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Warriors Super Edition #3

Warriors Super Edition: SkyClan's Destiny

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The return of a long lost Clan . . .

Many moons ago, five warrior Clans shared the forest in peace. But as Twolegs encroached on the cats' territories, the warriors of SkyClan were forced to abandon their home and try to forge a new life far away. Eventually, the Clan disbanded forgotten by all until Firestar was sent on a quest to reunite its descendants and return SkyClan to its former glory.

Now, with Leafstar in place as leader, SkyClan is thriving. Leafstar is desperate to believe that her Clan will survive where the ancient SkyClan cats failed. But threats continue to plague the Clan, and as dissent grows from within, Leafstar must face the one question she dreads: Is SkyClan meant to survive?

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First published August 3, 2010

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About the author

Erin Hunter

275 books10.1k followers
Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people: Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui T. Sutherland, Gillian Philip, and Inbali Iserles, as well as editor Victoria Holmes. Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews
Profile Image for hal.
782 reviews101 followers
July 7, 2015
I bumped up my rating to three stars, because for some odd reason, I liked it more the second time. Second time's the charm, I guess.

I loved Firestar's Quest, so it was nice to read a book about Skyclan after Firestar and Sandstorm left them. Sometimes the story is boring, because there's not too much action (mostly the day-to-day life of the clan, with some exciting events here and there), but I mostly liked it.

Characters: I like Leafstar a lot, but most of the Skyclan cats (while likable) are sort of bland. The only really irritating character is Sharpclaw. He's the second in command of Skyclan, and throughout the story he is constantly challenging and undermining Leafstar (who is the leader). That annoyed the crap out of me. Sure, at the end he reveals he had good intentions but I thought that was a lame excuse that didn't make up for his actions. There were also a few characters (Stick, Velvet and Red) that I thought had a lot of potential and I think a story about them would be so cool.

The ending was really sad at times, but it was pretty good.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Skyclan's Destiny the second time. The first time I didn't really like it, but somehow a second chance changed my opinion. I'm glad I re-read this and gave it another chance.
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Profile Image for Noella.
1,145 reviews65 followers
May 28, 2024
Dit keer komen we bij een heel andere Clan terecht: de Hemelclan. De Leider is Loofster, en haar commandant is Scherpklauw.
Deze clan bestaat nog niet zo lang, ze zijn eigenlijk de nieuwe Hemelclan. De vroegere Hemelclan heeft zich niet kunnen redden in de kloof, maar na verloop van tijd kwamen Vuurster en Zandstorm, en ze hebben een nieuwe Hemelclan bijeengebracht op deze plek. Deze plaats is ver verwijderd van de woonplaats van de andere clans.
Nu moet de clan zich alleen zien te redden. Ze bestaat niet alleen uit wilde katten, ook katten die 's nachts bij de mensen wonen, en overdag deelnemen aan het leven van de clan, zijn welkom; ze worden daglichtkatten genoemd. En er zijn ook nog vroegere poesiepoezen en eenlingen, die zich bij de Hemelclan aangesloten hebben.
Omdat al deze katten een zo verschillende achtergrond hebben, is het voor Loofster wel wat puzzelen om de vrede te bewaren en toch iedereen zijn plaats te geven in de clan. Dit gaat echt niet zonder strubbelingen. Maar de Hemelclan heeft deze krijgers en jagers nodig om te overleven.
De katten voeren dus niet enkel een strijd tegen (gebeurtenissen in) hun omgeving, maar moeten ook onderling dikwijls water bij de wijn doen. En dit zorgt voor heel wat onzekerheid bij de Leider. Zal ze haar clan kunnen samenhouden? En tegen welke prijs?

