidemment. Mais j’ai vraiment adoré. C’est d’ailleurs l’épreuve que j’ai clairement préféré entre toute. Jusqu’au bout on se demande ce qu’il va bien finir par arriver, mais surtout on se pose des tas de questions à propos de la prophétie, de Poseidon et Almi également. En bref, on se pose beaucoup de questions. J’ai beaucoup aimé le fait que tout est maintenu jusqu’à la fin. Finalement, il va falloir attendre les derniers chapitres pour avoir toutes les réponses �� nos questions. Ce tome réunit tout ce qu’il faut pour passer un bon moment, action, révélation, rebondissements et j’en passe.
Du côté des personnages, je dois avouer que j’aurais eu tendance à penser que la romance prenne plus de place que ça. Finalement quand on prend la totalité de la saga, on se rend compte que la romance passe vraiment au second plan. D’un sens ce n’est pas plus mal même si j’aurais vraiment apprécier d’en avoir un peu plus entre les deux personnages. Ce n’est pas une mauvaise chose en soit, au moins ça permet d’être concentré sur les épreuves, ce qui est tout de même le titre de la saga, mais c’est vrai que j’aurais aimé un tout petit peu plus. J’ai beaucoup aimé le personnage de Poseidon. On découvre qui il est vraiment dans ce tome et c’est même assez surprenant. Je ne pensais pas du tout découvrir tout ça sur lui. C’est qu’il cache bien son jeu au final notre Dieu. En tout cas, son personnage a un très beau développement je trouve. Quand on pense à ce qu’il était dans le premier tome, il en fait du chemin. Du côté d’Almi, là aussi je dois dire que j’ai beaucoup aimé son personnage. Elle aussi a une belle évolution. Je la trouve vraiment courageuse et plus que forte. Elle a tant à porter sur ses épaules mais elle se montre plus que forte pour le coup. À plusieurs moments, je dois bien le dire, elle m’a fait beaucoup de peine. J’ai beaucoup aimé la relation entre les deux, bien qu’elle soit légère et discrète dans le roman, j’ai quand même beaucoup aimé les découvrir. On se rend compte qu’entre les deux c’est le véritable amour qui les unit. Mais comme je le dis plus haut, j’aurais tout de même aimé voir beaucoup plus la romance. Alors je peux aussi comprendre qu’au vu de la prophétie, il se passe ce qu’il se passe mais en même temps je trouve ça vraiment dommage qu’il faille attendre la toute fin pour avoir enfin ce que l’on attendre.
Ce troisième tome conclut parfaitement bien la trilogie. J’ai beaucoup aimé la découvrir. Moi qui suit fan de mythologie, j’ai été ravie de lire cette saga. Je suis déjà très impatiente de découvrir les autres sagas de cette auteure, ils sont tous dans ma PAL d’ailleurs! La plume est fluide et addictive, une fois le nez dedans il est difficile d’en sortir. L’univers est passionnant tout comme l’intrigue, on se prête au jeu, on se pose des tas de questions, on se demande ce qui va bien pouvoir arriver à Poseidon et Almi. Toutes les réponses sont dans ce tome ci. J’ai tant aimé voir comment toute cette histoire se termine. Ça conclut tout parfaitement et j’ai adoré le dernier chapitre. Maintenant, je veux connaître l’histoire d’Hadès et Arès!
WOW. Eliza may have outdone herself with her final installment of The Poseidon Trials. Lots of action, emotion, anticipation, and sacrifice.
We've been through everything with Almi and Poseidon - each trial bringing them closer to the end goal...which may have become a bit murky as they both work to unpack their internal desires for one another. When we learn that [SPOILER] the prophecy states that Almi will *die* if she and Poseidon fall in love with one another, it felt like my heart was ripped from my chest! I loved Hades and Persephone's story in THE HADES TRIALS, Bella and Ares' story in THE ARES TRIALS was pretty epic as well, but Almi and Poseidon just cannot catch a break!
First, which we know by now, Almi's forced to marry Poseidon in order for him to have the full power of the ocean. When they're married, he banishes her to the mortal realm where she's stranded for 8 years. Unknown to her, Poseidon never left her and always watched her. His suffering through her suffering was awful - but necessary to protect her...something we learn more about in Book 3. When she returns, a mad Titan has resurfaced and removed Poseidon from his throne, along with his trident, and forces them BOTH to enter the trials. When it's clear that Poseidon is not meant to win on his own, Almi is forced to compete and win. By now, they've both realized feelings for one another {HELLO SPICY BEDROOM SCENE IN VIRGO!} and they understand that they're a danger to themselves, and the people who are counting on them to win - they can't let themselves fall in love...too risky, dangerous, and deadly.
Catapulted into Atlantis, they're forced to come to terms with their love for one another through true sacrifice that will break your heart into a million pieces. Your heart will race, your eyes will start reading faster than they've ever read before, and you'll find yourself hoping things will work out in the end.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This was a story of the queen of the seas, Poseidon’s wife has been banned to the human world but nothing will stop her from saving her sister.
