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Taiyo Asano has been on his own ever since his parents died. The only one who seems to care for him is his childhood friend and classmate, Mutsumi Yozakura. But Mutsumi has a secret–she is the head of a family of spies!

Taiyo Asano is a super-shy high school student and the only person he can talk to is his childhood friend Mutsumi Yozakura. However, Mutsumi comes from a line of master spies with amazing powers. Her oldest brother, Kyoichiro, is obsessed with Mutsumi and out to kill anyone who gets remotely near her—and his next target is Taiyo! The only way for Taiyo to save himself from Kyoichiro’s murderous clutches is to marry Mutsumi!

192 pages, Paperback

First published February 4, 2020

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Hitsuji Gondaira

39 books8 followers
Japanese name: 権平ひつじ

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,396 reviews166 followers
May 2, 2023
3,5 estrellas.

Empezando nuevo manga. Me está gustando y a mi hija, mucho más. Muy fan de Taiyo.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,881 reviews71 followers
September 2, 2022
It may not be Spy x Family, but Mission: Yozakura Family is still an awfully good time. Mostly this is in its absurdity - from spies who can't stop tweeting ("I'm burning now!" "Guess I'm gonna die!") to a sibling who spends all his time playing Oscar the Grouch in a garbage can to one the best crazy dog designs I've seen, this is just fun. It also has a solid emotional underpinning in the form of protagonist Taiyo's loss; he's the sole survivor of a terrible car wreck, and that's shaped his entire personality from that point onward. The story does a good job of showing us who he was before he was orphaned, and if the book was more willing to lean into that, it would balance out the goofiness is a very effective way. But it's still pretty fun as-is, and as long as you recognize that it isn't that other shounen spy series, it's worth picking up.
Profile Image for Laura A. Grace.
1,758 reviews229 followers
December 18, 2022
I wasn't planning to start this anytime soon, but since there was an anime announcement today and I told my husband a while back that I would eventually read it, today seemed like a good day! LOL!

I confess I did try the first chapter on the Shonen Jump app longggg time ago and wasn't super sold on it. The eldest brother reminds me a lot of Yuri from Spy x Family, and while I genuinely like Yuri as a character, I really really reallyyyyy dislike his love for Yor. (So creepy…) Kyoichiro in Yozakura Family had many similar vibes in the first chapter but was pleasantly surprised that as I kept reading, his love for Mutsumi is not a romantic love. His guilt from an incident that happened a long time ago (and one we as readers don't know much about yet) does seem to be the driving point of why he cares SO deeply for his sister. It made me less and less hesitant of him the more I kept reading and a whole lot of relief that he is just a super overprotective older brother and nothing (creepily) more.

With that ramble aside, I enjoyed this quite a bit! The story reminds me of a mashup of The Addams Family and Spy x Family but sort of set in high school and results of an early (non fake) marriage. Definitely an interesting premise and I think works well as I LOVEEEE Taiyo!! I definitely enjoyed seeing him grow as a character and a spy because the things he has to go through are WILD! I wouldn't have even lasted a DAY with that kind of training! LOL!

The family is really cool, even if Kyoichiro is not my favorite. He makes an interesting antagonist-like role though and interestingly enough made the last quarter of this volume very engaging. (I like his relationship with Taiyo because it's different and forces Taiyo to think a lot more on his feet as bad as that is to say. LOL!)

Overall, this was a fun read! It's much more humorous than Spy x Family I think…hmm or maybe just as humorous but in more of a comedic kind of way? Not sure how to explain that, but I'm looking forward to keeping up with the series since my husband has wanted me to preorder the volumes and I personally want to find out what will happen next in Taiyo's life!
Profile Image for Jen.
3,103 reviews27 followers
December 13, 2022
This is filed solidly in my "well, THAT was different" category. I liked it, except for the creepy, over-attached older brother, though I CAN understand how he got that way. The violence was OTT, but somewhat campy and played for laughs, though I didn't find it overly amusing. I don't find violence of any kind funny, not a fan of the Three Stooges, etc.

I did like the dedication the MC H had for the MC h, that was sweet. I also like how he was determined to get stronger, not just to save his behind, but to protect the MC h. She also protected him, as best as she could, with the abilities and knowledge that she had. It wasn't just the MC H protecting the "damsel in distress".

