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BJ Alex #7

BJ Alex 7

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Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.

316 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2022

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews
Profile Image for daph pink ♡ .
1,121 reviews3,101 followers
September 22, 2022
They are very adorable. I'm delighted Dong has finally expressed his emotions and has a voice in this relationship. As the drama nears its conclusion, I suppose nothing particularly significant will occur now that they are married. And I'm upset because they completely ignored the second couple, for whom I had high hopes.
Profile Image for Mar.
905 reviews66 followers
May 30, 2023
Again, not really a spoiler, but just in case...

I'm feeling more comfortable with the story right now, and it really surprises me how there were so many things that I didn't like but at the same time, I was so so hooked.

Gonna post this under all the reviews: I have no idea how BJ Alex is divided into volumes. I'm reading it online, so I only know how many chapters it has. I'm honestly going to sort of guess when each volume begins and ends based on how many chapters there are, but I seriously have no clue.
Profile Image for Molin.
748 reviews
June 10, 2022
Lovey dovey time disturbed by another drama at the last chapter hhh who's that guy. If he ever hurt DG i'll punch him
Profile Image for | Shakshi  |.
381 reviews6 followers
August 17, 2022
The transition is clearly visible from first volume to this one and it is just amazing!!
Profile Image for EYLEEN.
374 reviews37 followers
October 5, 2022
Y aquí es donde las cosas se ponen medianamente bien pero que me hacen temer de que algo malo ocurra.
Profile Image for soph (rhy kinnie).
121 reviews29 followers
November 21, 2023
Maturing is realizing that MD only looks like a saint cause the standard set by Jiwon is in hell
Profile Image for Heiko.
137 reviews4 followers
December 30, 2024
she‘s running out of ideas but i had a blast.

tw: surprisingly kinky and 50% is smut
Profile Image for Mona.
167 reviews4 followers
August 19, 2023
Because I read this manga online and couldn't find any details regarding the breakdown of chapters within the volumes, I will write one review for the entire series.

"BJ Alex" by Mingwa is a manga centered around Dong-gyun, a devoted fan of BJ Alex's show. When he crosses paths with Alex in real life, who conceals his face behind a mask, their relationship takes on intricate layers.

This marks the first manga I've ever delved into, and I must admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it. You can read through it so easily and fast and it almost feels like watching a series.

The manga's essentially character-driven, that’s why the plot doesn't overwhelm. It’s rather simple, but I enjoyed the way the author also made sure to follow another relationship development as well as the main couple. The chracters are well-fleshed out and I liked the depth they had. Particularly interesting is Ahn Jiwon's backstory, which hits deeply, and I appreciated the symbolism with his mask.

The storyline is enjoyable, though it’s not a masterpiece - quite acceptable given the manga's focus on character development.

What I did not find enjoyable was the matter of consent. I'm uncertain if this is a characteristic of yaoi or manga in general, as I haven’t read any other works, but certain aspects within this manga unsettled me. One party rarely asked for consent, and on occasion, the other party told them to stop. Of course it was also part of the character’s development, yet it left me with a sense of discomfort. Many times I felt uncomfotable but after I found out they are enjoying themselves I was relieved. The presence of safwords is also a relief, since they could have used them if they were not happy about the situation. As the story progresses the aggression turns more into sensual and loving scenes, especially when there’s feelings evolved later on. I sensed that the author did not romanticize the issue of consent, but rather employed it as a tool for character depth and evolution. This perspective, however, cannot excuse everything and you always have to read critically.

I honestly think this series is good in some ways, it’s definetely not my favorite series. I would not recommend this to everybody, please read trigger warnings before reading!
Profile Image for ⋆˚ʚ Abril ɞ˚⋆.
273 reviews49 followers
April 19, 2024
𑁍 Dios mío, definitivamente este es el mejor tomo de todo el manhwa. Aquí vemos lo que es ser una pareja sana: ambos expresando sus sentimientos, contándose sus pasados, hay más besos y abrazos tiernos, miradas soñadoras, corazones que laten por el otro, citas y momentos divertidos y el esfuerzo de ambos por ser felices juntos. Por supuesto que las escenas con smut fueron mil veces mejor ahora que lo hacen con amor y pasión, esto es por lo que vine y me quedé… ❤️

𑁍 Tenemos a un Jiwon completamente distinto de aquel tipo arrogante, prepotente e imbécil con el que empezamos la historia. Me gustaría creer que cambio y ahora es una mejor persona pero siento que en el fondo siempre fue de corazón blando, fueron sus padres y su relación fallida quienes lo llevaron a usar la máscara de chico frío y sin corazón (obviamente eso no justifica lo horrible que fue al principio pero creo que ya aprendió la lección), esta es la verdadera personalidad de Jiwon: un hombre gentil, amoroso con Dong-Gyun, que se preocupa por verlo siempre con una sonrisa y que se sonroja cada vez que DG le dice que lo ama.