This was the 3th series in the trials books and every series gets better and better. I loved the world building as it was written so beautiful and in detail but yet not overtaking. The way the story was portrayed was just stunning. It’s a quick and easy story and the trials were just brutal (as expected).
A lot of secrets gets unfolded as the story get on and the ending? I didn’t see all of that coming, the death the coming back, losing and winning and the biggest secret of all was the story of Medusa.
Overall I loved the build up to the ending, I waited until all books were out to read them because I knew that I would read them all at once and couldn’t wait. I am kinda sad that the covers of the paperbacks don’t match the other (only the ebook covers match the previous paperbacks) but else I would’ve bought them too to add to my collection.
I would definitely recommend them to everyone, there is almost no spice other them 1 sex scene in the last chapter of the last book (and that one is also very minimal).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Eliza is a must read for me. I've enjoyed the ride with Almi and Poseidon. I would say this series isn't as good as Hades or Ares'. This series has a few conveniences that don't make much, if any, sense except to fit the story. This book particularly had a few editing issues, there was a chapter titled Almi which was supposed to be Poseidon, along with quite a few other mistakes, but I'm taking that as dedication for getting this 3rd installment to us promptly. I am a bit concerned that everyone just keeps getting more powerful, I'm a little reminiscent of our human/low power group in immortality trials who could defeat monsters with wit and a bit of power. This did feel a bit repetitive with: monster use power to defeat it, bigger monster, she'll need bigger power to defeat it give her bigger power, bigger monster, more power, defeat in the exact same way. I mean she had 'air power' and the only thing she did with it was make a whirlwind, there was little finesse about what it could do.
But I enjoyed the characters and I was glad to be back in Olympus!
This is not a standalone book, and it picks up at the point the last book left off with a cliffhanger. That means you need to read the Poseidon Trials Trilogy in order.
Almi and Poseidon have come to the final part of the trials that Atlas is controlling. Poseidon’s affliction is weakening him, and it is up to Almi to make sure that he makes it through. A trip to the Oracle reveals the truths behind her prophecies, and they set off in the face of extreme odds, Almi determined to win.
There’s a lot of heart pounding action, tear-jerker moments, and fateful events in this finale to Poseidon’s tale. That being said, it does end well, eventually, and we see some great resolutions as well as learning the whole story that lead to current events.
A thoroughly entertaining end to an enjoyable story. This one’s great for fans of Greek Mythology and the author.
Action, Humor and so much more! An unputdownable Series!!!
Eliza Raine does it again with this amazing new series!!! BRAVO! I have read all of her previous trilogies like “The Hades Trials” and “The Ares Trials” and each one has been unique, intriguing, packed-full of action, humor, many twists and turns, as well as, romance, and amazing main and second characters. This new trilogy has all it all, in spades! I love both main characters, Poseidon and Almi. Almi is such a quirky and funny character, that just makes you love her and root for her. The second characters are amazing and add so much color to the story....ahhhhh! I cannot get enough. Each trilogy can be read as a standalone and in any order you wish, BUT I do recommend that you read them in order to enhance your reading experience. Highly recommended ❤️❤️❤️
-dind't understand a thing about the world building -what exacatly did she do in the human world for 8 years??? -Who the heck are her parents? -don't ask me anything about the plot, no idea what happend -i couldn't handle any of the dialogues, only thinking about them makes me cringe -srly nothing made sense -the long white hair made everything worse - "his long white hair waved in the wind" .... pleeease I DIED -1.spicy.scene - why did I read 3 (!) books about a huge, sexy white haired GOD, with muscles to die for and a trident (Dreizack) - only to get one spicy scene IN THE EPILOG!! -vampires?! WHY i have so many questions -so basically the sister was dead for 10 years, then alive for 2 seconds, then droped dead and now she's back alive
i loved every single second!! it's so bad that it's good again starting now with the Hades Trials, i'm obsessed
Well folks the final act has arrived in what has been a fabulous journey with Almi and Poseidon. Soooo many surprises and hidden secrets are revealed in what is among many things a masterful and defining exploration into the intricacies of love and the sacrifices we are willing to make to hold onto it. There is wonderful writing, action and suspense again commanding this third entry BUT you’ll have to read the book yourself to have all your BURNING questions answered, no spoilers here! Suffice to say… of course there was a happy ending! I thoroughly enjoyed this series and look forward to what the author crafts for the reader in future! Highly recommended!
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Well, that was fabulous! Who would have thought that Mr Grumpy himself had such hidden depths! This story was a masterstroke, and really filled out Poseidon's character, and it was great to have Persephone crop up a few times (she's still my favourite heroine!) As always, this was a total page turner and whilst there wasn't quite so much sizzling action as we had in some of the other stories, I think that's quite fitting for Poseidon's character. I'm afraid that Hades now has competition as my top Olympian!.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Big thanks to Eliza Raine for the eARC in exchange for a review.