I did like the storyline and wouldn't mind reading the next volume to see where it goes. The violence isn't my fav, but it is a huge part of the plot, so it's not just violence for it's own sake.

3, I am curious for the next one, stars.

My thanks to Viz Media LLC and NetGalley for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Blake the Book Eater.
1,193 reviews409 followers
March 15, 2023
Really really liked this one! The first chapter was such a good into to the series and all the spy training has been great so far. Best part is that the family feels like an actual family with all the bickering, in-fighting, and love.
Profile Image for Olly.
311 reviews34 followers
October 26, 2021
manga sullo spionaggio, che con lo spionaggio sembra aver poco a che fare. Il primo capitolo non mi ha colpito, dal secondo capisci l'andazzo e diventa leggibile. sta avendo un grande successo in Giappone quindi sono curioso di vedere come procederà.
Per il resto nulla di nuovo o di incredibile, non punta nemmeno ad esserlo, un manga senza troppe pretese, buono.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,400 reviews216 followers
December 28, 2020
Taiyo lost his family in a tragic accident and became withdrawn as a result, his friend Mutsumi being the only one he can talk to. When Mutsumi’s overprotective older brother comes to remove all of Mutsumi’s possible suitors from the equation, Taiyo is on the list. The solution turns out to be a... wedding... and then Taiyo learns that he’s married into a family of spies.

Sigh. Woe betide the shonen series coming out that invokes spies while we’re seeing the release of the delightful Spy x Family. Very different series, but the latter wipes the court with the former.

This feels like a shonen series from a decade ago, with the older brother with a sister complex and the loser who falls in with... oh whatever. Look, it doesn’t feel fresh. Also I can do without sister complexes for the next rest of my life.

(I literally think the only incest joke I’ve laughed at in the past year and change of reviews is Nariyuki’s sister in We Never Learn and even then...)

Compounding the problem is how fast they blow open the cast with the addition of Mutsumi’s siblings, few of whom get a chance to do much of anything. They also take a James Bond level of spy technology that utterly robs the story of any actual suspense because there’s always a ridiculous gadget that can save the day.

It’s strictly passable entertainment. They have some okay bits - I actually like the character moment for Taiyo when he takes the ring to marry Mutsumi. It’s a standard story beat, but credit for presenting it well. The art overall is probably the high point - some great reactions and splash pages throughout certainly don’t hurt things.

The author even admits that the story started rough and to its credit, it gets better along the way. When Taiyo is trying to learn the defences of his new home it’s pretty fun, although we’re expected to just accept him using the specialties of his new family, which we’ve barely had explained. It’s little lapses like this which make this a pretty wobbly start.

2.5 stars and it can have three because it wasn’t bad, just really derivative and the storytelling is not nearly the equal of better shonen series. No second volume here because when I asked myself what would happen next, I realized I just didn’t care. I would never bother with this before Spy x Family.
Profile Image for 78sunny.
2,222 reviews39 followers
June 13, 2023
An diesem Manga habe ich gefühlt ewig gelesen, weil es einfach viel Handlung war. Ich kann es schlecht beschreiben, aber das lesen war da wirklich manchmal anstrengend und ich hatte das Gefühl mein Kopf wurde überladen. Gefühlt hatte jedes Panel eine extreme Bedeutung für die Story. So ungewohnt dies war, gefiel mir die Handlung aber richtig gut und vor allem der Hauptcharakter hat es mir angetan. Der Manga hat teilweise wirklich heftige Themen (Menschenhandel, Kindesentführung, Tod, Schuldgefühle...) und dann wieder einen mir teilweise etwas zu überspitzen Humor. Trotzdem passte die Mischung für mich und das passiert in dieser Kombination sehr selten.
Es geht hier um Taiyo, einen Schüler, der seit er ein kleines Kind war, mit seiner Nachbarin Mutsumi befreundet ist. Beide gehen in die gleiche Klasse und als Taiyo bei einem Unfall seine ganze Familie verliert, steht sie ihm bei, obwohl er sehr starke psychische Problem hat und eine Angststörung und Panikattacken entwickelt. Sie ist die einzige, die noch zu ihm durchdringt und die er etwas an sich heranlässt. Eines Tagen passiert etwas, wodurch Taiyo in Mutsumis Familie, die Yozakuras, aufgenommen wird. Sofort wird klar, dass diese Familie, bestehend aus lauter Geschwistern, alles andere als normal ist. Sie sind Spione und habe extreme Fähigkeiten und sind sehr exzentrisch und verrückt. Nun muss sich Taiyo unter ihnen beweisen und ebenfalls Fähigkeiten erwerben. Alles um seine geliebte Mutsumi zu beschützen, denn die ist in Gefahr.
Das ganze ist witzig, emotional und sehr actionreich. Mit dem Hauptcharakter kann man sich total identifizieren und mitfiebern. Wenn nicht der Humor so überspitzt wäre, könnte dies ein 5 Sterne plus Manga für mich sein. So sind es 4 Sterne geworden, aber ich will die Reihe unbedingt weiterlesen.
Der Zeichenstil gefällt mir super. Er geht eher in Richtung Comic und erinnert mich ein wenig an „My Hero Academia“ oder „Great Priest Imhotep“. Also voll mein Ding.

