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The Survivalist #8

The End Is Coming

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World War III was only the beginning. Inevitable death now awaits every soul who lived through the holocaust as the earth's atmosphere is about to explode into a searing blaze of fire. But one man refuses to die, refuses to accept the John Thomas Rourke, the ex-CIA covert Operations Officer, weapons expert and survival authority. Rourke, desperate to find and save his family, must first smash through Russian patrols and then cut to the heart of a KGB plot that could spawn a lasting legacy of evil. And when the sky bursts into flames, consuming every living being on the planet, it will be the ultimate test for... THE SURVIVALIST.

240 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published May 1, 1984

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About the author

Jerry Ahern

214 books71 followers
Jerry Ahern (born Jerome Morrell Ahern) was a science fiction and action novel author best known for his post apocalyptic survivalist series The Survivalist. The books in this series are heavy with descriptions of the weapons the protagonists use to survive and prosecute a seemingly never-ending war amongst the remnants of the superpowers from pre-apocalypse times.

Ahern was also a firearms writer, who published numerous articles in magazines such as Guns & Ammo, Handguns and Gun World.

Jerry Ahern passed away on July 24, 2012 after a long struggle with cancer.

Ahern also released books under pseudonym Axel Kilgore.

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Oliver Clarke.
Author 48 books1,672 followers
October 16, 2022
Really great entry in the series, which brings one storyline to a kind of close and kicks another one off. Blistering action too. A ton of fun.
Profile Image for Joey B.
418 reviews4 followers
March 15, 2021
Jerry Ahern's Survivalist series continues ever onward, with The End is Coming thankfully moving the plot forward towards an exciting conclusion to the 'first act' of this series. The End is chock full of Survivalist at its pulpy best; John being a hero, villainous plots, a deep look at post-apocalyptic Chicago, and other familiar beats of the genre.

This'll be a shorter review as I don't want to spoil what is to come; but John and Natalia are thrust into a desperate mission pitting them against threats both familiar and new. This is Survivalist at its best; even if it isn't top notch fiction in general it is still good post-apocalyptic pulp. Solid 2.5/5 stars.
Profile Image for Jessica.
299 reviews4 followers
August 19, 2023
Suddenly all the women fell in love with Rorke and now they aren’t lethal?! Natalia come on!! Sarah’s place to fight communism is raising her kids!!!

Also why do all the bad men wanna rape the women immediately?

Im not sure about the real science on ionizing the atmosphere either..
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
324 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2024
Great read except I'm really starting to hate that Sarah b*
Profile Image for Heather.
160 reviews
December 10, 2011
The whole thing with John being in love with another woman and his wife being okay with it is just idiotic. The author makes a big deal out of the fact that John and Natalia never actually have sex, so he's still faithful to his wife but I throw down the bullshit card. Marriage is about more than just one man only having sex with his wife. Just the fact that he allowed himself to fall in love with another woman, shared intimacy with her (even without actual intercourse) is in and of itself being unfaithful.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nicholas.
289 reviews1 follower
July 23, 2015
Either this one was much better than the previous novels, or much shorter, because I read some one night, came back to read it the next night and finished far more quickly than I thought I should have. While not great, at least now stuff is finally happening regarding his family and what may be a new story arc. Still not great writing, but the ideas are compelling enough to keep me reading while I'm bored.
Profile Image for Scott.
290 reviews6 followers
July 29, 2015
Yes, I grade books like these on a curve, hence the 4 stars. Finally the plot moves forward as we learn what the Eden Project is, and the action scenes feel fresher and more exciting this time around. At the end I was actually looking forward to reading the next book, which hasn't been the case in a while. Fun 80's shoot-em-up and gun porn.
August 8, 2016
First time reading the series on a e-book format

I have been reading the survival's book series since I was 20 I am now 47 news old and I never get tired of this series I am constantly reading the books again and again as the box progress into the awakening the series becomes more and more enjoyable this is my first time in reading the books on the e-book format
Profile Image for Timothy Boyd.
7,027 reviews50 followers
February 14, 2016
This is my favorite adventure series. Dr John Thomas Rourke leads his family and friends through a post apocalyptic world fighting ever step if the way. Fantastic characters and plots. Very detailed weapon descriptions. Excellent series. My highest recommendation
Profile Image for jayne flatt.
11 reviews
October 3, 2016

I cannot get enough of these book only now finding five or six new books that I haven't read so I'm reading them from the start again for the sixth time and relay enjoying them just as much.
Thank you Jerry for your excellent writing
Profile Image for Keith.
Author 3 books4 followers
January 6, 2015
Was fun easy reading in my teens. Would actually like to pick one up again and see what I think now. :D
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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