Dit is weer een boek dat ik niet kon wegleggen!
Profile Image for Angela.
3 reviews
October 13, 2010
This book was very dissapointing to me. The plot was all over the place and the whole two-leg bits were just bad. I really hope the Erins don't keep writting like this. It would be a shame to own all of their books then stop collecting.
Profile Image for Lydia.
59 reviews1 follower
December 9, 2010
I was, to be honest, a tad bit disappointed. This book strongly promotes the saying "follow your heart" (I'm going to pull my hair out if I hear that phrase in a book or movie again). People don't seem to get that following your heart is often following by disastrous results. And, of course, a feminist hint in there. I'm so sick of the feminist message. And, of course, the Erin Hunters couldn't manage not to throw in a romance here and there.
But other than those undesirable details, it wasn't that bad. Leafstar and Sharpclaw are interesting characters, and Echosong, though an extremely predictable character and totally boringly kind and nice, was a refreshment to other books which break your heart because of lost, beloved characters (*glares at the Harry Potter books*). There was, of course, almost no death, and the story was soaked and seeping with heartbreak and hard decisions between romance and political stuff. It wasn't that bad for reading when there's nothing else to read, but the lack of story creativity, imagination, and at least a little cruelty to the characters, and absolutely no character development made the book tasteless and rather unenjoyable.
15 reviews
October 20, 2010
If you haven't read Firestar's Quest don't read this review

It has been a few moons after Firestar, the leader of the Thunderclan, has left the gorge where Skyclan now lives and is finally thriving after being driven out of the forest many many moons ago by twolegs. Firestar rebuilt the clan and appointed Leafstar as the new leader of Skyclan but Leafstar still has doubts that he made the right choice about her. But there are bigger problems, outside the clan and inside. Leafstar's deputy, Sharptooth, doesn't trust the daylight warriors, kittypets who stay with the clan during the day and go back to their house folk at night. Also the arrival of some loners: Shorty, Stick, Cora, and Coal is worrying Leafstar. There is also problems with rats and twolegs, but they're no problem for the clan cats. Soon Leafstar finds out the real reasons Shorty, Stick, Coal, and Cora came to the clan, there is trouble at their home with another group of loners and they have come to find help. Throughout the whole books Leafstar has only one question, is Skyclan meant to survive?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Noa Leibson.
17 reviews5 followers
January 11, 2011
In this book, its a basic, calm story of how SKyclan is doing with Firestar gone and as Leafstar as leader. Its cam, except for a few suspenseful parts. As the story goes on, you learn the troubles of the house-cats against the clan, how rats are living amongst the border, and how loner cats need the clan's help. The clan then agrees, and fights off the loner clan while helping cats who we may, but dont know yet, join the clan. The story ends with the loners thanking the clan. I recommend this book, but you should read the others first.
Profile Image for Michael.
10 reviews2 followers
April 5, 2011
This was a great book, SkyClan's Destiny by Erin Hunter. It is about a separate clan of cats that was cut of from the four. It shows the survival and challenges of this clan, Skyclan. They don't have rival clans to fight so they face different challenges than the forest cats. I wouldn't read this book if you haven't read Firestar's Quest
1 review
September 27, 2010
Warriors: Skyclan's Destiny is another great addition to the Warriors series. Different from many in the series, the focus is on conflict in the clan and within themselves instead of battles. From the very beginning, Leafstar develops issues trusting her clanmates and a big gap develops between the full-time warriors and the daylight warriors (cats who are warriors during the day, but sleep with humans). Sharpclaw, Leafstar's deputy, oftentimes challenges her on the subject and leads to more personal issues within Leafstar. Though there are a few dry periods, the plot is kept interesting by a mysterious group of four cats that randomly join the clan.