Story 4,0/5
Emotionen 4,6/5
Charaktere 5+/5
Unterhaltung 4,0/5
Zeichenstil 4,6/5
Lesegefühl 4,0/5
Spannung 4,0/5
Gesamt 4,0/5
Profile Image for Brandon.
2,376 reviews38 followers
February 21, 2022
I was worried when I saw this this series would have romance and an obsessed older brother and my fears weren't exactly unfounded. It does have romance, but the older brother isn't part of that romance. He's just... kind of fetishy obsessed with his younger sister and that causes the romance. Still unsettling, still not my favourite trope, but at least it's not literally incest!

This series gives me Assassination Classroom vibes with learning to be an assassin/spy, but instead of the wide ensemble cast of characters with varying motive and themes and instead of being primarily a gag comedy, this series is just the one dude learning to be an assassin/spy with a lot more action (and the tiniest itty bitty little bit of romance). Yozakura Family is still a comedy, with some fun jokes and even some touching bits of drama.

But I don't really know what it's about? There's a hint here at some bigger villain, and this volume ends in the middle of its first real arc. Is this entire series going to be about learning to be an assassin? Is there some overarching plot aside from protecting the love interest? I don't know what our main character's motivation is or what he wants to do going forward, and the series could easily get repetitive from here. I'm still waiting for one big hook that says why I should read this series instead of Assassination Classroom, or even Nisekoi which still has that initial hook of the 'marriage' and gang backgrounds but plays more heavily into the romance.

Mission: Yozakura Family has a fun start. It doesn't blow me away, but it's not bad. I'm hoping the end of this arc gives it some sort of direction.
Profile Image for Valérie Harvey.
Author 29 books39 followers
November 22, 2021
On a beaucoup comparé Yozakura Family à SPY×FAMILY 1. C'est à nuancer. C'est vrai que la caricature des capacités surhumaines et des personnalités extrêmes des personnages est similaire, et même davantage poussée: il n'y a à peu près personne de "normal" dans cette série. Le personnage du grand frère est à la fois détestable et très drôle, car ça n'a pas de bon sens! Toutefois, outre ce monde déjanté et l'aspect comique (moins développé que dans Spy X Family), il y a un peu plus de violence et d'action dans Yozakura. Il y a également plusieurs personnages, ce qui nous laisse moins le temps de les connaitre pour l'instant.
Une excellente série.
Profile Image for LaPommequirougit.
1,261 reviews50 followers
April 19, 2021

Je remercie les Éditions Kana pour l’envoi de cette lecture. Une saga que j’avais vraiment hâte de découvrir, car on voit clairement que la maison d’édition attendait beaucoup de cette sortie, ce qui n’a fait qu’augmenter ma curiosité concernant ce titre.

Asano est un lycéen très renfermé sur lui et timide. En effet, il a perdu sa famille dans un tragique accident, depuis, il n’ose plus s’attacher à qui que ce soit. Il se soucie seulement de Yozakura. Mais il connaîtra bientôt le secret de sa famille.

Effectivement, son frère aîné l’a kidnappé et a essayé de le tuer. Heureusement pour lui, le reste de la famille Yozakura est en train de le défendre. Mais la question que vous allez tous poser est, pourquoi voudrait-il le tuer ? C’est simple, Yozakura habite dans une famille d’espions et elle est un peu la poule aux oeufs d’or à protéger. Autant vous dire, la moindre personne qui s’approche d’elle, le grand frère se méfie. La solution pour éviter qu’il ne le tue ? Se marier à Yozakura. Il n’y voit pas tant que ça de problème, ok, pourquoi pas. Pourtant, il ne réalise pas qu’il vient de rentrer dans une famille d’espions. C’est pourquoi lui-même devra apprendre à protéger Yozakura qui est maintenant sa femme.

