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Writing Compelling Fiction: Master the Fundamentals of Unforgettable Stories

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Do you want to write a book?Or…Do you want to write an un-freaking-believably amazing book that keeps readers up at night? An unforgettable book? A book they recommend to their friends and anyone else who will listen?Writing Compelling Fiction will teach you how to do just that.There’s much more to writing than just shoving thousands of words between the first page and the last page. Every element of the book—plots, scenes, characters, settings, dialogue—must work in concert to deliver that one-two punch of an unforgettable read.New York Times bestselling author Shirley Jump has taught thousands of authors how to write, and now she’s bringing that expertise to you. With easy-to-grasp advice and hands-on exercises, Writing Compelling Fiction will help you create a book that will turn your readers into lifelong fans who can’t wait for your next novel!

220 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 1, 2021

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About the author

Shirley Jump

416 books735 followers
Shirley Jump is a writing instructor and an award-winning, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and USA Today bestselling author who has published more than 80 books in 24 countries. She has spoken all over the world about the power of narrative and how to create compelling books. A former reporter and communications director for a marketing agency, she uses her diverse background to help clients create impactful books that readers can’t down.

She knows the path to publication isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, so to help writers write their best possible book, she offers monthly Manuscript Masterminds through her website, www.WritingCompellingFiction.com.

On her channel, https://YouTube.com/@WritingCompellin..., she unlocks the secrets behind compelling novels and delves into the psychological aspect of overcoming creativity-stoppers like doubt and perfectionism. Follow her channel for more writing exercises, classes, and behind-the-scenes writing lessons or join her Manuscript Mastermind to build your tribe of like-minded writers and receive crucial feedback on your pages.

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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
Profile Image for Donna Alward.
Author 269 books679 followers
September 25, 2021
I wish I'd had this book when I started writing! Clear, engaging, with great examples and exercises, Writing Compelling Fiction is a fabulous resource for both the novice writer and the seasoned veteran who needs a refresh. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Jacquie.
Author 83 books890 followers
October 20, 2021
Shirley Jump is an award-winning, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who has published more than 70 books in 24 countries.

She knows how to write compelling fiction. Stories that will make super fans out of readers, and now she’s written a manual so you can be successful, too.

She states:

In a book, the Plot is the foundation and framing.
Writing Compelling Fiction- Shirley Jump

She compares the plot to building a house. You need the foundation to be strong if you don’t want the walls to collapse.

What is your Character’s Worst Nightmare?
Writing Compelling Fiction- Shirley Jump

Dig deep. Look further than the surface. Often this will become the catalyst for the story.

There are many important nuggets of information in this manual. I made notes on nearly every page, lol.

This should be part of your go-to resources- invaluable. A must-buy!
Profile Image for D.A. Henneman.
Author 16 books68 followers
March 11, 2022
Had the pleasure of hearing the author speak on this topic, and her book really brought everything together for me. I love that she writes as if she is chatting with you over coffee, and the examples she provides from her fiction, and familiar movies, really helped me see what my current project was missing.

Not every writer is a plotter, but I do believe even a pantser can apply the lessons learned to really nail down the goal, motivation, and conflict of their characters. It is a wonderful reference for writers who really want to hit their readers in the "feels" with their stories. Shirley knows her stuff!
Profile Image for Peggy Miller.
627 reviews
November 27, 2023
A better writing guide!!!

WritIing is hard work, made evenharder if you don't the craft. Shirley Jumps books guides you through the ins and outs, plus the ups and downs of writing a best selling novel. Her book Is written In simple down to earth terms To let you know where you will go wrong And explains everything plus shows you How to correct it plus give you a sample scenes To Read an analysis. I have been riding or some years And this is 1 of the better how to guide you to your success. Shirley jump is on YouTube and on Facebook. This is a great book.
194 reviews
November 18, 2021
From page one I did not like the writing style and by the time Jump bragged about having written 20+ novels I imagined how unreadable I would find them. But I knew for sure two things:

1. I would never pick up a single one of them
2. I was done with this book.

I considered how devastated I would have been if I had paid cash money for the epub then thanked goodness the ebook was a library copy.

Profile Image for Sumi Singh.
Author 3 books7 followers
July 27, 2022
Not the best writing book I've read compelling me to improve on fiction writing. In fact its confusing to have a goal for every chapter before writing the story. There's so many rules to plotting, that when one sits down to writing your story you might become overwhelmed by it all. The whole adventure of writing is to leave something to the imagination and your characters to surprise you by. But Ms Jump wants you to have it all figured out!
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,144 reviews17 followers
August 22, 2024
Another good book on writing fiction. I have read quite a lot of these of late, so perhaps this one didn't bring much that was new to the table for me, but if you haven't read a lot of such books, this one will hit all the marks. It is well written, well structured and full of good advice. I liked it.
Profile Image for Laura Drake.
Author 35 books274 followers
October 3, 2021
Whether you're a seasoned author or a beginner, this book has something for you.
Jump's examples illustrate her points so well, and the book's lessons really help you to apply the concepts to your own work.

I recommend it to anyone interested in improving their craft.
Profile Image for Edward.
Author 8 books25 followers
August 30, 2024
A great book on craft

You can't go wrong with Writing Compelling Fiction. It has pretty much everything you need to know about the craft. Explanations, examples, and everything in between. I'll definitely come back to this in the future.
Profile Image for Bonnie Blevins.
Author 3 books12 followers
January 8, 2023
I have really enjoyed this book and recommend it to any other aspiring writer or anyone who wants to improve their writing.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 reviews

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