The four cats prove themselves by greatly assisting in a battle against a swarm of rats, which is coincidentally one of Skyclan's greatest fears. The battle unites the clan slightly, but distress is still clear. It isn't until the end of the book that the Skyclan cats manage to feel completely united again and Leafstar is trusting. This book makes strong use of character development to make the reader feel emotionally attached to the characters. However, it can be boring at times due to a small amount of plot twists and battles.
Profile Image for Lydia.
59 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2010
My. Word.
I hated this book so much. This has to be the worst book that the Hunters have written so far. I've been able to tolerate the romance in all the books so far, but now, it's gone way too far. Not only does Leafstar accept random kittypets and loners who now need to be treated as outsiders, but she makes up her own warrior code so that she can do what she wants. She's selfish, and I'm really disappointed in this character. Sharpclaw is such a weak, straw-like character. He doesn't grow, he just is portrayed as a potential Tigerstar. And then at the end--surprise!--he isn't. He just is this holy, angelic cat who wants to make sure the clan is lead by a good leader. Oh, come on. Weak, pointless, silly characters who basically go by the usual worldly saying, "Follow your heart". Quite honestly, I'm disappointed in Spottedleaf, too. I'd say something nice about the book now, except that I can't commend it for anything. It has a foggy plot, straw-like characters, and it's rather badly written. I'm pretty disappointed in this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eloise.
120 reviews6 followers
March 20, 2024
I love the Warriors Super Editions, but this one wasn't as good as 'Crookedstar's Promise' or 'Tallstar's Revenge'. I thought that it was very long and was dragging near the end. I think Stuck was a brat and couldn't understand what love is. I can understand his hesitation because of his bad experience, but COME ON! She's not s kit anymore! I thought Coal was barely talked about and Shorty was close behind in that area. Cora was a nice character. I remember her from when I read 'Firestar's Quest'. It was annoying at how much the Clan argued among itself and how they all hate the day-light warriors. I think people should respect others' differences because that's what makes them unique! The Billystorm + Leafstar thing's very confusing. It was like they looked at each other and both decided they loved each other. I thought Echosong was annoying when she got in the way, but that's what all the medicine cats do! Break relationships that could've shaped the Clans in incredible ways! Three stars.
Profile Image for Jack.
188 reviews35 followers
May 16, 2011
Quite a nice book and I probably preferred it to Firestar's Quest as there was way too much journeying in FQ. This book follows on from that book and it's nice when super editions follow on from each other as loads of information is revealed in them. I found odd things like the "daylight warriors" annoying, but it was what the cats wanted to do and was nice characterisation in a way. I mean, we could get annoyed by certain cats and really like others. I got quite into this book, which, I believe, is always a nice sign.

For more information about this book and other books, please visit my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/TheDougieowner
13 reviews4 followers
March 8, 2016
I loved this book. Even though it wasn't really suspense-packed, it was a good book. I liked the fact that the Clan is made of rogues and house cats. The rat attack was cool and I liked their strategy. I was so sad when Stick killed Red. I would recommend this book to anyone.
Profile Image for Rowan.
45 reviews
June 24, 2024
sharpclaw they could never make me like you
Profile Image for Emma's In Stock.
539 reviews41 followers
April 6, 2021
A very, very low 2 stars.

Overall, this is probably my least favorite Warrior Cats book I’ve read.

The writing was overall great. It flowed nicely, was easy to read and carried me through the action, as all of the books have. The prologue was really emotional, which I didn’t expect; it was written exceptionally well.

Shrewtooth and Ebonyclaw were my favorite characters, and we’ll talk about the former in a minute. Leafstar, I tried to like her, and I did at the beginning, but that’s another conversation we’re also gonna have in a minute.

First off, Sharpclaw? I can already tell you his use of the word “kitty-warrior” gave me so much anger it was insane. His discrimination of the daylight-Warriors was absolutely despicable, and he drove me nuts with it. He disrespected and undermined Leafstar countless times in this book, and many times in front of the other members of the Clan. And he went BEHIND HER BACK in order to do something pretty drastic, as well. And his excuse for it at the end, when Leafstar FINALLY bucks up and rebukes him for his behavior? Absolutely ridiculous; it reminded me so much of the energy a person who cheats on their significant other and their excuse for it was that they only did it to make sure that their SO actually cared. Unbelievable, and it’s accepted no less.

Not to mention, some of her other Clanmates follow his examples of disrespect and discrimination. Her whole Clan needed a damn attitude check and QUICK.

Leafstar, while all of the disrespect is coming at her, is a DOORMAT. She would let Sharpclaw cut her off mid sentence, would let Cherrytail and the peanut gallery outright say “no” to her and disregard an order from their LEADER, mind you, and Leafstar would also let Sharpclaw’s, and ultimately, everyone else’s, discrimination go unchecked. All because she’d be too in her own head, and talk to herself, instead of talking to and scolding Sharpclaw. Therefore, because she made no comment, she ultimately enabled the further harassment the daylight-warriors experienced. It was just a shame to see Leafstar succumb to naive reassurances that she gave herself about Sharpclaw’s actions when her deputy is clearly causing almost every social problem the Clan had.