L’histoire est passionnante dès les premières pages. Nous sommes intrigués par cette famille d’espions, mais plus que tout par Asano. On se demande comment il va s’adapter à cette nouvelle famille, cette nouvelle vie, cette nouvelle manière de percevoir le quotidien. L’entraînement sera vraiment rude.

En bref, j’ai apprécié voir Asano évoluer au fur et à mesure des pages. Découvrir le monde des espions de la famille Yozakura et surtout l’humour qui est présent
Profile Image for Pranta Dastider.
Author 18 books319 followers
February 4, 2023
This is cool. So much story packed in just one volume! The character growth is insanely fast. However it doesn't feel weird at all. Mutsumi as a character feels adorable. I am getting a Kenichi vibe from this. Since I like Kenichi manga so much, this is a high praise for Mission Yozakura Family.
Profile Image for Robin.
337 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2021
It was okay, I’m really not a fan of these obsessive sibling relationships in manga so it was rough
Profile Image for Kaiya.
331 reviews9 followers
November 28, 2022
Got this in my manga subscription box & honestly it’s pretty funny! I like when character leveling cuts to the chase and here they do that pretty well!
Profile Image for Yaiza.
623 reviews8 followers
June 21, 2020
Tiene un humor tan tonto que te saca carcajadas 🤣
Profile Image for Mary.
504 reviews22 followers
July 22, 2024
DNF @ 41%. I'm just not interested in where this is going. I was trying to finish at least the first volume, but it's taken me a week to get 41% through it and I don't have the will to finish it. There were a couple parts that made me laugh (I love the spy twitter), but I don't really care about the story or characters and the older brother is creeping me out.
Profile Image for Vishal.
106 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2019
Funny New series by Shonen jump. Story is intriguing but highlight of the book is it's art. It's absolutely fantastic! Shonen jump app subscription is pretty cheap. If one wants to give it a try, read from the official app.
Profile Image for Brandon.
1,182 reviews
November 22, 2022
I keep referring to this in my head as "Yozakura Quartet," which is an entirely different series... (incidentally, one I've been meaning to read for ages, as I like the artist's work on Digimon and MegaTen). I also sometimes mistakenly refer to fellow Jump action-comedy Sakamoto Days as "Sakamoto Family," in part because that one also has a "family" theme for its cast (and, I guess, the existence of non-action High School Family makes me think "if two manga have 'family' in the title, then three manga could...!").

Mission: Yozakura Family reminds me a lot of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, not necessarily because the basic plot is about an everyman getting dragged into a criminal family, but because it kind of just... "exists." That is, on /a/ you'd have people dump scans of new chapters of Jump manga, and it seems like YozaFam would often be neglected. The image I had in my mind was one of "a manga few people read, and so skates by on being inoffensive," or something. From what little I know, Reborn! was somewhat popular among fujoshi, and otherwise shat the bed with trying to be a "serious" battle manga after its humorous beginning, but as far as I saw in America it was a bit of a non-entity. Not unlike D. Gray-Man, maybe, or I might personally say Hikaru no Go, which appeared in VIZ's monthly print version of Shonen Jump in America, and which I almost always skipped, favoring the more action-focused series like Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho, Shaman King, Naruto, &c. Part of the reason I even started YozaFam was because of the "it exists" meme, but also more generally because I wanted to catch up on all currently-running series in Weekly Jump; I specifically opted to start this versus Undead Unluck because I feared I might enjoy this less than the other, and so wanted to make sure I got to it first, lest I later feel overwhelmed with juggling too many series and opt not to pick it up....

This was pretty good, and I'm interested in continuing the manga, but I'm a little apprehensive. I thought the first volume of Sakamoto Days was nearly perfect, but it started to feel almost "rote" as the manga continued, and I'm afraid a similar thing might happen here. We already have one of the Yozakura siblings doing crazy shit with strings, not terribly far from a One Piece Doflamingo or Hunter x Hunter Machi, though our only "villain" so far (as the strings-guy played an antagonistic role earlier, but wasn't a villain) doesn't seem as extravagant in his own skillset. Will future enemies have crazier powers? Surely they must. But how far will Gondaira-sensei go? Will we stick with near-future sci-fi spy tech, or advance into paranormal abilities? Time will tell. I'd prefer we not get as zany as "people with weapons built into their flesh," as happens in SakaDays, as I'd like to have this series stand more on its own. Perhaps the closest comparison is actually Spy x Family? In which case I must say I feel this manga differentiates itself very well.