This is the 3rd installment for the Poseidon Trials and follows Poseidon and Almi, completing the last of the trials to win back Aquarius.
Things have been busy and I missed the second in the series, but was able to pick up without issues. I think starting on the third, without the first or second at all would be difficult but there was enough information to be able to enjoy the third wit out the second.
It wraps up pretty happily, I do enjoy my less than happy ending books, but "everything works out fine" was expected.
I'm a big fan of Eliza and the Greek mythology so, of course I'm giving this one 4 stars.
“Watching the god of the sea, one of the three ruling Kings of Olympus, and the most serious man I’d ever met, build a fortress out of cushions was a frigging delight.”
“Wine is a very good place to begin.”
I thought Hades and Persephone were my favorite! Now Poseidon and Almi are up there as my favorite couple! This was such a great ending to Poseidon and Almi’s story! When I first started Poseidon and Almi’s story, it was a slow start but the third book was far from slow. I loved it! I love watching the Gods show their true feelings by the end of the books! Honestly if you have read any of them, you are missing out! Eliza does a great job at the modern retelling of the stories of the gods and goddess!
Incredible. A heart-stopping ending to a great trilogy. It was not easy and the authors managed to make me suffer, especially during the last chapters, with the agony that was saving Aquarius from the end that had been prophesied. As always the authors grab us with the strength, fortitude and integrity of our girl protagonist. Almi fought alongside the man who caused her great suffering just to save her sister, however, in the end she acted as always expected: with determination and courage regardless of her own future. A love that overcame all the obstacles that enemies put in her way and was rewarded.
I am so sorry that I have not left a review on the previous books… I will figure out how to.
What can I say other than I absolutely can’t put these down!!! The hades and Poseidon trials have me well and truly hooked!!!! They are a mixture of passion and excitement that keeps you turning the pages with sheer delight!!! I read a lot… and I mean a lot!! And to say I’ve been in a book slump is an understatement… until I came across these two series!!! I can’t wait to start the next. If you are wondering whether to read them… DO IT!! You won’t be disappointed xxx
There were over 25 grammar/spelling errors in this book. At least 17 of them occurred in chapter 26. It completely ruined the excitement occurring in the labyrinth. It felt like that chapter had the wrong draft downloaded since the sentence structure also seemed to suffer compared to other chapters.
I highly enjoyed some of her other books, but this series seemed like it needed more time with an editor who was interested in making an author’s work better rather than just making a few bucks.
Cover Blurb: The Poseidon Trials have never been more deadly, and it’s not just my life at stake. Poseidon, my sister, and the whole realm of Aquarius are just as likely to die as I am if we don’t stop Altas. But the revelations coming my way are so much worse than anything the insane Titan can throw at me. Between discovering the rest of the Oracle’s prophecy, what happened between Poseidon and Atlas’ wife, learning to use my magic, and trying to save my sister’s life, only one thing is certain. If I fall in love with the fierce sea god, it will kill me as surely as the stone will.
WELL WELL WELL. I’m not even mad about it. This series could definitely have been one book, but I respect the cliffhangers. I think the ending wrapped up pretty well. I’m confused on the starfish part but ya know.. that’s okay. I thought this story was pretty unique and despite the fast paced plot and description situation, it was actually kind of good. Loved the mythology and how it all tied together. That was a really cool part of the plot. Found family trope, enemies to lovers, MC finds herself in the end and there was a good happy ending. I’m not mad! It was pretty good.
This latest book in the Poseidon Trials finishes off the trilogy. Secrets are revealed as to why certain things have/ will happen. The relationship between Poseidon and Almi blooms to a new level in this latest book. I loved the way the story developed and low characters from previous stories were involved. All in all a fabulous story by a great author.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
So sad to be done with this series but my goodness was it ever good! I highly suggest everyone read this series. The last book is definitely the best! We finally get to know the reason why Poseidon is such a broody jerk and it only makes us love him more. Of course Almi is awesome and courageous as always. The characters are great. The world building amazing and the storyline is just so so so good!.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
The end of the Poseidon Trials was just as exciting and full of intrigue and passion as all the other trial books! Poseidon and Almi’s journey was full of surprises and adventure and longing. What they were willing to sacrifice was beautifully written and had me tearing up in places. The ending was so delightful! I can’t wait to see what other Olympian has their Trials!.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Enjoy all the action and adventure in this series! Fun and entertaining read! This is the third and final book for the Poseidon Trials, so make sure to start with the previous books for the full experience. Almi and Poseidon find themselves in some dangerous situations that they need to overcome to take down the big bad! They continue to grow closer and develop deeper feelings; too cute! A great read!
As usual she blows me out of the water (ha!) with her amazing twists and turns, scary moments, steamy encounters, and triumphant endings. I love how no matter how dark things seem, there is always a friend to help, or to say something that triggers inspiration. I still look forward to more stories, but for now i got a little closure.
I received a copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.