Now, speaking of harassment, and how I said we would talk about Shrewtooth earlier, I wanna make it clear that I adore Shrewtooth; that he is skittish and shy due to his past trauma. Yet everyone in the Clan took to isolating him because he was seen as “weird”, and “off putting”. They would give him weird looks, get easily irritated with him, and scold him when he started to have his paranoid spouts. But it was incredibly funny how it took Shrewtooth having a literal psychotic breakdown in order for them all to stop spurning him. Granted they didn’t know about his trauma and the abuse he went through, however, there was no need whatsoever for them to have treated him that badly in the first place. You don’t need to know what someone’s gone through in order to treat them with basic respect.

The ending felt a bit rushed, too. But overall, this was an underwhelming super edition, due to the fact that it was dealing with SkyClan, one of the most mysterious aspects of the series.
Profile Image for LM.
490 reviews2 followers
December 31, 2024
3.5 for SkyClan's Destiny!

My favorite thing about this Super Edition was to see how different the SkyClan is comparing to the clans in the forest. The concept of the daylight warriors is quite interesting and gives a good conflict potential.
The beginning was a bit slow, and it took some time until I bounded with the characters. I had the feeling that there was no overarching plot in the story. Yes, we had this plot around the cats from the twoleg place but until our MC Leafstar hears about this, the book is already 80% over. Rather, the story wandered from one event to the other, unclear where it wanted to go.
The story around the cats from the twolegs was well written though with the flashbacks and there were interesting conflicts, mainly the one between Stick and Red. The antagonists were well written as well and I was genuinely creeped out by them, .
As always, the final fight was epic, but it felt not right for the SkyClan honestly . Generally, the ending was nice, and I love the message that the SkyClan is just different from other clans and you can be a SkyClan cat, even if you're a kittypet or a loner.

The writing style was nice here and it was enjoyable to read. Comparing it to the last books of The New Prophecy, there was nothing that annoyed me (like too many rhetorical questions).

It was nice to see other cats than the ones from the ThunderClan (and to be honest, I was annoyed by all the MCs of The New Prophecy).
I liked Leafstar but I wish she would prevail against Sharpclaw and especially the cats from the twoleg place - she's the clan leader after all.
Sharpclaw is one of the cats I dislike the most in the whole Warriors universe, honestly. He's annoying, rude, mean to everyone and always talking over Leafstar. He made me so mad, it's unbelievable. He's reasoning at the end for his behaviour didn't make any sense for me.
The cats from the twoleg place were often rude as well, but not intentional. I don't understand why they didn't just talk with Leafstar about their problems. There should be this mystery around the intentions of those cats, but it was clear from the beginning with the flashbacks.
All the other cats of the SkyClan were likeable but no one was really outstanding to me, maybe Shrewtooth.

All in all, it was nice to hear from the SkyClan again and see how they organize their life. The plot was weirdly paced though and some of the behaviour and reasoning of some cats for their actions were not plausible. Overall a nice Super Edition reading experience!

Warriors - Super Editions
➳ Firestar's Quest: ★★★★
Bluestar's Prophecy: ★★★
➳ SkyClan's Destiny: ★★★.5
Crookedstar's Promise: ★★★★★
Yellowfang's Secret: ★★★.5
Tallstar's Revenge: ★★★★★
Bramblestar's Storm: ★★★.5
Moth Flight's Vision: ★★★★.5
Hawkwing's Journey: ★★
Tigerheart's Shadow: ★★
Crowfeather's Trail: ★★★
Squirrelflight's Hope: ★★★
Graystripe's Vow: ★★★★
Leopardstar’s Honor: ★★★.5
Onestar's Confession: ★★★
➳ Riverstar's Home: tbr
➳ Ivypool's Heart: tbr
➳ StormClan's Folly: tbr
Profile Image for Ryan.
7 reviews2 followers
February 20, 2015
Sky Clan's Destiny was a superb book with both positive and negative things about it. The characters were neat and the plot was filled with pleasing side plots along with the main ones. However, the biggest problem that bothers me the most would be the somewhat small climax and resolution. The climax was great but I feel like the author rushed sort of through it. Fortunately, the rest of the book was so spectacular that it makes the book deserve four stars.
Profile Image for Madeline23.
14 reviews
September 30, 2010
This book was one of the best super editions that Erin Hunter has made. They made so many twists and turns that you never new exactly what would happen, and I love that! I also liked that they made the made a few changes in things you wouldn't expect them to because they'd been the same for all the other books that The Hunters have made.
Profile Image for Amber.
160 reviews5 followers
January 10, 2012
This was the very first Warriors book I read and I honestly wish I would have started with one of the series instead. I found this book slow, a little tedious, and it drove me nuts how Leafstar was always worrying and never seemed to be able to fix anything. I sympathized with her for sure, but this book ate my nerves. Would probably have enjoyed this more if I had read it afterwards.
Profile Image for diana.
1,046 reviews54 followers
July 26, 2023
why in the world does the most interesting part of a book called SKYCLAN'S destiny have fuck all to do with skyclan