The grey streak in Mutsumi's hair looks kind of weird to me in black-and-white. Maybe it'd be better if it had more lines in it? It just looks more like a clip-on extension or something. Oh, well, I guess it could work better if it started from her roots, now that I think about it.

I found it difficult to focus in Chapter 4. The cold OL, Katai-sensei.... Her pantyhose.... Her thighs in that panel when she's kneeling before the safe...!!!

The hacker sister is cute, too. I like her bare legs in Chapter 7, when she's sitting on a drone.

I think I use my "thriller" tag/shelf to mean "action-genre that's not based on fisticuffs and ki blasts"...
Profile Image for Online Eccentric Librarian.
3,200 reviews5 followers
October 5, 2022
More reviews at the Online Eccentric Librarian http://surrealtalvi.wordpress.com/

More reviews (and no fluff) on the blog http://surrealtalvi.wordpress.com/

Yes, this is a bit zany but it also has a heart at its center that grounds it well. We have the usual shounen powerups as our earnest but emotionally scarred protagonist must learn the 'family business' to protect the person he loves. And while the over-protective sibling angle has been done ad naseum, it at least doesn't overshadow the great relationship between the two main characters.

Taiyo lost his family in an instant after a car crash on a rainy day. It has always been his friend Natsumi who has been by his side as he has tried to recover and grieve. But Mutsumi has a secret of her own - one that is about to change Taiyo's life as Mutsumi's older brother decides Taiyo might be a danger to his sister. Turns out, Mutsumi is a member of a family of super spies and Taiyo is going to have to quickly gain survivalist skills if he is going to stay alive and protect Mutsumi from the dangerous would out to destroy the Yozakura Family.

The artwork is well done here and the paneling especially is impressive. The action is easy to follow and the main characters very likable as drawn and written. Yes, this has too many visual nods to Spy x Family - but really this is its own story and survives on its own merits. The wackiness of the family is offset by the very genuine affection shared by Taiyo and Mutsumi.

In all, an enjoyable new series well worth the read. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.
Profile Image for Enairolf.
2,150 reviews18 followers
April 16, 2021
Ce manga est une des grosses sortie de chez Kana en ce début d’année. Une sortie qui me faisait de l’oeil! J’avais vraiment hâte de pouvoir découvrir cette histoire. Le résumé m’a vraiment convaincu. Cette histoire me semblait, sur le papier, vraiment addictive avec une grosse pointe d’humour. De plus, le thème de l’espionnage est un thème que j’aime beaucoup en général. Clairement, vu comme ça, c’était un manga fait pour moi. Et bien en tout cas j’ai tout bonnement adoré ce premier tome! J’ai déjà plus que hâte de découvrir le second tome!

Ce premier tome était vraiment excellent. J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé l’histoire. On va suivre le personnage de Taiyô un lycéen à la timidité maladive.. Il existe une seule personne avec qui il arrive à être lui même, il s’agit de Mutsumi Yozakura. Le problème? Mutsumi fait parti d’une famille d’espions qui oeuvre depuis des générations. Son grand frère est tellement protecteur envers elle qui fait tout pour la protéger. Et il est capable de tuer le pauvre Taiyô pour protéger Mutsumi. Mais comment Taiyô va pouvoir sauver sa peau et en même temps sauver Mutsumi?

J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé ce premier tome. C’était frais, rempli d’humour. Vraiment un manga excellent. J’ai adoré découvrir la famille Yozakura. Clairement ce côté déjanté apporte un vrai plus au manga. L’humour est très présent dans ce premier tome et c’est tant mieux vraiment. J’ai vraiment beaucoup ris durant ma lecture. Un manga comme celui ci ça fait vraiment du bien à lire. J’adore l’ambiance espionnage qui se dégage. Les personnages sont hyper intéressants. La famille de Mutsumi est juste incroyable. J’adore tous ses frères et soeurs, on sent que c’est clairement une famille déjanté. Même leur maison est absolument dingue avec tous ces pièges et compagnie.