𑁍 También abordamos temas más serios, como al enterarnos del pasado de Dong-Gyun y la razón por la que es solitario y con pocos amigos. El bullying que sufrió a causa de rumores sobre su sexualidad lo hizo sufrir mucho cuando era sólo un chico que estaba descubriéndose a sí mismo, ahora debe enfrentar ese miedo con su amigo del servicio militar, pero no lo hace sólo, sino con Jiwon a su lado… ❤️

𑁍 Amé muchísimo cuando Jiwon hace la comparación de que si él y DG se hubieran conocido en secundaria (cuando ambos pasaban por momentos difíciles), entonces todo hubiera sido diferente, probablemente se pudieron haber enamorado y sanado sus heridas juntos o quizás no hubieran funcionado. La cosa con el destino es que nunca puedes saber que es lo que pudo haber pasado, sólo pueden vivir el aquí y ahora, que es justo lo que mis niños hacen: están dándole una oportunidad al amor que crece entre ellos con cada día, con cada momento y con cada «te amo».
Profile Image for Lori CucVig.
957 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2023
Perdoniamo Jiwon e perdoniamo Wingwa... ora ci mostrano come potrebbe essere una relazione quasi sana. E si Dong-Gyun è un santo. Perché ha concesso una seconda possibilità quando non avrebbe mai dovuto farlo e perché, viste le necessità narrative verso il fandom, avrebbe bisogno di una controfigura visto tutto quel sesso... il secondo volume del cofanetto, il quattordicesimo in generale, parla invece della tematica del coming out. Dong-Gyun decide di affrontare le sue paure proprio a causa della sua intensa felicità. (E ci viene offerto anche la sua storia personale al tempi del liceo). Abbiamo un buon personaggio come uditore. La nostra piccola coppia che evolve è carinissima.
P.S. Terzo special di Chanwoo e BJ MD... qualcunk ha parlato di sounding...
Profile Image for Dia.
62 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2023
While this was a wildly popular read, it was not my favorite! I was a bit disappointed with it, especially after so much hype. To start, I would like to say the art of this story is crafted so beautifully! Even without enjoying some parts of the story, the art was a pleasure to view throughout the entire ride. While there is a happy ending, I struggled to find the fun in how unpleasant BJ Alex is to our MC in a significant portion of the plot. One of the great strengths this title offers, which kept me reading to the end, is a load of dynamic characters.

The side stories with BJ MD & Chanwoo are much more likable to me and continue to be my favorite part of this series.
Profile Image for Diomaris.
115 reviews
October 29, 2022
I’m really enjoying seeing how their relationship is developing and how supportive J is of DG when he came out to his friend, that must have been so difficult to do! But that friend is a real friend not like the ones he had in high school. I’m sad that he had to go through that experience! I wish he would see that guy again so be could tell him off! I’m glad he was able to open up to his partner and communicate his feelings which is very important! Such a lighter chapter! Looking forward to seeing how their relationship further develops! Love the side couple as always!! ❤️❤️
Profile Image for Enny.
160 reviews3 followers
December 10, 2024
Parece que el nudo se va desenredando y los protas empiezan a sincerarse, descubrimos algunas cosas sobre Dong-Gyun y vemos a Jiwon imprecándose seriamente en la relación y en intentar conocer y hacer feliz a su pareja. Creo que todavía queda recorrido para que sean una pareja más compenetrada y se sientan cómodos estando juntos, pero la cosa tiene buena pinta y hay varias escenas que se me han hecho kiuts<3
Aplausos para Chanwoo y Jaejin son dos PEDAZO DE AMIGOS que ojalá los tuviera yo en mi vida.
Profile Image for Ruby.
270 reviews5 followers
August 11, 2023
Conocimos un poco del pasado de Dong-gyun y como sus supuestos amigos le fallaron y esparcieron que era gay para lastimarlo en secundaria y por eso le gusta estar solo, ugh es tan lindo como jinwo lo protege y lo cuida y el capitulo 70 definitivamente lo ame, es precioso y triste y más la forma en la que jinwo se pregunta si ambos hubieran estado menos heridos si lo hubiera conocido en secundaria, es que son lo más bonito del mundo, los amo
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mak ♡.
990 reviews7 followers
April 14, 2024

Eu preciso dizer que estou perdida de amores por esse Deus grego.. ❤❤ Fala sério, preciso disso em anime, como não me apaixonar por essa delicia, duas histórias em uma só - perfeito... Tanto um quanto o outro são excelentes... Eu me perdi nesses corpos deliciosos...🥰🥰 Fica a dica de uma leitura maravilhosa.. 🥰 Happy reading, and until the next reading..
Profile Image for Jessica Nieto.
103 reviews
January 23, 2024
La confesión, la resolución en los 60-70 quede locaaa, que Alex casi le rogara por atención dios que chulada de capítulos se me fueron volando
Por fin vienen caps de la segunda pareja
Editado porque recorde otra cosa que decir:
Siento que el tropo de hablar las cosas y hacerlo hasta en cierto punto sano y sensual me dejo como con un sabor extraño, veremos que pasa con los siguientes.
Profile Image for Amber Hutchison.
74 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2024
Honestly, you know what it is. I'm going to leave this same review on every volume because what am I supposed to say? I'm a sick, stupid, freak for this series despite the absolutely horrendous personality of our main man, the lack of backbone from our second main man, and the visual wonder that is MD x Chanwoo. Sue me.
August 28, 2024
I remember when I first read this it took a while cuz it was a weekly upload type of thing, then the second read wasn’t too fast cuz it was only my second read. And every read after that has gotten shorter and shorter cuz I remember so much that I can fill in the blanks when looking at the sentences. Fills me with happiness. This story was here when I was at one of my worst.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 77 reviews

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