2/5 stars
Profile Image for Umber Horizon.
241 reviews7 followers
February 17, 2024
This was so good... I was crying, I swear.
Skyclan is honestly the most persevering clan, they've been through so much. *not me aspiring to be like a bunch of fictional cats*
Profile Image for Julia.
36 reviews
July 11, 2024
Ok this one was kind of a snooze and almost all of the characters were unpleasant skyclan get it together
Profile Image for Emma.
249 reviews10 followers
March 10, 2022
Gosh these super editions love to talk about boring things for too long just to make the book long. I don’t mind long books as long as the plot doesn’t wear off but these are just not that great. These books could have the same plot, characters, and exc with just 200-300 pages instead of 500. The story in general though was fantastic, and I like how they really gave personality to the characters unlike in Firestars Quest, where everything was about Firestar. I plan to go back into the actual series and stop getting sidetracked by these other books, but this one was really great even if it was a little slow.
Profile Image for Diana.
105 reviews11 followers
January 31, 2020
Weer een heerlijk verhaal. En dit keer met nog meer nieuwe katten erin!
Profile Image for Sonia.
59 reviews9 followers
February 24, 2022
And the ending? What will happen to Leafstar and Billystorm? After they went through sooo much? Hopefully they will get what they want. What they deserve. ❤️
Profile Image for Rebecca Lindau.
242 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2025
I love all the fun ideas this book brought into play. It was a breath of fresh air I desperately needed in the warrior books.
Love Skyclan 🫶
Profile Image for Russell.
143 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2024
I still have a troubling question: What is Skyclan's Destiny?

Because there are many different stories mixing inside Skyclan's Destiny, but destiny is not one of them. Destiny implies higher purpose— a foretold inevitability. And the best destiny I can find is that Skyclan will go through hard times. Which hardly counts as a destiny. That's a Mothwing prophecy if I've ever heard one. Hard times are an inescapable side-effect of being alive.

This is a warrior book unlike any other. Well, I'm not sure if that's still true. My knowledge of the Warrior Cats isn't as complete as it once was. While I have never forsaken my Warrior honor, I haven't paid attention to the clans since Obamastar was leader. The Hunters are an industrious group of storytellers and I have better ways to light my time on fire.

But what I mean by "This is a warrior book unlike any other" is that there are no other clans. Skyclan is alone. And this simple concept has a ripple effect on the larger story. The other clans serve as counterbalance. They stand in opposition to the protagonists but also validate the existing power structures. They keep you accountable. Your traditions and customs are harder to question if there are three other, similarly sized, clans practicing them along with you. Crazy is only crazy when you're alone.

It has been six moons since Firestar left, taking with him the last true connection to the other clans. And now Skyclan's new leader, Leafstar, must do the best for her clan. Firestar taught Leafstar a warrior code and left her clear understanding of what that means: if you want to be a warrior cat, you need to follow the code. But Leafstar soon learns that things aren't so simple in Skyclan. The only other clan is a dead thing; Starclan only warns that hard times are coming.

And so, Leafstar and Skyclan must walk along a slippery fence. They must carry themselves by their own scruff. On one paw, they can decide which pieces of the warrior code are outdated. And break them without fear of repercussions. On the other paw, without the warrior code, they are just a group of stray cats. And the Twoleg world is often fatal to stray cats. This is compounded by the difficulties of leadership. Not every cat believes that Leafstar is doing what's best for the clan.