Ce premier tome, pour moi tient toutes ses promesses. On est directement plongé dans cette histoire, c���est drôle, c’est frais, les personnages ainsi que l’intrigue sont tops à suivre. J’ai hâte de découvrir le second tome. J’ai adoré découvrir l’évolution de Taiyô au fil du temps. Il passe d’un mec timide maladif à un jeune homme fort et entraîné. J’ai hâte de le voir un peu plus à l’épreuve encore et cette fin nous annonce un second tome passionnant!
Profile Image for Kelli.
1,336 reviews17 followers
May 6, 2023
Taiyo Asano has been alone since the tragic and unexpected death of his family.

Scarred and traumatized, Taiyo has folded into himself since. He’s shy and quiet, finding it difficult to speak to his classmates.

The only friend he’s managed to keep is Mutsumi Yozakura—a childhood friend.

She’s kind and considerate, promising to stay by Taiyo’s side. But, she’s got a bit of a big secret—one that Taiyo unfortunately finds himself landing in the middle of.

Mutsumi comes from a family of spies!

She is the heir apparent to the family and is currently fending off many attempts on her life and her family’s position. Her elder brother, Kyoichiro, is perhaps the most protective of Mutsumi.

Now that Taiyo knows Mutsumi’s secret, Kyoichiro is quite livid. He won’t let just anyone put his precious sister at risk.

There’s only one solution: Taiyo must join the family—by marrying Mutsumi!

So, I’ll be honest from the top, I didn’t really enjoy this one.

While the idea of a spy family comedy sounds super fun and intriguing, Spy x Family has already done it—and much better and more entertaining than this series. I found the plot of this series to be somehow too convoluted and contrived but also too simple and boring. Every character feels like a caricature.

Perhaps I’m just not the right audience for this one though.

If you enjoy action-packed thrillers with straightforward plots and characters, you may enjoy this one. It’s a great option if you’re just trying to shut your brain off for a bit~
Profile Image for Alex.
175 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2023
I received an eARC of this title through NetGalley in return for an honest review

I thought this was an extremely cute manga. It had action, romance, and comedy. Taiyo is orphaned at a young age and doesn't interact with most people for very long before passing out. However, his best friend Mutsumi stands by his side no matter what. But when Mutsumi's brother becomes too overprotective of his sister, Taiyo is forced to do something he never thought of to protect his best and only friend, marry her. By doing this, Mutsumi is plunged in to the world of spies, as Mutsumi's family is one of the top spy families in the world.

I think this manga gives off really cute vibes similar to those of Spy x Family. The difference is that this one focuses on Taiyo who needs to learn to be a spy to protect his, now, wife Mutsumi from all types of assassins. There's comedy and action alike involved which makes for a good mix. I also read there is an anime adaptation in the works.

If you are looking for a manga with action and comedy, I would give this one a try! Worth the read for sure.
Profile Image for Subham.
2,991 reviews83 followers
October 31, 2020
This book was so much fun. We start with out MC Taiyo Asano whose a weak willed and shy guy who gets surprised even when someone asks him something and then we have his GF Mutsumi Yozakura and over the next few chs we learn her family is a spy family and her brother is the principal and they wanna protect her from the assassins or other people who maybe after her and thus begins the race to save her. Its insane how good this volume is. We see Taiyo go from novice to being a very good spy in the short amount of time and those training chs in the beginning are so good lmao but its his commitment to protect his wife that strikes at the heart of the book and when they go against the teacher and ultimately the courier it becomes so good. The art is amazing and like the mangaka does the panel to panel scenes very well and its easy to follow.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,813 reviews335 followers
September 7, 2023
Similar enough to Spy x Family to pull in most of the same readers, without feeling derivative. It has the same over the top comedic violence, at least. This premise is actually more absurd, somehow. But even with all of the weird characters and slapstick booby traps, there is actually an emotional core here, deep down. Very deep down. The main character has lost his entire family, and has extreme social anxiety. His relationship with his love interest isn't a simple romance. There's a long, deep friendship there, and they have great mutual respect and affection for each other. It's really sweet, and I anticipate it being a slow burn, in between the bombings and kidnappings. But it's also a very silly book. I'm not sure it really balanced those two sides very well in this first volume, but it is a first volume.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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