Lilly Bennett, the irrepressible high-society sleuth featured in the acclaimed debut novel Bad Manners, investigates the murder of a German baroness at a luxury ranch in Wyoming, frequented by a diverse group of suspects.
Quick read, predictable ending. The characters were funny and likeable but there wasn’t much development which made it hard to follow since there were so many
Another winner-- I am really enjoying these Marne Davis Kellogg novels!
I didn't guess this one even at the very end; somehow I convinced myself that the killer couldn't be who all the signs were pointing to... The only flaw with the Lilly Bennett novels is that, like Agatha Christie's, we aren't privy to all the facts and so can't make completely informed guesses as to the identity of the murderer. There's always some little tidbit that Lilly Bennett knows that is hinted at but never said outright.
Still, I do like this heroine, and will look forward to reading more of her novels!
Another light Lilly Bennett book which I thoroughly enjoyed. The writing is not the best, there are too many coincidences, and I found several errors - as if the author forgot what she had written a few chapters back. But it passed the time....and that is all I ask right now.