And what's incredible is how Leafstar's decisions are genuinely difficult. I felt myself aghast at her breaking the warrior code by allowing the kittypets to join the clan while sleeping in the Twoleg dens at night. These Daylight Warriors make sense but still make me uncomfortable. I've spent years taking Lionheart's comment as scripture:"You must either live with us and respect our ways, or return to the Twolegplace and never come back. You cannot live with a paw in each world." I want to yowl but I know that the Daylight Warriors are probably best for Skyclan. And that's the type of emotional investment that I live for in stories

And so this is a book about the privilege and terror of defining your own identity. It's an age old question with a feline twist. What parts of the warrior code should Leafstar choose to follow, knowing that each amendment weakens the warrior roots that hold up Skyclan's rain-soaked canopy? In short, Skyclan must create its own destiny…

Ah. I think I understand now.

Icestar. That sounds like an incredible setup. Why only three stars?

Well, dear traveler, because of the ending… and also some of the middle bits. In this cat's humble opinion, it sucks harder than a tick in Greenleaf.

The problem entirely revolves around A group of non-clan cats who come to visit Skyclan. They are brave and loyal and a tantalizing demonstration of what a functioning feline society could look like without the warrior code. But it turns out, these cats come with their own drama. And honestly? I don't care. It's too complicated and too quickly resolved for me to explain it here. I understand what The Hunters were trying to do: Sophocles with tails (Sophoclestale). It's a classical tragedy of love and loss and accidental death neatly wrapped up with some traditional Starclan ex Machina. And it all feels too auxiliary— too much like a side-quest for me to really care. And it distracts from the questions of self-determination which I find so engrossing.

There is a certain poetic beauty to this narrative failure. Skyclan's Destiny tastes of unfulfilled potential. The Hunters fall victim to the same fate that Skyclan wishes to avoid. They abandoned too many warrior traditions that define their own series. They spend too much time on a grand tragedy and forget that they were writing in a grand tradition. It stops feeling like a Warrior book and just becomes an unremarkable tale of squabbling cats.
Profile Image for Maddie M.
54 reviews
October 6, 2024
I feel so bad but this book was unbelievably average, I honestly would say less then average but I'd hate to give a Warriors book less then 3 stars and I'm okay with this rating.

To start off, I genuinely don't like Leafstar as a character. She's to submissive and had qualities that I don't see fit to pursue leadership. I'm going to clarify right now and say this is my 9th Warriors book but I am aware that Leafstar stays around for a very long time so I'm hoping to enjoy her character more in the future.

I'd say one of my biggest complaints is that every character felt the same and the ones that had personalities from Firestars Quest (ex, Sparrowpelt and Cherrytail) got dumbed down into these one dimensional versions of themselves that had the same personality as every other cat. Cherrytail in the last book (Firestars Quest) was caring, yes she could be a bit of a bully but she developed into a grown cat who cared about her Clan, who was respectful, and unique. In this book she and Sparrowpelt loose their development and are used as bullies to move along the plot (ex, hating the daylight warriors).

I understand that SkyClan is it's own thing, and therefore they will behave differently than the Forest Clans but Leafstar CONSTANTLY talked about respect for the Warrior code then blantly ignored it every single day, the whole existence of the Daylight Warriors goes against the warrior code. I don't care if she changes the code to better suit her Clan, but don't talk like you respect the same code that Firestar does. Because you don't.

But BY FAR, my biggest complaint is destroying Sharpclaws character. In Firestars Quest, Sharpclaw was loyal and respectful, he had some great character development from the selfish rogue that he began as. He proved his loyalty to SkyClan and you can tell it's something he strongly cares about, in this book every detail of his character goes straight out the window. He seems like an antagonist. Leafstar KNOWS he's doing things against her wishes but refuses to stand up to him so he keeps doing it. I strongly believe that the Sharpclaw we got to know in Firestars Quest would not do this. And then at the end of the book it's framed as if he was doing the right thing the whole time?? EVEN STARCLAN SAYS SO, if I was Leafstar he wouldn't be my deputy anymore. I could go on so I'm gonna go to my next point instead.

The whole plot felt stupid and I hate how Leafstar never made decisions for herself, she gave in to the battle against Dodge because everyone wanted her to. She only acts like a leader when it means something to her. The whole concept of the plot was silly I mean really what even happened, what from this book truly matters?

My justification for 3 stars is that regardless of this I could find it enjoyable and I did occasionally laugh out loud, it was far from perfect but it was a Warriors book nonetheless and thus still enjoyable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews

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